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  • В) Напишите, какие ошибки могли допустить учащиеся в каждом из заданий и почему. Как объяснить учащимся правильный ответ

  • Б) Проверьте себя по ключам

  • В) Подумайте, какие ошибки могут допустить учащиеся. Г) Напишите по три слова с теми же аффиксами, что и в задании.

  • А) Соотнесите аффиксы 1-7 со значением a-g, которое они имеют

  • Б) Проверьте себя по ключам Ключи: 1-d, 2-a, 3-f, 4-b, 5-g, 6-c, 7-e В) Напишите по три примера на каждый из аффиксов.

  • А) Напишите, какие предлоги требуются после данных слов

  • ответы нико егэ английский. Задание на заочник. I want a job!

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    Б) Проверьте себя по ключам


    19. Better

    20. Using

    21. Its

    22. Sat

    23. Didnotappear / didn'tappear  /  hadn'tappeared / hadnotappeared

    24. Haddined.

    В) Напишите, какие ошибки могли допустить учащиеся в каждом из заданий и почему. Как объяснить учащимся правильный ответ?


    Located in the state of Washington in the northwest corner of the United States, Seattle is the largest city in the Pacific Northwest region. It is a magnet for 25 ________________ all over the world. TOUR

    26 ________________ evidence suggests that the Seattle area has been inhabited for at least 4,000 years, but perhaps because there was no rich farmland nearby, the first European settlers did not arrive until 1851.  ARCHEOLOGY

    After enduring a 27 ________________ winter at Alki most of the settlers moved across the bay to a more protected site and named their new village “Duwamps” after the nearby Duwarmish river. STORM

    In 1852, the town’s first merchant, “Doc” Maynard, persuaded the inhabitants to change the 28 ________________ name to Seattle in honour of chief Sealth (also known as Chief Seattle), a Native American leader who befriended the newcomers. MELODIOUS

    In 1889 a great fire destroyed 29 ________________ all the wooden structures in the downtown area, and Seattle was forced to start anew. PRACTICAL

    Б) Проверьте себя по ключам


    • 25 tourists

    • 26 archeological

    • 27 stormy

    • 28 unmelodious

    • 29 practically

     В) Подумайте, какие ошибки могут допустить учащиеся.

    Г) Напишите по три слова с теми же аффиксами, что и в задании.

    Lord Mondrago

         It was a quarter to six. Dr Auldin could remember no 30 ____________ which was stranger than that of Lord Pine. For one thing it was strange because Lord Mondrago was a clever and famous man. He was 31 ________________ Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs when still under forty years of age; now after three years in office, he had seen success. It was generally agreed that he was the cleverest man in his party. There was nothing to 32 ____________ Lord Mondrago from continuing as Secretary for Foreign Affairs in many later governments.

        Lord Mondrago had many good qualities. He was clever and worked hard. He had travelled widely and could 33 ____________ several languages well. He knew a great deal about other countries. He had courage and determination. He was a good speaker. He was a tall, good-looking man, but perhaps rather too fat. At the age of twenty-four he had married a girl of eighteen, whose father was a duke and whose American mother was very rich, 34 ____________ he had a good position and wealth. He had two sons. He had, indeed, a great deal to make him a popular and successful man. He had, unfortunately, great 35 ____________. He was very proud and liked boasting. For three centuries the Lords Mondrago had 36 ____________ the title and married into the noblest families of England.

    He never missed the opportunity of telling others about it.

    30. 1) occasion          2) event                    3) case                       4) accident

    Ответ: _________

    31 1) resigned            2) appointed             3) settled                    4) announced

    Ответ: _________

    32 1) prevent              2) interfere               3) interrupt                 4) obscure

    Ответ: __________

    33 1) talk                    2) speak                    3) tell                          4) chat

    Ответ: ___________

    34 1) so                       2) nevertheless          3) if                           4) though

    Ответ: ___________

    35 1) worries               2) cares                     3) troubles                 4) faults

    Ответ: ___________

    36 1) made                  2) acquired                3) purchased               4) held

    Ответ: ___________

    Б) Проверьте себя по ключам


    30-3, 31-2, 32-1, 33-2, 34-1, 35-4, 36-4

    В) Объясните правильность выбранного варианта ответа.

    Задание 7

    А) Вставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму. Объяснитесвойвыбор.

    1.      I … (think) about changing my career. I think this one seems like boring to me now.

    2.      She … (learn) English for 12 years. She is still working on her language level.

    3.      It was 9 a.m. Anna was already at the train station but she … (return) back home because she … (leave) her wallet on the bedside table.

    4.      They … (be) friends since the early childhood.

    5.      They … (be) friends since they … (be) 5.

    6.      I think I … (come) to the party tonight.

    7.      Look! The waiter … (drop) the plates! One step further and all the plates will break into pieces!

    8.      My sister … always (borrow) my things! That`s so annoying!

    9.      They … (sit) around the table when the phone … (ring).

    10.  Penicillin … (discover) in the 19th century.

    11.  Holography is a technique … (base) on lasers, which enable 3-D images to be made.

    12.  In Russia we celebrate the International Women`s Day. Though it … (call) ‘International’, it is observed only in Russia and some CIS countries.

