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  • /* Does gost_dec() properly reverse gost_enc() Do we deal OK with single-block lengths passed in gost_dec()

  • Криптография 2е издание Протоколы, алгоритмы и исходные тексты на языке С

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    НазваниеКриптография 2е издание Протоколы, алгоритмы и исходные тексты на языке С
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    } /* ideaInvertKey */
    #ifdef SMALL_CACHE
    #define MUL(x,y) (x = mul(low16(x),y))
    #else /* !SMALL_CACHE */
    #ifdef AVOID_JUMPS
    #define MUL(x,y) (x = low16(x-1), t16 = low16((y)-1), \
    t32 = (word32)x*t16 + x + t16 + 1, x = low16(t32), \
    t16 = t32>>16, x = (x-t16) + (x#else /* !AVOID_JUMPS (default) */
    #define MUL(x,y) \
    ((t16 = (y)) ? \
    (x=low16(x)) ? \
    t32 = (word32)x*t16, \
    x = low16(t32), \
    t16 = t32>>16, \
    x = (x-t16)+(x

    : \
    (x = 1-t16) \
    : \
    (x = 1-x))
    #endif static void ideaCipher(byte *inbuf, byte *outbuf, word16 *key)
    register uint16 x1, x2, x3, x4, s2, s3;
    word16 *in, *out;
    #ifndef SMALL_CACHE
    register uint16 t16; /* Temporaries needed by MUL macro */
    register word32 t32;
    #endif int r = IDEAROUNDS;
    in = (word16 *)inbuf;
    x1 = *in++; x2 = *in++;
    x3 = *in++; x4 = *in;
    #ifndef HIGHFIRST
    x1 = (x1 >>8) | (x1<<8);
    x2 = (x2 >>8) | (x2<<8);
    x3 = (x3 >>8) | (x3<<8);
    x4 = (x4 >>8) | (x4<<8);
    #endif do {
    x2 += *key++;
    x3 += *key++;
    MUL(x4, *key++);
    s3 = x3;
    x3 ^= x1;
    MUL(x3, *key++);
    s2 = x2;
    x2 ^= x4;
    x2 += x3;
    MUL(x2, *key++);
    x3 += x2;
    x1 ^= x2; x4 ^= x3;
    x2 ^= s3; x3 ^= s2;
    } while (--r);
    MUL(x1, *key++);
    x3 += *key++;
    x2 += *key++;
    MUL(x4, *key);
    out = (word16 *)outbuf;
    #ifdef HIGHFIRST
    *out++ = x1;
    *out++ = x3;
    *out++ = x2;
    *out = x4;
    #else /* !HIGHFIRST */
    *out++ = (x1 >>8) | (x1<<8);
    *out++ = (x3 >>8) | (x3<<8);
    *out++ = (x2 >>8) | (x2<<8);
    *out = (x4 >>8) | (x4<<8);

    } /* ideaCipher */
    void idea_key(idea_ctx *c, unsigned char *key){
    void idea_enc(idea_ctx *c, unsigned char *data, int blocks){
    int i;
    unsigned char *d = data;
    for(i=0;i ideaCipher(d,d,c->ek);
    void idea_dec(idea_ctx *c, unsigned char *data, int blocks){
    int i;
    unsigned char *d = data;
    for(i=0;i ideaCipher(d,d,c->dk);
    #ifndef BLOCKS
    #ifndef KBYTES
    #define KBYTES 1024
    #define BLOCKS (64*KBYTES)
    #endif int main(void)
    { /* Test driver for IDEA cipher */
    int i, j, k;
    idea_ctx c;
    byte userkey[16];
    byte XX[8], YY[8], ZZ[8];
    word32 long_block[10]; /* 5 blocks */
