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  • сценарий. My heart will go on

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    Под звуки песни “My heart will go on” (Романенко П. 5 –a) навстречу друг другу выходят девушка и юноша. Юноша дарит ей валентинку со словами:

    «There is a special valentine
                                                        With lots of love for you
                                                        And since you are very special
                                                        Here are hugs and kisses too!»
    Девушка – « I hope that Valentine Day
                          Will bring you lots of fun
                          I think you are extra specially nice
                          And so does every one!»

    Ведущий 1: How do you do, dear friends!

    Ведущий 2: How do you do, ladies and gentlemen!

    Ведущий 1: Love! Happiness! Beauty! There are not so much days in our life when we pronounce these pleasant words. People celebrate Saint Valentine’s Day on the 14th of February. St. Valentine’s Day is a religious holyday which is celebrated in Great Britain and in many European countries and in the USA. This day has roots in several legends. This is the one of the legends.

    Ведущий 2: When the Roman Emperor Claudius II needed soldiers he made a law against marrying because he felt it made men want to stay at home instead of fighting wars. But at that time there was a kind priest named Valentine. He couldn’t agree with the emperor’s decision. When he saw that young couples were truly in love he married them secretly. For this he was put in prison where he fell in love with executor’s daughter. Before his death on February 14 he sent a farewell message signed From your Valentine!

    Ведущий 1: История этого праздника уходит своими корнями в историю Древнего Рима. Примерно в 3 веке нашей эры  в городе Тернии жил молодой человек по имени Валентин. Он был епископом этого города. Легенда гласит, что он помогал влюбленным писать друг другу письма и мирил поссорившихся. Римский император Юлий Клавдий 2 не позволял солдатам императорских легионов не только жениться, но и даже влюбляться. А добрый Валентин их тайно венчал. За эти противозаконные действия он и был заточен в тюрьму. В  неволе он влюбился в дочь палача. Перед казнью он оставил ей прощальную записку, на которой подписался: «Твой Валентин». Отсюда и берут свое начало известные «валентинки». 14 февраля «воин любви» был обезглавлен и день смерти святого стал для западных христиан одним из самых любимых праздников.

    Scene (7 «Г» класс)

    Священник в тюрьме. Звучит грустная мелодия.

    Входит тюремщик с дочерью.

    Священник: What a beautiful girl!

    Тюремщик: This is my daughter. She is so unhappy. She is blind. She will never enjoy the light of the sun! She will never see the blue sky! She will never see the trees! (рыдает)

    Священник: I will help you. Come up to me, poor child! Don’t be afraid!

    (через некоторое время дочь тюремщика показывает, что к ней вернулось зрение, она счастлива)

    Девушка: You’ve worked a miracle! Thank you! You are so kind. Even here, in prison, you show your love for everyone. I’m so grateful to you! May I come to visit you every day?

    Священник: Unfortunately, tomorrow, on February 14, I am to die. But I’m not scared and I want to tell everybody on earth, “I love you. I’m your Valentine”.

    Голосиз-закулис: Just before his death, on February 14, Valentine sent the girl a farewell message which he signed “From your Valentine”.

    Ведущий__2'>Ведущий 2: Love is a strong feeling. Sometimes it makes us sacrifice something that we really like.

    Ведущий 1: This is a sad story, but memory about St. Valentine is alive. Love is a tender feeling!

    Стих 7б Радченко «Я вас любил»

    Ведущий 1: Do you know that Valentine’s Day is the second largest card-sending holiday of the year (after Christmas).

    Ведущий 2: Approximately 85 percent of all valentines are purchased by women. But they can not only write about love, they can sing very beautiful songs about love!

    7 В (song I love you like a love song)

    Ведущий 1: I love you. Йо ти амо. Жё тем.

    Ведущий 2: Сени севьёрум. Их либэ дих. We can say these words at any languages. I offer you to listen to the poem and the song in German.


    Ведущий 1: Now I think everybody understands why this day is observed in many countries of the world. It’s a good time to show your love.

    Ведущий 2: Love to your mother, father, granny, to your sister or brother, to your relatives and, of course, love to your friends.

    Стихи про друзей

    Friends! Friends! Friends!

    I have some friends I love!

    We always have a lot of fun

    From early morn to set of sun.

    Friends! Friends! Friends!

    I have some friends I love!

    Friends care, friends share,

    We need friends everywhere!

    Make new friends but keep the old,

    One is silver and the other gold.

    Circle round that has no end

    That's how long I want to be your friend.

    Ведущий 1: Some people connect the celebrating of Valentine's Day with an old English belief that birds choose their mates on February.
    Ведущий 2: Speaking about birds, have you ever heard that the dove is considered to be the symbol of love and faith because they are very loyal.

    Ведущий 1: Do you know that penguins are very loyal too? Let’s dance with them.

    Танецпингвинов (2, 3 класс)

    Ведущий 1: In Japan there is a tradition to give chocolate on St. Valentine’s Day, and in romantic Denmark people send to each other dried white flowers?

    Ведущий 2: In the USA people spend 692 dollars for sweets and red roses. The French usually give jewels as a present.

    Ведущий 1: Everybody says that French is a language of love. There are a lot of wonderful French poems and songs about love.

    Песня французскаяи стихи.

    Ведущий 1: Great love doesn’t come at once. It’s necessary to understand it in a proper way and to be able to express this great feeling.

    Ведущий 2: You can express your love not only with words but you can do it dancing, like Esmeralda from Notre Dame De Paris.


    На сцену выходит Суркичанова Аврораи ведущие

    стихотворение “It’s Valentine’s Day”:

    It’s Valentine’s Day. And in the street

    There’s freezing rain, and slush, and sleet.

    The wind is fierce. The skies are grey,

    I don’t think I’ll go out today.

    But here inside the weather’s warm,

    There’s no trace of wind or storm.

    And you just made the morning shine:

    You said you’d be my Valentine.

    Ведущий 1: We hope that you enjoyed our today’s performance.

    Ведущий 2: Thank you for your time. Be happy!

    Вместе: We love you!

    Все участники концерта выходят под песню Beetles «Love»

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