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  • 3 Выберите и обведите лексически правильные варианты из данных в скобках.

  • 4 Впишите производные от слов из правой колонки в предложения.

  • Годовая контрольная работа для 8 классов

  • 3. Выберите и обведите лексически правильные варианты из данных в скобках.

  • 4.Впишите производные от слов из правой колонки в предложения. .

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    Годовая контрольная работа для 8 классов ВАРИАНТ 1

    1.Аудирование. Прослушайте четырех дикторов, которые рассказывают о американских президентах (1-4), и соотнестите их с высказываниями (а-е) ниже. Одно из утверждений является лишним.
    a) The speaker says this president lived in the 18th century.

    b) The speaker says this president didn't come from a rich family and

    put a stop to slavery in his country.

    c) The speaker says Americans often use three letters for this presi-

    dent's name.

    d) The speaker says this president was a symbol of the country during

    World War II.

    e) The speaker says this president was not very successful, especially at

    the end of his presidency.

    2.Установите соответствия между текстами (1—5) и утверждениями (a-f), отметьте каждый текст соответствующей буквой. Среди утверждений есть одно лишнее.

    a) This text is about a scientist who enlightened people of young age.

    b) This text is about a scientist who was knowledgeable in many fields.

    c) This text is about a scientist whose words proved to be true.

    d) This text is about a scientist who worked as a team member.

    e) This text is about a scientist whose studies proved another man's idea.

    f) This text is about a man who was not a scientist but invented a new techno-



    Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) was an Italian mathematics teacher and one of the

    first true scientists. Galileo did not believe old ideas about the way the world

    worked but made careful experiments to find out for himself. He built a tele-

    scope and became the first man to use it for studying the Moon and planets.

    What he saw made him believe Copernicus's idea that the Earth was not the cen-

    tre of the universe.


    Johannes Gutenberg (about 1398-1468) is often called the father of book

    printing. In his day, people slowly copied books by hand or printed them from

    blocks where each letter was made individually. Gutenberg learned to make

    metal letters called type. He could pick them up and place them in rows to build

    pages of type. Gutenberg's movable type helped him to make copies of a book

    faster and easier than ever before.


    Edmond Halley (1656-1742) was an English astronomer who is best known for

    his study of comets. He got interested in comets when he was still a young man.

    Halley noticed that the way followed by a comet he had seen in 1682 was very

    much like those reported in 1607 and 1531. He decided that it was the same

    comet and said that it would return in 1758. And it did!


    John Bardeen (1908-1991) was an American scientist who is best remembered

    for his invention of the transistor with William Shockley and Walter Brattain.

    The three received the Nobel prize in physics for this work. In 1972, Bardeen

    won a second Nobel prize with John Schrieffer and Leon Cooper for their work

    on superconductivity.


    Michael Faraday (1791-1867) was a brilliant English scientist. His studies of

    chemistry and physics made him world famous. Faraday is best known for his

    experiments with electricity. He showed that it could be made to flow in a wire

    when the wire was passed between the poles of a magnet. For many years Fara-

    day gave science lectures for children.
    3 Выберите и обведите лексически правильные варианты из данных в скобках.

    1. How many English words have you (learned/studied) today?

    2. Can we make you (respectable/responsible) for buying the presents?

    3. The boy was (said/told) to come to school earlier than usual the next day.

    4. In my (opinion/opportunity), the best way of travelling is by airplane.

    5. Alice always wears (cardboard/rubber) gloves while washing up.

    6. Jane's favourite (glass/silk) blouse is pink in colour.

    7. (Cotton/Wool) socks are a lot warmer than (cotton/wool) socks.

    8. Ours is the (brick/china) house at the end of the road.

    4 Впишите производные от слов из правой колонки в предложения.

    1. The of waiting so long is killing me. BORE

    2. What is the between you two? RELATION

    3. The young poets called themselves a. BROTHER

    4. Great love for your country is called. PATRIOT

    5. I've always been a great of this poet. ADMIRE

    6. Simon is one of the most____ People I've ever met. KNOWLEDGE

    7. Kate and Lucy have done the work___. BRILLIANT

    8. The___ of Colin's words pleased me. WISE

    5 Перефразируйте эти предложения, используя пассивные структуры.

