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  • Exercise 1. Find in the text the geographical names and read them. Exercise 2. Find in the text numerals and read them. Exercise 3 . Complete the sentences

  • Exercise 5. Find the beginning of the sentences

  • Exercise 6. Supply the Present Perfect Tense of the verbs in brackets.

  • Exercise 7 . Answer the questions saying “yes” and using the verb suggested in the Present Perfect Tense. Example: Are the rooms clean (do)

  • Exercise 8 . Answer the following questions using the Past Perfect Tense. Example: Why didn’t you invite Dick to your party (go to Moscow).

  • Exercise 9 . Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets.

  • Exercise 10 . Make the sentences negative and interrogative.

  • Exercise 11. Answer the questions in negative way using the words in brackets. Example: When did you see her last (since autumn) I haven’t seen her since autumn.

  • Exercise 12.

  • Kazakhstan Read the text Kazakhstan and translate it

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    НазваниеKazakhstan Read the text Kazakhstan and translate it
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    Read the text “Kazakhstan” and translate it.

    In 1991 great political and economic changes took place in the USSR. В 1991 году в СССР произошли большие политические и экономические изменения. After the Union had disintegrated some Republics separated from it. После распада Союза от него отделилось несколько республик. The Union became independent. Союз стал независимым. The government is divided into three branches: legislative (the Parliament), executive (the President and the Prime minister) and judicial (the Supreme Court, the Constitutional Court and Highest Arbitration Court). Правительство разделено на три ветви: законодательную (парламент), исполнительную (президент и премьер-министр) и судебную (Верховный суд, Конституционный суд и Высший арбитражный суд). The Parliament consists of two chambers: the Senate (the upper chamber) and the Mazhilis (the lower chamber). Парламент состоит из двух палат: Сената (верхняя палата) и Мажилиса (нижняя палата). By August, 1995 the Parliament had adopted a new Constitution. К августу 1995 г. парламент принял новую Конституцию. The constitution of Kazakhstan guarantees for all citizens equal rights and liberties irrespective of race, religion, ethnicity, gender, language, social, material or official position or place of residence. Конституция Казахстана гарантирует всем гражданам равные права и свободы независимо от расы, религии, национальности, пола, языка, социального, имущественного или должностного положения, места жительства. Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan. Астана – столица Казахстана. Kazakh is the official language of the country. Казахский язык является официальным языком страны.

    From November 15, 1993 Kazakhstan has its own national currency. С 15 ноября 1993 года в Казахстане действует собственная национальная валюта. The Republic of Kazakhstan is situated in the center of Eurasia and covers the area of 2,7 million square km. Республика Казахстан расположена в центре Евразии и занимает площадь 2,7 млн кв. км. The population of Kazakhstan makes up 16 million people representing more than 100 nationalities. Население Казахстана составляет 16 миллионов человек, представляющих более 100 национальностей.

    It has borders with China in the east, with Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan in the south, and with Russia in the north and west. Граничит с Китаем на востоке, с Кыргызстаном, Узбекистаном и Туркменистаном на юге, с Россией на севере и западе. Boundless as an ocean, beautiful and rich is the land of Kazakhstan. Безбрежна, как океан, прекрасна и богата казахстанская земля.

    The deep landlocked position of Kazakhstan determines Kazakhstan’s sharply continental and extremely droughty climate. Глубокая закрытость Казахстана определяет резко континентальный и крайне засушливый климат Казахстана. Kazakhstan has some 4000 big and small lakes. В Казахстане около 4000 больших и малых озер. The biggest is lake Balkhash (17700 square kilometers) situated in the very heart of the Republic. Самым большим является озеро Балхаш (17700 квадратных километров), расположенное в самом сердце республики.

    The main branches of industry are coal-mining, metallurgical, machine-building and chemical. Основные отрасли промышленности: угледобывающая, металлургическая, машиностроительная и химическая. In the North Kazakhstan wheat barley, oat, and vegetables are cultivated. В Северном Казахстане выращивают пшеницу, ячмень, овес, овощи. In the South of the Republic they cultivate cotton, sugar beet, rice, tobacco and fruits . На юге республики выращивают хлопок, сахарную свеклу, рис, табак, фрукты. There are deposits of copper, polymetallic ores and nickel. Имеются месторождения меди, полиметаллических руд и никеля. Power resources are as follows: the Karaganda coal field , the Ekibastuz coal deposit . Энергоресурсы: Карагандинское угольное месторождение, Экибастузское угольное месторождение. The richest oil fields are located in the West of Kazakhstan. Самые богатые нефтяные месторождения расположены на западе Казахстана.

    Kazakhstan is very rich in land. Казахстан очень богат землей. Arable land covers a large territory of the Republic. Пахотные земли занимают большую территорию республики.

