Лексико-грамматическая работа для студентов. Лексикограмматическая работа для студентов
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Лексико-грамматическая работа для студентов I. Найдите русские эквиваленты следующих английских слов и словосочетаний. Ovulation воздержание labor спермицидная пенка Feeling sick раздражение Breasts гормоны Needing to pee more вагинит Vaginal discharge внематочная беременность Cystitis отклоняющийся от нормы Vaginitis метод контрацепции Abstinence овуляция Condom воспаление Abnormal цистит A birth control method частое мочеиспускание IUD вазектомия spermicidal foam роды Ectopic Pregnancy влагалищные выделения Hormones грудь Pap smear ВМС Inflammation чувствовать тошноту Irritation презерватив Vasectomy мазок II. Из приведенных слов составьте предложения. can/ dangerous/ be/ for /infection /the /herpes /newborn. contact/ avoid /sick /with/ cats /close. a procedure/ a Pap smear/ and/ examined /is /cells /are scraped /from /the cervix/ the surface / where /of /in a laboratory. III. Поставьте приведенный в скобках глагол в необходимую форму. A woman (is doing, does, has done) already a pregnancy test. A gynecologist (examines, is examining, has examined) a patient now. Fruit and vegetables ( has helped, help, are helping)to provide the vitamins and minerals. If you (work, will work) with chemicals, you (will risk, risk) your health and the health of your baby. A Gyn exam (performs, is performed) by a doctor. IV. Прочитайте определение медицинского термина и поставьте вопросы к подчеркнутым словам. Abortion is a termination of a pregnancy. An abortion can be spontaneous (better known as a miscarriage) or medically induced through surgery or by drugs. Medically and surgically induced abortions should only be performed by a trained clinician. V. Выполните письменный перевод текста на русский язык. Infertility is the term health care providers use for women who are unable to get pregnant, and for men who are unable to impregnate a woman, after at least one year of trying. In women, the term is used to describe those who are of normal childbearing age, not those who can’t get pregnant because they are near or past menopause. Women who are able to get pregnant but who cannot carry a pregnancy to birth may also be considered infertile. Infertility is a complex problem – it does not have a single cause because getting pregnant is a multi-step chain of events. The cause of infertility can rest in the women or the man, or can be from unknown factors or a combination of factors. УI. Найдите русские эквиваленты следующих английских слов и словосочетаний. take care зачатие give up мочевой пузырь underweight яичники pregnancy половой акт rubella матка STDs эякуляция AIDS шейка матки HIV герпес herpes ВИЧ chicken pox наследственная болезнь toxoplasmosis оплодотворенная яйцеклетка inherited disease ветряная оспа uterus краснуха ovaries недоношенный cervix СПИД bladder отказываться conception заботиться о fertilized egg токсоплазмоз sexual intercourse беременность ejaculation ЗППП УII. Из приведенных слов составьте предложения. baby/ healthily/ well /will/ your/ develop /help /eating. a painless /syphilis /first/ of /is /symptom/ sore /called/ the chancres. another /rush/ home/ and/ job/ don’t/ cleaning /start /cooking /and. УIII. Поставьте приведенный в скобках глагол в необходимую форму. The patient (develops, has developed, will develop) already heavy uterine bleeding. She (suffers, is suffering) from sterility. Look. A pregnant woman ( is taking, takes, took) harmful pills. If you (will feel, feel) tense after a hard work, relaxation (will help, helps) you to sleep. All children now (immunize, are immunized) against rubella between 12-15 months. 9. Прочитайте определение медицинского термина и поставьте вопросы к подчеркнутым словам. Every woman has a vaginal discharge that is normal and healthy for her. This discharge may change in thickness and amount throughout her menstrual cycle, but usually is the same color and odor. If a discharge becomes a different color or develops an odor, she should be examined for a possible STD. 10. Выполните письменный перевод текста на русский язык. Menstruation is the part of a woman’s monthly menstrual cycle in which blood and tissue are discharged from the vagina. Most menstrual periods last from three to five days. A stop in menstrual periods (called amenorrhea) could be a sign that something is wrong. Menstrual irregularities can mean bleeding between your periods, skipping a period, or having very heavy menstrual periods. It is important to tell your health care provider about these symptoms. Are there treatments for painful menstruation? Placing a heating pad on the abdomen and over-the-counter pain relievers may help lessen the symptoms. |