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Английский язык. 193054_с-ТЖДз11_2020. Контрольная работа по учебной дисциплине Иностранный язык

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ТипКонтрольная работа

Министерство образования и науки РФ

Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение

высшего образования

«Саратовский государственный технический университет

имени Гагарина Ю.А.»
Институт социального и производственного менеджмента
Кафедра «Коммерция и инжиниринг бизнес-процессов»


по учебной дисциплине «Иностранный язык»

студентка гр. с-ТЖДз11

заочной формы обучения

шифр 193054

Дмитриева Д.Р.


к.э.н. доц. кафедры КИБ

Баурова Ю.В.

Саратов – 2020

Министерство образования и науки РФ

Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение

высшего образования

«Саратовский государственный технический университет

имени Гагарина Ю.А.»
Институт социального и производственного менеджмента
Кафедра «Коммерция и инжиниринг бизнес-процессов»
Специальность 38.05.02 «Таможенное дело»


на выполнение контрольной работы

по дисциплине «Иностранный язык»

студентке группы с-ТЖДз11 Дмитриевой Дарье Романовне

В контрольной работе необходимо выполнить:

  1. лексико-грамматический тест;

  2. письменное задние на заданную тему.

Дата выдачи: 20 июня 2020 г.

Срок выполнения: 21 июня 2020 г.

Руководитель: Баурова Ю.В.

Студентка: Дмитриева Д.Р.

Лексико-грамматическое задание Use of English……………………….4

Письменное задание Writing……………………………………………..10

Лист с ответами "Answer Sheet"…………………………………………11

Лист для заполнения рецензентом……………………………………....12

Список использованной литературы…………………………………….14

Лист замечаний

Лексико-грамматическое задание Use of English

Вам предстоит ответить на 50 вопросов, подобранных в соответствии с темами семестра. Отвечая на вопросы, вы можете использовать словари и грамматические справочники, в т.ч. указанные в списке рекомендованной литературы. Время выполнения задания – на Ваше усмотрение. Ответы на вопросы нужно перенести на специальный лист с ответами “Answer Sheet” (Приложение 2). В контрольную работу следует прикрепить и задание, и лист с ответами “Answer Sheet”. При проверке будут учтены только ответы на листе с ответами “Answer Sheet”.

Circlethecorrectletter. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.

1 I’m 18 and my brother is 20, so he’s older than me.

a the oldest of

b older than

c as old as

2 Carl’s very reliable . He’s never late, and he never forgets to do things.

a reliable

b patient

c strict

3 We stayed in a lovely villa overlooking the sea.

a it overlooks

b overlooked

c overlooking
4 Not until the 1980s it was possible for the average person to own a computer.

a it was possible

b was it possible

c was possible

5 Jan burned her arm on a hot iron.

a broke

b burned

c sprained

6 Tomorrow’s a holiday, so we don’t have to go to work.

a have to

b mustn’t

c don’t have to
7 I usually go swimming at least once a week

a go

b do

c play

8 My friend Siena went to Russia last year.

a went

b has gone

c has been

9 This is an industrial area, with a lot of factories and warehouses.

a an agricultural

b an industrial

c a residential

10 If I do well in my exams, I will go to university.

a will do; will go

b will do; go

c do; will go

11 She was so upset that she burst into tears.

a into

b out

c with
12 Where did you go on holiday last year?

a for

b on

c to

13 Ocean currents are known to play an important part in regulating global climate.

a are known to

b thought to

c are believed that they

14 My cousin is thinking of getting a job in Bahrain.

a would like

b is planning

c is thinking of

15 I can’t cut your hair, because I haven’t got any scissors.

a brush

b cut

c wash

16 I wish I won’t have an exam tomorrow!

a don’t

b didn’t

c won’t
17 The government plans to expand taxes on sales of luxury items.

