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англ рк3 2 курс. англ тексты и словарь с сро. Методические рекомендации для самостоятельной работы обучающихся мамандыы Жалпы медицина Специальность

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НазваниеМетодические рекомендации для самостоятельной работы обучающихся мамандыы Жалпы медицина Специальность
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НАО «Западно-КазахстанскИЙ

медицинскИЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ имени Марата Оспанова»
БІЛІМ АЛУШЫНЫҢ өзіндік жұмысы үшін

ӘДІСТЕМЕЛІК нұсқамалар

Методические рекомендации

для самостоятельной работы ОБУЧАЮЩИХСЯ

Мамандығы: Жалпы медицина

Специальность: Общая медицина

Пәні: Шет тілі

Дисциплина: Иностранный язык

Кафедра: Тілдер (шет тілдер курсы)

Курсы: 2

Курс: 2

Тақырып: Health care in Russia

Тема: Health care in Russia

Ақтөбе 2020ж.

1. Тақырыбы: Health care in Russia

Тема: Health care in Russia

2. Мақсаты: 1.Тақырып бойынша текст оқу техникасын дамыту.

2. Студенттердің тақырып бойынша еңгізілген оқу материалын зерттей

оқу дағдыларын жетілдіру

3.Тексттен маңызды ақпарат айыра білу.

Цель: 1. Совершенствовать технику чтения текстов общемедицинского


2. Развитие навыков изучающего чтения по теме

3. Уметь извлекать важную информацию из текста

3. Тапсырмасы: Мәтінмен жұмыс барысында фонетика және грамматика ережелерін

білу және қолдану.
Задание: Знать фонетические и грамматические правила чтения, перевода и

применять их в работе над заданием СРС.
4. Өткізу формасы: бақылау жұмысы

Форма выполнения: письменная работа


  1. Read the text and try to understand its content.

  2. Write out new words.

  3. Try to give the main idea of the text and answer the questions, using the words in the brackets.

a. What were the British doctors acquainted with? (healthcare, preventive, curative)

b. What is the characteristic feature of health care in our country? (to pay attention to; prophylaxis)

c. Where is the primary medical care provided? (polyclinic, out-patient department, ambulant

patients, district doctor)

d. What do you know about the work of a district doctor? (to be on call, to visit patients in their

homes, to see)

e. What are the problems facing medical science in our country? (prevention, treatment,

cardiovascular diseases, oncological diseases, artificial organs, to do research into, infectious

diseases, HIV, TB, to introduce, modern minimally invasive surgical techniques)

  1. Give short summary of the text.

Exercise 1. Practice pronunciation of the following words:

curative [‘kjʊərətɪv ], charge [tʃɑːdʒ], medicine ['medsn], to acquaint [ əˈkweɪnt], population [ˌpɒpjuˈleɪʃn], prophylaxis [ˌprɒfɪˈlæksɪs]. physiotherapy [‘fizio(o)ˈθer.ə.pi ], ambulance [ˈæmbjələns], arrangement[ əˈreɪndʒmənt ], psychiatric [ˌsaɪkiˈætrɪk], foetus [ˈfiːtəs ], maternity[məˈtəːniti], research[rɪˈsɜːtʃ ], ischemia [ɪˈskiːmiə]
Exercise 2.Read and translate the text.

Health care in Russia

A group of British doctors came to Russia last year in the summer as guests of the Russian Medical Workers' Union. They visited polyclinics and hospitals as well as other medical institutions in Moscow, Tula, St. Petersburg and Omsk. Upon their return the British doctors had a talk with their Russian colleagues.

Dr. Sharland: During our stay in Russia we were kindly acquainted with the health care system in your country. We've seen that health care in Russia, both preventive and curative, is available to the whole population.

Dr. Sharova: Dear colleagues, as to the character of health care in our country, the most distinctive feature of it is the attention paid to prophylaxis. One of the main tasks in the fight against various diseases is the early detection of the first signs of disease.

Dr. McDonald: Would you tell us how this is done?

Dr. Sharova: We pay much attention to the health education of the population. We believe that is one of the main available methods of preventing the spread of diseases. For this purpose the press, cinema, radio, and television are very helpful.

Dr. Kelly: We were surprised to find out that general practitioners do not exist in your country. We were told that in your country the primary medical care is provided by polyclinics. We visited some polyclinics. Your polyclinics are large medical centres employing many doctors and nurses. Polyclinics have their own laboratories and X-ray, physiotherapy, surgical and dental departments. Somehaveevenradiotherapyunits.

