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TASK 1. Match the following headings with the sections of the text below:

Rehabilitative programs Psychiatric and case-study methods Bentham approach Neoclassical school Preventive approach

(1) Various correctional approaches developed in the wake of causation theories. The old theological and moralistic theories encouraged punishment as retribution by society for evil. This attitude, indeed, still exists. The 19th-century British jurist and philosopher Jeremy Bentham tried to make the punishment more precisely fit the crime. Bentham believed that pleasure could be measured against pain in all areas of human choice and conduct and that human happiness could be attained through such hedonic calculus. He argued that criminals would be deterred from crime if they knew, specifically, the suffering they would experience if caught. Bentham therefore urged definite, inflexible penalties for each class of crime; the pain of the penalty would outweigh only slightly the pleasure of success in crime; it would exceed it sufficiently to act as a deterrent, but not so much as to amount to wanton cruelty. This so-called calculus of pleasures and pains was based on psychological postulates no longer accepted.

(2) The Bentham approach was in part superseded in the late 19th and early 20th centuries by a movement known as the neoclassical school. This school, rejecting fixed punishments, proposed that sentences vary with the particular circumstances of a crime, such as the age, intellectual level, and emotional state of the offender; the motives and other conditions that may have incited to crime; and the offender's past record and chances of rehabilitation. The mfluence of the neoclassical school led to the development of such concepts as grades of crime and punishment, indeterminate sentences, and the limited responsibility of young or mentally deficient offenders.


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  1. At about the same time, the so-called Italian school stressed
    measures for preventing crime rather than punishing it. Members
    of this school argued that individuals are shaped by forces beyond
    their control and therefore cannot be held fully responsible for
    their crimes. They urged birth control, censorship of pornographic
    literature, and other actions designed to mitigate the influences
    contributing to crime. The Italian school has had a lasting influence
    on the thinking of present-day criminologists.

  2. The modern approach to the treatment of criminals owes
    most to psychiatric and case-study methods. Much continues to be
    learned from offenders who have been placed on probation or parole
    and whose behavior, both in and out of prison, has been studied
    intensively. The contemporary scientific attitude is that criminals
    are individual personalities and that their rehabilitation can be
    brought about only through individual treatment. Increased
    juvenile crime has aroused public concern and has stimulated study
    of the emotional disturbances that foster delinquency. This growing
    understanding of delinquency has contributed to the understanding
    of criminals of all ages.

(5) During recent years, crime has been under attack from
many directions. The treatment and rehabilitation of criminals has
improved in many areas. The emotional problems of convicts have
been studied and efforts have been made to help such offenders.
Much, however, remains to be done. Parole boards have engaged
persons trained in psychology and social work to help convicts
on parole or probation adjust to society. Various states have
agencies with programs of reform and rehabilitation for both adult
and juvenile offenders.

Many communities have initiated concerted attacks on the conditions that breed crime. Criminologists recognise that both adult and juvenile crime stem chiefly from the breakdown of traditional social norms and controls, resulting from industrialization, urbanization, increasing physical and social mobility, and the effects of economic crises and wars. Most criminologists believe that effective crime prevention requires community agencies and programs to provide the guidance and control performed, ideally and traditionally, by the family and by the force of social custom. Although the crime rate has not drastically diminished as a result of these efforts, it is hoped that the extension and improvement of all valid approaches to prevention of crime eventually will reduce its incidence.


Chapter II. Crime and Punishment

TASK 2. Write down the translation of the sentences from the text above given in bold type.

TASK 3. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following words and expressions:

  1. бессмысленная жестокость

  2. досрочное освобождение

  3. задержание, арест

  4. общественные организации

  5. ограниченная ответственность

  6. освобождение на поруки

  7. порождать преступление

  8. преступления, совершенные несовершеннолетними

  9. привлекать внимание общественности

  1. совет по условно-досрочному освобождению

  2. упадок традиционных общественных норм


Using the information and facts from the Unit discuss the following:

  • Greater public understanding of the crime problem is
    important for the apprehension and conviction of criminals,
    their rehabilitation, and the prevention of crime.

  • Awareness by the criminal of a high probability of arrest
    is the most effective deterrent to crime.

  • The emotional problems of convicts should be given special

  • Crime stems from the breakdown of traditional social norms.

  • Family and social control are the most effective means of
    crime prevention.

  • In recent years public has demanded longer and hasher
    sentences for offenders.

TASK 4. Give Russian equivalents for the following general types of punishment. Put them in descending order of severity.