    long l;
    char *lbp;
    /* Make a sample user key for testing... */
    for(i=0; i<16; i++)
    userkey[i] = i+1;
    /* Make a sample plaintext pattern for testing... */
    for (k=0; k<8; k++)
    XX[k] = k;
    idea_enc(&c,XX,1); /* encrypt */
    lbp = (unsigned char *) long_block;
    for(i=0;i<10;i++) long_block[i] = i;
    for(i=0;i<10;i+=2) printf("Block %01d = %08lx %08lx.\n",
    for(i=0;i<10;i+=2) printf("Block %01d = %08lx %08lx.\n",
    return 0; /* normal exit */
    } /* main */
    typedef unsigned long u4;
    typedef unsigned char byte;
    typedef struct {
    u4 k[8];
    /* Constant s-boxes -- set up in gost_init(). */
    char k87[256],k65[256],k43[256],k21[256];
    } gost_ctx;
    /* Note: encrypt and decrypt expect full blocks--padding blocks is caller's responsibility. All bulk encryption is done in
    ECB mode by these calls. Other modes may be added easily enough. */
    void gost_enc(gost_ctx *, u4 *, int);
    void gost_dec(gost_ctx *, u4 *, int);
    void gost_key(gost_ctx *, u4 *);
    void gost_init(gost_ctx *);
    void gost_destroy(gost_ctx *);
    #ifdef __alpha /* Any other 64-bit machines? */
    typedef unsigned int word32;
    #else typedef unsigned long word32;
    #endif kboxinit(gost_ctx *c)
    int i;
    byte k8[16] = {14, 4, 13, 1, 2, 15, 11, 8, 3, 10, 6,
    12, 5, 9, 0, 7 };
    byte k7[16] = {15, 1, 8, 14, 6, 11, 3, 4, 9, 7, 2,
    13, 12, 0, 5, 10 };
    byte k6[16] = {10, 0, 9, 14, 6, 3, 15, 5, 1, 13, 12,
    7, 11, 4, 2, 8 };
    byte k5[16] = { 7, 13, 14, 3, 0, 6, 9, 10, 1, 2, 8,
    5, 11, 12, 4, 15 };
    byte k4[16] = { 2, 12, 4, 1, 7, 10, 11, 6, 8, 5, 3,
    15, 13, 0, 14, 9 };
    byte k3[16] = {12, 1, 10, 15, 9, 2, 6, 8, 0, 13, 3,
    4, 14, 7, 5, 11 };
    byte k2[16] = { 4, 11, 2, 14, 15, 0, 8, 13, 3, 12, 9,
    7, 5, 10, 6, 1 };
    byte k1[16] = {13, 2, 8, 4, 6, 15, 11, 1, 10, 9, 3,
    14, 5, 0, 12, 7 };
    for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
    c->k87[i] = k8[i >> 4] << 4 | k7[i & 15];
    c->k65[i] = k6[i >> 4] << 4 | k5[i & 15];
    c->k43[i] = k4[i >> 4] << 4 | k3[i & 15];
    c->k21[i] = k2[i >> 4] << 4 | k1[i & 15];
    static word32
    f(gost_ctx *c,word32 x)
    x = c->k87[x>>24 & 255] << 24 | c->k65[x>>16 & 255] << 16 |
    c->k43[x>> 8 & 255] << 8 | c->k21[x & 255];
    /* Rotate left 11 bits */
    return x<<11 | x>>(32-11);
    void gostcrypt(gost_ctx *c, word32 *d){
    register word32 n1, n2; /* As named in the GOST */
    n1 = d[0];
    n2 = d[1];
    /* Instead of swapping halves, swap names each round */
    n2 ^= f(c,n1+c->k[0]); n1 ^= f(c,n2+c->k[1]);
    n2 ^= f(c,n1+c->k[2]); n1 ^= f(c,n2+c->k[3]);
    n2 ^= f(c,n1+c->k[4]); n1 ^= f(c,n2+c->k[5]);