Dr. Kruglov: I would like to add that we have polyclinics for the adult population of a given area and polyclinics for children. Ambulant patients are seen at the polyclinic by district doctors. Patients who are seriously ill are visited by their district doctor at home.

Dr. Sharland: We've seen that district doctors in your country, like their British colleagues, are on call part of their working day. And how many hours a day does your district doctor work?

Dr. Nikitina: The doctor works 6 hours a day. For the district doctor this is made up of 3 hours seeing patients at the polyclinic and 3 hours in visiting patients in their homes.

Dr. McDonald: And what about your emergency ambulance service?

Dr. Sharova:. The emergency ambulance service operates day and night and is free of charge. In case of an emergency condition one has to dial 03 for a doctor to come. The ambulances are equipped with diagnostic, respiratory, and anaesthetic apparatus, as well as blood-transfusion and other devices, which enable the doctor to give emergency surgical and medical treatment.

Dr. Kelly: We saw several specialised hospitals in St. Petersburg for the treatment of particular diseases - infectious and psychiatric diseases, cancer, and eye (ophthalmological) diseases and others. In Moscow we visited the Mother-and-Child Health Care Centre. This Centre deals with not only routine problems of obstetrics and gynaecology but also with research in the normal physiology of a female organism starting from an early stage of development.

Dr. Nikitina: I'd like to add that the main task of this Centre is to ensure the birth of a healthy baby. That is why the doctors focus on theproblem of the care for the foetus or «intra-uterine patient» as we say. New methods of disease prevention, diagnostics and treatment developed at the Centre are made known to the numerous maternity consultation centres of our country which provide health care for expectant mothers starting from the early months of pregnancy.

Dr. Stewart: I for myself, am very much curious to know about private medical practice and medical insurance in Russia.

Dr.Napalkov: At present, there have emerged a number of private diagnostic and consultation centres, general hospitals and specialised clinics. Medical and health care is provided in line with compulsory and voluntary medical insurance programmes set up by the state via private insurance companies.

Dr. Sharland: Dear colleagues, we've seen much of the practice of medicine in Russia. And what are the problems facing medical science in your country?

Dr. Kruglov: As for scientific problems, medical research is concerned with the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular, and oncological diseases, as well as infections, HIV and TB in particular. Medical scientists are doing research into the problems of gerontology, medical genetics, immunology and the development of artificial organs. Modern non-invasive/minimally invasive techniques of the surgical treatment of ischemic heart disease have been introduced, among them coronary artery bypass grafting, percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty or intracoronary stenting.

Dr. Sharland: I'd like to thank you for the warm reception and for the opportunity to get acquainted with the health care system in your country. We hope to see a delegation of Russian doctors in Great Britain in the near future. Thanksverymuch, again.

Theme: Health Service in our country

Topic “Hospital”


  1. nurse on duty кезекші медбике

  2. reception ward қабылдау бөлмесі

  3. case history ауру тарихы

  4. place of work жұмыс орны

  5. occupation мамандық

  6. initial diagnosis алғашқы диагноз

  7. in-patient department стационарлық бөлім

  8. out-patient department емхана

  9. ward doctor ( syn.attending doctor) емдеуші ( палаталық) дәрігер

  10. .mental impairment ақыл-естің ауытқуы

  11. emotional impairment психиканың ауытқуы

  12. adult ересек адам

  13. trauma жарақат, травма

  14. findings зерттеу ( тексеріс) нәтижелері

  15. sensitivity сезімталдық

  16. blood group қан тобы

  17. intramuscular бұлшықетішілік

  18. intravenous күретамырішілік

  19. injection егу, екпе жасау

  20. stomach juice асқазан сөлі

  21. prescribed remedy тағайындалған дәрі

  22. daily round күнделікті тексеріс

  23. different procedures әртүрлі процедуралар

  24. laboratory analysіs ( pl.analyses) лабораториялық анализ

( көпше түрде анализдар)

  1. hearty attitude ақ пейілді қарым қатынас

  2. to recover аурудан айығу

  3. recovery (n) айығу (зат есім)

  4. to admit қабылдау, жатқызу

  5. to be admitted to the hospital ауруханаға қабылдану

  6. to receive қабылдау, алу

  7. to fill in толтыру

  8. to examine тексеру

  9. to be ill ауыру, сырқаттанып қалу

  10. to include қамту, құрамында болу

  11. to determine анықтау

  12. to order procedure процедура тағайындау

  13. to order some drugs at a Сhemist’s аптекада дәріге тапсырыс жасау

  14. to administer тағайындау ( ем)

  15. to indicate көрсету

  16. to treat емдеу

  17. to perform an operation операция жасау

  18. to apply cups банка қою

  19. past ( medical) history науқастың анамнезі


  1. Read and learn the words by heart.

  2. Practise the reading of words paying attention to proper pronunciation and try to find Kazakh/Russian equivalents

In-patient department, reception ward, to apply, to prescribe, to indicate, recovery,

intramuscular, intravenous, electrocardiogram, trauma, impairment , analysis of urine,

initial diagnosis, different procedures, sensitivity.

