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Криптография 2е издание Протоколы, алгоритмы и исходные тексты на языке С

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ctl ^= ((r1 >> 9) & 0x1);
if (ctl)
feedback = (r1 >> 18) ^ (r1 >> 17) ^ (r1 >> 16) ^ (r1 >> 13);
r1 = (r1 << 1) & 0x7ffff;
if (feedback & 0x01)
r1 ^= 0x01;
return (r1);
unsigned long clock_r2(ctl, r2)
int ctl;
unsigned long r2;
unsigned long feedback;
ctl ^= ((r2 >> 11) & 0x1);
if (ctl)
feedback = (r2 >> 21) ^ (r2 >> 20) ^ (r2 >> 16) ^ (r2 >> 12);
r2 = (r2 << 1) & 0x3fffff;
if (feedback & 0x01)
r2 ^= 0x01;
return (r2);
unsigned long clock_r3(ctl, r3)
int ctl;
unsigned long r3;
unsigned long feedback;
ctl ^= ((r3 >> 11) & 0x1);
if (ctl)
feedback = (r3 >> 22) ^ (r3 >> 21) ^ (r3 >> 18) ^ (r3 >> 17);
r3 = (r3 << 1) & 0x7fffff;
if (feedback & 0x01)
r3 ^= 0x01;
return (r3);
int keystream(key, frame, alice, bob)
unsigned char *key; /* 64 bit session key */
unsigned long frame; /* 22 bit frame sequence number */
unsigned char *alice; /* 114 bit Alice to Bob key stream */
unsigned char *bob; /* 114 bit Bob to Alice key stream */
unsigned long r1; /* 19 bit shift register */
unsigned long r2; /* 22 bit shift register */
unsigned long r3; /* 23 bit shift register */
int i; /* counter for loops */
int clock_ctl; /* xored with clock enable on each shift register */
unsigned char *ptr; /* current position in keystream */
unsigned char byte; /* byte of keystream being assembled */
unsigned int bits; /* number of bits of keystream in byte */
unsigned int bit; /* bit output from keystream generator */
/* Initialise shift registers from session key */
r1 = (key[0] | (key[1] << 8) | (key[2] << 16) ) & 0x7ffff;
r2 = ((key[2] >> 3) | (key[3] << 5) | (key[4] << 13) | (key[5] << 21)) &
r3 = ((key[5] >> 1) | (key[6] << 7) | (key[7] << 15) ) & 0x7fffff;
/* Merge frame sequence number into shift register state, by xor'ing it
* into the feedback path
for (i=0;i<22;i++)
clock_ctl = threshold(r1, r2, r2);
r1 = clock_r1(clock_ctl, r1);
r2 = clock_r2(clock_ctl, r2);
r3 = clock_r3(clock_ctl, r3);
if (frame & 1)
r1 ^= 1;
r2 ^= 1;
r3 ^= 1;
frame = frame >> 1;
/* Run shift registers for 100 clock ticks to allow frame number to
* be diffused into all the bits of the shift registers
for (i=0;i<100;i++)
clock_ctl = threshold(r1, r2, r2);
r1 = clock_r1(clock_ctl, r1);
r2 = clock_r2(clock_ctl, r2);
r3 = clock_r3(clock_ctl, r3);
/* Produce 114 bits of Alice->Bob key stream */
ptr = alice;
bits = 0;
byte = 0;
for (i=0;i<114;i++)
clock_ctl = threshold(r1, r2, r2);
r1 = clock_r1(clock_ctl, r1);
r2 = clock_r2(clock_ctl, r2);
r3 = clock_r3(clock_ctl, r3);
bit = ((r1 >> 18) ^ (r2 >> 21) ^ (r3 >> 22)) & 0x01;
byte = (byte << 1) | bit;
if (bits == 8)
*ptr = byte;
bits = 0;
byte = 0;
if (bits)
*ptr = byte;
/* Run shift registers for another 100 bits to hide relationship between
* Alice->Bob key stream and Bob->Alice key stream.
for (i=0;i<100;i++)
clock_ctl = threshold(r1, r2, r2);
r1 = clock_r1(clock_ctl, r1);
r2 = clock_r2(clock_ctl, r2);
r3 = clock_r3(clock_ctl, r3);
/* Produce 114 bits of Bob->Alice key stream */
ptr = bob;
bits = 0;
byte = 0;
for (i=0;i<114;i++)
clock_ctl = threshold(r1, r2, r2);
r1 = clock_r1(clock_ctl, r1);
r2 = clock_r2(clock_ctl, r2);
r3 = clock_r3(clock_ctl, r3);
bit = ((r1 >> 18) ^ (r2 >> 21) ^ (r3 >> 22)) & 0x01;
byte = (byte << 1) | bit;
if (bits == 8)
*ptr = byte;
bits = 0;
byte = 0;
if (bits)
*ptr = byte;
return (0);
void a5_key(a5_ctx *c, char *k){
c->r1 = k[0]<<11|k[1]<<3 | k[2]>>5 ; /* 19 */
c->r2 = k[2]<<17|k[3]<<9 | k[4]<<1 | k[5]>>7; /* 22 */
c->r3 = k[5]<<15|k[6]<<8 | k[7] ; /* 23 */
/* Step one bit in A5, return 0 or 1 as output bit. */
int a5_step(a5_ctx *c){
int control;
control = threshold(c->r1,c->r2,c->r3);
c->r1 = clock_r1(control,c->r1);
c->r2 = clock_r2(control,c->r2);
c->r3 = clock_r3(control,c->r3);
return( (c->r1^c->r2^c->r3)&1);
/* Encrypts a buffer of len bytes. */
void a5_encrypt(a5_ctx *c, char *data, int len){
int i,j;
char t;
for(i=0;i for(j=0;j<8;j++) t = t<<1 | a5_step(c);
void a5_decrypt(a5_ctx *c, char *data, int len){
void main(void){
a5_ctx c;
char data[100];
char key[] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8};
int i,flag;
for(i=0;i<100;i++) data[i] = i;
flag = 0;
for(i=0;i<100;i++) if(data[i]!=i)flag = 1;
if(flag)printf("Decrypt failed\n"); else printf("Decrypt succeeded\n");
#define ALG_OK 0
#define ALG_NOTOK 1
#define WORDS_PER_SEAL_CALL 1024
typedef struct {
unsigned long t[520]; /* 512 rounded up to a multiple of 5 + 5*/
unsigned long s[265]; /* 256 rounded up to a multiple of 5 + 5*/
unsigned long r[20]; /* 16 rounded up to multiple of 5 */
unsigned long counter; /* 32-bit synch value. */
unsigned long ks_buf[WORDS_PER_SEAL_CALL];
int ks_pos;
} seal_ctx;

