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  • Подберите к подчеркнутому слову то, которое лучше передает смысл предложения.

  • Постройте отрицательные предложения.

  • Подберите один из нижеуказанных глаголов к предложениям 1-8.

  • Напишите вопросы к следующим ответам.

  • Употребите прилагательные и наречия в сравнительной и превосходной степени.

  • Выберите a), b), c), d), чтобы закончить предложение

  • Подберите правильный артикль.

  • Расположите слова в правильном порядке.

  • Найдите ошибки в следующих предложениях.

  • Выберите правильные ответы на следующие вопросы.

  • Раскройте скобки. Употребите местоимения в объектном падеже

  • Раскройте скобки. Употребите местоимения в притяжательном падеже.

  • Где можно увидеть эти уведомления Выберите букву, которая, на ваш взгляд, указываем на правильный ответ.

  • ПЕРЕВОД АНГЛИСКИЙ. англ яз. Improve your grammar and vocabulary выберите одно слово или фразу, которые лучше передают смысл предложения

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    НазваниеImprove your grammar and vocabulary выберите одно слово или фразу, которые лучше передают смысл предложения
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    Выберите одно слово или фразу, которые лучше передают смысл предложения.
    1. It was difficult to find the missing papers on his ___________ desk.

    a) well-organized;

    b) broken;

    c) badly-organized;

    d) pleasant .
    Подберите к подчеркнутому слову то, которое лучше передает смысл предложения.

    2. Mathematics is a required subject in American high school.

    a) difficult;

    b) easy;

    c) compulsory;

    d) useless.
    Постройте отрицательные предложения.

    3. She does not understands me.

    4. Fred didn't work hard last week.

    5. John didn't go to the office late.

    6. Jane hasn't written many letters.

    7. She is not having a good time.

    8. My mother hasn't to left.

    9. They don't want something to eat.
    Ответьте на вопросы правильно, используя соответствующую грамматическую форму сказуемого.

    10. Have you got a cigarette?

    a) Sorry, I am not smoking.

    b) Sorry, I don’t smoke.
    11. Hello. Could I speak to Mr Smith please?

    a) I am afraid he is attending a meeting at the moment.

    b) I am afraid he attends a meeting at the moment.

    12. How often

    a) are you going to London?

    b) do you go to London?
    13. Should we stay and help them?

    a) I think you would not.

    b) I think you need not.
    14. Have you ever

    a) were there before?

    b) been there before?
    15. Are you used

    a) to take pictures?

    b) to taking pictures?
    Подберите один из нижеуказанных глаголов к предложениям 1-8.

    a) have c) having e) had g) to be

    b) to have d) has f) be h) been

    i) being

    16. Could I a) have another beer please?

    17. Have you ever h) been to New York?

    18. John d) has got many interesting friends.

    19. I’d like g) to be richer.

    20. I’d like c) having more money.

    21. I will f) be _ in my office between two and three o’clock.

    22. She used e) had calm and reserved.

    23. I am used to i) being a lot of friends.
    Напишите вопросы к следующим ответам.

    24. Have you got a pen? Yes, I have.

    25. Are you ready? Yes, I am.

    26. When will the meeting be? At about 5 o’clock.

    27. Could you help me No, but my friend could.

    28. Why do you need this book Because I need it for my job.

    29. Would you like bowling tonight? Yes, I’d like to.
    Употребите прилагательные и наречия в сравнительной и превосходной степени.

    30. old older _ oldest;

    31. small smaller smallest;

    32. big bigger the biggest;

    33. expensive more expensive the most expensive;

    34. happy happier the happiest;

    35. good better the best


    Выберите a), b), c), d), чтобы закончить предложение.

    36. I haven’t been to Malta before.

    a) Nor have I;

    b) So haven’t I;

    c) Nor I have;

    d) So I haven’t.
    37. Is your friend good _____________?
    a) cooking;

    b) in cooking;

    c) at cooking;

    d) cooker.
    38. It was ______ beautiful day that we went for a walk.
    a) so;

    b) so a;

    c) such;

    d) such a.
    39. He enjoys ________.
    a) to windsurf;

    b) windsurfing;

    c) windsurf;

    d) to windsurfing.
    40. There were several people waiting __________ the bus stop.

    a) in;

    b) on;

    c) by;

    d) at.
    41. They do _________ travelling.
    a) quite a lot of;

    b) quite much of;

    c) quite a lot;

    d) quite much.
    42. He looked happy. He must _________ some good news.
    a) receive;

    b) have receive;

    c) be receiving;

    d) have been receiving.
    43. If you’ve got a headache, you ___________ take an aspirin.
    a) had better;

    b) had better to;

    c) would better to;

    d) would better.
    Подберите правильный артикль.

    44. Hello, are you ________ manager?

    a) an;

    b) a;

    c) the;

    d) –.

