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упражнения на спряжение глагола to be. My Family

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Имя файлаупражнения на спряжение глагола to be.doc

1 Переведите предложения по теме «My Family» на английский язык.

 1.Как ее зовут?— Ее зовут Мэри. Какой у нее адрес (address)? Какой у нее номер телефона (mobile number)? 2. Сколько Вам лет? — Мне 20 лет. Откуда вы родом? — Я из России. 3. Кто ваши родители? — Мои родители Сергей и Анна. Сколько им лет? — Моему отцу 40 лет, а матери 38. 4. Ваш отец врач? — Нет, он водитель. Ваша мать медсестра? — Нет, она учитель. Кем работает ваш брат? — Мой брат врач. 5. Ваши родители дома? — Нет. Они на работе. 6. У вас большая семья? — Нет. В нашей семье 4 человека.  7. Вы счастливы? — Да.


1.What is her name? – Her name is Mary. What is her address? What is her mobile number? 2. How old are you? – I am twenty years old. Where are you from? – I am from Russia. 3. Who are your parents? My parents Sergey and Anna. How old are they? My father is forty years old, and my mother is thirty eight years old. 4. Your father is a doctor? – No, he is a driver. Your mother is a nurse? – No, she is a teacher. who does your brother work? – My brother is a doctor. 5.Are your parent home?- No. They are at work. 6.You have a big family? – No. There are 4 people in our family. 7. Are you happy? – Yes.

2 Переведите предложения в PastSimpleTense на английский язык.

  1. Я был в кино вчера.

  2. Она не была в кино, она была в театре.

  3. Ты был вчера дома?

  4. Где ты был вечером?

  5. Погода была прекрасная.

  6. Было тепло и солнечно. (It …)

  7. В доме было убрано. (The house …)

  8. Дети были в школе.

  9. Мама не нервничала. (be nervous)

  10. Отец не сердился. (be angry)


  1. I was at the movies yesterday

  2. She wasn’t in the movies, she was in the theater

  3. Were you at home yesterday

  4. Where were you in the evening

  5. The weather was beautiful

  6. It was at warm and sunny

  7. The house was cleaned

  8. The children was in the school

  9. Mother was not nervous

  10. Father was not angry

3 Вставьте глагол BE в настоящем, прошедшем и будущем времени.

Susan is the director of a firm. She is always on business trips. Yesterday she was in Geneva. Tomorrow she will be in London. Last week she was in Chicago. Next week she will be in New Orleans. At the moment she is in Amsterdam. But in two hours she will be in Paris. At the end of every trip she was always tired. She is glad to come back home. Now she is with her family. Her children are very excited. They are happy together.

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