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Н. В. Моина ю. Б. Генина т. В. Шульженко чтение английской научнотехнической литературы

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The Future of Telecommunications

It is impossible today to imagine our world without telecommunications. It's a common sight now to see people walking down the street talking into a mobile phone or hands-free headset. But what we have today is just an intermediate step. In modern laboratories, there are some developments that introduce more sophisticated devices. For example, something you can put in your shirt that will pick up your voice so that you don't need earphones or a microphone. These electronic devices will probably be of nano variety, which means they will be assembled at the molecular or even atomic level, but they will operate like microphones and earphones in today's mobile devices. In fact, you could have full-time connectivity through your shirt or your wallet. Some people will have a strong reaction against this. They will refuse to be connected this way because they will see it as a kind of dependence. But other people, like some smart people in, say, the City of London will be very happy to have a dress that is both beautiful and that can also connect them to whomever they want to stay in touch with.

Nanotechnology will have a tremendous impact because it facilitates full flexibility of use. When you look at the history of communications, it is the development of many different devices. First there was a telephone in a fixed position, then television, then mobile phone, then the Internet, and so on. Delivering these services to the customer was complex, and the customer had to be more or less of an engineer to manage them all. For people who are not technically inclined, it can become a kind of nightmare. So the dream is that all the points of access will be merged into a pocket-size device or even a nano-chip in your clothing, and with that, you can hear music, you can call up a movie on the TV screen, you can play games – you can do whatever you want.

Even more impressive is what will happen in your house. You will have a screen on the wall that will be like a TV screen but won't be dedicated to a single use, like television. Its applications will be flexible and you will have a small device that will let you select how you use it. When you are working, you can use it for computing or the Internet. When you are relaxing, you can watch TV or a movie or some other form of entertainment. Or you can be in touch with your friends. Your TV set can be connected to the Internet now, but it's a secondary usage. The new screen will be neutral and you will manage the way you use it with a device that fits in your pocket.

Telecommunications will also have a considerable influence on businesses and industry. No one can run a company now without being on the Internet. A lot of small businesses that used to only sell locally are now selling internationally, thanks to telecommunications. In fact, there are some start-up businesses that begin on the international level, and once they are established there, they begin selling locally. In the global digital village, your market can come from anywhere. This represents a massive shift in the world economy, and it is going to continue evolving as new technologies are introduced. The revenues in telecommunications drive to the highest of all businesses. Companies will need to keep adjusting to accommodate these changes and the ones that do this best are the ones that will succeed. Flexibility and innovation will be key.


There are several antenna types and ways of categorizing them. The first two antenna types are the antennas that are a body part for some animals and that are man-made. Usually people are familiar with insect antennas, but for example, the lobster – have them, too. For animals, antennas function as a sensory organ. The other understanding implies that an antenna, or aerial, is a device to send or receive signals. It is a transformer between a transmission line and free space.

The second major categorical division of antenna types is between those that transmit signals, known as transmitting antennas, and those that receive signals, called receiving antennas. Some antennas can both transmit and receive signals. Usually, transmitting antennas handle a good deal more electrical energy than receiving antennas.

There are a number of key parameters used to describe antenna properties. Chief among these relate to the directional characteristics and the resulting gain. The directivity is a measure that describes the power density the antenna radiates in the direction of its strongest emission, versus the power density radiated by an ideal isotropic radiator (which emits uniformly in all directions) radiating the same total power. An antenna's directivity is a component of its gain – a parameter which measures the degree of directivity of the antenna's radiation pattern. In laymen's terms, gain refers to the ability of the antenna to focus scattered RF waves into a narrower, useful plane, thereby increasing signal strength. Polarization, which is the direction of the electric (not magnetic) field of an antenna is another important antenna characteristic. One more parameter is the radiation pattern which is the angular distribution of the power radiated by an antenna. It is typically represented by a three dimensional graph and is a very important tool to both the antenna designer and the end user as it shows a quick picture of the overall antenna response.

Different antenna types are used for radio, television, and radar systems.

Antennas transmit signals of different frequencies, that’s why another way to categorize antenna types is by their frequency. For radio antennas, they can be built for frequency modulation (FM) broadcasting at 88...108 MHz (megahertz) or amplitude modulation (AM) broadcasting at 535...1605 kHz (kilohertz). For television antennas, one distinguishes between Ultra High Frequency (UHF) antennas, and Very High Frequency (VHF) antennas, or antennas that pick up both.

Antenna types can be categorized in terms of customers' needs. The range of antennas can be categorized as short, medium, or long. For customers buying a television antenna, the decision is dependent on how close they are to the transmitting towers that they wish to pick up a signal from. If the range is well matched to the distance, it will help avoid the antenna picking up unwanted signals.

Antenna types depend on the location. Antennas can be used indoors, outdoors or installed in attics. The advantage of indoor antennas is that they are easy to install, but sometimes they do not provide the best signal, particularly for customers who are far from the place of transmission. Outdoor antennas used to be made for rooftops, but now they are being designed to be placed on the side of a house, or on a pole. An attic can be a useful installation point for those who do not want their antenna inside or outside for some reasons.

One more way to classify antenna types is by their appearance in terms of design. A directional antenna gather signals from a central location and omni directional seeks signals from towers transmitting from different locations. A non directional antenna or, an omnidirectional antenna may be used to pick up broadcast television signals or audio broadcasts from radio stations, or allow robotic devices to be operated using microwave or wireless technology. Mobile or cellular telephone services, as well as wireless Internet connections, make use of an omnidirectional antenna as part of the process of broadcasting stable signals to these devices.

In design, the omnidirectional antenna is an external or internal sending or receiving device. An internal design for the omnidirectional antenna is usually very simple, and may employ a simple design that is not unlike a dipole antenna. While compact, antennas of this type are extremely powerful, and can often pick up a stable signal for long distances. Cell phones and other small wireless devices will also have an internal antenna that makes it possible to pick up signals emitted by some type of sending equipment.

An external omnidirectional antenna is often used for controlling electronic devices, such as robotic machinery in a manufacturing plant. The antenna will be incorporated into the design of the robotics, allowing the devices to be controlled from a remote point by means of a broadcast signal on a specific frequency. Thanks to the nature of the antenna, neither the device nor the control station must be stationary in order for the signal to remain strong and stable. This makes it much easier for the device to move about the plant floor and still be under the control of the remote operator, without any difficulties.

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