3. Learn the following word combinations paying attention to prepositions

To fill in , to be admitted to, to write down, to be ill with.

4. Translate the sentences into Russian using the essential vocabulary to the text

    1. Then a doctor on duty examines the hospitalized patient and gives his instructions to what department and ward the patient is to be admitted.

    2. The doctor must know if any of the members of the family has ever been ill with tuberculosis or has had any mental or emotional impairments.

    3. The patient’s blood group and his sensitivity to antibiotics must be determined.

4. After the medical examination doctors administer patients different procedures, e.g. some patients are ordered to be taken electrocardiograms and made laboratory analyses of the blood and urine and etc.

5. Read the text and find the sentences about family and past histories and a hearty attitude of doctors to patients.

  1. Reading for detailed comprehension.


When a patient is admitted to a hospital he is received by a nurse on duty at the reception ward.

A nurse on duty fills in the patient’s case history in which she writes down his /her name, age, place of work, occupation, address and the initial diagnosis made by the doctor at the polyclinic.

Then a doctor on duty examines the hospitalized patient and gives his instructions to what department and ward the patient is to be admitted.

As soon as the patient is admitted to the in-patient department the ward doctor fills in the patient’s case history. The doctor must know if any of the members of the family has ever been ill with tuberculosis or has had any mental or emotional impairments. This information composes the family history.

The patient’s medical history must include the information about the diseases which the patient had both being a child and an adult , about the operations which he was performed and any traumas he had. These findings compose the past history. The patient’s blood group and his sensitivity to antibiotics must be determined.

At the in-patient department of a hospital life begins early in the morning. A nurse on duty takes the patients’ temperature, gives them intramuscular and intravenous injections, takes stomach juice for analysis, applies cups and gives all the prescribed remedies in the doses indicated by the doctor.

At about nine o’clock in the morning doctors begin the daily rounds of the wards during which they examine all the patients.

After the medical examination doctors administer patients different procedures, e.g, some patients are ordered to be taken electrocardiograms or made laboratory analyses of blood and urine and etc. All the doctors always treat patients with great attention and care. There is no doubt that a hearty attitude of doctors to patients helps much in their recovery.


  1. Find in the text the missing parts of the following sentences and translate them into Kazakh.

    1. When a ……to a hospital he is received by a …. at the reception ward.

    2. The nurse on duty …..patient’s case history in which …. his (her) name, age, place of work, occupation, address and the initial diagnosis …..the …. at the …..

    3. At the in-patient department of a hospital ……in the ……

    4. All the doctors always….. with …. and care.

  2. Pick out the appropriate verb. Translate the sentences.

  1. The patient’s medical history must (include, compose) the information about the diseases which the patient (had both, was ill) being a child and an adult, about the operations which he was (performed, done).

  2. At about nine o’clock the doctor (begins, starts ) the daily rounds of the wards.

3.Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Науқас ауруханаға түскенде оны қабылдау бөлмесінде кезекші медбике қабылдайды.

2. Науқас стационарлық бөлімге түскен бойда емдеуші дәрігер ауру тарихын толтырады.

3. Дәрігер жанұя мүшелерінің біреуі туберкулезбен ауырғандығын немесе ақыл-есі және психикасының ауытқуынан зардап шеккен-шекпегендігін білу керек.

4. Науқас қанының тобы мен оның антибиотикке сезімталдығы анықталуы керек.

5. Кезекші медбике қызуды өлшейді, бұлшықетішілік және күретамырішілік екпе жасайды, анализге асқазан сөлін алады, банка қояды және тағайындалған барлық дәрілерді палаталық дәрігер көрсеткен дозада береді.

4. Answer the following questions.

1. Whom is a patient received at the reception ward by/ Who receives a patient at the reception ward ?

2. Who fills in the patient’s case history?

3. What does a nurse on duty write down in the patient’s case history?

4. Who gives instructions to what department and ward the patient is to be admitted?

5. When do doctors begin the daily rounds of wards?

5. Divide the text into three parts.

Make the plan for retelling the text

Home assignments:

  1. to prepare a report “Hospital”.

  2. to learn the words to the text by heart.