    n2 ^= f(c,n1+c->k[6]); n1 ^= f(c,n2+c->k[7]);
    n2 ^= f(c,n1+c->k[0]); n1 ^= f(c,n2+c->k[1]);
    n2 ^= f(c,n1+c->k[2]); n1 ^= f(c,n2+c->k[3]);
    n2 ^= f(c,n1+c->k[4]); n1 ^= f(c,n2+c->k[5]);
    n2 ^= f(c,n1+c->k[6]); n1 ^= f(c,n2+c->k[7]);
    n2 ^= f(c,n1+c->k[0]); n1 ^= f(c,n2+c->k[1]);
    n2 ^= f(c,n1+c->k[2]); n1 ^= f(c,n2+c->k[3]);
    n2 ^= f(c,n1+c->k[4]); n1 ^= f(c,n2+c->k[5]);
    n2 ^= f(c,n1+c->k[6]); n1 ^= f(c,n2+c->k[7]);
    n2 ^= f(c,n1+c->k[7]); n1 ^= f(c,n2+c->k[6]);
    n2 ^= f(c,n1+c->k[5]); n1 ^= f(c,n2+c->k[4]);
    n2 ^= f(c,n1+c->k[3]); n1 ^= f(c,n2+c->k[2]);
    n2 ^= f(c,n1+c->k[1]); n1 ^= f(c,n2+c->k[0]);
    d[0] = n2; d[1] = n1;
    void gostdecrypt(gost_ctx *c, u4 *d){
    register word32 n1, n2; /* As named in the GOST */
    n1 = d[0]; n2 = d[1];
    n2 ^= f(c,n1+c->k[0]); n1 ^= f(c,n2+c->k[1]);
    n2 ^= f(c,n1+c->k[2]); n1 ^= f(c,n2+c->k[3]);
    n2 ^= f(c,n1+c->k[4]); n1 ^= f(c,n2+c->k[5]);
    n2 ^= f(c,n1+c->k[6]); n1 ^= f(c,n2+c->k[7]);
    n2 ^= f(c,n1+c->k[7]); n1 ^= f(c,n2+c->k[6]);
    n2 ^= f(c,n1+c->k[5]); n1 ^= f(c,n2+c->k[4]);
    n2 ^= f(c,n1+c->k[3]); n1 ^= f(c,n2+c->k[2]);
    n2 ^= f(c,n1+c->k[1]); n1 ^= f(c,n2+c->k[0]);
    n2 ^= f(c,n1+c->k[7]); n1 ^= f(c,n2+c->k[6]);
    n2 ^= f(c,n1+c->k[5]); n1 ^= f(c,n2+c->k[4]);
    n2 ^= f(c,n1+c->k[3]); n1 ^= f(c,n2+c->k[2]);
    n2 ^= f(c,n1+c->k[1]); n1 ^= f(c,n2+c->k[0]);
    n2 ^= f(c,n1+c->k[7]); n1 ^= f(c,n2+c->k[6]);
    n2 ^= f(c,n1+c->k[5]); n1 ^= f(c,n2+c->k[4]);
    n2 ^= f(c,n1+c->k[3]); n1 ^= f(c,n2+c->k[2]);
    n2 ^= f(c,n1+c->k[1]); n1 ^= f(c,n2+c->k[0]);
    d[0] = n2; d[1] = n1;
    void gost_enc(gost_ctx *c, u4 *d, int blocks){
    int i;
    for(i=0;i gostcrypt(c,d);
    void gost_dec(gost_ctx *c, u4 *d, int blocks){
    int i;
    for(i=0;i gostdecrypt(c,d);
    void gost_key(gost_ctx *c, u4 *k){
    int i;
    for(i=0;i<8;i++) c->k[i]=k[i];
    void gost_init(gost_ctx *c){
    void gost_destroy(gost_ctx *c){
    int i;
    for(i=0;i<8;i++) c->k[i]=0;
    void main(void){
    gost_ctx gc;
    u4 k[8],data[10];
    int i;
    /* Initialize GOST context. */
    /* Prepare key--a simple key should be OK, with this many rounds! */
    for(i=0;i<8;i++) k[i] = i;
    /* Try some test vectors. */
    data[0] = 0; data[1] = 0;
    printf("Enc of zero vector: %08lx %08lx\n",data[0],data[1]);
    printf("Enc of above: %08lx %08lx\n",data[0],data[1]);
    data[0] = 0xffffffff; data[1] = 0xffffffff;
    printf("Enc of ones vector: %08lx %08lx\n",data[0],data[1]);
    printf("Enc of above: %08lx %08lx\n",data[0],data[1]);

    /* Does gost_dec() properly reverse gost_enc()? Do we deal OK with single-block lengths passed in gost_dec()?
