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  • 2). Выберите соответствующее местоимение

  • 3). Выберите правильную форму наречия

  • (1) Nesson House Newell Street Birmingham B3 3EL Telephone No.: 021 236 6371 (2) 6 February 2019

  • (5) We were impressed by the selection of sweaters that were displayed on your stand at the ‘Menswear Exhibition that was held in Hamburg last month.

  • If these conditions interest you, and you can meet orders of over 500 garments at one time, please send us your current catalogue and price- list. We hope to hear from you soon.

  • Бирмингем B 3 3 EL Телефон: 021 236 6371 (2) 6 февраля 2019 г. (3) Сатекс С.п.А. Виа ди Пьетра Папа 00146

  • (5) Нас впечатлил выбор свитеров, представленных на вашем стенде на «Выставке мужской одежды», которая прошла в прошлом месяце в Гамбурге.

  • Мы надеемся услышать от вас скоро. (6) С уважением, (7) Л. Крейн Главный закупщик

  • проверочная работа. англ.яз. Контрольная работа 2 variant 2 i выберите правильную форму существительного во множественном числе

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    Контрольная работа №2



    1). Выберите правильную форму существительного во множественном числе:

    1.Tuition fees are calculated per academic year.

    1) Tuition fee

    2) Tuition fees

    2. The most prominent graduates of St. Petersburg University are two Russian Presidents.

    1) graduates

    2) graduats

    3. The … curriculum Of Harvard Law School includes more than 260 courses and seminars.

    1) curriculum

    2) curricula

    2). Выберите соответствующее местоимение some / any:

    1. I need …….. help with my current situation.

    1) some

    2) any

    2. Are you an American? I have ……. friends in the USA.

    1) some

    2) any

    3. Are there …….. results of your paper work?

    1) some

    2) any

    3). Выберите правильную форму наречия:

    1. Please, listen …….. to the instructions.

    1) carefully

    2) careful

    2. The company did …….. last year and lost money.

    1) worse

    2) bad

    3. The new printer is great. It works almost……...

    1) silently

    2) silent

    4). Выберитеправильнуюформу Gerund:

    1. In Britain it isn’t possible to hire a barrister without ……..a solicitor.

    1) seeing

    2) having seen

    2. The judge ……..a bail the offender the chance not to stay in jail until the court is in session.

    1) having set

    2) setting

    3. The parents didn’t approve of their son ……. school.

    1) skipping

    2) being skipped

    5). Выберитеправильнуюформу Infinitive:

    1. ……….the prosecutor’s questions must be thoroughly thought over.

    1) to answer

    2) to be answering

    2. Use is ………of the eye-witness’s evidence which came yesterday morning.

    1) to be made

    2) to make

    3. ……..which of the offences committed is summery is not difficult.

    1) to determine

    2) to be determined

    6). Выберитеправильнуюформу Participle:

    1. People have ……. (travelling / travelled) to the Moon.

    2. Our students are ……. (teaching / taught) by distinguished professors.

    3. At Christmas, all under- and postgraduate students ……… (attending / attended) the event ……… (organizing / organized) by the Department of Foreign Languages.


    7.) Read and translate the text. Give the main idea of the text in five sentences.

    The aims of law

    The three major legal systems of the world consist of civil law, common law and religious law. However, each country develops variations on each system or incorporates many other features into the system.

    British law is divided into civil law and criminal law. Civil law concerns disagreements between individuals about matters such as business contracts. Criminal law deals with offences. In civil cases, the plaintiff brings an action against the defendant in the hope of winning damages. Criminal cases are brought against criminals by the state.

    Law is a system of rules to maintain order and protect harm to persons and property. Law is ancient, dating back to the Code of Hammurabi, written by an ancient Babylonian king around 1760 B.C. Law has several aims. One of the aims of law is to maintain order and resolve disputes that arise between individuals. The other aim is to impose responsibility if one person has a legal claim against another. Law makes society more stable and enables people to flourish. If people disobey the rules the law threatens them with something unpleasant. With laws can live more securely.

    Laws guarantee to people who buy and sell goods, make wills, take employment, form companies and so on that the state will enforce these arrangements. Law not only threatens those who do what it forbids but promises to protect people's interests. It imposes restrictions on them but also gives them curtain guarantees. A very important aim of law is to settle what the system of government is to be.


    8.) Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

    1) Прецедент является главной концепцией общего права.

    2) В основе традиционного права лежат традиции общества конкретного сообщества.

    3) Статут – это законодательный акт.

    4) Понятие гражданское право связано также с не уголовными делами.

    IV. Расположите части делового письма в правильном порядке, сопоставив части делового письма с их названием:

    (1) Nesson House

    Newell Street

    Birmingham B3 3EL

    Telephone No.: 021 236 6371

    (2) 6 February 2019

    (3) Satex S.p.A

    via di Pietra Papa 00146

    Roma ITALY

    (4) Dear Sirs,

    (5) We were impressed by the selection of sweaters that were displayed on your stand at the ‘Menswear Exhibition' that was held in Hamburg last month.

    We are a large chain of retailers and are looking for a manufacturer who could supply us with a wide range of sweaters for the teenage market.

    As we usually place very large orders, we would expect a quantity discount in addition to a 20a trade discount off net list prices, and our terms of payment are normally 30-day bill of exchange, documents against acceptance.

    If these conditions interest you, and you can meet orders of over 500 garments at one time, please send us your current catalogue and price- list. We hope to hear from you soon.

    (6) Yours faithfully,

    (7) L. Crane Chief Buyer


    (1) Дом Нессона


    Бирмингем B3 3EL

    Телефон: 021 236 6371

    (2) 6 февраля 2019 г.

    (3) Сатекс С.п.А.

    Виа ди Пьетра Папа 00146


    (4) Уважаемые господа,

    (5) Нас впечатлил выбор свитеров, представленных на вашем стенде на «Выставке мужской одежды», которая прошла в прошлом месяце в Гамбурге.

    Мы крупная сеть розничных продавцов и ищем производителя, который мог бы поставить нам широкий ассортимент свитеров для подросткового рынка.

    Поскольку мы обычно размещаем очень большие заказы, мы ожидаем скидку за количество в дополнение к торговой скидке в размере 20 абс. от прейскурантных цен нетто, и наши условия оплаты обычно представляют собой 30-дневный переводной вексель, документы против акцепта.

    Если вас интересуют эти условия, и вы можете выполнять заказы более чем на 500 единиц одежды одновременно, пожалуйста, пришлите нам актуальный каталог и прайс-лист. Мы надеемся услышать от вас скоро.

    (6) С уважением,

    (7) Л. Крейн Главный закупщик

    • L. Crane Chief Buyer

    • Nesson House

    Newell Street

    Birmingham B3 3EL

    Telephone No.: 021 236 6371

    • 6 February 2019

    • We were impressed by the selection of sweaters that were displayed on your stand at the ‘Menswear Exhibition' that was held in Hamburg last month.

    We are a large chain of retailers and are looking for a manufacturer who could supply us with a wide range of sweaters for the teenage market.

    As we usually place very large orders, we would expect a quantity discount in addition to a 20a trade discount off net list prices, and our terms of payment are normally 30-day bill of exchange, documents against acceptance.

    If these conditions interest you, and you can meet orders of over 500 garments at one time, please send us your current catalogue and price- list. We hope to hear from you soon.

    • Satex S.p.A

    via di Pietra Papa 00146

    Roma ITALY

    • Dear Sirs,

    • Yours faithfully,

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