    13.  He said, he … (visit) us the following week.

    Б) Напишите, какие еще упражнения помогут предупредить ошибки обучающихся на времена глагола.

    Задание 8

    А) Соотнесите аффиксы 1-7 со значением a-g, которое они имеют:

    1. -er/-or

    a)     Суффикс существительного для обозначения абстрактных понятий

    1. -ship

    b)    Префикс глаголов, означающий «сделать что-то еще раз»

    1. Mis-

    c)     Суффикс глагола, который был образован от прилагательного

    1. Re-

    d)    Обозначение человека, профессии

    1. -less

    e)     Суффикс существительного, которое было образовано от прилагательного

    1. -en/-ise

    f)     Префикс, означающий «неправильно что-то сделать»

    1. -ity

    g)    Суффикс прилагательного, который означает отсутствие признака

     Б) Проверьте себя по ключам

    Ключи: 1-d, 2-a, 3-f, 4-b, 5-g, 6-c, 7-e

    В) Напишите по три примера на каждый из аффиксов.

    Г) Исправьте ошибки в словах:















    Задание 9

    А) Распределите слова по группам. Одно и то же выражение может относиться к двум группам.

    An appointment, one`s best, the chores, a suggestion, a course, lunch, a noise, a bath, a decision, the washing, the revision, the shopping, a nice time, well, friends.

    Б) Проверьте себя по ключам:

    Задание 2.

    А) Напишите, какие предлоги требуются после данных слов:

    • Dependent

    • Independent

    • Keen

    • Interested

    • Mad

    • Enthusiastic

    • Depend

    • Rely

    • A difference

    • Succeed

    • Responsible

    • Concentrate

    • Provide smb …

    • Congratulate

    • Satisfied

    • Remind

    • Popular

    • Famous

    • Fond

    Б) Проверьте себя по ключам


    • Dependent on

    • Independent of

    • Keen on

    • Interested in

    • Mad about

    • Enthusiastic about

    • Depend on

    • Rely on

    • A difference in/of

    • Succeed in

    • Responsible for

    • Concentrate on

    • Provide smb with

    • Congratulate on

    • Satisfied with

    • Remind of

    • Popular with

    • Famous for

    • Fond of

    Задание 10

    Прочитайте письмо-стимул. Затем прочитайте фразы в таблице. Расставьте фразы в правильном порядке так, чтобы получилось письмо. Разделите письмо правильно на абзацы.  а) Поставьте значок (!) перед фразами, которые можно использовать для образца («рыбы»), б) Поставьте значок (*) перед средствами логической связи и фразами-мостиками.

    You have received an email message from your English-speaking pen-friend Ronny:

    From: Ronny@mail.uk

    To: Russian_friend@ege.ru

    Subject: Summer

    I am so happy that summer has come and we are going to have a long holiday.

    What’s the weather like in Russia in summer? What is your favourite season and

    why this one? What are your plans for the summer?

    My uncle Keith is coming to visit us next week…


     Write an email to Ronny.

    In your message:

    -answer his questions

    -ask 3 questions about his uncle.

    Write 100-140 words.

    Remember the rules of email writing. 

    As for my favourite season, I'd say it's autumn because I really like the beauty of colours that one can see in this part of the year.

    Sorry, I have to go now - my mum is calling me.


    Thanks for your email. It was great to hear from you (again).

    Anyway, I'd like to ask some questions about your uncle. What does he look like? How old is he? What are his hobbies?

    Well, I haven't made up my mind about the summer plans, but I'm definitely going to have a nice rest somewhere far away from Moscow. I will probably go to the seaside to enjoy the nice weather and the sea.

    Dear Ronny, 

    Write back soon.


    In your email you asked me some questions. Speaking about the weather in Russia, it is quite hot and sunny most of the summer but sometimes it rains and is windy and cloudy.

    Задание 11

    Прочитайте письмо-стимул и ответ учащегося. Проанализируйте ответ учащегося по критериям, используя дополнительную схему оценивания, и выставьте балл по каждому из критериев. ОбъяснитесвоерешениеСравнитесприведеннымпримеромоцениванияответа.

    You have received an email message from your English-speaking pen-friend Peter:

    From: Peter@mail.uk

    To: Russian_friend@ege.ru

    Subject: Environmental protection

    I am doing a project on environmental protection. Are you and your friends interested in this problem and why/ why not? What are some environmental problems in your country? How do you protect the environment in your city?

    Yesterday was my father’s birthday…

    Write an email to Peter.

    In your message:

    -answer his questions

    -ask 3 questions about his father’s birthday.

    Write 100-140 words.

    Remember the rules of email writing.


    Dear Peter!

    Thanks for your last letter. Congrats!

    In your email you asked me some questions. Well, I`m not really interested in environment problems. As for my country, I guess the most difficult problems are air and noise polution. I don` t do anything to protect environment in my city but some people plant trees and try to use the public transport insteed of cars. Do you like your father? When does he have birthday? What did he get as a present?