    Do we deal OK with different lengths passed in? */
    /* Init data */
    for(i=0;i<10;i++) data[i]=i;
    /* Encrypt data as 5 blocks. */
    /* Display encrypted data. */
    for(i=0;i<10;i+=2) printf("Block %02d = %08lx %08lx\n",
    /* Decrypt in different sized chunks. */
    /* Display decrypted data. */
    for(i=0;i<10;i+=2) printf("Block %02d = %08lx %08lx\n",
    #ifdef little_endian /* Eg: Intel */
    #ifdef little_endian /* Eg: Intel */

    #ifdef big_endian
    #endif typedef struct {
    unsigned long S[4][256],P[18];
    } blf_ctx;
    #define MAXKEYBYTES 56 /* 448 bits */
    // #define little_endian 1 /* Eg: Intel */
    #define big_endian 1 /* Eg: Motorola */
    void Blowfish_encipher(blf_ctx *,unsigned long *xl, unsigned long *xr);
    void Blowfish_decipher(blf_ctx *,unsigned long *xl, unsigned long *xr);
    #define N 16
    #define noErr 0
    #define DATAERROR -1
    #define KEYBYTES 8
    FILE* SubkeyFile;
    unsigned long F(blf_ctx *bc, unsigned long x)
    unsigned short a;
    unsigned short b;
    unsigned short c;
    unsigned short d;
    unsigned long y;
    d = x & 0x00FF;
    x >>= 8;
    c = x & 0x00FF;
    x >>= 8;
    b = x & 0x00FF;
    x >>= 8;
    a = x & 0x00FF;
    //y = ((S[0][a] + S[1][b]) ^ S[2][c]) + S[3][d];
    y = bc->S[0][a] + bc->S[1][b];
    y = y ^ bc->S[2][c];
    y = y + bc->S[3][d];
    return y;
    void Blowfish_encipher(blf_ctx *c,unsigned long *xl, unsigned long *xr)
    unsigned long Xl;
    unsigned long Xr;
    unsigned long temp;
    short i;
    Xl = *xl;
    Xr = *xr;
    for (i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
    Xl = Xl ^ c->P[i];
    Xr = F(c,Xl) ^ Xr;
    temp = Xl;

    Xl = Xr;
    Xr = temp;
    temp = Xl;
    Xl = Xr;
    Xr = temp;
    Xr = Xr ^ c->P[N];
    Xl = Xl ^ c->P[N + 1];
    *xl = Xl;
    *xr = Xr;
    void Blowfish_decipher(blf_ctx *c, unsigned long *xl, unsigned long *xr)
    unsigned long Xl;
    unsigned long Xr;
    unsigned long temp;
    short i;
    Xl = *xl;
    Xr = *xr;
    for (i = N + 1; i > 1; --i) {
    Xl = Xl ^ c->P[i];
    Xr = F(c,Xl) ^ Xr;
    /* Exchange Xl and Xr */
    temp = Xl;
    Xl = Xr;
    Xr = temp;
    /* Exchange Xl and Xr */
    temp = Xl;
    Xl = Xr;
    Xr = temp;
    Xr = Xr ^ c->P[1];
