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  • Historical and chronological analysis of the manuscripts өзгерге. Historical and chronological analysis of the manuscripts

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    ҒТАМР 17.81.31; 03.81.37

    Khavan Aidyngul
    Senior Lecturer of Faculty of Oriental studies

    Al-Farabi Kazakh national university

    Kazakhstan, Almaty e-mail: aidyngulk@gmail.com
    Historical and chronological analysis of the manuscripts

    al-Farabi’s treatise Risala fi’s-siyasa
    The article is devoted to the historical and chronological analysis of the treatise of Abu Nasr al-Farabi (260 H.C./870 – 339 H.C./950) "Risala fi-s Siyasa" (رسالة في السياسة) (Treatise on Politics), the manuscripts of which were stored in the archives of the world under various names. As a result of our research work we determined that the versions of the treatise are "Kalam Abi Nasr Al-Farabi Fi Wasaya..." (The word of covenant of Abu Nasr al-Farabi, Vatican Apostolic Library, Vatican), "Risala fi-s Siyasa" (Treatise on Politics, Eastern library, Beirut), “Al-Makala fi-s Siyasa (Article on politics, Topkapı Sarayı Müzesi Kütüphanesi, Turkey), Al-Mawiza (Sermon, Institute of Arabic manuscripts, Egypt). The novelty of our research is that the handwritten version "Al-Mawiza" of "Risala fi-s Siyasa" has been studied for the first time in the history of Farabi studies.

    The Turkic culture that emerged in the expanses of the entire Turkic world has led to the flourishing of historical cities that have become centers of medieval science and art. Historical cities such as Otrar, Sutkent, Turkestan, Sauran, Syganak, Barshynkent, Zhent, Isfijab-Sairam, Taraz, Balasagun, which created the beauty of the ancient Kazakh steppes, have remained in the history as centers of high culture, centers of science and art. It is important to collect, systematize, study the historical data written about them and the heritage of scientists who were born there and left their works in the languages of medieval civilization, and bring them to modern Kazakh society. The state program "Madeni Mura" (Cultural heritage) (2003), initiated by the first president of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. A. Nazarbayev, modernizes domestic historical and cultural monuments and objects. In the library funds and archives of foreign countries were conducted comprehensive research of valuable exhibits related to the history of Central Asia and Kazakhstan within the projects "Halyk – tarikh tolqynynda" (People in the flow of history) (2013) and "Uly dalanyn Uly esimdery" (Great names of great steppe) of the article "Seven facets of the Great Steppe" (2018), which gave opportunity to bring back to homeland the written heritage of scientists-thinkers, who were born in Kazakh land, but spent their scientific life abroad.

    After the arrival of the Arabs to the ancient Otrar, where Turkic culture flourished, it was named Farab. In this city were born many scientists, followers of Al-Farabi, who made an invaluable contribution to the medieval Arab-Muslim civilization. Historical and source studies of the famous scientist, academician Absattar Derbisali show that more than thirty scholars, representatives of different branches of Science, Education, Culture and Religion, came from Otrar only. One of these scientists is Abu Nasr Al-Farabi (870 950) is a scientist who wrote works that covered all areas of science.

    Keywords: Al-Farabi's heritage, Turkic culture, treatise "Risala fi-s Siyasa", version "Al-Mawiza".

    Хаван А.

    Әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті

    Шығыстану факультетінің аға оқытушысы

    Қазақстан, Алматы,e-mail: aidyngulk@gmail.com
    Әбу Насыр әл-Фарабидің «Рисала фи-с Сиаса» трактатына тарихи және хронологиялық талдау
    Мақалада Екінші ұстаз Әбу Насыр әл-Фарабидің (һ.ж.260/870 һ.ж.339 /950) әлемдік фарабитану ғылымына ХХ ғасырдың басында (1901 ж.) «Рисала фи-с Сиаса» (رسالة في السياسة) /Саясат жайлы трактат/ атымен танылып, кейін әлем мұрағат қорларынан түрлі атаумен сақталған қолжазбалары табылған еңбегіне тарихи және хронологиялық талдау жасалады.

