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  • Задание 4.

  • Задание 5

  • Unit 2 Test B

  • Контрольная работа за i четверть. 3 кл

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    ТипКонтрольная работа

    Контрольная работа за I четверть. 3 кл.

    Задание 2. Выбери нужные формы глаголов в скобках и обведи их.

    1. My mother (cooks / cook) in the evening.

    2. My grandfather (have / has) a big house.

    3. My parents (help / helps) my grandparents.

    4. Fred and Mary (like / likes) to read books.

    5. Henry can (play / to play) ping-pong.

    6. London (am / is / are) very old and green.

    7. Betty (teach / teaches) pupils in a school.

    8. Mary likes (play / to play) video games.

    9. My grandparents (sleep / sleeps) in this bedroom.

    10. My pets (am / is / are) a dog and a cat.


    Задание 3. Вставь в текст слова из рамки.

    teddy bear evening well teach but very

    Little Mary is seven. She likes to run and jump. She can sing __________________________ well. Mary can play ping-pong _________________ not very _________________. Her parents ______________________ her to read books. Mary likes to play with her doll and her _______________________________________. She plays in the _________________________________ and in the morning.


    Задание 4. Поставь слова в правильной последовательности, чтобы получились предложения. Напиши их.

    1. Mary / at / o’clock a.m. / sleeps / four

    Mary ____________________________________________________________________________

    1. It’s / in the morning / o’clock / eight

    It’s ______________________________________________________________________________

    1. Liz / English / speak / can / very / well

    Liz ______________________________________________________________________________

    1. We / from / are / London

    We ______________________________________________________________________________

    1. They / bikes / their / ride / in the evening

    They _____________________________________________________________________________

    1. Nice / you / to / meet

    Nice _____________________________________________________________________________

    1. I / to feed / horse / like / my

    I ________________________________________________________________________________


    Задание 5. Прочитай три текста. Отметь галочкой (), к кому относятся фразы после текста.

    1. Peter is from Russia. He lives in a big green house by the lake. Peter likes flowers. He has a flowerbed by his house. He likes to swim in the lake in the evening.

    1. Ronny is nine. He is a pupil. He is a good pupil. He lives in London. He has his English at nine o’clock in the morning. In the evening he likes to play with his teddy bear.

    1. Boris is a clown. He is old. He lives in Moscow. He likes to sing funny songs and ride a bike. He has a little dog. Boris feeds the dog in the morning and in the evening.




    1. He is a clown.

    1. His house is green.

    1. His songs are funny.

    1. He lives by the lake.

    1. He has a teddy bear.

    1. He has English in the morning.

    1. He likes to swim in the lake.

    1. He likes to sing songs.

    1. He likes to play with his teddy bear.


    Задание 6. Прочитай текст. В некоторых словах пропущены буквы. Вставь их.

    Nick is ei _ ht. Linda is thre _ . They have a fa _ her, a m _ ther and two grandp _ rents. The _ r f _ ther is a pilot. Their m _ ther teaches En _ lish in a sch _ ol. She likes her p _ pils. In the evening the p _ rents read bo _ ks to Nick and Linda. They like to pla _ comp _ te _ games and s _ ng s _ ngs together.


    Total: 45/

    Per cent:


    Unit 2 Test A

    Задание 1: вставь пропущенные буквы, чтобы получились слова

    t__wer        ch__ir        flo__er        __ead

    p__rents        s__ower        te__ch        bea__
    Задание 2: Расставь местоимения, чтобы закончить эти предложения

                        my,  his,  her,  its,  our,  your,  their  

    I have a pet. It is ….. pet.

    We have chairs.  …….. chairs are brown.

    Don has a car. It is ……… car.

    Polly has a flower. It is ……… flower.

    It is a dog. What is ……… name?
    Задание 3: Закончи предложения, выбрав правильную форму глагола

    I (speak/speaks) English well.

    My sister (like/likes) to read books.

    My parents (eat/eats) ice cream in the evening.

    We (cook/cooks) in the afternoon.

    Sam (ride/rides) his bike in the morning.
    Задание 4: Напиши, что ты умеешь делать хорошо, что – очень хорошо, а что – не очень хорошо

    Образец: I can run well.

                    I can jump very well.

                    I can swim but not very well.

    ride a bike, read books, speak English, sing songs, teach my cat





    Задание 5: закончи предложения, вставляя to там, где нужно.

    I like ……. eat cakes. I can ……. eat five cakes.

    Rose likes …….. feed her dog.

    Fred and Steve like …… read English books. They can ….. read well.

    We like ……. sing. We can …… sing very well.

    He likes ….. speak French. He can ….. speak French but not very well.

    Задание 6: Напиши который час по-русски.

    It’s 7 o’clock p.m.  _________________________________________

    It’s 3 o’clock p.m.  _________________________________________

    It’s 8 o’clock a.m.  __________________________

    Unit 2 Test B

    Задание 1: вставь пропущенные буквы, чтобы получились слова

    r__ad        __ear        t__ach        p__rents

    flo__er        spea__        c__air        sh__wer

    Задание 2: Расставь местоимения, чтобы закончить эти предложения

                        my,  his,  her,  its,  our,  your,  their  

    Mark has a kite. ….. kite is good.

    They have toys.  …….. toys are cute.

    I have a bike. …… bike is red.

    Dolly has a doll. It is ……… doll.

    It is a cat. What is ……… name?

    Задание 3: Закончи предложения, выбрав правильную форму глагола

    We (read/reads) books in the evening.

    Tom (speak/speaks) English very well.

    His sisters (sleep/sleeps) at night.

    I (play/plays) tennis in the afternoon.

    Jane (eat/eats) apples in the morning.

    Задание 4: Напиши, что ты умеешь делать хорошо, что – очень хорошо, а что – не очень хорошо

    Образец: I can run well.

                    I can jump very well.

                    I can swim but not very well.

    help mummy, teach my dog, speak Russian, jump, swim in the lake






    Задание 5: закончи предложения, вставляя to там, где нужно.

    Mary likes ……. jump. She  can ……. Jump very well.

    I like …….. kiss my mum goodnight.

    Polly and Dolly like …… speak French. They can ….. speak French well.

    We like ……. run. We can …… run very well.

    He likes ….. read books. He can ….. read English books but not very well.

    Задание 6: Напиши который час по-русски.

    It’s 7 o’clock a.m.  _________________________________________

    It’s 2 o’clock p.m.  _________________________________________

    It’s 8 o’clock p.m.  _________________________________________

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