    Xl = Xl ^ c->P[0];
    *xl = Xl;
    *xr = Xr;
    short InitializeBlowfish(blf_ctx *c, char key[], short keybytes)
    short i;
    short j;
    short k;
    short error;
    short numread;
    unsigned long data;
    unsigned long datal;
    unsigned long datar;
    unsigned long ks0[] = {
    0xd1310ba6, 0x98dfb5ac, 0x2ffd72db, 0xd01adfb7, 0xb8e1afed, 0x6a267e96,
    0xba7c9045, 0xf12c7f99, 0x24a19947, 0xb3916cf7, 0x0801f2e2, 0x858efc16,
    0x636920d8, 0x71574e69, 0xa458fea3, 0xf4933d7e, 0x0d95748f, 0x728eb658,

    0x718bcd58, 0x82154aee, 0x7b54a41d, 0xc25a59b5, 0x9c30d539, 0x2af26013,
    0xc5d1b023, 0x286085f0, 0xca417918, 0xb8db38ef, 0x8e79dcb0, 0x603a180e,
    0x6c9e0e8b, 0xb01e8a3e, 0xd71577c1, 0xbd314b27, 0x78af2fda, 0x55605c60,
    0xe65525f3, 0xaa55ab94, 0x57489862, 0x63e81440, 0x55ca396a, 0x2aab10b6,
    0xb4cc5c34, 0x1141e8ce, 0xa15486af, 0x7c72e993, 0xb3ee1411, 0x636fbc2a,
    0x2ba9c55d, 0x741831f6, 0xce5c3e16, 0x9b87931e, 0xafd6ba33, 0x6c24cf5c,
    0x7a325381, 0x28958677, 0x3b8f4898, 0x6b4bb9af, 0xc4bfe81b, 0x66282193,
    0x61d809cc, 0xfb21a991, 0x487cac60, 0x5dec8032, 0xef845d5d, 0xe98575b1,
    0xdc262302, 0xeb651b88, 0x23893e81, 0xd396acc5, 0x0f6d6ff3, 0x83f44239,
    0x2e0b4482, 0xa4842004, 0x69c8f04a, 0x9e1f9b5e, 0x21c66842, 0xf6e96c9a,
    0x670c9c61, 0xabd388f0, 0x6a51a0d2, 0xd8542f68, 0x960fa728, 0xab5133a3,
    0x6eef0b6c, 0x137a3be4, 0xba3bf050, 0x7efb2a98, 0xa1f1651d, 0x39af0176,
    0x66ca593e, 0x82430e88, 0x8cee8619, 0x456f9fb4, 0x7d84a5c3, 0x3b8b5ebe,
    0xe06f75d8, 0x85c12073, 0x401a449f, 0x56c16aa6, 0x4ed3aa62, 0x363f7706,
    0x1bfedf72, 0x429b023d, 0x37d0d724, 0xd00a1248, 0xdb0fead3, 0x49f1c09b,
    0x075372c9, 0x80991b7b, 0x25d479d8, 0xf6e8def7, 0xe3fe501a, 0xb6794c3b,
    0x976ce0bd, 0x04c006ba, 0xc1a94fb6, 0x409f60c4, 0x5e5c9ec2, 0x196a2463,
    0x68fb6faf, 0x3e6c53b5, 0x1339b2eb, 0x3b52ec6f, 0x6dfc511f, 0x9b30952c,
    0xcc814544, 0xaf5ebd09, 0xbee3d004, 0xde334afd, 0x660f2807, 0x192e4bb3,
    0xc0cba857, 0x45c8740f, 0xd20b5f39, 0xb9d3fbdb, 0x5579c0bd, 0x1a60320a,
    0xd6a100c6, 0x402c7279, 0x679f25fe, 0xfb1fa3cc, 0x8ea5e9f8, 0xdb3222f8,
    0x3c7516df, 0xfd616b15, 0x2f501ec8, 0xad0552ab, 0x323db5fa, 0xfd238760,
    0x53317b48, 0x3e00df82, 0x9e5c57bb, 0xca6f8ca0, 0x1a87562e, 0xdf1769db,