    «Рисала фи-с Сиаса» ортағасырлық ғалым, тарихшы Әбу Әли ибн Мискауайһтің (320 һ.ж./929 – 421 һ.ж./1030) «Жауидан [жаудан] хард» атты еңбегі арқылы «Кәлам әби Наср әл-Фараби фи Уасайа» (كلام أبي نصر الفارابي في وصايا) /Әбу Насыр әл-Фарабидің өсиет сөздері/ деген атпен сақталып жеткен. Ғылыми-зерттеу жұмысымыздың нәтижесінде трактаттың әлем мұрағат қорларында сақтаулы тұрған «Рисала фи-с Сиаса» (رسالة في السياسة) /Саясат жайлы трактат/ (Бейрут), «Кәлам әби Наср әл-Фараби фи Уасайа» (كلام أبي نصر الفارابي في وصايا) /Әбу Насыр әл-Фарабидің өсиет сөздері/» (Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Ватикан), «Әл-мақала фи-с Сиаса» (المقالة في السياسة) /Саясат жайлы шығарма/ (Topkapı Sarayı Müzesi Kütüphanesi, Түркия), «Әл-Мауъиза» (الموعظة) /Уағыз/ (Topkapı Sarayı Müzesi Kütüphanesi, (Түркия), (The Institute of Arabic Manuscripts ЕАР) нұсқаларының да бар екені анықталды. Трактаттың «Әл-Мауъиза» нұсқасы алғаш рет зерттеу нысанына алынып отыр.

    Мақалада ҚР Тұңғыш Елбасының бастамасымен қолға алынған «Мәдени Мұра» (2003), «Халық – тарих толқынында» (2013), «Ұлы даланың жеті қыры» (2018) мемлекеттік бағдарламалары, сондай-ақ, ЮНЕСКО, ИСИСКО сынды халықаралық ұйымдардың қолдауымен өткен Әбу Насыр әл-Фарабидің 1150 жылдық мерейтойы (2020) шет мемлекеттердің кітапхана қорлары мен мұрағаттарында сақтаулы жатқан Орта Азия мен Қазақстан тарихына қатысты құнды жәдігерлер мен қазақ даласынан шыққан ғұламалардың жазба мұраларын елге оралтуға зор мүмкіндік әпергені айтылады.

    Күллі түркі әлемінің кеңістігінде пайда болған түркілік мәдениет өнер мен ғылымның және әлемдік сауданың орталығына айналған ортағасырлық қалалардың гүлденуіне жол ашты. Байырғы қазақ даласының көркін енгізген Отырар, Сүткент, Түркістан, Сауран, Сығанақ, Баршынкент, Жент, Исфиджаб-Сайрам, Тараз, Баласағұн т.б. мәдениеті зор қалалар ретінде тарих беттерінде қалды. Ол қалалар туралы жазылған тарихи деректер мен сонда туып-өсіп, шығармаларын ортағасырлық өркениет тілдерінде жазып қалдырған ғалымдардың, ойшылдардың мұраларын жинау, жүйелеу, зерттеу, аудару, жариялау аса жауапты іс.

    ҚР Тұңғыш Президенті Н.Ә.Назарбаевтың бастамасымен қолға алынған «Мәдени мұра» (2003) Мемлекеттік бағдарламасы отандық тарихи-мәдени ескерткіштер мен нысандарды жаңғыртса, «Халық – тарих толқынында» (2013), «Ұлы даланың жеті қыры» мақаласындағы «Ұлы даланың ұлы есімдері» (2018) жобалары аясында жүргізілген кешенді зерттеулер шет мемлекеттердің кітапхана қорлары мен мұрағаттарындағы Орта Азия мен Қазақстан тарихына қатысты құнды жәдігерлер мен қазақ даласында туып-өскенімен, ғылыми өмірлері шет елдерде өткен ғұлама-ойшылдардың жазба мұраларын елге оралтуға мүмкіндік туғызды.