  3. to listen to the text in the lab

4.to copy questions and write answers


  1. Phonetic drill.

  2. Lexical exercises.

a) Compose sentences using active words.

b) Quote the sentences in which these words and word combinations are used in the text : at the reception room, to fill in the patient’s case history, hospitalized patient, mental and emotional impairments, sensitivity to antibiotics, intramuscular and intravenous injections, to apply cups, different procedures;

3. Translate the Dialogue into English using new words and word combinations.

Науқас : Сәлеметсізбе, дәрігер. Менің аты жөнім Джон Тейлор

Дәрігер: Сәлеметсізбе Тейлор мырза. Күттіріп қойғанымды айып етпеңіз

Науқас : Оқасы жоқ . Сіз анализдердің барлық нәтижелерін алдыңыз ба?

Дәрігер : Ия, мен оларды кеше алғанмын. Анализдерге келсек бәріде қалыпты.

Сіздің электрокардиограммаңыз да қалыпты.

Науқас : Рентген туралы не айтасыз? Бәрі дұрыс па?

Дәрігер : Рентген өкпенің қабынуын (пневмонияны) көрсетіп тұр.

Бұл шылым шеккеніңіздің нәтижесі болар. Сіздің демікпеңіз бен

жөтеліңізді пневмония туғызған сияқты.

Науқас : Бұл қауіпті ме?

Дәрігер : Егер сіз шылым шегуді тастамасаңыз бұл қауіпке айналуы мүмкін.

Науқас : Әрине. Мен шылым шегуді тастауға тырысамын. Менің денсаулығымды

жақсартуға тағы не ұсынар едіңіз?

Дәрігер: Сізге күн сайын дене жаттығуларын жасау керек. Күніне аз-аздан 4 реттен


Науқас: Маған ауруханаға жатуға тура келе ме?

Дәрігер : Жоқ . Мен сізге рецепт жазып беремін. Таблетканы күніне 3 реттен

қабылдаңыз. Маған бір аптадан кейін тағы келіңіз.

Науқас: Рахмет дәрігер, сау болыңыз.

4.Communicative exercises.

a)Express your agreement or disagreement, prove your opinion.

1. When a patient is admitted to a hospital he is received by a doctor on duty at the reception


2. Patients are allowed to take medicines themselves.

3..The doctor must know if any of the members of the family has ever been ill with tuberculosis or has had any mental or emotional impairments.

b) comment on the text using special expressions:

  1. It should be mentioned that …….

  2. we can come to the following conclusion…….

  3. from this text we have learnt ………..

  4. it is (was) interesting to learn…….

5.Situational exercises.

a) Dramatize the situation. A patient is admitted to the in-patient department. A doctor on duty is examining a patient. Use questions given below to collect the family or past history of the patient.

b) You are talking with a patient. What questions would you ask him or her to know:

1. If he/she has a headache/ temperature.

2. If he /she is allergic to any antibiotics.

Topic “Hospital”.

Questions to the situational exercises

1.Let’s make acquaintance with you Танысып кояйық

I shall be your attending doctor Мен сіздің емдеуші дәрігеріңіз боламын

My name is Marat Omarov Менің аты жөнім Марат Омаров

2. Family history, please. Жанұя мүшелерінің ауру тарихы

туралы айтыңызшы

3. Are your parents living or dead? Сіздің ата-анаңыз тірі ме әлде қайтыс болған ба?

4. What caused his death? Ол неден қайтыс болды?

5. At what age? Неше жасында?

6. Have any members of your family been ill Сіздің жанұяңызда

with tuberculosis/ heart / kidneydiseases туберкулезбен, жүрек/ бүйрек

or have had any mental of emotional ауруларымен ауырған немесе ақыл-есінің

impairments ? және психикасының ауытқуы болған

отбасы мүшелері болды ма?

7. Past history, please. Бұрынғы ауру тарихыңыз.

8.What diseases did you have as a child? Бала кезіңізде қандай аурумен ауырдыңыз?

9.What diseases have you had in the past? Бұған дейін қандай аурумен ауырдыңыз?

10.What operations have you had? Қандай операциялар жасаттыңыз?

11.Have you had any traumas ? Қандай да бір жарақаттар алдыңыз ба?

12.What is your blood group / Сіздің қаныңыздың тобы, резус факторы қандай?

Rhesus factor?

13.Do you know the blood group you belong to? Сіз қаныңыздың тобын білесіз бе?

14.Are you allergic to any drug? Сіздің дәріге аллергияңыз бар ма?

15.Present complaints, please. Қазіргі шағымдарыңыз

16.What are your complaints? Қандай шағымдарыңыз бар?

17.What troubles you? Сізді не мазалайды?