a increase

b expand

c go up

18 When I first moved to Hong Kong, life in a different country was very strange, but now I’m used to live here.

a living

b to live

c to living

19 There is some milk in the fridge.

a is some

b are some

с is a

20 Criminals are people who are guilty of breaking the law.

a breaking

b cheating

c committing

21 Why on earth isn’t Josh here yet? I’ve been waiting for him for over an hour!

a I’m waiting

b I’ve been waiting

c I’ve waited

22 “It’s pouring down, and it’s freezing.” What are the weather conditions?

a high winds and snow

b heavy rain and cold temperatures

c thick cloud but quite warm

23 Are you feeling OK? You don’t look very well.

a Do you

b You are

c Are you

24 Daniel’s hair is getting far too long; he should cut it soon.

a cut it

b have cut it

c have it cut

25 Mandy works for a computer software company. She got a raise recently, and so now she’s an area manager.

a made redundant

b promoted

c a raise

26 I can’t hear you – it’s too noisy in here.

a too

b too much

c too many

27 Jamal has just sent me an email to arrange plans for this weekend.

a a blog

b an email

c a website

28 I promise I’ll call you as soon as I’ll arrive.

a I arrive

b I arrived

c I’ll arrive

29 Photographers and designers need to be very creative.

a creative

b fit

c annoying

30 The global financial crisis,which is forcing lots of small businesses to close, does not look set to end soon.

a it

b that

c which

31 There would have been a terrible accident if the pilot hadn’t reacted so quickly.

a had been

b was

c would have been

32 “Are you ready to order?”

Not yet – I’m still looking at the menu .”

a bill

b menu

c service

33 “My job is never boring.” The speaker’s job is always interesting.

a interesting

b popular

c difficult

34 I’ve been working here for about the last two years.

a during

b for

c since

35 “It leaves from Platform 2 at 4.15.” The speaker is talking about a train.

a an airline flight

b a train

c a taxi

36 I went to a lovely wedding last Saturday. The bride was my best friend when we were at school.

a anniversary

b marriage

c wedding

37 “I’ve got a headache.”

Maybe you ought to take an aspirin.”

a should

b ought

c don’t

38 The patient had an operation to insert metal pins in his broken leg.

a injection

b operation

c X-ray

39 She won a seat in parliament at the last general election.

a general election

b opinion poll

c referendum

40 I’m surprised you didn’t get upset. If someone said that to me, I’d be really angry.

a I’m

b I was

c I’d be

41 This used to be a run-down part of the city, but since the old buildings were renovated it’s become a very fashionable area.

a an affluent

b a run-down

c a trendy

42 Cassie went to bed early because she was tired.

a tired

b stressed

c relaxed

43 In the 1960s, computers were such expensive that ordinary people couldn’t afford them.

a so

b such

c too

44 Do you want to watch the match tonight?

a watching

b watch

c to watch

45 Researchers claim the new discovery is a major investigation in the fight against malaria.

a breakthrough

b investigation

c progress

46 The Maths problem was really difficult and I just couldn’t work out the answer.

a check in

b set off

c work out
47 When I was a child, I never used to worry about the future.

a have worried

b used to worry

c was worrying

48 A local politician has denied charges of corruption made by the opposition party.

a accused

b blamed

c denied

49 What worries me about society today is how completely we have come to depend on technology.

a That

b What

c Which

50 Cats and dogs are usually kept as pets.

a farm animals

b wild animals


Письменное задание Writing

Письменное задание Writing содержит несколько тем на выбор студента. Следует определить для себя одну из тем и выполнить указанное задание к выбранной теме. Письменное задание выполняется в печатном виде. Объем каждого задания – не менее 150 слов.
Free time. Hobby.
A hobby is something you like to do in your free time. Some people do things with their hands, grow plants, or collect things. Many people play sports in their free time. Some people like to travel or do gardening.

My friend is fond of collecting dolls. She has a very good collection and is proud of it. She keeps her dolls in special bags and dollhouses. I really like her hobby. Collecting dolls is fun, but expensive.

I spend a lot of time doing my homework, but in the evenings I have enough free time to pursue my Hobbies. I am fond of reading and cross-stitch.

I love to read. I read interesting books, usually about magic. And I love books about life. I have been interested in cross-stitch since school. I can embroider simple pictures, but I want to learn how to embroider large pictures.