    Түркілік мәдениет гүлдендірген көне Отырар арабтар келгеннен кейін Фараб (Бараб1 – кейбір ортағасырлық дереккөздерде «Бараб» деп аталады) атанып, ортағасырлық араб-мұсылман өркениетіне өлшеусіз үлес қосқан «әл-Фараби» яғни «Фарабтық» ныспылы ғалымдарды өмірге әкелді. Белгілі шығыстанушы ғалым, академик Әбсаттар қажы Дербісәлінің тарихи-деректанулық зерттеулері бір ғана Отырардың өзінен әртүрлі ғылым, білім, мәдениет пен дін салаларының өкілдері болған отыздан астам ғұламаның шыққанын көрсетіп отыр. Сол ойшылдардың ішіндегі бірегейі, ғылымның барлық саласын қамтып еңбек жазған ғалым Әбу Насыр әл-Фараби (870-950).

    Кілт сөздер: әл-Фараби мұрасы, түркі мәдениеті, «Рисала фи-с Сиаса» трактаты, «Әл-Мауъиза» нұсқасы
    Хаван А.

    Старший преподователь факультета Востоковедения

    Казахский национальный университет им.аль-Фараби

    Казахстан, г. Aлматы e-mail: aidyngulk@gmail.com

    Abu Nasr Al-Farabi left behind a rich legacy. At first, the scientist's works spread around the world in a handwritten form, and with the advent of publishing, his published works became the basis of research in various fields of science. The works of thinkers of Central Asia and the entire Muslim East have survived to this day through copiers and calligraphers. "As a rule, handwritten works were written by special order only in one copy. There are also several versions of the same work, but in most cases they were written in different periods by different people. Since there were no opportunity to publish works as books, many manuscripts were scattered all over the world, some are lost and some are still not found"2. To date, it has been established that the manuscripts of Abu Nasr Al-Farabi's works are stored in Tehran, Isfahan, Iraq, Beirut, Hyderabad, Cairo, Istanbul, Berlin, Leiden and other countries of the world.

    The first sources on the scientific life and written heritage of Abu Nasr al-Farabi are medieval Arabic bibliographic works. This means that during the lifetime of the thinker, his works have attracted the attention of scientists and received their appreciation. However, despite the fact that centuries have passed, there is still no consistent opinion among scientists regarding Al Farabi's written heritage and its number.

    In the bibliographic work of the medieval arab historian ibn an-Nadim3 (* – 384 H.C./994) "Al-fihrist" (The lists) seven works of Abu Nasr Al-Farabi are mentioned. Al-Qurtubi4 (600 H.C./1214 – 671 H.C./1273) included in his book named "Kitab tabakat-ul umam" (Book of nation) only four works of the scientist. Abu-l Hasan Al-Qifti5 (568 H.C./1172 – 646 H.C./1248) in his work "Ihbar Al-ulam bi Akhbar Al-Hukama" (History of Scholars) says that the number of treatises of Al-Farabi is seventy-four. Al-Bayhaqi6 (384 H.C./1099 – 458 H.C./1170) lists twelve works in the bibliographic index "Tatimma suan al-Hikma" (Supplement to the words of wisdom, while Ibn Abi Usaibia7 (600 H.C./1203 – 668 H.C./1270) "Uyun al-anbia fi tabaqati-l atiba" (Source of news about groups of doctors) increased the number of works of Abu Nasr al-Farabi to one hundred and thirteen.