    Kazakhstan is a great scientific ,educational and cultural centre. Казахстан является крупным научным, образовательным и культурным центром. It constantly receives delegations and individual specialists from various countries . Он постоянно принимает делегации и отдельных специалистов из разных стран. Kazakhstan has strengthened relations with all highly developed industrialized countries. Казахстан укрепил отношения со всеми высокоразвитыми промышленно развитыми странами.

    Kazakhstan is a multinational state. Казахстан – многонациональное государство. Over 100 nationalities inhabiting Kazakhstan pursue the principles of peaceful coexistence and cooperation and show an example of good neighbourhood and harmony in relations with different nations. Более 100 национальностей, населяющих Казахстан, придерживаются принципов мирного сосуществования и сотрудничества и показывают пример добрососедства и согласия в отношениях с разными народами.

    Active vocabulary.

    separate отдельный

    independent независимый

    unanimously единогласно

    to elect Выбирать

    executive исполнительный

    to adopt усыновлять

    border граница

    to locate найти

    droughty засушливый

    pursue преследовать

    strengthen укреплять

    neighbourhood район

    coexistence сосуществование

    harmony гармония
    Questions to the text.
    1) Where is the Republic of Kazakhstan situated?
    The Republic of Kazakhstan is situated in the center of Eurasia.

    2) What is the capital of Kazakhstan?
    Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan.

    3) What is the population of Kazakhstan?
    The population of Kazakhstan makes up 16 million people representing more than 100 nationalities.

    4) Kazakhstan is very rich in land, isn’t it?
    Yes it is.

    5) What do you know about the climate of our country?
    The deep landlocked position of Kazakhstan determines Kazakhstan’s sharply continental and extremely droughty climate.

    6) How many kilometers from north to south does it stretch?
    The Republic of Kazakhstan covers the area of 2,7 million square km.

    7)What countries does Kazakhstan border on ?
    It has borders with China in the east, with Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan in the south, and with Russia in the north and west.

    8)What rivers of Kazakhstan do you know?
    I know such rivers as the Irtysh, Ural, Syrdarya, Tobol, Ili, Chu, Wil, Irgiz, Ilek.

    9)What is the biggest lake?
    The biggest is lake Balkhash (17700 square kilometers) situated in the very heart of the Republic.

    10)What natural resources is Kazakhstan rich in?
    Kazakhstan is very rich in land. Arable land covers a large territory of the Republic. There are deposits of copper, polymetallic ores and nickel. Power resources are as follows: the Karaganda coal field , the Ekibastuz coal deposit . The richest oil fields are located in the West of Kazakhstan.
    Exercise 1. Find in the text the geographical names and read them.
    Exercise 2. Find in the text numerals and read them.
    Exercise 3 .Complete the sentences:

    1. Kazakhstan is situated in …..

    2. It stretches …….

    3. It has borders …….

    4. Kazakhstan is divided into ……..

    5. The capital of Kazakhstan ……

    6. Kazakhstan is very rich ….

    7. The population…….

    8 . The Parliament consists……

    9 . The deep landlocked position…..

    10. The main branches of industry…..
    Exercise 4 Insert the words:
    1. In 1991 great political and economic changes …..in the USSR.

    2.By August, 1995 the Parliament …..a new Constitution.

    3. Kazakh is the …….of the country.

    4.Kazakhstan’s …….and extremely droughty climate.

    5.The main branches of industry are……. machine-building and chemical.

    6. There are deposits of ……….and nickel.

    7. The richest oil fields …….in the West of Kazakhstan.

    8. Kazakhstan is a great ……….centre.

    9. Kazakhstan ……relations with all highly developed industrialized capitalist countries.

    10. Over 100 nationalities inhabiting Kazakhstan pursue the principles of ……..and show an example of good neighbourhood and harmony in relations with different nations.

    Exercise 5. Find the beginning of the sentences

    1. ………..some Republics separated from it.

    2. ………..: legislative (the Parliament), executive (the President and the Prime minister) and judicial (the Supreme Court, the Constitutional Court and Highest Arbitration Court), The Parliament consists of two chambers: the Senate (the upper chamber) and the Mazhilis (the lower chamber).

    3. ……..equal rights and liberties irrespective of race, religion, ethnicity, gender, language, social, material or official position or place of residence.

    4. …………in the center of Eurasia and covers the area of 2,7 million square km.

    5. ……..of Kazakhstan determines Kazakhstan’s sharply continental and extremely droughty climate.

    6. ………is lake Balkhash (17700 square kilometers) situated in the very heart of the Republic.

    7. ………are coal-mining, metallurgical, machine-building and chemical.

    8. ……….of copper, polimetalic ores and nickel.