#define ROT2(x) (((x) >> 2) | ((x) << 30))
#define ROT9(x) (((x) >> 9) | ((x) << 23))
#define ROT8(x) (((x) >> 8) | ((x) << 24))
#define ROT16(x) (((x) >> 16) | ((x) << 16))
#define ROT24(x) (((x) >> 24) | ((x) << 8))
#define ROT27(x) (((x) >> 27) | ((x) << 5))
#define WORD(cp) ((cp[0] << 24)|(cp[1] << 16)|(cp[2] << 8)|(cp[3]))
#define F1(x, y, z) (((x) & (y)) | ((

(x)) & (z)))
#define F2(x, y, z) ((x)^(y)^(z))
#define F3(x, y, z) (((x) & (y)) | ((x) & (z)) | ((y) & (z)))
#define F4(x, y, z) ((x)^(y)^(z))
int g(in, i, h)
unsigned char *in;
int i;
unsigned long *h;
unsigned long h0;
unsigned long h1;
unsigned long h2;
unsigned long h3;
unsigned long h4;
unsigned long a;
unsigned long b;
unsigned long c;
unsigned long d;
unsigned long e;
unsigned char *kp;
unsigned long w[80];
unsigned long temp;
kp = in;
h0 = WORD(kp); kp += 4;
h1 = WORD(kp); kp += 4;
h2 = WORD(kp); kp += 4;
h3 = WORD(kp); kp += 4;
h4 = WORD(kp); kp += 4;
w[0] = i;
for (i=1;i<16;i++)
w[i] = 0;
for (i=16;i<80;i++)
w[i] = w[i-3]^w[i-8]^w[i-14]^w[i-16];
a = h0;
b = h1;
c = h2;
d = h3;
e = h4;
for (i=0;i<20;i++)
temp = ROT27(a) + F1(b, c, d) + e + w[i] + 0x5a827999;
e = d;
d = c;
c = ROT2(b);
b = a;
a = temp;
for (i=20;i<40;i++)
temp = ROT27(a) + F2(b, c, d) + e + w[i] + 0x6ed9eba1;
e = d;
d = c;
c = ROT2(b);
b = a;
a = temp;
for (i=40;i<60;i++)
temp = ROT27(a) + F3(b, c, d) + e + w[i] + 0x8f1bbcdc;
e = d;
d = c;
c = ROT2(b);
b = a;
a = temp;
for (i=60;i<80;i++)
temp = ROT27(a) + F4(b, c, d) + e + w[i] + 0xca62c1d6;
e = d;
d = c;
c = ROT2(b);
b = a;
a = temp;
h[0] = h0+a;
h[1] = h1+b;
h[2] = h2+c;
h[3] = h3+d;
h[4] = h4+e;
return (ALG_OK);
unsigned long gamma(a, i)
unsigned char *a;
int i;
unsigned long h[5];
(void) g(a, i/5, h);
return h[i % 5];
int seal_init(seal_ctx *result, unsigned char *key)
int i;
unsigned long h[5];
for (i=0;i<510;i+=5)
g(key, i/5, &(result->t[i]));
/* horrible special case for the end */
g(key, 510/5, h);
for (i=510;i<512;i++)
result->t[i] = h[i-510];
/* 0x1000 mod 5 is +1, so have horrible special case for the start */
g(key, (-1+0x1000)/5, h);
for (i=0;i<4;i++)
result->s[i] = h[i+1];
for (i=4;i<254;i+=5)
g(key, (i+0x1000)/5, &(result->s[i]));
/* horrible special case for the end */
g(key, (254+0x1000)/5, h);
for (i=254;i<256;i++)
result->s[i] = h[i-254];
/* 0x2000 mod 5 is +2, so have horrible special case at the start */
g(key, (-2+0x2000)/5, h);
for (i=0;i<3;i++)
result->r[i] = h[i+2];
for (i=3;i<13;i+=5)
g(key, (i+0x2000)/5, &(result->r[i]));
/* horrible special case for the end */
g(key, (13+0x2000)/5, h);
for (i=13;i<16;i++)
result->r[i] = h[i-13];
return (ALG_OK);
int seal(seal_ctx *key, unsigned long in, unsigned long *out)
int i;
int j;
int l;
unsigned long a;
unsigned long b;
unsigned long c;
unsigned long d;
unsigned short p;
unsigned short q;
unsigned long n1;
unsigned long n2;
unsigned long n3;
unsigned long n4;
unsigned long *wp;
wp = out;
for (l=0;l<4;l++)
a = in ^ key->r[4*l];
b = ROT8(in) ^ key->r[4*l+1];
c = ROT16(in) ^ key->r[4*l+2];
d = ROT24(in) ^ key->r[4*l+3];
for (j=0;j<2;j++)
p = a & 0x7fc;
b += key->t[p/4];
a = ROT9(a);
p = b & 0x7fc;
c += key->t[p/4];
b = ROT9(b);
p = c & 0x7fc;
d += key->t[p/4];
c = ROT9(c);
p = d & 0x7fc;
a += key->t[p/4];
d = ROT9(d);

