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Spotlight 4. Контрольная работа 5.. Module Test. Variant i задание Прочитай строчки из песенки и напиши необходимые слова, используя картинки

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НазваниеModule Test. Variant i задание Прочитай строчки из песенки и напиши необходимые слова, используя картинки
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Name: __________________________

Module 5. Test.

Variant I

Задание 1. Прочитай строчки из песенки и напиши необходимые слова, используя картинки.

I wasn’t happy yesterday.

I was _______ , _________ and _________ .

I wasn’t happy yesterday.

I was ________ , _________ and _________ .

But not today, not today! Today I’m very happy!

Задание 2. Напиши порядковые числительные.

  1. The 2nd - _________________

  2. The 4th - _________________

  3. The 9th - _________________

  4. The 11th - ________________

  5. The 13th - ________________

Задание 3. Прочитай предложения и вставь was или were.

  1. The children __________ at the circus last week.

  2. My big sister __________ at the zoo two weeks ago.

  3. Lily and James __________ at the theatre last Friday.

  4. __________ your friends at the museum a month ago?

  5. __________ it hot in summer?

  6. __________ you at the seaside last year?

  7. The girls __________ at the cinema yesterday.

  8. I __________ in Moscow two days ago.

  9. My teacher __________ happy yesterday.

  10. My friends and I __________ in the park last Saturday.

Задание 4. Напиши, где ребята были вчера, используя подходящую форму глагола to be в Past Simple.

  1. Kira/in the park. ___________________________________________________________________

  2. Misha and Sasha/at the circus. ________________________________________________________

  3. My little brother/at the zoo. __________________________________________________________

  4. Anton/at home. ____________________________________________________________________

  5. Masha and Lena/at the cinema. _______________________________________________________

Задание 5. Прочитай текст и напиши, где были ребята в прошлое воскресенье.

Last Sunday, Linda and I were at the ____________ . It was a hot day. We were with my mother but there also were many children with their parents and friends. There were lots of animals there: giraffes, crocodiles, tiges and hippos too. It was really exciting!

Задание 6. Прочитай диалог и заполни пропуски в предложениях, используя was, wasnt, wereили werent.

Alice: The hotel was old.

Вella: No, it ________. It ________ new!

Alice: The rooms were big!

Вella: No, they _________ . They __________ really small!

Alice: The food was bad!

Вella: No, it _________. It _________ great!

Alice: _________ it very cold?

Вella: No, it _________. It _________ fine.

Alice: Who _________ with you?

Вella: My aunt, Kelly.

Alice: __________ you sad?

Вella: No, I __________ but Kelly _________.

Задание 7. Прочитай вопросы и подбери к ним подходящие ответы. Запиши свои ответы в таблице.

  1. Were the shops open yesterday? A) Yes, I was.

  2. Were you tired two days ago? B) No, they weren’t. It was a day-off.

  3. Was Nick at school last Monday? C) Yes, it was. There were a lot of animals.

  4. Was it interesting at the zoo? D) No, they weren’t. They were at the theatre.

  5. Were your parents at home last Saturday? E) No, he wasn’t. He was ill.






8. Напиши цифрами.

1. twenty second-22nd

2. thirty-third-

3. forty-sixth-

4. fifty -fourth

5. sixty- first-

6. eighty-ninth-

Name: __________________________

Module 5. Test.

Variant II

Задание 1. Прочитай строчки из песенки и напиши необходимые слова, используя картинки.

I wasn’t happy yesterday.

I was _______ , _________ and _________ .

I wasn’t happy yesterday.

I was ________ , _________ and _________ .

But not today, not today! Today I’m very happy!

Задание 2. Напиши порядковые числительные.

  1. The 3rd - _________________

  2. The 6th - _________________

  3. The 10th - _________________

  4. The 12th - ________________

  5. The 20th - ________________

Задание 3. Прочитай предложения и вставь was или were.

  1. The children __________ at the seaside last summer.

  2. My mother __________ at work yesterday.

  3. Mary and Kim __________ at the theatre last Sunday.

  4. __________ your friend at the museum three days ago?

  5. __________ it cold in winter?

  6. __________ your family at the zoo last year?

  7. The boys __________ in the country in June.

  8. I __________ at home last weekend.

  9. My brother __________ tired yesterday.

  10. There __________ a lot of dogs in the park last Wednesday.

Задание 4. Напиши, где ребята были вчера, используя подходящую форму глагола to be в Past Simple.

  1. Kirill and Tom/in the country. ________________________________________________________

  2. Sasha and his mother/at the circus. ____________________________________________________

  3. We/at the sports centre. _____________________________________________________________

  4. Alla/at home. _____________________________________________________________________

  5. Lena/at the library. _________________________________________________________________

Задание 5. Прочитай текст и напиши, где были ребята в прошлое воскресенье.

Last Sunday, Tom and I were at the ____________ . It was a nice day. We were with my parents but there also were many children with their parents and friends. There was a funny show on. There were dancers and clowns, too! It was an interesting day!

Задание 6. Прочитай диалог и заполни пропуски в предложениях, используя was, wasnt, wereили werent.

Ann: ________ you at home yesterday?

Tom: No, I ________. I ________ at the circus!

Ann: Who ________ with you?

Tom: Alex, my big brother.

Ann: ________ there many animals at the circus?

Tom: No, they _________. They _______ cats, dogs and horses.

Ann: _________ it interesting?

Tom: Yes, it _________. There ________ a really funny show on.

Ann: _______ there clowns and dancers?

Tom: Yes, they ________. They _______ nice.

Задание 7. Прочитай вопросы и подбери к ним подходящие ответы. Запиши свои ответы в таблице.

  1. Was your school open yesterday? A) Yes, I was.

  2. Were you angry two days ago? B) No, it wasn’t. It was Sunday.

  3. Was Lena at school last Monday? C) Yes, it was. There was a funny show on.

  4. Was it interesting at the circus? D) Yes, they.

  5. Were your parents at home last Saturday? E) No, she wasn’t. She was ill.






8. Напиши цифрами.

1. twenty second-22nd

2. thirty-third-

3. forty-sixth-

4. fifty -fourth

5. sixty- first-

6. eighty-ninth-

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