I think my Hobbies are exciting!

Name: Dmitrieva Daria Romanovna Date: 21.06.2020

Circle the correct letter.

1 b 11 a 21 b 31 c 41 b

2 a 12 b 22 b 32 b 42 a

3 c 13 a 23 c 33 a 43 a

4 a 14 c 24 a 34 b 44 c

5 b 15 b 25 c 35 b 45 b

6 c 16 c 26 a 36 c 46 c

7 a 17 b 27 b 37 b 47 b

8 a 18 b 28 c 38 b 48 c

9 b 19 a 29 a 39 a 49 b

10 c 20 a 30 c 40 c 50 c

3.Work in groups. Answer as many questions as possible.

  1. When do you eat dinner, breakfast and lunch?- Dinner is usually at seven o'clock in the evening. Breakfast at nine or ten o'clock in the morning. And lunch in the afternoon at one o'clock.

  2. Are kids the same as children?- Children are a classic literary variant for both British and American English. Kids is a colloquial version of the word.

  3. Where do you sleep?- I sleep in my bed at home.

  4. Say two things you watch.- I watch movies and TV series.

  5. Where do you have a coffee?- We have coffee in the store and at home.

  6. Say two places where people teach.- People teach in schools and universities.

  7. What's the job in a loca I government or tax office?- People in the government are engaged in the management of the state. Tax inspector is a very specific profession. This work is mainly related to conducting inspections, maintaining documentation, analyzing taxpayer payments and, of course, applying sanctions in case of violations.

  8. Say three things you drink.- I drink water, tea, and soda.

  9. What's the opposite of expensive?- Expensive is the opposite of cheap.

  10. If there's a Iot of crime, is a place safe?- A place where a lot of crime can't be safe.

  11. Which is bigger: a town or a city?- The city is bigger than the village.

  12. Say two things you read.- I only read books.

  13. What are the opposites of south and west?- The opposite of South and West is North and East.

  14. How do people keep fit?- To keep fit, people exercise and eat right.

  15. Where does a nurse work?- A nurse works in medical institutions and schools.

4.Work in groups. See who is quickest to write each of 1-5.

1 Five countries.- Austria, Belgium, Finland, Netherlands, Ukraine

2 Five jobs.

3 Four questions in the present tense.- Do you work here?, Are you working here?, Have you worked here?, Have you been working here?

4 Four negative sentences in the present tense.- I don't know anything about it. I don't want to hear it. I don't like singing. She doesn't like you.

5 Four sentences with there's / there are.- There is a party tonight., There are sixty seconds in a minute., There is a dog in the garden., There are four types of New York City subway tickets available., There is a sandwich in my lunchbox., There are kids playing., There is something in my eye., There are no good movies on TV.
5. Choose the correct words.

A: Where is he from?

B: France
A: Do you want to go to the cinema later?

B: OK. What time?
A: Do you have any tissues?

B: Yes. There is one some in my bag.
A: What do you do?

B: I am a teacher.
A: Do you like play tennis?

B: Yes, Its great.
A: ls your town big?

B: Not really. There are only about 10,000 people.
A: What do you do in the weekend?

B: I usually stay at home. I don't earn much money.
A: Do you like sport?

B: I love watching, but I don't do it very often.

