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  • Суффиксы и приставки в английском языке, Учебно-методическая разработка. Учебно-методическая разработка. Методическая разработка Дроздова Татьяна Николаевна учитель английского языка

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    Food and drink

    Wordformation: anxious, anxiously, anxiety

    appreciate (un)appreciative(ly), appreciation

    contain container, content(s)

    create creative(ly), creation, creatively, creator

    feed food

    prepare preparation, preparatory, (un)prepared

    sweet sweetly, sweetener, sweetness

    mix mixed, mixture, mixer

    grow growth, grown-up, growing, grown, home-grown, grower

    origin (un)original(ly), originate, originator

    3.17. Заполните словами в правильной форме:

    Creating your own dishes

    Good cooking is always a strange 1) … (mix) of science and art, and youcertainly have to be fairly 2) … (create) if you want to come up with your own recipes. All cooking also demands a fair amount of 3) … (prepare) , and this is doubly true when you’re producing 4) … (origin) dishes. You also have to be thick-skinned. You’ll be 5) … (surprise) by how honest people can be when it comes to food. I’ve had people tell me my latest dish is 6) ….(disgust) and 7) … (thorough) inedible! Sometimes, they were right. But don’t get upset. Just smile 8) … (sweet) and thank them for their valuable opinion. And never forget that when you’re waiting 9) … (anxious) to hear whether or not your ‘masterpiece’ is a success and they suddenly show their 10) … (appreciate) you’ll relies it was all it worth it. My tips: home- 11) … (grow) vegetables are always the tastiest. Every good cook needs a top-quality 12) … (mix). It’s an essential piece of kitchen equipment, not a luxury. Make sure you’ve got lots of good-quality food storage 13) … (contain). And, finally, remember that designing a new dish is not about 14) … (safe). It’s about taking risks, and learning from your mistakes. have fun in the kitchen!

    Education and learning

    Word formation: academy academic, academically

    attend attention, (in)attentive(ly), attendance, attendant

    behave behavior

    certify certificate, certified

    educate education, educator, educational(ly)

    fail failure, failing

    improve improvement, improved

    literate illiterate, (il)literacy, literature

    revise revision, revised

    scholar scholarship, scholarly, scholastic

    solve solution, (un)solvable

    study student, studies, studious

    think thought, (un)thinkable, thoughtful, thoughtless

    understand (mis)understanding, (mis)understood, understandable, understandably

    3.18. Заполните пропуски словами в правильной форме:

    Being unable to read

    It seems 1) … (think) today not to provide children with a decent 2) … (educate).There is such n emphasis on 3) … (academy) achievement these days that it’s easy to forget what a problem 4) … (literate) used to be. Being unable to read can be 5) … (intense) embarrassing and can make someone feel like a complete 6) … (fail). Someone who can’t read is often 7) … (understand) afraid of certain situations. The problem can seem 8) … (solve). However, given the right teacher, a lot of hard work and a 9) … (reason) amount of time, anyone can learn. Being able to read can lead to an 10)… (Improve) quality of life.
    Weather and the environment

    Word formation: accurate accurately, inaccurately, (in) accuracy

    danger dangerous(ly), endanger, endangered

    environment environmental(ly), environmentalist

    harm harmful(ly), harmless (ly) (un)harmed

    nature (un)natural(ly)

    pollute (un)polluted, pollution, pollutant

    reside residential, resident, residence

    low lower, lowness

    globe global(ly)

    3.19. Заполните словами в правильной форме:

    The forecast said there was a high 1(likely) of rain this weekend. WE all know that using cars causes 2) … (pollute), but we still do it. Forecasting the weather 3) … (accurate) takes a great deal of training. Litter is often a problem in 4) … (resident) area. According to 5) … (environment), we could be facing a crisis within fifty years. It was a wonderfully 6) … (sun) day, so we decided to go to the beach. The giant panda is 7) … (danger) because its habitat is being destroyed. We didn’t enjoy our walk because it was absolutely 8) … (freeze).


    Word formation: act,(in) active(ly),actor, actress, action, (in)activity

    amuse (un)amusing(ly), amusement

    bore boring(ly), bored, boredom

    converse conversation

    current currently

    entertain entertaining, entertainment, entertainer

    excite (un)exciting, excited(ly), excitement

    perform performing, performance, performer

    vary (in)variable, (in)variably, varying, varied, various(ly), variation, variety
    3.20. Заполните пропуски словами в правильной форме:

    Reality show

    Despite the 1) … (suggest) by many critics that reality TV would be a very short-lived phenomenon, it still increasing in 2) … (popular). Several reality shows are 3) … (current) watched by millions of viewers each night, and it’s clearly a form of 4) … (entertain) that’s here to stay. Indeed, a number of people have become 5) … (fame) because of their 6) … (involve) in reality TV shows, and have gone on to have successful careers as singers, 7) … (act) or TV presenters. We can watch with 8) … (excite) each night the ‘going-on’ in the house (or jungle, or bar, or school of arts). The 9) … (converse) between the contestants are interesting; so we don’t get 10) … (bore), and there are frequently 11) … (vary) conflicts, which provide further 12) … (amuse). If the contestants have to give some kind of 13) … (perform) at the end of the week, that’s even more appealing. But there’s a 14) … (say) in the TV industry: ‘it’s all in the editing’ and this is especially true of reality shows.
    Fashion and design