18.What do you complain of? Қандай шағымыңыз бар?

19.Do you have a fever (temperature, sweat ,chill)? Сіздің қызуыңыз/ температураңыз

тершеңдік бар ма? Қалтырап тоңасыз


20.When did the first symptoms begin? Алғашқы белгілері қашан білінді?

21.Was the onset of the disease sudden or slow? Ауру аяқ астынан ба, әлде біртіндеп

басталды ма?

22. Have you a headache? Басыңыз ауырады ма?

23. Is your headache constant? Басыңыз үнемі ауырады ма?

24.Have you had your arterial pressure taken? Сіздің қан қысымыңызды өлшеді ме?

1. Read Text C

2. What do paragraphs two and three deal with?

3. Put questions to the text

Text C. At a chemist’s

As you know on receiving a prescription from a doctor or on following a home treatment all of us need medicines which are ordered or bought at a chemist’s.

There are usually two departments in a large chemist’s. At the chemist’s department one can have the medicine immediately, other drugs have to be ordered at the prescription department.

At any chemist’s all the drugs are kept in drug cabinets. Every small bottle (бутылка), a tube or box of medicine has a label on it. White labels indicate drugs for internal use, yellow ones indicate drugs for external use and blue ones indicate drugs used for injections. The dose to be taken and the directions for the administration are also indicated on a label. Indicating the dose and the name of any medicine is necessary for chemists, nurses, doctors and patients themselves. It prevents confusing (to confuse-путать) different remedies, some of which are poisonous. Their over dosage may cause unfavorable reactions and sometimes even death.

At a chemist’s one can buy different drugs for intramuscular and intravenous injections, for oral administration and for external use.

Before using the medicine the patient must know well that he is taking the proper drug and in the necessary dosage.

a chemist’s (shop) – дәріхана

a chemist’s department –сату бөлімі

a prescription department – тапсырыс беру бөлімі

Read the passages and answer the questions.

Yesterday my mother went to the chemist’s in Zhubanov street and bought a small box of medicine with a blue label on it.

Yesterday my friend was at the chemist’s and ordered the medicine at the prescription department. In an hour he received a small bottle with a white label on it.

Which of them had the medicine for injections?

Last month my sister was admitted to the in-patient department of our city hospital because she was ill with an acute form of lobar pneumonia. She was treated with intramuscular injections of antibiotics.

Last month I fell ill with lobar pneumonia. We called for a doctor who prescribed to me home treatment. Every day the nurse came to give me intramuscular antibiotics injections.

Which of them had to order the medicine at the chemist’s?

Theme: Health Service in our country

Text: The Polyclinic and work of a local doctor.

Health Service in our country is organized on a locally basis. There is a large number of different medical institutions in our country, where people can protect their health. One of such medical institutions is the polyclinic.

In our country there is a wide network of local polyclinics. Each city district may have several polyclinics. Each polyclinic is equipped with necessary laboratory and an X-ray room. Many specialists work at local polyclinics as therapeutists, neurologists, surgeons and other specialists.

Mass examination is a component part of preventive medicine. It is made for detecting diseases in their early stages. The general physicians working at polyclinics are in charge of one particular area. During the medical examination a physician usually asks the patient about his complaints. Then the doctor carries on the medical examination. He listens to the patient’s heart and lungs, examines his throat, feels his pulse and measures his blood pressure. If it is necessary the doctor takes his temperature. To make a correct diagnosis the physician must have the laboratory findings.

Any physician knows his patient very well because everything about him: the diagnosis, the administration, the course of the disease and the changes in his condition are written down in the patient’s card.

In this sense a local doctor may also be considered a family doctor for the people living in this area. Now patients may choose their own family doctor.

In addition to their consulting hours at the polyclinic local physicians go out to the calls to examine those patients who are seriously ill and whose condition is bad. A local doctor studies the conditions of life of his patients and his advice helps to prevent illnesses.

In urgent cases medical aid is provided by the city ambulance service. After receiving a call, a first aid car with a doctor and two assistants gets to the patient as quick as possible.

Day and night doctors are ready to help those, whose life is in danger or who are in need of medical assistance.