6. Put the word(s) in bold in the correct place in the sentence.

1 I need to do some shopping.

2 I hardly ever play computer games.

3 Sorry, I don't understand. What does Journalist mean?

4 Do you have a pencil and paper?

5 There's a beautiful palace near the river. lt's great.

6 She speaks English very well, but not she's from the UK.

7. Work in groups. Answer as many questions as possible.

  1. Which season(s) do you have warm weather in? - We have warm weather in spring, summer and a little bit in autumn.

  2. What do you buy in a chemist's?- The pharmacy buys everything that is necessary for the health of the body.

  3. What date is New Year's Day?- Today is the twenty-eighth of June, and the New Year is the thirty-first of December.

  4. Say three things you can put on.- I can wear a t-shirt, jeans, and socks.

  5. Where do you go to send a package?- To send a parcel, I go to the post office.

  6. Where do you go to have a steak?- To eat a steak I go to a restaurant.

  7. What do you do in a sink?- I wash my face in the sink.

  8. What room do you normally have a sofa in?- There is a bed in the hall and a private room.

  9. When do you use a mirror?- I use the mirror when I need to see what I look like.

  10. Where do you normally brush your teeth?- I usually brush my teeth in the bathroom.

  11. Why can't someone reach a cupboard?- No one can reach the Cabinet because it is high up.

  12. Say three seasons.- Spring, summer, autumn.

  13. Say three places you can stay on holiday.- On vacation, you can stay at a hotel, hostel, or with friends.

  14. When do you give someone a present?- I give someone a gift when it's a holiday.

  15. What do you do if you are ill?- If I'm sick, I sit at home and take medicine.

8. Work in groups. See who is quickest to write each of 1-6.

1 Five kinds of shops or facilities.- Grocery, Shoe, bread, sports, and pet stores.

2 Six months.- January, February, March, April, May, June.

3 Four questions with Can...?- Can I clean the kitchen?, Can you imagine that?, Can you give me examples?, Can you recommend a good book by a Russian author?.

4 Four negative sentences in the past.- I didn't go to the school? I didn't swim? I didn't lake lemon? I didn't lake do my homework?

5 Four sentences with an irregular past verb.- I was there. We were there., She became a doctor., We have drunk juice., We have given them a present.

6 Four sentences about where things are near your home- Near my house there is a post office, a grocery store, a pharmacy, and a bread store.
9. Choose the correct words.

1 There's a cafe on the corner of this road.

2 Our house is next to a school.

3 Mine parents live on this road.

4 It's not his car, it's her.

5 I'm sorry I can't see the board.

6 I didn't do anything yesterday.

7 Did you go out last night?

8 They were both ill at the weekend.

10. Write the questions using the words in italics.

1A: Is / there a book shop near here?

B: Yes, there's one on High Road.
2 A: Did / have a nice weekend?

B: Yes, I went to a concert on Saturday night.
3 A: Oh yes? Was / it good?

B: Yeah, it was great. I really enjoyed it.
4 Will you / help me? I don't understand this
11. Complete the text with the words in the box.

Sing drive prefer annoy view visit fun clear house nightlife

We live in a small 1 house in the mountains. I 2 drive to work in the nearest town every day and also take my kids to school there. It takes an hour to get there. We 3 prefer to live in the countryside. It's quiet and we have no neighbours to 4 annoy us. There's no 5 nightlife here, but we watch DVDs or play games or 6 sing songs together. We have a lot of 7 fun lt's also fantastic to get up in the morning when the sky is 8 clear because we have a great 9 view and you can see the sea from here. Friends often come to 10 visit us and they think it's so nice here.
12. Work in groups. Answer as many questions as possible.

1 What's the opposite of difficult?- Difficult is the opposite of easy.

2 Say three sizes of shirt.- size, medium, small.

3 Where's the main entrance of a building?- The main entrance to the building is usually located in the center of the building in a prominent place.

4 How old is someone who is retired, normally?- Retired people are over sixty.

5 When are prices usually reduced in a shop?- Prices in the store are reduced when there are sales and discounts.

6 Say the names of three pieces of furniture.- Furniture items are a sofa, a wardrobe and a nightstand.

7 What's the opposite of make money?- The opposite of making money is unemployment.

8 Say three kinds of material.- Velvet, Acrylic, Tarpaulin.

9 Where can you get a degree?- The degree can be obtained in educational institutions and in special jobs.

10 Is it good to be lucky?- Being happy is very good.

11 What's the opposite of the top?- The top is opposite to the bottom.

12 How long does a football match usually last?- A football match lasts forty-five minutes.

13 lf something improves, does it get better or worse?- When something improves, it gets better.

14 Who gives you grades?- Grades are given by teachers at school.
13. Work in groups. See who is quickest to write each of 1-5.

