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  • I part Exercise 1. Match the following descriptions with the types of hotels given in the box. Translate into Russian.

  • Exercise 2. Match the terms with the definitions of room types. Translate into Russian.

  • Exercise 3. Render the text into English.

  • II part Exercise 1. Read the text and write the names of the types of accommodation under the pictures.

  • Exercise 2. Read the text again and choose the correct answer.

  • Контрольная работа Иностранный язык Холмакова Д. СВз-18. Иностранный язык (профессиональный)

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    Государственного бюджетного образовательного учреждения высшего образования

    «Нижегородский государственный инженерно-экономический университет»

    (ИПТД - филиал ГБОУ ВО НГИЭУ)


    Контрольная работа по дисциплине

    «Иностранный язык (профессиональный)»

    Выполнил: студент 4 курса

    группы СВз 1 – 18

    Холмакова Дарья Сергеевна

    Проверил(а): Зудина Алена Игоревна

    Нижний Новгород


    I part

    Exercise 1. Match the following descriptions with the types of hotels given in the box. Translate into Russian.

    - resort hotel - курортный отель

    It is situated in a place where tourists like to stay, often near the sea. Guests may stay for a week or two, and usually book in advance.

    - Motel - мотель

    It is built specially to provide a service to motorists

    - country house - загородный дом

    It is situated in pleasant scenery, and provides comfortable but informal accommodation for people who want to relax in a quiet place.

    - commercial hotel - коммерческий отель

    It is often situated in a town center, and provides accommodation for traveling businessmen, staying only one or two nights.

    - airport hotel - гостиницы в аэропорту

    It provides accommodation for people going to or coming from other countries, usually only staying for one night.

    - congress hotel - конгресс-отель

    It provides facilities for large meetings and conferences, with a lecture theatre and exhibition facilities.

    - guest house – гостевой дом

    It provides low-priced accommodation, usually on a small scale, for holiday visitors or for long stay guests.

    Exercise 2. Match the terms with the definitions of room types. Translate into Russian.

    - family apartment - includes two-three room apartment with a dining room , equipped kitchen, two bedrooms

    - villa - a separate 3-6 rooms house with an individual swimming pool

    - studio - one room bigger than the standard with built-in kitchen

    - executive room - a suite with more expensive decoration

    - Presidential Suite - the highest step of suite category, normally included two-three bedrooms

    - room for disabled people - a room especially designed for handicapped people with comfortable shower

    - duplex - a vast room for business people divided into 2 areas: a bedroom and a business room

    - apartment - a room of two and more rooms with an equipped kitchen that looks like a flat

    - connecting rooms - two rooms side by side with a connecting door

    - superior - a room bigger than a standard

    Exercise 3. Render the text into English.

    1. В Турции ежегодно строится много курортных отелей.

    Many resort hotels are built in Turkey every year. They serve guests from different countries.

    2. Большинство из них соответствуют международным стандартам.

    Most of them comply with international standards.

    3. Отели класса «люкс» и «суперлюкс» обычно располагаются в фешенебельных районах. Они предназначены для обеспеченных клиентов и

    деловых людей.

    Luxury and business luxury hotels are usually located in upmarket areas. They are intended for wealthy clients and business people.

    4. Номера в отелях класса «люкс» оснащены современным оборудованием и дорогой мебелью.

    Rooms in luxury hotels are equipped with modern equipment and expensive furniture.

    5. Мотели предоставляют клиентам комфортабельные номера, ужин и стоянку для автомобиля.

    Motels provide clients with comfortable rooms, dining and parking.

    6. Курортные отели почти всегда расположены в живописных уголках – в горах, на берегу реки или моря, в лесу.

    Resort hotels are almost always located in picturesque corners - in the mountains, on the banks of the river or sea, in the forest.

    7. Согласно Европейской классификации, все гостиницы делятся на 5 категорий – 1, 2,3,4 и 5-звездочные. Основанием для такой классификации служат

    качество предлагаемого обслуживания и предо-ставляемые отелем удобства.

    According to the European classification, all hotels are divided into 5 categories - 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 - stars. The basis for this classification is the quality of the services offered and the amenities provided by the hotel.

    8. Количество обслуживающего персонала зависит от категории отеля. В гостинице класса «люкс» один номер могут обслуживать до 3 человек. В других отелях количество персонала колеблется от 1 человека на номер и даже 1 человека на несколько номеров.

    The number of staff depends on the hotel category. In a luxury hotel one room can serve up to 3 people. In other hotels, the number of staff varies from 1 person per room and even 1 person to several rooms.

    II part

    Exercise 1. Read the text and write the names of the types of accommodation under the pictures.

    1. a barge,

    2. chalets.

    3. a hotel,

    4. a hostel,

    5. a motel,

    6. a guesthouse,

    7. a tall Native American tepee,

    8. a Mongolian yurt

    Exercise 2. Read the text again and choose the correct answer.

    1. Hotels are accommodation at the high end of the market.

    a) budget end of the market b) high end of the market c) low end of the market.

    2. Guesthouses and B&Bs are different from hotels because they are generally run by families.

    a) families b) one person c) staff 24/7

    3. You can visit a timeshare at a specific time each year.

    a) all year round b) at a specific time each year c) only in the summer

    4. House swapping helps you to avoid boredom.

    a) avoid boredom b) avoid cooking c) make friends

    5. Hostels appeal to young people.

    a) couples b) families c) young people

    6. Campus accommodation is available for tourists to rent during the holidays.

    a) the holidays and term time b) the holidays c) term time

    7. For comfortable and mobile campsite holidays try campervans.

    a) campervans b) tents c) tepees

    8. Which of these isn't a kind of boat?

    a) Barge b) Yacht c) Yurt

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