    The German scientist Moritz Steinschneider8 (1816-1907) identified one hundred and seventeen works of Al-Farabi. The bibliography of the Iranian scientist Ali Akbar Dekhudo9 (1978-1956) (Lugatname) names one hundred and nine, the bibliography of the Turkish scientist Ahmed Ateş (1917-1966) "Bibliography of the works of Fârâbî" (Fârâbî‟nin Eserlerinin Bibliyografyası) notes one hundred and sixty10, and the research of the tajik scientist B. Gafurov11 (1908-1977) is two hundred.

    Kazakh scientist, academician Absattar Derbisali identified twenty-five works of al-Farabi in Arabic, Turkish, English and French from the libraries of the Republic of Turkey. It should be noted that the scientist A. Derbisali in the Escurial library of the Kingdom of Spain (2014) found and brought to Kazakhstan a manuscript of about ten works of the Thinker, preserved in calfskin. In his article "Written relics in Turkey", academician A. Derbisali listed more than a hundred works of Abu Nasr Al-Farabi, which are stored in Turkish libraries and Manuscript Collections, and wrote: "...a single, complete, world-class bibliography dedicated to the life and works of the Thinker has not yet been created anywhere, in any country"12.

    However, over time, manuscripts of the Otrar thinker's works are found in the archives of the world, not attached to the object of research, and are included in the list of works of the scientist. One of his works was first recognized in science as "Risala Fi-s Siyasa" (Treatise on politics)13 in 1901, and later manuscripts of various names were found in the world archives.

    The scientist Luis Sheiho (1859-1927) is the first introduced this written heritage of Abu Nasr Al-Farabi into scientific circulation. His full name is Luis Sheiho Bin Yusuf bin Abdu-l Masih bin Yaqub. The scientist L.Sheiho first mentioned this treatise at the "International Congress of orientalists"14 in Paris in 1897 and reported that the manuscript of the work is kept as a collection in the "Al-Maktaba ash-Sharqiya" (Eastern library) archive in Beirut.

    L. Sheikho published one scientific article in the 2nd issue of the magazine "al-Mashriq" (East) which began to be published in Beirut in 1898, where he writes: "...the manuscript was compiled and collected by a well-known lawyer, scientist Zhirzhis Safa... translated from Arabic with the naskh font... the text of about eighteen treatises is found... an old collection of about 360 pages... the date of the copy is not specified, and looking at the pages, you can say that the end of the eighth and fourteenth centuries of miladi ...about a hundred pages of excerpts from various old books... an excerpt from Al-Farabi's book about Sunnah and Sharia"15.

    Zhirzhis Safa (1849-1933) (lebanese cientist) in his article "Ta'rif bagd mahtutat fi maktabati" (Commentary on some manuscripts in My Library) published in "Al-Mashriq" magazine describes the collection of the treatise we are studying: "...a big collection of philosophical old manuscripts... it was described in detail by the scientist Luis Sheiho at the Congress of orientalists in 1987... length 23 cm, volume 16 cm. The number of pages is 360, the number of rows on each page is 17. At least it can be told by looking at the pages that it was written about 500 years ago... excerpts from the last 50 pages with half, and nine articles without... six pages contain an excerpt from a philosophical treatise on Sharia and politics, the author of which is unknown, must belong to Al-Farabi...»16.

    The above-mentioned by scientist Luis Sheiho "...an excerpt from Al-Farabi's book about Sunnah and Sharia..." and the scientist Jirjis Safa "... six pages of an excerpt from a philosophical treatise on Sharia and politics, the author of which is unknown, should belong to Al-Farabi..." this is the Treatise of Abu Nasr Al-Farabi "Risala fi-Siyasa", which we are studying.