Theme: “Health Service in our country”

Text: “The Polyclinic and work of a local doctor”

Active vocabulary

health service денсаулық сақтау

on a locally basis жергілікті негізде

a wide network кең торап, кең тараған

a large number of көптеген

an X-ray room рентген бөлмесі

medical check-up медициналық тексеріс

preventive medicine профилактика, алдын-алу шаралары

in early stages алғашқы сатыларында

a general physician терапевт

particular area белгілі бір аймақ

complaint шағым

laboratory findings лабораториялық анализдер

administration тағайындау ( ем )

the course of a disease аурудың жүру барысы

changes in (his) condition ( оның ) жағдайындағы өзгерістер

in this sense осылайша

in addition to қосымша,

consulting hours қабылдау уақыты

advice кеңес

illness (syn. disease, sickness, ауру (син. дерт, сырқат)

malady, ailment)

an urgent case қауырт жағдай

medical aid медициналық көмек

the city ambulance service жедел жәрдем қызметі

a first aid car (an ambulance car) жедел жәрдем машинасы

in danger қауіпті жағдайда

to be in charge of smth бір нәрсеге жауапты болу

different institutions әртүрлі мекемелер

various әртүрлі

necessary қажетті

to protect қорғау

to equip жабдықтау

to detect табу

to prevent алдын алу, болдырмау

to carry on жүргізу, жасау

to provide қамтамасыз ету

to listen to one’s heart жүректі тыңдау

to feel one’s pulse пульсті тыңдау

to measure one’s blood pressure қан қысымын өлшеу

to take one’s temperature қызуды өлшеу

to go out to the calls шақыртуларға бару

(syn. to be on call )

Step I

1. Copy the Text “ The Polyclinic and work of a local doctor” and new lexis to it

2. Work on pronunciation, spelling and transcription of new words and word combinations to the text

3. Practise the pronunciation of the following word combinations and translate them into Kazakh.

Health service, on a locally basis, to be equipped, various analyses, medical check-up, early stage, particular area, each city district, to detect diseases, in this sense, a local physician, after receiving a call, the conditions of life, to prevent illnesses, consulting hours, in urgent cases, a first aid car, as quick as possible.

4. Analyse and translate the sentences into Kazakh.

1. Health service in our country is organized on a locally basis.

2. Each polyclinic is equipped with necessary laboratory and an X-ray room.

3. The general physicians working at polyclinics are in charge of one particular area.

4. He listens to the patient's heart and lungs, examines his throat, feels his pulse and measures his blood pressure.

5. In this sense a local doctor may also be considered a family doctor for the people living in this area.

6. A local doctor studies the conditions of life of his patients and his advice helps to prevent illnesses.

7. In urgent cases medical aid is provided by the city ambulance service.

5. Express your agreement or disagreement, prove your opinion using the following phrases.

- that’s right, you are right, I agree with you, I am of the same opinion, I think so, I have the same idea.

- you are wrong, you are not right, I do not agree with you, I disagree with you.

1. Health service in our country is organized on a locally basis.

2. Each city district may have only one polyclinic.

3. The general physicians working at polyclinics are in charge of one particular area.

4. If it is necessary the doctor takes the patient’s temperature.

5. In addition to their consulting hours at the polyclinic local doctors go out to the calls to examine those patients who are seriously ill and whose condition is bad.

6. In urgent cases medical aid is provided by polyclinics.

7. Day and night doctors are ready to help those, whose life is in danger, or who are in need of medical assistance.

6. Answer the following questions.

1. How is Health Service organized in our country?

2. Is each polyclinic equipped with necessary laboratory and an X-ray room?

3. What is mass examination made for?

4. Why may a local doctor be considered a family doctor?

5. Do local doctors visit patients at home?

6. What does a local doctor study?

7. In what cases is medical aid provided by the city ambulance service?

Step II

Post-text exercises.

1. Give English equivalents to the following word combinations.

1. денсаулық сақтау

2. аймақтық ( участкелік) дәрігер

3. дәрігер-терапевт

4. әртүрлі анализдер

5. рентген-кабинет

6. әртүрлі аурулар

7. медициналық тексеріс

8. медициналық көмек

9. жедел жардем қызметі

10. профилактика ( алдын алу )

2. Find the missing parts of the following sentences and translate them into Kazakh.

  1. … may have several polyclinics.

  2. Mass examination is a component part of … .

  3. The general physicians working at polyclinics … . of one particular area.

4. If it is necessary the doctor… .

5. In addition to their consulting hours at the polyclinic local physicians … to the calls to examine those patients who are seriously ill and whose … .

6. In urgent cases medical aid … by the city ambulance service.

3. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Бұл емханада медициналық қызмет көрсету жақсы ұйымдастырылған.

2. Біздің аймақта екі емхана бар.

3. Әрбір емхана рентген-бөлмесімен жабдықталған.

4. Медициналық тексеріс ауруларды алғашқы сатыларында табу үшін жасалады.

5. Сіздің емханада қандай анализдер жасалады?

