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  • Weve worked long and hard today. … we call it a day

  • Would you like … banana or … strawberries

  • Итоговый тест Англ.. I help you with your shopping because you have a lot of bags

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    НазваниеI help you with your shopping because you have a lot of bags
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    Имя файлаИтоговый тест Англ..docx

    I … help you with your shopping because you have a lot of bags.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. thought

    b. ought to

    c. ought

    d. thought to

    Which noun is in singular?

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. women

    b. oxen

    c. garden

    d. brethren
    At this moment your task … .

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. are being doing

    b. are done

    c. is being done

    d. is done
    My new invention … tomorrow at this time.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. will speak about

    b. will be spoken about

    c. will being speaked about

    d. will be speaking about

    This person can’t be … . He’s very fickle (ненадежный).:

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. rely upon

    b. relying upon

    c. to rely upon

    d. relied upon

    Определите, каким местоимением можно заменить выделенное подлежащее Her sister said a few words.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. her

    b. it

    c. he

    d. she

    All the business letters … yesterday. They … to the post office immediately.:

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. were answered / took

    b. are answered / were taken

    c. answered / take

    d. were answered / were taken
    How much are … her Italian lessons? – Ten dollars … hour.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. the/a

    b. -/an

    c. a/the

    d. -/a
    I can’t play the piano. I’m not a … .

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. pianan

    b. pianer

    c. pianian

    d. pianist
    I hope that the truth … very soon.

    Выберите один или несколько ответов:

    a. will be found out

    b. is found out

    c. will find out

    d. will be finding out

    We bought ... book in the Barnes and Noble shop.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. an

    b. a

    c. the

    d. some

    Укажите имена существительные, у которых при прибавлении окончания –es в форме множественного числа конечная y меняется на i. Выберите несколько ответов

    Выберите один или несколько ответов:

    a. dandy

    b. holiday

    c. comedy

    d. daisy
    I … that I … at the station at 5.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. was told / should be met

    b. tells / am met

    c. am told / was met

    d. told / is being met

    We've worked long and hard today. … we call it a day?
    Выберите один ответ:

    a. Should have

    b. Shall

    c. Must have

    d. Could have
    By the time we came to the bookshop all books … .

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. were sold

    b. had been sold

    c. are sold

    d. are being sold

    Kindness … a good quality.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. were

    b. are

    c. is

    d. was

    I may … go to Paris next week because there is a very big exhibition there.
    Выберите один ответ:

    a. have

    b. have to

    c. had to

    d. had
    Which noun is uncountable? (возможны несколько вариантов ответа)

    Выберите один или несколько ответов:

    a. apricot

    b. friend

    c. oil

    d. water

    Определите, какому падежу в русском языке соответствует существительное с предлогом в предложении This story was written by Russian writer?

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. родительный

    b. творительный

    c. винительный

    d. предложный
    The documents … by 5 p.m.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. will have been signed

    b. will be signed

    c. are signed

    d. signed

    Какое существительное в английском языке употребляется как в единственном, так и во множественном числе?

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. clothes

    b. gates

    c. scissors

    d. trousers

    Kendra … finish her homework on time, or she can't go outside to play with her friends.
    Выберите один ответ:

    a. can't

    b. must

    c. must have

    d. shall have
    This isn't a difficult task, so you … be able to complete it by Friday.
    Выберите один ответ:

    a. couldn't

    b. can

    c. mustn't

    d. should
    What’s … matter? - I missed … 6 o’clock train.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. the/the

    b. the/a

    c. a/the

    d. -/the

    Would you like … banana or … strawberries?

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. -/an

    b. a/-

    c. an/a

    d. the/-

    My sister … to hospital tomorrow.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. is being taken

    b. will be taken

    c. taken

    d. was taken
    She is a very beautiful. Everybody admires her … .

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. beautal

    b. beauty

    c. beautys

    d. beauties

    The news … very optimistic today.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. were

    b. was

    c. are

    d. is
    Определите, каким местоимением можно заменить выделенное подлежащее Miss Fairlie's little Italian greyhound was lying on the rug.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. it

    b. she

    c. they

    d. he

    The sports competitions which … on Sunday … by a lot of people.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. will be held / will be visited

    b. are held / will be visited

    c. will held / will visit

    d. was held / will visit

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