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  • Выберите подходящее по смыслу местоимение

  • VI. Дополните предложения словами из предложенного списка: married, farmers, lazy, economist, baby, dream, well-paid, country, pleased, colour, fond of, pensioner, money

  • VII. Переведите предложения на английский язык

  • VIII. Подберите к словам их точное толкование

  • IX. Переведите следующий текст на русский язык

  • Кр англ. Контрольная работа 1 Статов И Ю. Контрольная работа 1 Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму. My sister is three years old

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    НазваниеКонтрольная работа 1 Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму. My sister is three years old
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    контрольные работы
    Контрольная работа № 1

      1. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму.

          1. My sister is three years old.

          2. I have two books. They are interesting.

          3. Are you a student?

          4. Mary has a new bag.

          5. I am Russian.

          6. How old are your brother.

          7. Peter has many friends at the University.

          8. What are your friend's hobby.

          9. We are Cambridge University students.

          10. They have two cousins.

      1. Выберите подходящее по смыслу местоимение:

                1. I am English.

    1. It is a dog.

    2. They have a very nice cat.

    3. We are cousins.

    4. He has two pets at home.

    5. We are in London now.

    6. It has four legs.

    7. She has a book in her hand.

    8. We are good students.

    9. I am happy

    III. Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу местоимениями.

    1. His name is Steve. 2. This is my family. 3. And this is my elder sister. 4. My name is Alice. 5. He is married. 6. Her husband is a lawyer. 7. I have a small daughter. 8. Alice and her husband have a dog. 9. It is a pet. 10. His name is Rex.

    IV. Переделайте предложения, употребив подлежащее во множественное число.

    1. These are cats.

    2. Those are men.

    3. These are cars.

    4. The doors are open.

    5. Those are desks.

    6. Are these near?

    7. Are these houses?

    8. The girls are in the street.

    9. They are doctors.

    10. They are outside the hotel.

    V. Задайте по одному вопросу к каждому предложению:

    1. Is she your aunt?

    2. Are they good students?

    3. Are those nice car?

    4. Am I a teacher?

    5. Have we got a son?

    6. Are you my friend?

    7. Has she got an interesting book?

    8. Have they got a bid house?

    9. Has he a daughter?

    10. Are you happy?

    VI. Дополните предложения словами из предложенного списка: married, farmers, lazy, economist, baby, dream, well-paid, country, pleased, colour, fond of, pensioner, money

    1. I am married and I have a small baby.

    2. My parents live in the country They are farmers.

    3. His dream is to have a well-paid job.

    4. It is only a dream because he is rather lazy.

    5. My sister's husband is a good economist.

    6. Are they pleased to meet Helen?

    7. What colour is your new car? - It's dark blue.

    8. My son is fond of collecting stamps.

    9. His grandfather is old and he is pensioner now.

    10. Her husband is a lawyer and he makes a lot of money.

    VII. Переведите предложения на английский язык:

    1. This is my family. These are my parents.

    2. My older brother is a University student. He's always very busy.

    3. What does their daughter?

    4. Do you have a pet? «Yes, it's a dog, its name is Bertha, and it's smart and good.»

    5. He has many relatives in Moscow?

    6. My sister's husband is a businessman, his interests include jazz and football.

    7. Anna, come here, please. Meet my friend David.. He's from Cambridge, England.

    8. How old is your sister? «She's only three years old.»

    9. Your brother married? «No, he's single.»

    10. I want to become an economist, but I'm afraid it's only a dream, because I'm very lazy.
    VIII. Подберите к словам их точное толкование:
    1. single e) to be not married

    2. relatives i) members of a family

    3. to be busy d) to be occupied with doing smth

    4. niece b) aunt or uncle's son.

    5. father-in-law c) the father of smb's wife.

    6. cousin g) daughter of your brother or sister

    7. student h) person who is studing at college or university

    8. housewife f) a woman who spends her time looking after house

    9. lawyer j) person who has studied law and can advise people on legal matters

    10. clerk a)a person who works in an office.

    IX. Переведите следующий текст на русский язык:

    Miss Clara Flight is a pretty girl with a good figure and an interesting face. She is a secretary in an office in London. She is a good secretary and a hard-working girl. Clara is fond of pop-music and films. She wants to be a film-star. She is a regular cinema-goer. She has got a good collection of pop-records and a TV. Clara is fond of travelling, and she wants to visit Paris and Hollywood.
    Мисс Клара Флайт - симпатичная девушка с хорошей фигурой и интересным лицом. Она работает секретаршей в лондонском офисе. Она хорошая секретарша и трудолюбивая девушка. Клара увлекается поп-музыкой и фильмами. Она хочет стать кинозвездой. Она регулярно ходит в кино. У нее есть хорошая коллекция поп-пластинок и телевизор. Клара любит путешествовать, и она хочет посетить Париж и Голливуд.
    X. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

    1. What sort of girl is Clara Flight?

    1. Clara Flight is a pretty girl with a good figure and an interesting face

    1. What is she fond of?

    1. She is fond of pop-music, films and travelling.

    3. What places does she want to visit?

    1. She wants to visit Paris and Hollywood.

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