6. Аймақтық дәрігерді жанұялық дәрігер деп атауға болады

7. Аймақтық дәрігер өз науқастарының өмір сүру жағдайларын зерттейді

8. Ертең науқастарды қай уақыттан бастап қабылдайсыз?

9. Дәрігер кеңесі ауруды болдырмауға көмектеседі

10. Дәрігерлер медициналық көмекті қажет етушілерге көмек көрсетуге үнемі дайын.

4. Conversation. Give extended answers.

1. What do you know about Health Service in our country?

2. What can you tell us about local polyclinics?

3. What kind of medical examinations do doctors carry out at polyclinics?

4. Can you describe work of a local doctor?

5. What kind of medical aid is provided in urgent cases?

5. Make up dialogues based on the following points.

a) The Polyclinic

b) Examination of the Patient

c) The City Ambulance Service

d) Doctor’s consulting hours at the Polyclinic

6.Prepare your reports “ Health Service in our country”


The NHS was established in the United Kingdom in 1948. Medical aid became free in the country, but the population still pays money for medical service, e.g. writing out a prescription costs 2 shillings, stomatologic aid costs 10 pounds for the course of treatment. All the country is divided into 14 hospital regions, 90 provinces and 205 districts. In big towns there are some private and independent hospitals which people may use. The patient is free to choose his doctor if he/she wishes to do so. The doctor may have private patients and work in the state service at the same time.

The NHS in Great Britain consists of 3 main parts: 1) the General Practitioner Service, 2) The Hospital and Specialist Service, and 3) Local Health Authority Service.

A General Practitioner (a family doctor) works according to his contract with the organs of the NHS, but his work is quite independent. He himself chooses the rooms for his work, acquires medical equipments and selects his assistants. Every general practitioner has 2000-3500 persons on his list. He receives payment from the health service funds of about one pound for each patient on his list.

A general practitioner is not a specialized doctor. He cures diseases of all kinds. Only in case of necessity he directs his patients to a hospital for the cure by specialists.

The Hospital and Specialist Service.

In hospitals all treatment is free. Some NHS hospitals have sections in which patients may pay for private rooms. Each Hospital is staffed with consultants.

Local Health Authority Service includes the centers of mother and child, the staff of nurses for visiting patients at home, for helping the elderly people and babies. In spite of the large prophylactic work which is carried out by the service many infectious diseases are wide-spread over the country: infectious hepatitis, measles, whooping cough, scarlet fever, etc. Flu, pneumonia and bronchitis are met more often compared with other countries. But the mortality rate from infectious diseases and TB has greatly reduced. The following illnesses serve the main reasons of death in most of the cases: 1) the diseases of the circulatory system, 2) malignant tumors, 3) pneumonia.

Active vocabulary

to establish құру, орнату

a prescription рецепт

to cost бағасы

the course of treatment емдеу курсы

private жеке

independent hospitals мемлекеттік емес ауруханалар

to choose таңдау

to wish қалау

the General Practitioner Service дәрігер қызметі

The Hospital and Specialist Service ауруханалық және арнайы маман қызметі

Local Health Authority Service жергілікті денсаулық сақтау ұйымдары қызметі

according to сәйкес

quite түпкілікті

to acquire алу

equipment құрал- жабдық

need қажеттілік, қажет ету

attention назар, көңіл

section бөлім

to include қамту (құрамына ену)

in spite of қарамастан

to carry out орындау, жасау

wide-spread кең таралған

measles қызылша

whooping cough көк жөтел

scarlet fever скарлатина

flu тұмау

to reduce төмендеу, азаю

malignant tumor қатерлі ісік


Step I

I Pre-text Phonetic Exercises.

Ex:1. Work on the active vocabulary.

a) Listen to the Teacher’s reading of active words attentively.

b) Repeat the words after the Teacher in chorus.

c) Read the words individually.

Ex:2. Read and translate the following word combinations. to establish, to include, the United Kingdom, the course of treatment, a general practitioner, to acquire medical equipments, to cure diseases, to select, in case of necessity, Local Health Authority Service, infectious hepatitis, diseases of all kinds, the main reasons of death.

II. Lexical exercises.

Ex:3. Give Kazakh equivalents.

Private patients, to choose a doctor, to direct a patient to a hospital, the staff of

nurses, prophylactic work, mortality rate, the following illnesses, to visit patients at home, to pay money for smth, hospital regions.

Ex:4. Give English equivalents.

рецепт жазып беру, мемлекеттік қызмет, келісім шартпен жұмыс жасау, еңбекақы алу, мамандандырылған дәрігер, штатпен қамтамасыз етілу, қарт адамдарға көмек көрсету, кең таралған, салыстырғанда, өлімнің негізгі себептері болу, қатерлі ісік.