    1. I gave my friend Alex a good book as a present. My friend Alex

    2. They look after the garden very well. The garden

    3. We should water the house plants regularly. The house plants

    4. My dad told me this story long ago. The story

    5. Nobody listened to the speaker. The speaker

    Годовая контрольная работа для 8 классов ВАРИАНТ 2

    1.Аудирование. Прослушайте четырех дикторов, которые рассказывают о американских президентах(1-4) , и соотнестите их с высказываниями (а-е) ниже. Одно из утверждений является лишним.

    a) The speaker says this president lived in the 18th century.

    b) The speaker says this president didn't come from a rich family and

    put a stop to slavery in his country.

    c) The speaker says Americans often use three letters for this presi-

    dent's name.

    d) The speaker says this president was a symbol of the country during

    World War II.

    e) The speaker says this president was not very successful, especially at

    the end of his presidency.

    2.Установите соответствия между текстами (1—5) и утверждениями (a-f), отметьте каждый текст соответствующей буквой. Среди утверждений есть одно лишнее.

    a) This text is about a ruler who was a monarch's enemy.

    b) This text is about a ruler who enlarged his territories greatly.

    c) This text is about a leader who never lost any of his battles.

    d) This text is about a ruler about whom we know how he was buried.

    e) This text is about a ruler who lived outside his/her country for some time.

    f) This text is about a leader who became a most important figure in a certain

    teaching and movement.


    Genghis Khan (1162-1227) was a Mongol ruler who cruelly attacked many

    Asian peoples and won a very big empire. His name means “very mighty king”.

    Genghis Khan formed a big and powerful army and set off to take the lands

    around him. His army pushed southeast to China and south into Tibet and what

    are now Pakistan and Afghanistan. In the southwest they invaded Persia (Iran)

    and southern Russia.


    Cleopatra (69-30 B.C.) was a Queen of Egypt. She became ruler with her broth-

    er at the age of 17, but soon lost the throne. When Julius Caesar visited Egypt,

    he fell in love with Cleopatra and helped her to become queen again. Cleopatra

    followed Caesar to Rome and returned to Egypt only after his death. Later

    she ruled Egypt with Mark Antony, but Octavian defeated them in a battle of



    Oliver Cromwell (1599-1658) was the only ruler of Britain who was not a mon-

    arch. Cromwell was a member of Parliament and fought against Charles I with

    the army of Parliament. After King Charles I was executed (he lost his head),

    Cromwell became the leader of the country, but never made himself king. From

    1653, he was called "The Lord Protector".


    Tutankhamun was a pharaoh of ancient Egypt. Tutankhamun became pharaoh

    when he was about 11 years old. He ruled the country for about 8 years. His

    body in a sarcophagus was found in the Valley of Kings, in Egypt by a British

    archaeologist Howard Carter. Together with the body he and his team found a golden throne, statues, precious stones and other priceless things. Now they

    can be seen in a museum in Cairo.


    Muhammad (570-632 A.D.) was the founder of the religion known as Islam

    and headed the movement till his death. He was born in Mecca, in what is now

    Saudi Arabia. At the age of 40, he believed that God had asked him to talk to

    the Arabs. He taught that there was only one God, called Allah. After Muham-

    mad's death, his ideas became popular in many countries of the world and many

    people followed them.

    3. Выберите и обведите лексически правильные варианты из данных в скобках.

    1. John and Kate (seem/sense) to be good friends now.

    2. Yesterday I was (said/told) to help mum with cooking.

    3. Jacob is (learning/studying) French literature.

    4. Emma is (finishing/graduating) from London University next year.

    5. This (china/cotton) dress looks great on Sophie.

    6. These are her best (leather/rubber) gloves; they are really beautiful.

    7. The present was put into a (brick/cardboard) box and left in the bedroom.

    8. On cold days he wore (glass/wool).

    4.Впишите производные от слов из правой колонки в предложения. .

    1. He lives in the__of the railway station. NEIGHBOUR

    2. She rules over a large___. KING

    3. Mr Swift took over the___ of the party. LEADER

    4.___is an important part of their economy. TOUR

    5. They've made several_____s to the house. IMPROVE

    6. They were___ people known to everybody in the city. RESPECT

    7. Jim's__ to our work was the greatest of all. CONTRIBUTE

    8. The doctor gave the baby some cough___. MIX

    6.Перефразируйте эти предложения, используя пассивные структуры.

    1. They built the house on the left bank of the river. The house

    2. They didn't wait for the train long. The train

    3. You may use any of these books. Any of these books

    4. People should remember these simple rules. These simple rules

    5. The pupils will learn the new words by and by. The new words

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