    Word formation: advertise, advertisement, advert, advertising, advertiser

    attract (un)attractive(ly), attraction

    decide decision, (in)decisive(ly), undecided

    desire (un)desirable

    enthuse (un)enthusiastic(ally), enthusiasm, enthusiast

    expect (un)expected(ly), expectation, expectancy

    fashion (un)fashionable, (un) fashionably

    produce product, producer, production, (un)productive(ly)

    style (un)stylish(ly), stylist, stylishness

    succeed success, (un)successful(ly)

    use usage, useful(ly), useless(ly), user, (un)usable

    3.21 Заполните пропуски словами в правильной форме:

    Visit to a fashion show

    I was really 1) … (enthuse) about my first visit to a fashion show. I had always loved fashion but had only models in 2) … (advertise) on TV. Finally, I was going to see a real show! I got out my most 3) … (fashion) clothes. I wanted to look as 4) … (style) as the models. I don’t know if I was completely 5) … (success), but I never had much money to spend on clothes and I felt 6) … (attract), which is the main thing. When we got there, it was fantastic! There were so many 7) … (beauty) women! The show started and imagines my surprise when, completely 8) … (expect), the first model was wearing clothes just like I was! Everyone saw the 9) … (similar) and a couple of people asked me who my 10) … (style) was! Amazing!


    3.1: 1. tiring; 2. tireless; 3. leadership; 4. leading; 5. excellent; 6. excellence; 7. competition; 8.competitive/competitors; 9. contractors; 10. contractual)

    3.2: 1.suddenly, 2.consequently; 3.variuos; 4.dusty; 5.unforgetful; 6.numerous; 7.fascinating; 8.exploration)

    3.4: 1. inventor; 2. famous; 3.government; 4. calculator; 5. unfortunately; 6. luckily; 7. finally)

    3.5: 1. successful; 2. musical; 3. performances; 4. achievements; 5. determination; 6. ability; 7; helpful; 8. compassionate; 9. famous; 10. powerful; 11. commitment; 12. dedication

    3.6: 1.evolution; 2. selection; 3. hospitable; 4. exceedingly; 5. exploration. 6. puzzling.; 7.manned; 8. behaviour)

    3.7: 1. psychological; 2. investigation; 3. mysterious; 4. abilities; 5. surprising; 6. communication; 7. scientific; 8. recognition; 9.unnatural; 10. sensitive; 11. dishonesty)

    3.9: 1.knowledge; 2. overcharged; 3. procedure; 4. faulty; 5. advisable; 6. dissatisfied; 7. replacement; 8. refund)

    3.10: 1. decision; 2. effective; 3. reduction; 4. persuasive; 5. possession; 6. creative; 7. active; 8. talkative; 9. attention; 10. sensitive; 11. active; 12. impressive)

    3.11: 1. frightening; 2. courageous; 3.difficulty; 4. instructor; 5. knowledgeable; 6. naturally; 7.undoubtedly; 8. rewarding

    3.12: 1. frightening; 2. courageous; 3.difficulty; 4. instructor; 5. knowledgeable; 6. naturally; 7.undoubtedly; 8. rewarding

    3.13: 1. stressful; 2. successful; 3. competitive; 4. nervous; 5. exhausted; 6. inactive; 7. beneficial; 8. pleasant; 9.confident; 10. energetic; 11. suitable)

    3.14: 1. enables; 2.outline; 3. unqualified; 4. users; 5.coverage; 6. editors; 7. potential; 8. imitators; 9. growth)

    3.15: 1.happily; 2. shocking; 3. lengthy; 4.investigation; 5. burglary; 6. guilty; 7. proof

    3.16: 1.operation; 2. emphasis; 3. surgeons; 4. discomfort; 5. beneficial; 6. surgical; 7.recovery; 8. injections; 9. operators

    3.17: 1. mixture; 2. creative; 3. preparation; 4. original; 5. surprised; 6. disgusting; 7. thoroughly; 8. sweetly; 9. anxiously; 10. appreciation; 11. grown; 12. mixer; 13. containers; 14. safety

    3.18: 1. unthinkable: 2. education; 3. academic; 4. illiteracy; 5. intensely; 6. failure; 7. understandably; 8. unsolvable; 9. reasonable; 10. improved

    3.19: 1.likelihood; 2. pollution; 3. accurately; 4. residential; 5. environmentalists; 6. sunny; 7. endangered; 8. freezing

    3.20: 1. suggestion(s); 2. popularity; 3. currently; 4. entertainment; 5. famous; 6. involvement; 7. actors; 8. excitement; 9. conversations; 10. bored; 11. various; 12. amusement; 13. performance; 14. saying

    3.21:1. enthusiastic; 2. dvertisments/ads/adverts; 3. fashionable; 4. stylish; 5. successful; 6. attractive; 7. beautiful; 8. unexpectedly; 9.similarity; 10. stylist

    Список использованной литературы:

    1) V.Evans, J.Dooley, Upstream/Pre-Intermediate, 2004

    2) B.Obee,V.Evans,Upstream/Upper Intermediate, 2007

    3) V.Evans,J.Dooley, Enterprise/Intermediate,2007

    4) V.Evans, J.Dooley,Mission 1, 2000

    5) M.Harris, D.Mover,A. Sikorzynska, Opportunities/Upper Intermediate, 2002

    6) Практическая грамматика английского языка,К.Н.Качалова. Е.Е.Израилевич.-М.:Юнвес, 2002
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