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ТипКонтрольная работа

Министерство науки и высшего образования и Российской Федерации

федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования

«Северный (Арктический) федеральный университет имени М.В. Ломоносова»

Кафедра английского языка

(наименование кафедры)


по дисциплине Иностранный язык (английский)

Задание 1. Прочитайте текст и выполните задания к нему.

Online Degree vs. Traditional University: Pros and Cons

By Grantham University 


Now is the time many traditional college campuses are enrolling students for the fall semester. Maybe you’ve thought about going back to school, but aren’t sure how to make it work with your schedule. Perhaps an online degree is the right choice to fit your life. There are pros and cons to weigh for both educational approaches. Here's a general list designed to get you started. B

Convenience: Do you have a full-time job? Are you an active member in the military? Do you have family members, including children, at home for whom you care? Whatever the reason, not everyone can make time to sit in a lecture hall at 11 a.m. five days a week. If this sounds familiar, an online education would be ideal because of the flexible nature of classes offered. You complete your degree while balancing your work and family responsibilities.

Ability to Set Your Own Pace: Some online degree programs have frequent start dates - some even weekly (now monthly at Grantham). This allows you the opportunity to complete courses quickly.

Affordability: Not all online degrees are more affordable than traditional or community college rates, but some are. Enrolling in an online degree program ensures you don’t have to spend money on gas, parking or child care.

Cultural Diversity: Online students are in class with faculty members and students from around the globe.

Technology Benefits: Taking classes online and becoming more comfortable with technology will help you in your career. Been on a job interview lately? Employers will naturally like your professional demeanor and upbeat attitude, but a wide range of practical experience with computer software could set you apart from the competition.


Time management required: Sure, completing homework at your convenience and on your schedule is a nice perk of enrolling in an online course. But you still have to have the discipline to finish assignments with a deadline in place. If you work 40 hours a week, budgeting time for homework could present challenges. If discipline is a concern, we already mapped out five time management tips to help.

Limited face-to-face interaction: You’ll still get to meet other students in an online setting, but it will typically be via chat rooms or class discussion threads. If you don’t mind independent learning (conversely, built-in support systems through discussion boards exist in many online settings) with limited live interaction, this won’t be a problem.

Natural technology problems: Sometimes, you don’t have any control over a situation, such as when a computer experiences an operation failure. A huge storm may knock out your internet connection. Without the Internet, you cannot complete your online course work. Make sure you have a backup plan in the event of a power issue. It always seems to happen during the most inopportune time.


Networking opportunities: Naturally, you meet more people face-to-face while attending a traditional university. As a result, your contacts will grow, and your networking opportunities will increase. (Of course, for employers paying for tuition reimbursement, this may mean that your employees are networking with future employers.)

Experience new places: This holds greater significance for out-of-state students who are not familiar with their university’s town. For some students, experiencing a different part of the country (or the world) is a valuable part of going to school that assists in areas of maturity, diversity and social opportunity.

On-site facilities: Students who enroll in a traditional university have the opportunity to take advantage of the institution’s many facilities, including the student union, gym, and athletic stadium.


Strict scheduling: Sometimes enrolling in a specific course at a traditional university can present scheduling challenges, particularly for non-traditional students. If a desired course is only offered during the day, it’s difficult for working adults to set aside their full-time job just to sign up.

Affordability: Cost will vary, but admission into a traditional university, especially if it’s out of state, won’t come cheap.

Limited personal attention: This is particularly true in bigger state universities, where undergraduate lecture halls packed to the brim with 400-500 students is commonplace. One-on-one instruction doesn’t exist as much in these types of settings.


Take some time to carefully prioritize what’s most important at this stage in your life. Of course, you should cater this list of pros and cons to your personal circumstances to decide what's best for you. Whatever you decide, Grantham University wishes you every success in meeting your educational goals.


Задание к тексту:

1) Сопоставьте заголовки с абзацами текста (под буквами A,B, C, D, E, F)


Traditional University. Cons


Online Education. Pros


Traditional Education. Pros


Online Degree. Cons






2) Распределите выделенные в тексте слова по категориям.

Online Education

Traditional Education





Критерии оценивания:

Количество баллов рассчитывается, исходя из количества правильных ответов (задание 1 – max. 6 правильных ответов, задание 2 – max. 14 правильных ответов).

18-20 правильных ответов – 3 балла

15-17 правильных ответов – 2 балла

11-14 правильных ответов – 1 балл

10 и менее правильных ответов– 0 баллов (задание не выполнено)

Задание 2. Заполните пропуски в предложениях словами из текста

  1. Our University ………… include a library, a swimming pool, gyms, stadiums, etc.

  2. Practical …………. can set you apart from the competition.

  3. …………….is the process of organizing your time between different activities.

