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  • Where do you study I study at the automobile construction college. Whom does the college train

  • What can you tell me about cars

  • What are they They are designing, working out the technology, laboratory tests, road tests, main production. And why are laboratory tests and road tests needed

  • Презентация на англиском. Hood (bonnet) капот bumper бампер

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    НазваниеHood (bonnet) капот bumper бампер
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    Формат файлаpptx
    Имя файлаcar-device.pptx

    hood (bonnet)

    hood (bonnet) – капот
    bumper – бампер
    boot - багажник
    window – окно
    roof - крыша
    door – дверь
    wing – крыло
    aerial – антенна

    windscreen (windshield)
    side-view mirror (wing mirror)
    rare-view mirror
    windscreen wiper
    backup lights
    stop (brake) lights
    parking lights (sidelights)
    fog lights

    windscreen (windshield) – ветровое стекло
    side-view mirror (wing mirror) – боковое зеркало
    rare-view mirror – зеркало заднего вида
    windscreen wiper – стеклоочиститель (дворник)
    headlights – передние фары
    backup lights – фары заднего хода
    stop (brake) lights – стоп-сигналы
    parking lights (sidelights) – габаритные огни
    fog lights – противотуманные фары

    steering wheel

    steering wheel
    сar stereo
    сigarette lighter
    air conditioner
    air bag
    glove compartment
    sun visor
    floor mat

    steering wheel – рулевое колесо

    steering wheel – рулевое колесо
    horn – клаксон, сигнал
    dashboard – приборная панель
    GPS – навигатор сar stereo - автомагнитола сigarette lighter – прикуриватель
    air conditioner - кондиционер
    air bag – подушка безопасности
    glove compartment – бардачок
    sun visor – козырек от солнца
    floor mat – напольный коврик

    temperature gauge
    fuel gauge
    tachometer (rev counter)
    odometer (milometer)
    light switch
    heater control
    turn signal
    hazard light switch

    temperature gauge – температурный датчик двигателя
    fuel gauge – датчик уровня топлива
    tachometer (rev counter) – тахометр
    speedometer – спидометр
    odometer (milometer) – индикатор пробега автомобиля
    light switch – переключатель света
    heater control – управление обогревом
    turn signal – сигнал поворота
    hazard light switch – аварийная кнопка

    wheel (front, rare)
    tire (tyre)
    spare tire
    fuel tank
    license (number) plate
    tail (exhaust) pipe
    engine - двигатель
    battery (accumulator)
    oil pump

    wheel (front, rare) – колесо (переднее, заднее)
    tire (tyre) – шина
    spare tire – запасное колесо
    radiator – радиатор
    fuel tank – топливный бак
    license (number) plate – номерной знак
    tail (exhaust) pipe – выхлопная труба
    engine - двигатель
    battery (accumulator) – аккумулятор
    oil pump – масляный насос

    brake pad
    spark plug
    fuse – предохранитель

    transmission – трансмиссия
    suspension – подвеска
    chassis – шасси
    spring – рессора
    carburetor - карбюратор
    cylinder – цилиндр
    bearing – подшипник
    brake pad – тормозная колодка
    spark plug – свеча зажигания
    fuse – предохранитель

    electrical system
    cooling system
    fan - вентилятор
    car alarm
    central lock

    electrical system – электрооборудование
    cooling system – система охлаждения
    fan - вентилятор
    car alarm – автосигнализация
    central lock – центральный замок

    seat (front, back)
    door handle
    door lock

    seat (front, back) – сиденье (переднее, заднее)
    armrest – подлокотник
    headrest – подголовник            
    seatbelt – ремень безопасности
    door handle – дверная ручка
    door lock – дверной замок

    ignition switсh
    gear shift (stick)
    accelerator (gas) pedal
    brake pedal
    clutch pedal

    ignition switсh – замок зажигания
    gearbox – коробка передач
    speed – скорость
    gear shift (stick) – рычаг переключения передачи
    accelerator (gas) pedal – педаль газа
    brake pedal – педаль тормоза
    clutch pedal – педаль сцепления
    handbrake – ручной тормоз

    Where do you study?
    I study at the automobile construction college.

    Whom does the college train?
    It trains specialists for the automobile industry.

    Why did you choose this profession?
    I enjoy… learning about a car. I enjoy working with metal. And most of all I enjoy being able to construct cars.

    What can you tell me about cars?
    Well, the car must be rapid in acceleration, it must have dependable clutch,brakes andsteering system, be stable on the road and have pleasant appearance.

    Do you enjoy the course?
    Yes, very much. I have learnt a lot of things. For example, I know that the production of the cars comprises five phases.

    What are they?
    They are designing, working out the technology, laboratory tests, road tests, main production.

    And why are laboratory tests and road tests needed?
    The cars are subjected to tests in order to meet up-to-date demands.

    And what are these demands?
    They are high efficiency, long service life, driving safety, ease of maintenance and so on.
    I think you will become an expert in automobile engineering.
    I`ll try. The cooperative program with practice at a plant will help me to become a good specialist.

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