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  • 2.Home of the future ( дом будущего с новыми технологиями)

  • 3. Credit card (positive and negetive aspects)

  • домашка. Home work Гаджимурадов Тамерлан гдбо0118 Перевод текста "Ricoh" стр 67 из учебника

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    Home work

    Гаджимурадов Тамерлан ГДБО-01-18

    1.Перевод текста "Ricoh"  стр 6-7 из учебника

    Что такое действительно глобальная компания? Этот вопрос не давал покоя Зенджи Миуре, главному финансовому директору компании document solutions com pany Ricoh, на протяжении всей его карьеры. А поскольку Мура провел в общей сложности 15 лет за пределами Японии, наблюдая за операциями Ricoh в Нидерландах, Франции и Великобритании, есть вероятность, что у него есть довольно хорошее представление об ответе. В конце 2006 года Ricoh смогла объявить, что более 50% общей выручки приходится на зарубежные рынки, что является несомненным показателем Тор о новообретенном глобальном охвате группы. “Всего 10 или около того лет назад эта доля составляла около 30%”, - говорит Миура. “Таким образом, глобализация Ricoh прошла долгий путь за короткое время.”

    Другие статистические данные подтверждают утверждение Мура. Согласно данным, опубликованным Nikkei Shimbun, ведущим японским бизнес-новостным агентством , Ricoh занимает первое место по копировальным аппаратам на своем внутреннем рынке Японии, а также занимает высокие позиции в Европе и Северной Америке. “Почему компании должны выбирать Ricoh?” - риторически спрашивает Миура. - Потому что у нас лучшая сетевая технология, лучшая технология визуализации.; и лучшая сеть технического обслуживания, с полностью принадлежащими дочерними компаниями и офисами в более чем 150 странах по всему миру.”

    2.Home of the future ( дом будущего с новыми технологиями)

    A smart home is considered to be a modern residential house built with the help of automated and technological systems and devices. Smart house this is a system that ensures the safety and comfort of all its residents with maximum resource savings.

    The smart home of the future allows us to automate all systems and help us get rid of everyday routine. How will all this be visualized? It will be all sorts of robots that can be controlled using a smartphone, and of course automated systems that control what is happening inside the house itself.

    Smart Home Issues

    The main problem of today's smart Home systems is the lack of a common standard suitable for all smart devices. When buying different systems from different manufacturers, you may encounter a problem with their compatibility. It is not at all convenient if each smart home system has its own separate application on the smartphone. The competition of manufacturers does "its job" without thinking about the interests of consumers the Present and future of "smart" homes and "smart" furniture

    Friends, we are only considering the possibility of creating a smart home with all the problems of today. But there are already developments that "came" to us from the future. An example is the Jarvis smart system in the home of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg. This system can understand not only text commands, but also voice commands. It can not only manage the security system, lighting, temperature conditions, and many other things, but also remember the habits and tastes of Mark and his family. Jarvis is able to learn new words and this is just the beginning.

    The present and future of smart homes and smart furniture Probably, no one will be surprised that bill gates ' home is equipped with a transparent Elevator controlled only by voice. Its pool has an automatic setting of a comfortable water temperature, and the plants in the garden have individual automated systems to ensure growth. The present and future of smart homes and smart furniture At the moment, smart homes and technologies are not the property of only the elite and the prerogative of the "elite". There are more and more new solutions for ordinary consumers. To "pump" your home and make it smart, you only need your desire and unlimited imagination.

    All this will improve the quality of our lives. Our comfort consists of numerous small things, and it is the smart home that will be responsible for them. Seemingly small things can sometimes cause discomfort and anxiety: a dark corridor, an outlet in an inconvenient place, a TV and iron that you should not forget to turn off, etc. And all this can be easily solved by setting a command from your smartphone-conveniently and quickly.

    3. Credit card (positive and negetive aspects)

    A credit card is a very convenient tool that allows you to quickly pay for purchases in stores and get cash. It will take very little time to design it, but it is better to think seriously about how much you really need it. If you are a person with an iron financial discipline, then go ahead! But if you feel that you can easily become dependent on credit funds and fall into a debt hole, then don't.

    So before you run to the Bank, let's look at the pros and cons of this loan product.

    Banknote. Positive

    Any credit card has a grace period-usually 50-60 days, when the Bank's money can be used for free. If the loan is not repaid within this period, you will have to pay for the funds in accordance with the established interest rates.

    Another advantage of a credit card is that the Bank opens a credit line for you. The credit limit can be used multiple times. In other words, if you have paid off the old debt, you can immediately take a new one.

    Banknote. Minuses

    All of the above advantages undoubtedly increase the demand for credit cards. But like any product, a credit card has its drawbacks.First, the interest rate on a credit card is often higher than the rate on a regular consumer loan. The difference can reach from 5 to 15 percentage points.

    Secondly, you will have to pay a Commission for the issue and annual maintenance of the card. Withdrawing cash from an ATM will also incur additional costs in the form of the same fees, which can range from 1 to 5% of the withdrawal amount. A number of banks may not apply to cash withdrawals during the credit grace period.Third, no one is immune from fraud, so you need to use a credit card very carefully. Every year, law enforcement agencies record thousands of crimes related to credit cards.

    However, the strongest factor is the psychological dependence on the use of credit cards. Many people draw up several cards from different banks,

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