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  • 2. What patients are there in it

  • 4. Are there patients who need operative procedures neither are there patients who need operative procedure5. What does the term “therapeutic” mean

  • 6. What is a “therapeutist” A “therapeutist” is a person expert in therapeutics7. What does the term “therapy” mean

  • 8. What types of therapy are there

  • 9. What is hydrotherapy

  • III.К ө п н ү ктені ң орнына “ there is ” and “ there are ” айналымын қ ойы ң

  • The new hospital has a large therapeutic clinic. Бұл емханада жұқпалы аурулар жоқ.There are no infectious diseases in this clinic.

  • My temperature was normal yesterday. Сіздің сырқаттарыңыздың ауру тарихы палата дәрігерінің үстелінде тұр.Your medical history is on the doctors desk. V.С

  • 1. There is some evidence that air pollution produces harmful effect on people,.

  • 4. There are a lot of illustrated books on Human Anatomy. Есть много иллюстрированных книг по анатомии человека.5. There are three bones in each finger.

  • 6. There is no backbone in invertebrate animals. У беспозвоночных животных нет позвоночника.7. There are special hospitals for children in every town.

  • 8 лекция 2 курс лд сд. I. Сратара жауап берііз What clinic is there in Green Street

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    I.Сұрақтарға жауап беріңіз:

    1. What clinic is there in Green Street?

    There is a large therapeutic clinic in the new hospital in Green Street
    2. What patients are there in it?

    There are no patients with infectious disease there, neither are there patients who need operative procedure, because this is not an infection hospital or a traumatological clinic.
    3. Why are there no patients with infectious diseases?

    because this is not an infection hospital or a traumatological clinic.
    4. Are there patients who need operative procedures?

    neither are there patients who need operative procedure
    5. What does the term “therapeutic” mean?

    The term “therapeutic” or “therapeutical” means “pertaining to the treatment of disease”.
    6. What is a “therapeutist”?

    A “therapeutist” is a person expert in therapeutics
    7. What does the term “therapy” mean?

    The term “therapy” means “procedures or measures employed as means of curing disease or correcting the results of trauma”.

    8. What types of therapy are there?

    There is active therapy or treatment which is directed immediately counteracting a disease; there is hydrotherapy- treatment of disease by means of water; there is physiotherapy or physical therapy- treatment of disease by means of light, heat, air, electricity, and treatment by application of hot air, etc
    9. What is hydrotherapy?

    there is hydrotherapy- treatment of disease by means of water; there is physiotherapy or physical therapy- treatment of disease by means of light
    10. What is physiotherapy or physical therapy?

    there is physiotherapy or physical therapy- treatment of disease by means of light, heat, air, electricity, and treatment by application of hot air, etc.
    II.Көп нүктенің орнына мәтіннен сөз қою арқылы толықтырыңыз:

    There are no patients with infection hospital or a traumatological diseases in this clinic.

    This is not an infection hospital, it is a therapeutic clinic.

    The term “therapeutic” or “therapeutically” means means “pertaining to the treatment of disease”.

    A therapeutist is a person expert in therapeutics

    Active therapy is directed immediately counteracting a disease

    Treatment of disease by means of water is hydrotherapy

    There are no patients who need … in this ward.
    III.Көп нүктенің орнына there is and there are айналымын қойыңыз:

    there are a large hospital in our street.

    there are many good clinics in Moscow, Leningrad and in other cities and towns. there is no children in those wards.

    there are a ward for children in your clinic? Yes, . there is

    there are many patients in the fifth ward? No, . there are

    there is patients with infectious diseases at your hospital? No, . there are
    IV.Ағылшын тіліне аударыңыз:

    Жаңа ауруханада үлкен терапиялық емхана бар.

    The new hospital has a large therapeutic clinic.

    Бұл емханада жұқпалы аурулар жоқ.

    There are no infectious diseases in this clinic.

    Бірінші палатада екі кереует бар.

    The first ward has two beds.

    Екінші палатада үш кереует бар.

    The second ward has three beds.

    Менің сырқатымның температурасы кеше қалыпты болған.

    My temperature was normal yesterday.

    Сіздің сырқаттарыңыздың ауру тарихы палата дәрігерінің үстелінде тұр.

    Your medical history is on the doctor's desk.
    V.Сөйлемдерді қазақ тіліне аударып, сұраулы сөйлемдерге айналдырыңыз:

    1. There is some evidence that air pollution produces harmful effect on people,.

    Есть некоторые доказательства того, что загрязнение воздуха оказывает вредное воздействие на людей

    2. There is a number of movable bones in the scull.

    В черепе имеется ряд подвижных костей.

    3. There is the scull at the upper end of the backbone.

    На верхнем конце позвоночника находится череп.

    4. There are a lot of illustrated books on Human Anatomy.

    Есть много иллюстрированных книг по анатомии человека.

    5. There are three bones in each finger.

    В каждом пальце по три кости.

    6. There is no backbone in invertebrate animals.

    У беспозвоночных животных нет позвоночника.

    7. There are special hospitals for children in every town.

    В каждом городе есть специальные детские больницы.

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