  4. Social ……………. sites help students keep in touch with their families and friends.

  5. Some online courses provide an opportunity to set your own……..

Критерии оценивания:

Количество баллов рассчитывается, исходя из количества правильных ответов (max. 5 правильных ответов).

5 правильных ответов – 3 балла

4 правильных ответов – 2 балла

3 правильных ответов – 1 балл

2 и менее правильных ответов– 0 баллов (задание не выполнено)

Задание 3. Выразите свое мнение (10-15 предложений) по одной из предложенных тем, используя 6 – 10 фраз из следующего списка:
Useful language:
Giving opinion

  • I strongly/firmly believe/think/feel ... • In myopinion/view ... • To my mind ... • It seems/appearsto me (that)... • My opinion is that... • I(do not)agree that/with ... • As far as I am concerned ... • I (completely) agree/disagree with/that ...

Listing viewpoints

  • Firstly, ... • Moreover, ... • Also, ... • In addition,... * Furthermore,...

Introducing opposing viewpoints

  • However, ... • On the other hand, ...

Introducing reasons/examples

  • For example/instance, ... such as... •In this way, ... • because/as/since ...

Introducing results

Therefore,... * As a result, ... •Then,.,. • Consequently, • In this way, ...


  • All in all, ... • All things considered, ... To conclude, ... • In conclusion

Ваше рассуждение должно включать вступление (1- 2 предложения), основную часть и заключение (1 – 2 предложения).

Примерные темы

Comment on the following statement. What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?

  • Distance learning is the perfect alternative to traditional education.

  •  Some people believe that a higher education is necessary nowadays, while others consider they can easily do without it.

  • Some people believe that reading is too time-consuming while others are real bookworms. 

  • It is nearly impossible to find a lifelong friend on social networking sites.

Критерии оценивания:

- выполнение коммуникативной задачи (отражены все необходимые и достаточные компоненты задания, стиль и регистр письменной работы соответствуют цели высказывания и адресату) – 1 балл;

- организация текста (работа логична, характеризуется языковой и смысловой связностью, правильно структурно оформлена) – 1 балл;

- лексико-грамматическое, орфографическое и пунктуационное оформление текста (работа выполнена грамотно, ошибки практически отсутствуют) – 1 балл.

Задание 4. Проанализируйте свой опыт выполнения контрольной работы №1, заполните таблицу.


Did I like doing test paper 1? Yes / No. Why?


What task was easy for me? Why?


What task was difficult for me? Why?


What task was interesting for me? Why?


What would I change in the test paper if I were a teacher? Why?


What should I do to write test paper 2 better? Explain your answer.

Критерии для оценивания рефлексии

Обучающийся дает обоснованные ответы на все вопросы (1-3 предложения по каждому вопросу), анализирует и критически оценивает свою работу, свои трудности и проблемы, а также вырабатывает новые идеи и способы действия с целью улучшения собственного процесса обучения – 1 балл.

Общее количество баллов за контрольную работу выводится путем суммирования баллов за все элементы контрольной работы.
Шкала перевода баллов в отметки


Количество баллов

«2» неудовлетворительно, не зачтено

6 и менее

«3» удовлетворительно


«4» хорошо


«5» отлично



Зелянина С.Н.

Найденова И.Н.

  1. Представьте, что Вы получили сообщение Анжелы. Напишите ей ответ, пользуясь планом и тематической лексикой и предложенными конструкциями. (Объем 80-120 слов.)


Paragraph 1 age, family, work/study

Paragraph 2 personality (good sides)

Paragraph 3 hobbies and interests

Paragraph 4 any negative things?
Useful language: describing a person

He’s quite/very, etc. + positive adjective (e.g. friendly, outgoing, etc.)

She’s a bit + negative adjective (e.g. untidy, shy, etc.)

He likes/loves/doesn’t mind + verb +-ing

She’s happy to + infinitive

He’s good with children/at making new friends

  1. Write a description of your house or flat for a house rental website.

Paragraph 1 A brief introduction. What kind of house/flat is it? Where is it exactly?

Paragraph 2 Describe the house I flat. What rooms does it have? Does it have any special characteristics?

Paragraph 3 Describe the neighbourhood. How far is it from places of interests, public transport,

Paragraph 4 Say who the house flat is suitable for. Are there any restrictions?

Useful language: describing location

It is perfectly situated in ...

walking distance from ...

a (fifteen-minute) walk from ...

a short drive from ...

The neighbourhood is (safe, friendly, et c.) ...

It's a (beautiful) area ...

  1. Write a review about a film you would recommend people to see at the cinema.

Paragraph 1 The name of the film, the director, the stars, and any prizes it won

Paragraph 2 Where and when it is set? Where it was filmed

Paragraph 3 The plot

Paragraph4 Why you recommend the film

Useful language: describing a film

It was directed I written by...

It is set in...

It is based on the book...

It's about...

It stars ... In the end ...

My favourite scene is ...

I strongly recommend (the film) because ...

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