1 Six colours.- green, blue, pink, orange, black, white

2 Six subjects people study at school or university.- Mathematics, environment, ecology, Russian language, history, chemistry

3 Four present continuous sentences using I he, we, they.- I am watching TV., He is writing a letter now., They are cooking breakfast., We are reading.

4 Four sentences comparing you with your mum, a brother or sister, or a friend.- I am told that I have the same character as my mother., I have the same thick hair as my mother., They also tell me that my sister and I have the same eyes., And I have as good a memory as my dad.

5 Four sentences about where you live, using really, very, quite and a bit.- I live in a really once beautiful city of Saratov., I live in a place that is very quiet and peaceful., Quite often, something new appears in the city of Saratov., It’s a bit sad that not everyone is trying to do something useful for the city.

0 - 1

  • The topic is not developed at all, and writing seems to take enormous effort.

  • The purpose of the text and the writer’s aim are entirely unclear.

  • The text is not organised at either the paragraph or sentence level.

  • There is insufficient language control to express even very simple ideas.

  • There are very many errors in the use of language and standard writing conventions.

  • There is little or no use of appropriate vocabulary and structures.

2 - 3

  • The topic is not well developed, and writing seems to take considerable effort.

  • The purpose of the text and the writer’s aim are generally unclear.

  • The text is not well organised at either the paragraph or sentence level.

  • There is insufficient language control to express relatively simple ideas.

  • There are many errors in the use of language and standard writing conventions.

  • There is very limited use of appropriate vocabulary and structures.

4 - 5

  • The topic is quite well developed, although writing seems to take some effort.

  • The purpose of the text and the writer’s aim are not entirely clear.

  • The text is reasonably well organised, at least at the sentence level.

  • There is usually sufficient language control to express simple ideas.

  • There are some errors in the use of language and standard writing conventions.

  • There is limited use of appropriate vocabulary and structures.

6 - 7

  • The topic is well developed, and writing seems to take little effort.

  • The purpose of the text and the writer’s aim are generally clear.

  • The text is reasonably well organised at both the sentence and paragraph level.

  • There is sufficient language control to express simple ideas.

  • There are a few errors in the use of language and standard writing conventions.

  • The text contains a range of appropriate vocabulary and structures.

8 - 9

  • The topic is very well developed, and writing seems to take very little effort.

  • The purpose of the text and the writer’s aim are clear.

  • The text is well organised at both the sentence and paragraph level.

  • There is sufficient language control to express some quite complex ideas.

  • There are few errors in the use of language and standard writing conventions.

  • The text contains quite a wide range of appropriate vocabulary and structures.


  • The topic is fully developed, and writing seems effortless.

  • The purpose of the text and the writer’s aim are perfectly clear.

  • The text is extremely well organised at both the sentence and paragraph level.

  • There is sufficient language control to express a range of complex ideas.

  • There are almost no errors in the use of language and standard writing conventions.

  • The text contains a wide range of appropriate vocabulary and structures

Список использованной литературы

  1. Outcomes Elementary: Workbook / P. Maggs, C. Smith. - Andover : Heinle Cengage Learning, 2012. -150 p.

  2. Outcomes Elementary: Student's Book / H. Dellar, A. Walkley. - Andover: Heinle Cengage Learning, 2011. – 184 p.

  3. First Certificate. Practice Tests [+3 Audio CD] : with key / C. Osborne. - 2nd ed. - Andover : Heinle Cengage Learning, 2009.

  4. The New Oxford Dictionary of the English Language [Текст] : Oxford: 28 000 слов / Дж. М. Хокинс, Э. Делаханти, Ф. Макдональд. - М. : Астрель : Аст; Oxford : Oxford Univesity Press, 2002. - 480 с.

  5. The New Oxford Dictionary of the English Language [Текст] : Oxford: 28 000 слов / Дж. М. Хокинс, Э. Делаханти, Ф. Макдональд. - М. : Астрель : Аст; Oxford : Oxford Univesity Press, 2002. - 480 с

  6. Total English. Intermediate [+DVD] : Students' Book / A. Clare, J. Wilson. - Edinburgh : Pearson Education Limited, 2006. - 176 p.



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