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    ГБПОУ НСО Колыванский аграрный колледж

    По ОГСЭ. 03 Иностранный язык

    Тема: «Из истории наказаний»

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    р-п Колывань

    2021-2022 учебного года

    В мире всегда совершались самые разнообразные преступления и будут совершаться. За каждым преступлением должно последовать наказание которые были тоже весьма разнообразны и к каждому преступлению было свое наказание. История помнит не мало известных преступлений, это как издевательства (насилия) которые совершались на протяжении всего времени и совершаются до сих пор. Как бы не старались государственные органы, преступления были и всегда будут. За любым из преступлений следовало наказание, с появлением законов это стало намного проще.

    Актуальность: Эта тема актуальна тем что наказания были не всегда равно ценны преступлению

    Цель: ознакомится на сколько раньше наказания были жестокими и

    страшными, как преступники платили за совершённые ими деяния.

    1. Рассказать историю наказаний Руси

    2. Разобраться за какие преступления шли наказания

    3.Рассказать насколько были иногда наказания были жестокими

    From the history of punishments
    On August 1, 1904, according to the old style (24 according to the new), corporal punishment for peasants and young artisans was abolished in the Russian Empire. This was the last social group for which various types of physical influence were still used. A little earlier, in June of the same year, corporal punishment was abolished in the navy and in the army.

    Corporal punishment appeared in Russia in ancient times along with the rise of the power of the Kievan princes. However, many argue that the broad punitive measures of criminal law were borrowed from the Tatars and that there were no corporal punishments in Russia before the Mongol invasion. For example, Karamzin claims that the legislative collection of the XII – XIII centuries – "Russian Truth" knows only blood feud and the monetary system of redemption. The only punishment imposed by the prince instead of a fine was "flow or plunder", which means exile, enslavement, surrender to the people. Russian Russian Truth directly prohibits corporal punishment: "if someone hits someone without a princely word, for that flour 80 hryvnia." The words "flow or plunder" meant not only exile, etc., so were called corporal punishment, because in some lists of "Russian Truth" "on the stream" is replaced by the words "to fight."

    The following types of punishments were famous:

    Cutting off the fingers of the hand

    According to the Code of 1649, those who, in the presence of the sovereign, swung a weapon at someone, wounded another at the sovereign's court, when forcibly entering someone else's yard or a judge in an order were deprived of their hands.

    This punishment was assigned to a thief for stealing a horse in the service or stealing for the third time at the sovereign's court. In addition, to the clerk for forgery and to the areal clerk for writing the earthly bondage in absentia.

    The Whip

    Whipping required great skill. The executioner retreated a few steps from the criminal, waved the whip with both hands over his head and with a loud cry quickly approached, lowering the whip on his back. Only the tail of the whip touched the body. The line of one blow could not cross the line of the other.

    As well as other terrible types of punishments.

    Corporal punishment was divided into three categories:

    1. Self–injuring (mutilating) - depriving a person of any part of the body or damaging it (blinding, cutting out the tongue, cutting off an arm, leg or fingers, cutting off ears, nose or lips, castration).

    2. Painful - infliction of physical suffering by inflicting beatings with various tools (whip, whip, batogi (sticks), shpitsruten, rods, cats, molts).

    3. Disgraceful (shameful) - the greatest importance is the disgrace of the punished (for example, exposure at the pillory, branding, shackling, shaving the head).

    Punishment is defined in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation as a measure of state coercion imposed by a court verdict, applied to a person found guilty of committing a crime, and expressed in restrictions on the rights and freedoms of a person provided for by criminal law. Punishment acts as the main form of realization of criminal responsibility.

    The content of punishment in Russia consists of punitive measures (deprivation of certain rights and freedoms of a convicted person), public censure, measures of influence on a convicted person designed to prevent him from committing new crimes (monitoring his daily life, imposing restrictions on permissible behaviors and activities), as well as educational measures (employment, providing an opportunity to get an education), aimed at preparing the convict for a normal life in society. In the process of serving a sentence, compulsory treatment may also be applied to the convicted person.

    В данной работе я рассказал историю возникновения наказаний, какими страшными раньше были преступления, как с ними боролись и как на это повлияли появившееся в скором времени законы. Одно точно, преступления были, есть и будут, это словно болезнь, пронизывающая историю начиная со времён общин и заканчивая настоящим. Единственное что может встать на пути преступлений это закон и правила, нормативные акты и другие факторы, нашего законодательства, именно они в наше время сдерживают натиск происходящего вокруг.

    Список литературы:

    Электронные ресурсы:

    1. http://clubklad.ru/blog/article/10512/

    2. https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/

    3. https://miridei.com/interesnye-idei/interesnye-istoricheskie- fakty/kak_kogdato_vershilos_pravosudie_15_prestuplenij_i_nakazanij/

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