  • Capital punishment

  • Community service

  • Disciplinary training in a detention centre

  • Fixed penalty fine


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Chapter II. Crime and Punishment


  • Life imprisonment

  • Probation

  • Short-term imprisonment

  • Suspended sentence

  • Long-term imprisonment

TASK 5. Study the following list of offences. Rate them on a scale from 1 to 10 (1 is a minor offence, 10 is a very serious crime). They are in no particular order. You don't have to apply your knowledge of existing laws — your own opinion is necessary:

П driving in excess of the speed limit

□ common assault (e.g. a fight in a disco-club)
П drinking and driving

П malicious wounding (e.g. stabbing someone in a fight)

  • murdering a policeman during a robbery

  • murdering a child

□ causing death by dangerous driving
П smoking marijuana

П selling drugs (such as heroin)

□ stealing £1,000 from a bank by fraud

П stealing £1,000 worth of goods from someone's home

П rape i

П grievous bodily harm (almost killing someone)

О shop-lifting

LT stealing £1,000 from a bank by threatening someone with

a gun

П possession of a gun without a licence

TASK 6. Which of the sentences listed in Task 4 fit the offences in Task 5? Give your reasons.

TASK 7. Study the authentic cases given below. Discuss each case in class and decide the following:

  1. Was justice done?

  2. If you were the judge, what other facts and circumstances
    would you like to know?

  3. If you were the judge, would you give a different sentence?

  4. Would you choose a lighter sentence, or a more severe one?

  5. How would you have felt if you had been the victim of the

  6. How would you have felt if you had been the defendant?


In 1981 Marianne Bachmeir, from Lubeck, West Germany, was in court watching the trial of Klaus Grabowski, who had murdered her 7 year-old daughter. Grabowski had a history of attacking children. During the trial, Frau Bachmeir pulled a Beretta 22 pistol from her handbag and fired eight bullets, six of which hit Grabowski, killing him. The defence said she had bought the pistol with the intention of committing suicide, but when she saw Grabowski in court she drew the pistol and pulled the trigger. She was found not guilty of murder, but was given six years imprisonment for manslaughter. West German newspapers reflected the opinion of millions of Germans that she should have been freed, calling her 'the avenging mother'.

Crime of Passion

Bernard Lewis, a thirty-six-old man, while preparing dinner became involved in an argument with his drunken wife. In a fit of a rage Lewis, using the kitchen knife with which he had been preparing the meal, stabbed and killed his wife. He immediately called for assistance, and readily confessed when the first patrolman appeared on the scene with the ambulance attendant. He pleaded guilty to manslaughter. The probation department's investigation indicated that Lewis was a rigid individual who never drank, worked regularly, and had no previous criminal record. His thirty-year-old deceased wife, and mother of three children, was a 'fine girl' when sober but was frequently drunk and on a number of occasions when intoxicated had left their small children unattended. After due consideration of the background of the offence and especially of the plight of the three motherless youngsters, the judge placed Lewis on probation so that he could work, support and.take care of the children. On probation Lewis adjusted well, worked regularly, appeared to be devoted to the children, and a few years later was discharged as 'improved' from probation.


In 1952 two youths in Mitcham, London, decided to rob a dairy. They were Christopher Craig, aged 16, and Derek William Bentley, 19. During the robbery they were disturbed by Sydney Miles, a policeman. Craig produced a gun and killed the policeman. At that time Britain still had the death penalty for certain types of murder, including murder during a robbery. Because Craig was


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under 18, he was sentenced to life imprisonment. Bently who had never touched the gun, was over 18. He was hanged in 1953. The case was quoted by opponents of capital punishment, which was abolished in 1965.


In 1976 a drunk walked into a supermarket. When the manager asked him to leave, the drunk assaulted him, knocking out a tooth. A policeman who arrived and tried to stop the fight had his jaw broken. The drunk was fined 10 pounds.


In June 1980 Lady Isabel Barnett, a well-known TV personality was convicted of stealing a tin of tuna fish and a carton of cream, total value 87p, from a small shop. The case was given enormous publicity. She was fined 75 pounds and had to pay 200 pounds towards the cost of the case. A few days later she killed herself.


This is an example of a civil case rather than a criminal one. A man had taken out an insurance policy of 100,000 pounds on his life. The policy was due to expire at 3 o'clock on a certain day. The man was in serious financial difficulties, and at 2.30 on the expire day he consulted his solicitor. He then went out and called a taxi. He asked the driver to make a note of the time, 2.50. He then shot himself. Suicide used not to cancel an insurance policy automatically. (It does nowadays.) The company refused to pay the man'3 wife, and the courts supported them.


  • An eye for an eye and a tooth {or a tooth.

  • Judge not least you be judged.

  • Everyone deserves a second chance.

  • Justice is nothing unless it is tempered with mercy.

Prepare your arguments for or against the statements above. Use the active vocabulary from the Unit. Divide into two groups pro and con, and conduct a debate. Appoint the 'Chair' of the debate who will give the floor to the speakers of both teams.


Chapter II. Crime and Punishment


TASK 1. Match the following headings with the sections of the text below:

  • Effectiveness

  • History

  • Moral aspect

(1) Capital punishment is a legal infliction of the death penalty, in modern law, corporal punishment in its' most severe form. The usual alternative to the death penalty is long-term or life imprisonment.