    45. I like swimming in ________ sea.
    a) a;

    b) –;

    c) the;

    d) an.
    46. Can I have ________ apple please.
    a) a;

    b) an;

    c) the;

    d) –.
    47. Here we are again in ______ same place.
    a) –;

    b) a;

    c) an;

    d) the.
    48. It’s getting dark, shall I close ________ curtains.
    a) the;

    b) –;

    c) an;

    d) –.
    49. Is there ______________ University of Oxford?
    a) a;

    b) the;

    c) an;

    d) –.
    50. How high is ___________ Mount Everest?
    a) – ;

    b) a;

    c) the;

    d) an.
    51. Which is ___________ best restaurant in Bratsk?
    a) a;

    b) the;

    c) an;

    d) –.
    Расположите слова в правильном порядке.
    52. Has for she years married twenty been.

    She has been married for twenty years.

    53. Haven’t my I since serviced had car May.

    I haven’t serviced my car since May

    54. Wakes late he on very Sundays usually up.

    He usually wakes up late on Sundays

    55. Computer being at is the my repaired moment.

    My computer is being repaired at the moment

    56. To you always your before teeth brush should going bed.

    You always brush your teeth before going to bed.

    57. Thinking it about worth not is that.

    Worth thinking it about not is that

    Найдите ошибки в следующих предложениях.

    58. I has a brand new car.

    I have a brand new car.

    59. The flowers grows in the spring time.

    The flowers grow in the spring time.

    60. We has a black cat and four white kittens.

    We have a black cat and four white kittens

    61. He does not know nothing about the robbery.

    He does not know anything about the robbery

    62. Nick and Maria has a baby yesterday.

    Nick and Maria had a baby yesterday.

    63. She loves he very much.

    She loves him very much.

    64. Neither he nor she work here.

    Neither he nor she works here.

    65. They don’t understand me too.

    They don’t understand me either

    Закончите предложения, используя одно из нижеуказанных слов.

    66. Has ________ seen my glasses?

    a) everybody;

    b) nobody;

    c) anybody;

    d) anywhere.
    67. I’ve looked ______ for them.

    a) somewhere;

    b) everywhere;

    c) something;

    d) someone.
    68. I’m hungry, let’s find _______ to eat.

    a) anyone;

    b) something;

    c) everything;

    d) everyone.
    69. I’m bored, there’s ________ to do.

    a) everything;

    b) no-one;

    c) nowhere;

    d) nothing.
    70. ________ called when you were out but they didn’t leave a message.
    a) somebody;

    b) nobody;

    c) anybody;

    d) something.
    71. I thought I heard a noise but when I looked there was _______ there!

    a) something;

    b) nobody;

    c) no-one;

    d) nowhere.
    Выберите правильные ответы на следующие вопросы.

    72. Why did Isaak Newton (1642-1727) not receive Nobel Prize?

    a) Because he was an Englishman and never lived in Sweden.

    b) Because Alfred Nobel (1833-1896).

    c) Newton failed to get his prize because he was absent-minded.
    73. What is the real name of O. Henry?

    a) John Griffith;

    b) Samuel Clemens;

    c) William Sidney Porter.
    74. What is the emblem of New Zealand?

    a) Kangaroo;

    b) Kiwi;

    c) Koala.
    75. The ... Parliament consists of the House of Lords and the House of Commons
    a) American;

    b) Canadian;

    c) British.
    Раскройте скобки. Употребите местоимения в объектном падеже.

    76. These books belong to (им).

    These books belong to me

    77. He showed (вам) his notes.

    He showed you his notes.

    78. She teaches (нас) English.

    She teaches us English.

    79. We asked (её) to bring her application.

    We asked her to bring her application.

    80. Please, give (мне) something to read.

    Please, give me something to read.

    81. His sister sent (ему) a telegram.

    His sister sent him a telegram.

    82. Sometimes we meet (их) at the theatre.

    Sometimes we meet them at the theatre.

    83. I see (его - компьютер) there.

    I see it there.

    Раскройте скобки. Употребите местоимения в притяжательном падеже.

    84. Give me (вашу) copy-book.

    Give me your copy-book.

    85. I have an interesting book. (Её) name is “The Iron Heel”

    I have an interesting book. Her name is “The Iron Heel”

    86. Take (его) letter and read it.

    Take its letter and read it.

    87. She likes (её) work.

    She likes her work.

    88. Whose book is this? - It is (её).

    Whose book is this? - It is hers

    89. (Наши) compositions are good. (Их) are much better.

    Our compositions are good. they  are much better.

    90. Is this scarf (его)? - No, this is (мой).

    Is this scarf his ?- No, this is mine

    91. What beautiful trees! (Их) leaves are bright yellow.

    What beautiful trees! Their leaves are bright yellow.

    Где можно увидеть эти уведомления? Выберите букву, которая, на ваш взгляд, указываем на правильный ответ.


    Please leave your room key at reception.

    a) in a shop;

    b) in a hotel;

    c) in a taxi.

    93. Foreign money changed here.

    a) in a library;

    b) in a bank;

    c) in a police station.


    Afternoon show begins at 2 pm.

    a) outside a theatre;

    b) outside a supermarket;

    c) outside a restaurant.

    95. .

    Closed for holidays lessons start again on 8th January

    a) at a travel agents;

    b) at a music school;

    c) at a restaurant.

    Price per night: £ 10 a tent; £ 5 a person .

    a) at a cinema;

    b) in a hotel;

    c) at a camp – site.

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