    9. ………..are located in the West of Kazakhstan.

    10. ……covers a large territory of the Republic.

    Exercise 6. Supply the Present Perfect Tense of the verbs in brackets.

    1. I (not get) the grant this year.

    2. The settlers (leave) the bay forever.

    3. He (not answer) my letter yet.

    4. You ever (eat) caviar?

    5. She recently (become) a student.

    6. They (travel) across England.

    7. How long you (be) here?

    8. My friend (buy) a new car.

    9. I (lose) my gloves.

    10. I never (ride) a camel.

    Exercise 7 . Answer the questions saying “yes” and using the verb suggested in the Present Perfect Tense.

    Example: Are the rooms clean? (do)

    Yes, My mother has done them.

    1. Does she know about the territory of U.K.? (read)

    2. Is breakfast ready? (cook)

    3. Do you know how tasty the pie is? (eat)

    4. Is she at home? (come)

    5. Are the papers ready? (type)

    6. Do you know the melody? (hear many times)

    7. Can you speak on the subject? (read about it)

    8. Is Ann on holiday? (go to Scotland.)

    9. Are you ready with the report? (write it)

    10. Can you do this work? (finish it)

    Exercise 8 . Answer the following questions using the Past Perfect Tense.

    Example: Why didn’t you invite Dick to your party? (go to Moscow).

    - Because he had gone to Moscow.

    1. Why did she refuse to go to the pictures with you? (see the film)

    2. Why couldn’t you get into the flat? (lose the key).

    3. Why did you come so soon from your holiday? (spend all the money).

    4. Why didn’t you see Ann on Sunday? (go for the weekend).

    5. Why did you rush to the cloak-room during the first break? (leave the books there)

    6. Why didn’t you ring Tom up? (quarrel with him)

    7. Why didn’t Mike bring the photos to the party? (not develop them)

    8. Why didn’t you send him a letter at once? (send a telegram).

    9. Why didn’t you cook salad? (not buy vegetables).

    10. Why did he feel so upset? (lose his job).

    Exercise 9 . Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets.

    1. We walked home after ( to finish the work in the garden)

    2. They thought that (she not come yet)

    3. Did you ever see him after he (graduate from the university)

    4. I went down to the bench after (to go away).

    5. Before she entered the Medical Institute she (to work as a nurse).

    6. The girl felt easier after she (to speak to him)

    7. When I turned round ( she to go out of the room)

    8. When mother came home (children to go to bed)

    9. She didn’t want to speak to him (after they to quarrel)

    10. He couldn’t believe that (we to do it for ourselves).

    Exercise 10 . Make the sentences negative and interrogative.

    1. She will have cooked dinner by the time you come.

    2. The teacher will have looked through all exercise-books by the end of the week.

    3. The film will already have started when we get there.

    4. I shall have read the book by the next Monday.

    5. My parents will have gone to bed when we come back from the theatre.

    6. The students will have passed their exams by July.

    7. We shall have finished our work by the time the bell rings.

    8. By next winter he will have sold all his things.

    9. We shall have solved this difficult problem by the end of the week.

    Exercise 11. Answer the questions in negative way using the words in brackets.

    Example: When did you see her last? (since autumn)

    I haven’t seen her since autumn.

    1. When did it rain last? (since September)

    2. When did you last eat caviar? (for ages)

    3. When did you play chess last (since last weekend)

    4. When did he write to you last? (for along time)

    5. When did your brother last go to London? (since last winter)

    6. When did you last ride a horse? (for a month)

    7. When did you last visit her? (since last month)

    8. When did your boy-friend give you a present last? (since my birthday)

    9. When did you buy fruits last (for two days)

    10. When did she last see her? (for many years )

    Exercise 12. Say what is the true and what is false.

    1. The Republic of Kazakhstan is situated in the South of Eurasia.

    2. The population of Kazakhstan makes up 14,9 million people representing more than 50 nationalities.

    3. The climate in Kazakhstan is tropical.

    4. Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan.

    5. English is the official language of the country.

    6 .Kazakhstan occupies the third territory in the world.

    7.It is situated not far from Great Britain

    8.From November 15, 1993 Kazakhstan has its own national currency.

    9.The population of Kazakhstan makes up 16 million people representing more than 100 nationalities.

    10.The richest oil fields are located in the West of Kazakhstan.

    Exercise 13. Reproduce the situations using the phrases :

    1. economic changes took place in the USSR

    2. after the Union had disintegrated

    3. a new Constitution

    4. the constitution of Kazakhstan guarantees

    5. the Republic of Kazakhstan is situated

    6. the population of Kazakhstan makes up

    7. it has borders

    8. Kazakhstan’s sharply continental and extremely droughty climate

    9. the main branches of industry

    10. the richest oil fields

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