Ex:5. Quote the sentences in which these words and word combinations are used in the text. a prescription, independent, private, a general practitioner, to cure diseases,

to carry out, malignant tumour.

Ex:6. Find in the text Kazakh equivalents to the following sentences.

a) In big towns there are some private and independent hospitals which people may use

b) The patient is free to choose his doctor if he/she wishes to do so.

c) The doctor may have private patients and work in the state service at the same time.

d) Each hospital is staffed with consultants.

e) He receives payment from the health service funds of about one pound for each patient on his list.

f) Flu, pneumonia and bronchitis are met more often compared with other countries.

Ex:7. Find in the text English equivalents to the following sentences.

1.Ұлыбритания тұрғындары медициналық қызметке әлі де ақы төлейді.

2.Ұлыбританияда медициналық қызмет негізгі 3 бөлімнен тұрады: дәрігерлер қызметі, ауруханалық және арнайы маман қызметі және жергілікті денсаулық сақтау ұйымдары қызметі.

3. Жалпы емдеуші дәрігер жұмыс орнын таңдайды, медициналық жабдықтарды алады және қызметкерлерді іріктейді.

4. Дәрігер -терапевт аурудың барлық түрлерін емдейді.

5. Жұқпалы аурулар мен туберкулездан өлу жиелігі айтарлықтай төмендеді.

6. Көп жағдайларда келесі аурулар өлімнің негізгі себебі болып табылады: жүрек қан тамырлар аурулары, қатерлі ісіктер және пневмония

7. Жергілікті денсаулық ұйымдарына ана мен баланы қорғау орталығы, мейірбикелер штаты жатады.

Post – Text Lexical Exercises.

Ex:8. Complete the sentences.

1.In big towns there are some private and independent hospitals which … .

2. … and work in the state service at the same time.

3.A general practitioner works according to the contract with the organs of the NHS …….

4. … he directs his patients to a hospital for the cure by specialists.

5.Some NHS hospitals have sections in which patients … .

6.In spite of the large prophylactic work which is carried out by the service many infectious diseases are wide-spread over the country: … .

Ex:9. Fill in the blanks with the words given in brackets.

1. The patient is free ( таңдау) is doctor and change to another one if he/she wishes to do so.

2. A general practitioner works (сәйкес) the contract with the organs of the NHS, but his work is quite independent.

3. He receives ( еңбек ақы) from the health service funds of about one pound for each patient on his list.

4. Only in case of necessity he (жіберу) his patients to a hospital for the

(ем) by specialists.

5. (Қарамастан) the large prophylactic work which is carried out by the service many infectious diseases are wide - spread over the country.

Grammar Exercises

Ex:10. Choose the appropriate verbs given in brackets:

1. Medical aid (to be, to become) free in the country.

2. All the country (to divide, to separate) into 14 hospital regions.

3. The patient is free (to select, to choose) his doctor.

4. A general practitioner ( to treat, to cure) diseases of all kinds.

5. But the mortality rate from infectious diseases and TB has greatly ( to reduce,

to shorten).

Ex:11. Compose 4 types of questions to the Text.

Ex:12. Express your agreement or disagreement with statements given below.

You are right. You are wrong

That’s right. That’s wrong

I agree with you. I disagree with you.

I think so. I don’t think so.

I am of the same opinion. I am afraid you are wrong.

1. The NHS was established in the United Kingdom in 1948.

2. The patient is not free to choose his doctor.

3. In Great Britain the NHS consists of 3 main parts: 1) the General Practitioner Service, 2) The Hospital and Specialist Service, and 3) Local Health Authority Service.

4. A general practitioner is a specialized doctor

5. Some NHS hospitals have sections in which patients may pay for private rooms

6. Local Health Authority Service includes the centers of mother and child, the staff of nurses for visiting patients at home, for helping the elderly people and babies.

7. Flu, pneumonia and bronchitis are not met more often compared with other countries.

Ex: 13. Answer the following questions.

1. When was the NHS established in the United Kingdom?

2. Does the population still pay money for medical service?

3. What do they pay for?

4. Can the patient in Great Britain choose his doctor?

5. What are the main parts of the NHS?

6. Does a General practitioner in Great Britain work independently?

7. How many persons has a General practitioner on his list?

8. Is all treatment in hospitals free? May patients have private rooms in


9. What infectious diseases are wide-spread in Great Britain?

10. What problems are there in the NHS today?

Ex:14. Comment on the text using the following phrases.

From this text we have learnt that …

It was interesting to know that …

It should be mentioned that …

Ex:15 Prepare your reports

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