    Sorry, I have to go now. Write  back soon.



    Пример оценивания ответа:

    Количество слов: 93

    РКЗ – 1 балл

    ·         Аспект 1: неполный ответ (нет ответа про друзей, нет ответа почему);

    ·         Аспект 2: полный аспект;

    ·         Аспект 3: полный аспект;

    ·         Аспект 4: отсутствие аспекта (1-ый вопрос не про день рождения, 2-ой вопрос  - непонятная коммуникативная ситуация: в тексте уже есть информация, когда у папы день рождения);

    ·         Аспект 5: полный аспект;

    ·         Аспект 6: полный аспект.

    Организация текста – 1 балл

    1)      слово Congrats -  непонятно, к чему относится – нарушение логики;

    2)      нет мостика-перехода к вопросам;

    3)      вопросы не выделены в отдельный абзац.

    Языковое оформление текста – 1 балл

    ·         лексические ошибки выделены зеленым цветом;

    ·         грамматические ошибки выделены голубым цветом;

    ·         орфографические и пунктуационные ошибки выделены фиолетовым цветом.


    Напишите, насколько ваш анализ ответа учащегося отличается от приведенного примера оценивания ответа.

    Задание 12

    Прочитайте письмо-стимул и ответ учащегося. Проанализируйте ответ учащегося по критериям, используя дополнительную схему оценивания, и выставьте балл по каждому из критериев. Объяснитесвоерешение.

    You have received an email message from your English-speaking pen-friend Ann:

    From: Ann@mail.uk

    To: Russian_friend@ege.ru

    Subject: Sports

    Last summer my parents and I went hiking to the mountains. We spent the whole week together and enjoyed it very much. How often do you take active holidays? Who do you think is the best company for you? What extreme sports would you like to try, if any, and why?

    Last month our English class got an interesting project. We wrote a paper about interesting events in the past of our country …

    Write an email to Ann.

    In your message:

    -answer her questions

    -ask 3 questions about her project.

    Write 100-140 words.

    Remember the rules of email writing.


    Moscow, Russia



    Dear Ben,


    I was glad to hear from you again. I'm usually take active holiday two times pro month. As far as I am concerned, the best company for me are my friends because they can always help me in a difficult situation. Pesonally, I don't want to take up extreme sports because I think it's a dangerous activation.


    I would like to ask you some questions about your project. What is the interestingest event in a Russian history? Did you get a good mark? What historic event did you write about?




    Количество слов – 96

    Задание 13

    Выполните задания 12–18 из раздела «Чтение».


    From the history of social networks

    The history of social networks goes back to cavemen who posted up on their walls the best places to hunt and gather and shared what types of tools were good for different things. Speaking about modern times, reaching people around the world with a click is not a dream anymore, and it is an essential part of our daily life.

    We could say that 1971, when the first email was sent, is the starting point of this new way of communication. ‘Qwertyuiop’ was the first text sent with an email, it is usually the top line of a keyboard and the longest word you can make out of it is “typewriter”. We may wonder if it could be a peculiar coincidence. In 1978, BBS exchanged data over phone lines. BBS — the Bulletin Board System was a computer system running software that allowed users to connect and log in to the system using a special programme. Once logged in, a user could perform functions such as uploading and downloading software and data, reading news and bulletins, and exchanging messages with other users personally or publicly. Originally they were accessed only over a phone line using a modem. Bulletin Board Systems were in many ways a precursor

    to the modern form of the World Wide Web, social network services and other aspects of the Internet.

    As the next step, in 1994 GEOCITIES was founded. It is one of the first social networking sites. In its original form, site users selected a “city” in which to place their web pages. The cities were named after the real ones or other regions according to their content (computer related sites were placed in Silicon Valley and entertainment sites were assigned to Hollywood). Later, the platform created streets, avenues and even separate buildings as the information there got more specific.

    The year 1997 marked the appearance of AOL instant messenger and Sixdegrees.com. The latter was a social network website that lasted four years. It allowed users to list friends, family members and users while external contacts were invited to join the site. It was the first manifestation of social networking websites as we know them today, especially because with

    it instant messaging programmes were gaining more and more popularity among web users who started to get used to personal profile creations and listing friends.

    At the beginning of our century was launched Friendster, with a user-base growing up to 3 million people within the first three months of its existence. Friendster has become especially popular in Southeast Asia and even today it is a major site in that region of the world. The service allowed users to share online content and media with their contacts. The website was also used for dating, discovering new events, bands and hobbies. Users could share videos, photos, messages and comments with other members via their profile and network. Since then numerous clones of this site have appeared, including MySpace and certainly Facebook, opened to any aged 13 or more with a valid mailing address.

    We have all witnessed how far social networking has seeped into our daily life, with news broadcasters calling Tweet views or appointments being made over LinkedIn. Examining the fascinating history of social media leads to just one conclusion — unpredictability will continue

    to reign. No one can possibly foretell which platforms will stay in favour and which ones will be rejected and when the next breakthrough will happen, particularly when the social networks themselves have become such influential brands.


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