    0xd542a8f6, 0x287effc3, 0xac6732c6, 0x8c4f5573, 0x695b27b0, 0xbbca58c8,
    0xe1ffa35d, 0xb8f011a0, 0x10fa3d98, 0xfd2183b8, 0x4afcb56c, 0x2dd1d35b,
    0x9a53e479, 0xb6f84565, 0xd28e49bc, 0x4bfb9790, 0xe1ddf2da, 0xa4cb7e33,
    0x62fb1341, 0xcee4c6e8, 0xef20cada, 0x36774c01, 0xd07e9efe, 0x2bf11fb4,
    0x95dbda4d, 0xae909198, 0xeaad8e71, 0x6b93d5a0, 0xd08ed1d0, 0xafc725e0,
    0x8e3c5b2f, 0x8e7594b7, 0x8ff6e2fb, 0xf2122b64, 0x8888b812, 0x900df01c,
    0x4fad5ea0, 0x688fc31c, 0xd1cff191, 0xb3a8c1ad, 0x2f2f2218, 0xbe0e1777,
    0xea752dfe, 0x8b021fa1, 0xe5a0cc0f, 0xb56f74e8, 0x18acf3d6, 0xce89e299,
    0xb4a84fe0, 0xfd13e0b7, 0x7cc43b81, 0xd2ada8d9, 0x165fa266, 0x80957705,
    0x93cc7314, 0x211a1477, 0xe6ad2065, 0x77b5fa86, 0xc75442f5, 0xfb9d35cf,
    0xebcdaf0c, 0x7b3e89a0, 0xd6411bd3, 0xae1e7e49, 0x00250e2d, 0x2071b35e,
    0x226800bb, 0x57b8e0af, 0x2464369b, 0xf009b91e, 0x5563911d, 0x59dfa6aa,
    0x78c14389, 0xd95a537f, 0x207d5ba2, 0x02e5b9c5, 0x83260376, 0x6295cfa9,
    0x11c81968, 0x4e734a41, 0xb3472dca, 0x7b14a94a, 0x1b510052, 0x9a532915,
    0xd60f573f, 0xbc9bc6e4, 0x2b60a476, 0x81e67400, 0x08ba6fb5, 0x571be91f,
    0xf296ec6b, 0x2a0dd915, 0xb6636521, 0xe7b9f9b6, 0xff34052e, 0xc5855664,
    0x53b02d5d, 0xa99f8fa1, 0x08ba4799, 0x6e85076a};
    unsigned long ks1[] = {
    0x4b7a70e9, 0xb5b32944, 0xdb75092e, 0xc4192623, 0xad6ea6b0, 0x49a7df7d,
    0x9cee60b8, 0x8fedb266, 0xecaa8c71, 0x699a17ff, 0x5664526c, 0xc2b19ee1,
    0x193602a5, 0x75094c29, 0xa0591340, 0xe4183a3e, 0x3f54989a, 0x5b429d65,
    0x6b8fe4d6, 0x99f73fd6, 0xa1d29c07, 0xefe830f5, 0x4d2d38e6, 0xf0255dc1,
    0x4cdd2086, 0x8470eb26, 0x6382e9c6, 0x021ecc5e, 0x09686b3f, 0x3ebaefc9,
    0x3c971814, 0x6b6a70a1, 0x687f3584, 0x52a0e286, 0xb79c5305, 0xaa500737,
    0x3e07841c, 0x7fdeae5c, 0x8e7d44ec, 0x5716f2b8, 0xb03ada37, 0xf0500c0d,
    0xf01c1f04, 0x0200b3ff, 0xae0cf51a, 0x3cb574b2, 0x25837a58, 0xdc0921bd,
    0xd19113f9, 0x7ca92ff6, 0x94324773, 0x22f54701, 0x3ae5e581, 0x37c2dadc,
    0xc8b57634, 0x9af3dda7, 0xa9446146, 0x0fd0030e, 0xecc8c73e, 0xa4751e41,
    0xe238cd99, 0x3bea0e2f, 0x3280bba1, 0x183eb331, 0x4e548b38, 0x4f6db908,
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    1   ...   59   60   61   62   63   64   65   66   ...   78

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