n1 = d;
n2 = b;
n3 = a;
n4 = c;
p = a & 0x7fc;
b += key->t[p/4];
a = ROT9(a);
p = b & 0x7fc;
c += key->t[p/4];
b = ROT9(b);
p = c & 0x7fc;
d += key->t[p/4];
c = ROT9(c);
p = d & 0x7fc;
a += key->t[p/4];
d = ROT9(d);
/* This generates 64 32-bit words, or 256 bytes of keystream. */
for (i=0;i<64;i++)
p = a & 0x7fc;
b += key->t[p/4];
a = ROT9(a);
b ^= a;
q = b & 0x7fc;
c ^= key->t[q/4];
b = ROT9(b);
c += b;
p = (p+c) & 0x7fc;
d += key->t[p/4];
c = ROT9(c);
d ^= c;
q = (q+d) & 0x7fc;
a ^= key->t[q/4];
d = ROT9(d);
a += d;
p = (p+a) & 0x7fc;
b ^= key->t[p/4];
a = ROT9(a);
q = (q+b) & 0x7fc;
c += key->t[q/4];
b = ROT9(b);
p = (p+c) & 0x7fc;
d ^= key->t[p/4];
c = ROT9(c);
q = (q+d) & 0x7fc;
a += key->t[q/4];
d = ROT9(d);
*wp = b + key->s[4*i];
*wp = c ^ key->s[4*i+1];
*wp = d + key->s[4*i+2];
*wp = a ^ key->s[4*i+3];
if (i & 1)
a += n3;
c += n4;
a += n1;
c += n2;
return (ALG_OK);
/* Added call to refill ks_buf and reset counter and ks_pos. */
void seal_refill_buffer(seal_ctx *c){
c->ks_pos = 0;
void seal_key(seal_ctx *c, unsigned char *key){
c->counter = 0; /* By default, init to zero. */
c->ks_pos = WORDS_PER_SEAL_CALL;
/* Refill keystream buffer on next call. */
/* This encrypts the next w words with SEAL. */
void seal_encrypt(seal_ctx *c, unsigned long *data_ptr, int w){
int i;
for(i=0;i if(c->ks_pos>=WORDS_PER_SEAL_CALL) seal_refill_buffer(c);
void seal_decrypt(seal_ctx *c, unsigned long *data_ptr, int w) {
void seal_resynch(seal_ctx *c, unsigned long synch_word){
c->counter = synch_word;
c->ks_pos = WORDS_PER_SEAL_CALL;
void main(void){
seal_ctx sc;
unsigned long buf[1000],t;
int i,flag;
unsigned char key[] =
for(i=0;i<1000;i++) buf[i]=0;
t = 0;
for(i=0;i<1000;i++) t = t ^ buf[i];
printf("XOR of buf is %08lx.\n",t);
flag = 0;
for(i=0;i<1000;i++) if(buf[i]!=0)flag=1;
if(flag) printf("Decrypt failed.\n");
else printf("Decrypt succeeded.\n");

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