The earliest historical records contain evidence of capital punishment. It was mentioned in the Code of Hammurabi. The Bible prescribed death as the penalty for more than 30 different crimes, ranging from murder to fornication. The Draconian Code of ancient Greece imposed capital punishment for every offence.

In England, during the reign of William the Conqueror, the death penalty was not used, although the results of interrogation and torture were often fatal. By the end of the 15th century, English law recognised six major crimes: treason, murder, larceny, burglary, rape, and arson. By 1800, more than 200 capital crimes were recognised, and as a result, 1000 or more persons were sentenced to death each year (although most sentences were commuted by royal pardon). In early American colonies the death penalty was commonly authorized for a wide variety of crimes. Blacks, whether slave or free, were threatened with death for many crimes that were punished less severely when committed by whites.

Efforts to abolish the death penalty did not gather momentum until the end of the 18th century. In Europe, a short treatise, On Crimes and Punishments, by the Italian jurist Cesare Beccaria, inspired influential thinkers such as the French philosopher Voltaire to oppose torture, flogging, and the death penalty.

The abolition of capital punishment in England in November 1965 was welcomed by most people with humane and progressive ideas. To them it seemed a departure from feudalism, from the cruel pre-Christian spirit of revenge: an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. Many of these people think differently now. Since the abolition of capital punishment crime — and especially murder — has been on increase throughout Britain. Today, therefore, public opinion in Britain has changed People who before, also in Parliament,


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Chapter II. Crime and Punishment


stated that capital punishment was not a deterrent to murder — for there have always been murders in all countries with or without the law of execution — now feel that killing the assassin is the lesser of two evils. Capital punishment, they think, may not be the ideal answer, but it is better than nothing, especially when, as in England, a sentence of life imprisonment only lasts eight or nine years.

(2) The fundamental questions raised by the death penalty are
whether it is an effective deterrent to violent crime, and whether
it is more effective than the alternative of long-term imprisonment.

DEFENDERS of the death penalty insist that because taking an offender's life is a more severe punishment than any prison term, it must be the better deterrent. SUPPORTERS also argue that no adequate deterrent in life imprisonment is effective for those already serving a life term who commit murder while being in prison, and for revolutionaries, terrorists, traitors, and spies.

In the U.S. those who argue against the death penalty as a deterrent to crime cite the following: (.1) Adjacent states, in which one has a death penalty and the other does not, show no significant differences in the murder rate; (2) states that use the death penalty seem to have a higher number of homicides than states that do not use it; (3) states that abolish and then reintroduce the death penalty do not seem to show any significant change in the murder rate; (4) no change in the rate of homicides in a given city or state seems to occur following an expository execution.

In the early 1970s, some published reports showed that each execution in the U.S. deterred eight or more homicides, but subsequent research has discredited this finding. The current prevailing view among criminologists is that no conclusive evidence exists to show that the death penalty is a more effective deterrent to violent crime than long-term imprisonment.

(3) The classic moral arguments in favor of the death penalty
have been biblical and call for retribution "Whosoever sheds man's
blood, by man shall his blood be shed" has usually been interpreted
as a divine warrant for putting the murderer to death. "Let the
punishment fit the crime" is its secular counterpart; both statements
imply that the murderer deserves to die. DEFENDERS of capital
punishment have also claimed that society has the right to kill in
defence of its members, just as the individual may kill in self-
defence. The analogy to self-defence, however, is somewhat
doubtful, as long as the effectiveness of the death penalty as a
deterrent to violent crimes has not been proved.

The chief objection to capital punishment has been that it is always used unfairly, in at least three major ways. First, women are rarely sentenced to death and executed, even though 20 per cent of all homicides in recent years have been committed by women. Second, a disproportionate number of non-whites are sentenced to death and executed. Third, poor and friendless defendants, those with inexperienced or court-appointed attorney, are most likely to be sentenced to death and executed. DEFENDERS of the death penalty, however, have insisted that, because none of the laws of capital punishment causes sexist, racist, or class' bias in its use, these kinds of discrimination are not a sufficient reason for abolishing the death penalty. OPPONENTS have replied that the death penalty can be the result of a mistake in practice and that it is impossible to administer fairly.

TASK 2. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following words and expressions related to punishment:

  1. возмездие

  2. долгосрочное тюремное заключение

  3. допрос

  4. отбыть срок в тюрьме

  5. отмена смертной казни

  6. пожизненное тюремное заключение

  7. показательная казнь

  8. приговаривать к смерти

  9. пытка

  1. смягчить приговор

  2. телесные наказания

TASK 3. Translate the following passage into English paying special attention to the words in bold type:

На протяжении веков смертная казнь назначалась за самые разные виды преступлений. В средние века человека могли каз­нить за хищение имущества, изнасилование и даже поджог. Государственная измена была и остается во многих странах пре­ступлением, наказуемым смертной казнью. Существует мнение, что даже долгосрочное или пожизненное тюремное заключение является бессмысленным наказанием для так называемых 'идео-

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