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  • тест по страноведению США для учащихся 7-8 классов. Литература сша Правительство сша Спорт и праздники

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    Пояснительная записка
    Данная методическая разработка включает в себя 40 тестовых заданий по теме «США», которые сгруппированы по следующим темам:

    • «История и география США»;

    • «Культура и литература США»;

    • «Правительство США»;

    • «Спорт и праздники».

    Тестовые задания представлены в форме выбора одного правильного ответа. Материал охватывает страноведческую информацию о США:

    • географическое положение;

    • политическую систему;

    • культуру и литературу;

    • праздники и спорт.

    Методическая рекомендация предназначена для самостоятельной работы и определения уровня знаний по теме «США».

    What do you know about the USA?
    Part I
    History and Geography of the USA

    1. Who discovered America?

    • a. John Kennedy

    • b. Christopher Columbus

    • c. Jimmy Carter

    2 . Who was the first president of the USA?

    • a. Franklin Roosevelt

    • b. Abraham Lincoln

    • c. John Washington

    3. What is the federal capital of the USA?

    • a. New York

    • b. Chicago

    • c. Washington (DC)

    4 . What river is the capital of the USA situated on?

    • a. the Potomac

    • b. the Hudson

    • c. the Mississippi

    5. How many stars and stripes are there on the US flag?

    • a. 45 and 12

    • b. 50 and 13

    • c. 55 and 15

    6. Where do American Presidents live?

    • a. the Capital

    • b. the Lincoln Memorial

    • c. the White House

    7. What is America’s symbol of freedom?

    • a. the Empire State Building

    • b. the Bald Eagle

    • c. the Statue of Liberty

    8. What part of the North American continent is the USA situated in?

    • a. northern

    • b. central

    • c. southern

    9. What is the largest American state?

    • a. Alaska

    • b. Texas

    • c. Florida

    10. What is the largest city in the USA?

    • a. Boston

    • b. New York

    • c. Chicago

    Part II
    Culture and Literature of the USA

    1. Who created ‘’The Adventures of Tom Sawyer’’?

    • a. Alexander Bell

    • b. Walt Disney

    • c. Mark Twain

    1. W hose portraits are printed on American dollars?

    • a. American Presidents

    • b. American actors

    • c. American pop stars

    1. W ho built the first car?

    • a. Arnold Schwarzenegger

    • b. Bill Clinton

    • c. Henry Ford

    1. W ho wrote the story “The Old Man and the Sea”?

    • a. Charlie Chaplin

    • b. Ernest Hemingway

    • c. O’Henry

    1. What food is popular among Americans?

    • a. pizza

    • b. fast food

    • c. porridge

    6. What place is the centre of the American film industry?

    • a. Yellow Stone Park

    • b. Las Vegas

    • c. Hollywood

    1. W hat prize are the best musicians and composers awarded every year in the USA?

    • a. the Grammy

    • b. the Oscars

    • c. the Gramophone

    1. What is the name of the awards given to the best movie actors and actresses each year in the USA?

    • a. the Nike

    • b. the Oscars

    • c. the Santa Maria

    9. What monument in Washington D.C. is nicknamed “The pencil”?

    • a. Washington Monument

    • b. the White House

    • c. the Capitol

    1. “Columbia Pictures”, “20’Th Century Fox”, “Warner Brothers” are

    • a. the major US sport companies

    • b. the major US film companies

    • c. the major US music companies

    Part III
    Government of the USA

    1. W hat kind of state is the USA?

    • a. federal republic

    • b. a monarchy

    • c. a parliamentary monarchy

    1. W ho is the head of the government in the USA?

    • a. the Prime Minister

    • b. the President

    • c. the State Secretary

    1. W hat is the nickname of the US government?

    • a. Uncle Sam

    • b. Sister Mary

    • c. Brother John

    4. What is the flag of the USA called?

    • a. “Stars and stripes”

    • b. “Stars and rings”

    • c. “Stars and squares”

    5 . What is the tallest building in Washington DC?

    • the Pentagon

    • the White House

    • the Capitol

    6.What is Congress?

    • a. the American Party

    • b. the American Parliament

    • c. the American Court

    7. What currency is used in the USA?

    • a. pounds

    • b. franks

    • c. American dollars

    1. What are two main political parties in the USA?

    • a. the Democratic Party and the Republican Party

    • b. the Labor Party and the Communist Party

    • c. the Social Party and the Conservative Party

    1. H ow long is the US President term?

    • a. 2 years

    • b. 4 years

    • c. 6 years

    10. What was Abraham Lincoln?

    • a. the Prime Minister

    • b. the President

    • c. a doctor

    Part IV
    Sport and holidays

    1. What holiday in the USA is celebrated on July, 4?

    • a. Easter

    • b. Independence Day

    • c. New Year’s Day

    1. W hat is the event in the USA in the month of November, on the first Tuesday after the first Monday?

    • a. Halloween

    • b. Christmas

    • c. Election Day

    1. What is the national sport in the USA?

    • a. baseball

    • b. golf

    • c. tennis

    1. What food is traditionally connected with Thanksgiving Day?

    • a. chocolate eggs

    • b. roast turkey and pumpkin pie

    • c. fish and chips

    1. On what day will you see many jacks-o’- lanterns?

    • a. Halloween

    • b. Memorial Day

    • c. Easter

    1. Which of the US presidents was a Hollywood actor?

    • a. Ronald Regan

    • b. Bill Clinton

    • c. George Bush

    1. Are there any differences between American football and soccer?

    • a. No, there aren’t

    • b. They are the same

    • c. Yes, there are

    1. C hristmas is an important time for:

    • a. giving presents

    • b. watching TV

    • c. playing baseball

    1. W hat is the most common leisure activity among American families?

    • a. car travel

    • b. bus travel

    • c. bicycle travel

    1. Where do the New – Yorkers usually meet New Years Day?

    • a. on Time Square

    • b. on Broadway

    • c. on the 5th Avenue

    Keys to the questions:

    Part I

    Part II

    Part III

    Part IV









































    Список литературы:

    1. Ощепкова В.В., Булкин А.П. США: страна, люди, традиции. Книга для чтения по страноведению. – М.: РТ-Пресс, 2001

    1. Родин И.О., Пименова Т.М. Устные темы и задания по развитию речи (английский язык) 9-10 года обучения: Учебное пособие. - М.: «Издательство Астрель», «Издательство АСТ», 2001

    1. Шалаева Г.П., Хаскин В.П. Английский язык. Справочник школьника. – М.: Филологическое общество «Слово», 2002

    1. Интернет http://festival.1september.ru/

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