    The earliest version of the treatise, according to modern science, was published in two issues (No. 14, 15) of the magazine "al-Mashriq" at the beginning of the XX century (1901). Luis Cheikho edited and published the manuscript. Based on the manuscripts found in the Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana and the "Eastern library" (Beirut), he named and edited as "Risala Abi Nasr Al-Farabi fi-s Siyasa")Treatise on politics by Abu Nasr Al-Farabi). In the preface to the treatise writes scientist L.Sheikho: “…we mentioned in "Al-Mashriq" (Edition 3) that the Eastern library in Beirut has an old collection, some of which contain philosophical and some literary treatises. Among them is a treatise by Abu Nasr Al-Farabi on politics, which consists of thirteen pages... We found the second version of the treatise in the Vatican Library... such a treatise on politics has never been found in the list of scientific works, and this treatise is separate from Al-Farabi's work "As-Siyasa al-Madaniya" (Civil politics), which can be found in many European libraries... the Vatican version of the treatise begin with: "Kalam Abi Nasr al-Farabi fi Wasaya…" (The word of covenant of Abu Nasr al-Farabi). The introduction in the Beirut version is not found in Vatican version”17.

    As the first sources on the scientific life and written heritage of Abu Nasr al-Farabi are taken medieval Arabic bibliographic works, such as "Al-fihrist" (an-Nadim), "Kitab tabakat-ul umam" (al-Qurtubi), "Ihbar Al-ulama bi Ahbar al-hukama" (al-Qifti), "al-Wafi bi-l uafayat" (as-Safadi), "Tatimma Suan Al-Hikma" (al-Bayhaki), "Uyun Al-anbiafi tabakati-l Atiba" (Abu Usaibiya), "Uafayatul Ayan wa anba abna az-zaman" (Khallikan). However, among the above works, the name "Risala fi-s Siyasa" is mentioned only in "Itmam at-Tatimma" (The end of Tatimma) (author Al-Ghaznawi, year of birth is not indicated) which follows after the work of al-Bayhaki18. And the Farabi scholar Muhsin Mahdi (1924-2007) says that the main name of "Risala Fi-s Siyasa", published by the scientist Luis Sheiho, is "Zhawamiuas-Siyasa" (Aspects of politics)19.

    Although it is written in some classical sources that Abu Nasr Al-Farabi has a work called "Jawamiu as-Siyasa", the treatise itself has not yet been found and published. Historian Haji Halifa (Katip Çelebi) (1609-1657) in his bibliographic work "Kashf al-zunun an Asami al-kutub wa-l Funun" (Discovery of opinions on the book names and branches of science) says: "...al-Farabi is a famous scientist and thinker... he has a book "Zhawamiuas-Siyasa"20. Ibn Usaybiya in his work (Uyun al-anbia) gives as "Kitab Jawamiu as-Siyasa, muhtasar" (Book on aspects of politics, briefly)21. The bibliographic index of as-Safadi (Al-Wafi bi-l..) states "Zhawamiuas-Siyasa" (Aspects of politics)22. However, it is necessary to clarify that the "Risala fi-s Siyasa" and "Zhawamiu as-Siaysa" that we are studying are one work.

    The treatise "Risala fi-s Siyasa" was included in the book "Makala falsafia Qadima li bagd mashahiri falasifati al-Arab Muslimin wa Nasara"23 (Ancient philosophical works of some famous Arab philosophers (Muslim, Christian) compiled by L. Sheikho in 1908 and published for the second time. The work was re-published in 1911 (Beirut) and in 1985 (Cairo).

    The text of "Risala fi-s Siyasa" published in 1952, after the publication of L.Sheikho in the content of the book of the historian ibn Miskawayh (320 H.C./929 – 421H.C./1030) "Zhauidan [zhaudan] khard" which also called in Arabic "Al-hikmatual-Khalida(Eternal wisdom). That time, the work was published under the title "Kalam Abi Nasr al-Farabi fi Wasaya ya'ummu nafuhha jami man yastaymiluha min jami tabakati-n nas" (The word of covenant of Abu Nasr Al-Farabi that bring success to all those who used it from among the human class). "Zhauidan [zhaudan] khard" was compiled and published by the Egyptian scientist Abdu ar-Rahman Badaui (1917-2002). The manuscript of the "Zhauidan [zhaudan] khard" has been preserved as a collection containing ethical aphorisms and precepts, words of wisdom of Persian, Indian, Greek, Arab and Muslim thinkers.

