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  • Завдання 1.2 If my income increases, I will accumulate funds in the account and buy expensive goods

  • Long-term planning of tariffs and banking operations decided contradictions in the national economy and led to economic growth and prosperity

  • Assistance (assistance) from the authorities was limited. (

  • The board of directors acknowledged that the company had suffered losses and would be forced to borrow money. (

  • The manager has been influencing staff for 2 years before the company was able to compete and achieve economic independence

  • Is foreign exchange rate fluctuations acceptable (

  • 1-ша Контрольна робота. Контрольна робота Колісніченко Вячеслав Менеджент 15. 07 Завдання 1 mutual benefit взаємна користь

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    Контрольна робота № 1. Колісніченко Вячеслав Менеджент 15.07

    Завдання 1.1

    1. mutual benefit – взаємна користь

    2. to accumulate – накопичувати

    3. to settle trade disputes – вирішувати протиріччя

    4. dominance over the others – перевага над іншими

    5. legislative – законодавчий

    6. to promote – сприяти

    7. subsistence level – прожитковий рівень

    8. economic stagnation – економічний застій

    9. rampant infl ation – нестримна інфляція

    10. lending – позика

    11. to attract investment capital – залучати інвестиції

    12. principles of international finance – принципи міжнародного фінансування

    13. to qualify – кваліфікувати

    14. foreign exchange market – ринок іноземної валюти

    15. exchange rate – валютний курс

    16. to conduct transactions – проводити банківські операції

    17. defi cit ceiling – максимальний розмір дефіциту

    Завдання 1.2

    1. If my income increases, I will accumulate funds in the account and buy expensive goods. (Якщо мій прибуток зросте, я буду накопичувати кошти на рахунку і купувати дорогі товари.)

    2. Long-term planning of tariffs and banking operations decided contradictions in the national economy and led to economic growth and prosperity.( Довгострокове планування тарифів і банківських операцій вирішило протиріччя в національній економіці і призвело до економічного зростання і процвітання.)

    3. Assistance (assistance) from the authorities was limited.(Сприяння(допомога) органів влади була обмежена.)

    4. Due to market reforms, public funds have reduced investment in small business from January to October last year.( З причин ринкових реформ державні фонди зменшували інвестування в малий бізнес з січня по жовтень минулого року.)

    5. The board of directors acknowledged that the company had suffered losses and would be forced to borrow money.( Рада директорів визнала, що компанія зазнала збитків і буде змушена брати кошти в борг.)

    6. The manager has been influencing staff for 2 years before the company was able to compete and achieve economic independence.( Керівник здійснював вплив на персонал впродовж 2 років, перш ніж компанія змогла конкурувати і досягти економічної незалежності.)

    7. Is foreign exchange rate fluctuations acceptable?( Коливання курсу іноземної валюти прийнятне?)

    Завдання 3.

    1. Thus international trade has been and continuous to be a force that engenders both cooperation and confl ict between societies. ( What is the role of trade in cooperation and conflict between societies?)

    2. First, a vote may be required for interpretation of existing multilateral trade agreements. Second, a vote may be necessary to waive an obligation assumed under trading agreements. Third amendments to existing

    multilateral agreement require ministerial approval. Finally. No WTO

    decision or ruling has required a vote of the Ministerial Conference.

    1. The U.N is based on several complementary principles. First, The U.N is founded on the principle of the sovereign equality of all members. Second, U.N members voluntarily accept responsibility to carry out certain international obligations upon joining the U.N. The third founding principle is the peaceful settlement of disputes. Fourth, member states agree not to threaten or use force. Fifth, the U.N is enjoined from intervening in the domestic jurisdiction of member states.

    2. Economic development can occur only if states integrate into a global economy based on free trade, specialization and an international devision of labor governments that interfere with the price mechanism.

    3. The World Bank Group consists of four distinct but interrelated parts – the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the International Development Association (IDA) and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA).

    4. The Board of Governors, which meets at least once a year provides long-term strategy for the Bank.

    5. The International Monetary Fund coordinates international currency exchange, the balance of international payments and national accounts.

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