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  • КОГНИТИВНО-ЛИНГВОКУЛЬТУРНЫЙ АНАЛИЗ ФРАЗЕОЛОГИЗМОВ. Статья Ағыбай Анар. Когнитивнолингвокультурный анализ фразеологизмов

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    Ағыбай Анар Әлімсейтқызы

    магистрант, Казахский Университет

    Международных Отношений и Мировых

    Языков имени Абылай хана,

    Казахстан, г. Алматы

    Джельдыбаева Раушан Базикенқызы

    канд. филол. наук, доцент,

    Казахский Университет

    Международных Отношений и Мировых

    Языков имени Абылай хана,

    Казахстан, г. Алматы


    Anar Agybay

    master’s degree student

    Kazakh Ablai khan University of International

    Relations and World Languages
    Raushan Jeldybayeva

    candidate of philological sciences, associate professor

    Kazakh Ablai khan University of International


    Целью данной статьи является провести анализ перевода фразеологических единиц с английского на казахский язык. В анализе будет преобладать когнитивно-лингвокультурологический аспект фразеологических единиц. Приведены примеры фразеологических единиц на английском языке и подобраны эквиваленты на казахском языке. Анализ показал, что перевод фразеологических единиц невозможен без познавательных и культурологических знаний.


    The purpose of this article is to analyze the translation of phraseological units from English into Kazakh. The analysis will be dominated by the cognitive-linguocultural aspect of phraseological units. Examples of phraseological units are given in English and equivalents in Kazakh are chosen. The analysis showed that the translation of phraseological units is impossible without cognitive and cultural knowledge.

    Ключевые слова: фразеологические единицы, идиома, перевод, лингвокогнитивный анализ.

    Key words: phraseological units, idiom, translation, linguocognitive analysis.

    In our time any addressed speech or text involves influencing the reader or listener through the use of stable phrases and phraseological units that make clear imagery, originality, emotional and evaluative mood of author. These stable word combinations are the historical, cultural, clear emotional and evaluative layer of language. Due to the complicated, complex nature of the meaning of phraseological units, it was included in a special linguistic category and began to be studied as a separate discipline. It becomes more and more important to establish contact with representatives of another country, nations that have their own layer of stable phrases. This is made possible by translation. In order to get an adequate translation of such linguistic categories, it is necessary to consider them from the point of view of linguocognitive, linguocultural analysis. In this regard, this article will focus on the analysis of translations of these directions.

    Globalization which takes place in the world has increased the closeness of economic ties between countries. From this perspective, it becomes relevant to search for ways to increase the level of mutual understanding and cooperation between representatives of international business. As in any speech, stable phrases, idioms and metaphors also predominate in economic discourse. It should be noted that in English linguistics the term “idiom” is often used, and it refers to all set expressions in general [1]. Relevance of this topic – the ability to interpret them correctly means deep understanding of the language. Another reason for this may be the fact that even if you have grammatical knowledge and vocabulary, sometimes you do not understand foreigner’s text or speech. The reason of this may be the lack of the idiom knowledge. That is why it is important to search the ways to translate set phrases which people use in economic sphere.

    According to V. V. Vinogradov, a idiom includes phraseological units, fusions, combinations and expressions, and an idiom - an indivisible combination - refers to phraseological fusions [2]. Idiomatic expressions in the modern understanding of the subject of phraseology are classified as a narrow direction, in contrast to catchphrases, proverbs, sayings, aphorisms, compound definitions, complex prepositions, complex conjunctions, descriptive and analytical turns of speech from a broad direction [3]. The semantic fusion of phraseological units can vary within fairly wide range: from the non-derivation of the meaning of a phraseological unit from its constituent words in phraseological fusions (idioms) to phraseological combinations with a meaning arising from the meanings that make up the PU [4].

    The most active in the formation of idiomatic expressions are lexemes associated with the perception of the world, its knowledge and causing associations with life, feelings, physical and mental labor in a particular language community [5]. One good example for this – “to be/live in clover”. This idiom is translated into Kazakh as “ ішкені алдында, ішпегені артында”, which means to live happily, to live well, do not have any troubles. Originally this expression sounded like “a cow is / lives in clover”. It’s known that cows prefer clover to grass, thanks to it cow is quickly fattened [1]. Subsequently, this expression began to be used to emphasize the contented state of a person. Equivalent to this expression in Kazakh language is the phrase “ішкені алдында, ішпегені артында”. The verb “іш” means to drink, “ішпе” - not to drink, and the direction of action “алды” - forward, “арты” - behind. According to the literal translation of this phrase, you can understand from this that what a person wants he already has it, and what he did not get yet, he will get it a little bit later, and he has no problems with prosperity.