    No medieval bibliographic work mentions the "Kalam Abi Nasr al-Farabi fi Wasaya..." which is said to have belonged to al-Farabi in the work of ibn Miskawayh, a scholar who lived at the same time as Abu Nasr al-Farabi. For the first time in 1951, the Turkish scientist Ahmed Ateş shows "Kalam Abi Nasr Al-Farabi fi Wasaya" in the list of Al-Farabi's works in the “Fârâbî‟nin Eserlerinin Bibliyografyası, published in Belleten Magazine24.

    "Risala fi-s Siyasa" was published twice in the late twentieth century on the basis of the research of L. Sheikho. The first is included in the collection (works of Al-Farabi, Al-Magribi, Ibn Sina) "Majmug fi-s Siyasa25 (Collection on politics) (1982), compiled by Fuad Abd al-Munim Ahmed, and the second in 1991 under the title "Usul ua kauanin Siyasia ya'ummu nafuha jamiya man ista'malaha"26 (Political foundations and laws that bring success to everyone who uses it) published by Abdul Aziz Al-Sirwan. However, the manuscript of the named treatise under the name "Usul ua kauanin Siyasia..." is not found. Therefore, there is reason to say that this is a name introduced by the developers.

    The work of Abu Nasr Al-Farabi "Risala fi-s Siyasa" was also printed at the beginning of the XXI century. This time it was published under the name "Risala fi-s Siyasa ash-Sharia li Abi Nasr Al-Farabi" (The treatise on Sharia policy by Abu Nasr Al-Farabi) in Beirut (Lebanon, 2003) in the book "As-Siyasa ash-Sharia. Majmuya rasail27 (Sharia policy. A collection of treatises). The collection includes woks of Al-Farabi (870 950), Dede Khalifa Kamal al-Din (* 973/1597), Abul Qasim al-Magribi (370 – 418), Ibn Sina (980 – 1030). In the preface of the book, it was mentioned that in the text of the treatise taken from the 1901 version of Risala fi-s Siyasa li Abi Nasr Al-Farabi”. Therefore, we can say with certainty that the title of the treatise "Risala Fi-s Siyasa ash-Sharia" was given by the compilers of the collection.

    "Risala fi-s Siyasa" was re-published based on the research of the Turkish scientist Fatih Toktaş. F.Toktaş, in his article "Farabi ve Risale fi'-s Siyase"28, writes that another manuscript of "Risale fi'-s Siyase" under the number 3185/4 is stored in the Ahmed III archive of the Topkapi Palace (Istanbul), and in 2011 published the manuscript in his research "Risale fi'-s Syase'nin tahkiki"29. However, as a result of our research, it was found that the manuscript in the Topkapi archive was kept under the name "Al-maqala fi-s Siyasa"30 (An article on politics).

    Although Abu Nasr Al-Farabi's treatise "Risala Fi-s Siyasa" was not taken as a special object of research, it is mentioned in research works published since the ХХ century as a written heritage of the scientist. The English scientist Morton Dunlop31 (1909-1987) points out that among the works of Al-Farabi "Risalah fi's Siyasah". Arab scientist Osman Amin32 in his study says "Risala fi-Siyasa". Iraqi scientist Hussein Mahfuz33 writes "Kitab fi Wasaya ya'ummu nafuhha Jamiya man yastaymiluha min tabakat an-nas" (Word of covenant that will bring success to all those who use it from among the human classes). Iraqi scientist Jaafar al-Yasin34 in his research gives as "As-Siyasa al-ahlakiya" (Ethical policy). In Turkish researches35 are found as "Risale fi's Siyase".

    We have already mentioned that the manuscripts of Abu Nasr Al-Farabi's treatise "Risala fi al-Siyasa" are kept in the libraries and archives of the world under different names. Now we will focus on them:
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