    Let’s consider following examples:

    “Too many cooks spoil the broth” in Kazakh equivalent is “қойшы көп болса, қой арам өледі”. This idiom means that when many people are involved in one job, its result may not always be successful. The source could be the fact that soup (broth) is essentially a very simple dish, but when several cooks take on its preparation, its result can be deplorable, since it’s known that everyone have their own taste. The Kazakh equivalent of this idiom, as already mentioned, is “қойшы көп болса, қой арам өледі”. It is known that from ancient times the Kazakh people paid great attention to cattle breeding. It was the main source of wealth for them. Today Kazakhs also pay great attention to this area of activity. The word “қойшы” means a shepherd, and “қой” - a sheep, “көп” - many, “арам” - malicious, and the verb “өлу” - to die. That is, the full equivalent of the expression “too many cooks spoil the broth”, only with a cultural flavor of Kazakh nation.

    “A cash cow” is translated as “табыс көзі”, which means a source of income. Initially, the idiom in English was “milch cow”, which meant a cow that gives milk, which, in fact, is the main source of income for farmers. It should be noted that this type of activity is the main business for the two nations. The Kazakh word “табыс” is translated as “income”, and “көз” in this context is “source”, not “eye”. Therefore, it becomes obvious that the connotative meaning of the word is used.

    The stable phrase “not have two pennies/nickels to rub together” has the Kazakh equivalent of “көк тиыны болмау”. It should be noted that in Britain, after silver, pennies began to be minted from copper, hence their depreciation. And in Kazakh language, “тиын” always means a small amount of money, and the word “көк” sometimes associates a positive meaning in such phrases as “көк — аспан” – blue, cloudless sky, and a negative meaning, for example, in the word “көкбет”, which means "unyielding, irreverent", and in this idiom also has a negative meaning.

    Translation of “to live (from) hand to mouth” is “шала құрсақ өмір сүру” which means barely making ends meet, living very poorly. This idiom originated from the events that took place during the Great Depression, that was a very difficult time. People did not know when they could eat again, and stuffed their mouths with everything that fell into their hands. This idiom was born with such literal meaning. In the Kazakh translation, we see such components as: “шала” - half, “құрсақ” - the womb, “өмір сүру” - to live. From this combination, you can deduce the concept - to live by half, which means to live in poverty.

    “Money talks” - “бәрін ақша шешеді” means that everything is decided by money. It is thought the etymology of this idiom is obvious – money gives unlimited power. In order to convey this expression into Kazakh, the meaning was transferred with clarification, the word “бәрі” can be used both for everything and everyone, the word “money” was translated directly - “ақша”, and the key word here is the verb “шешу” – to decide/solve something. So we get the expression – money is everything.

    The scientific paradigm shift contributed to a change in the view on the definition of phraseology. In contrast to the “traditional” phraseology, which considers phraseological units only as units of the language system, within the framework of the cognitive approach, phraseological units are most often defined from the item of the language-phenomenon, as “microtexts are drawn into its conceptualization all types of information that are typical for displaying the situation in the text, but presented in phraseological units in the form of “convolution”, ready for use as text in the text. It is within the framework of the cognitive approach that the meaning of a phraseological unit begins to be perceived not just as a construct, but as “a property of linguistic consciousness, a real source of information that works as a unit of a language code” [6].

    Thus, we see that it is not so easy to translate this linguistic category such as idioms. Their meaning cannot be conveyed by literal translation, and the equivalent is not always found. Only by knowing the cultural characteristics and cognitive activity of the target community, by passing through yourself the linguo-cognitive and linguo-cultural aspects, you can get an adequate translation. And it is worth noting that when it comes to figurative expressions, the above mentioned aspects always go in parallel.

    As it’s already been seen, the examples which is given above are results of historical events, circumstances and incidents that the people have undergone. And their use helps to express the spirit imprinted in them, and to reduce the time of speaking, as it is known that set phrases can express more than ordinary words. And some of them, depending on the scope of use, even develop into terms. After all, the language is also modified like the world. All of the aforesaid confirms the importance of further study of the topic raised.


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    2. Виноградов В. В. Об основных типах фразеологических единиц в русском языке // Виноградов В. В. Избранные труды. Лексикология и лексикография. М.: Наука, 1977. С. 140-161.

    3. Шанский Н. М. Фразеология современного русского языка. М.: Высшая школа, 1985. 160 с.

    4. Васьбиева Д.Г. Использование английских идиом о финансах в экономическом дискурсе

    5. Соколова Г.Г. Курс фразеологии французского языка. Изд-е 2-е, испр. и доп. М.: Высшая школа, 2010. 175 с.

    6. Телия В.Н. Русская фразеология: семантический, прагматический и лингвокультурологический аспекты. – М.: Шк. «Языки рус. культуры», 1996. – 288 с.

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