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  • Can you take a few photos of me and Rachel

  • Are there any buses from here to the town center

  • 2. How many volcanoes are still active in Europe

  • Щеголькова С существительное. Неисчисляемые

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    Имя файлаЩеголькова С существительное.docx

    1. Выпишите исчисляемые существительные в одну колонку, а неисчисляемые в другую колонку. При исчисляемых существительных поставьте артикль ( а или аn).


    An airship, an assistant, a paper, an hour, a sea, an event, a glass, a hero, a piano, a friend, a cigarette, an armchair, a ship, a coin, an university, a banknote, a watch, a tree , an idea, a cow, a horse, an umbrella, an instrument, a machine, an obligation.


    Wool, air, word, aviation, assistance, paper-бумага, bread, darkness, water, cheese, happiness, glass-стекло, sand, music, friendship, quickness, tobacco, copper, coffee, money, ink, meat, silver, timber, ice, furniture, chalk, heat, milk, butter, speed, equipment.

    2. Образуйте форму множественного числа нижеприведенных существительных.

    Places, libraries, languages, dresses, flies, watches, clocks, countries, eyes, buses, bushes, parties, rays, thieves, companies, Negroes, masses, leaves, wolves, glasses, keys, boxes, halves, lives, days, plays, factories, cities, opportunities, colonies, roofs, months, journeys, shelves, heroes;

    Men, women, teeth, feet, geese, children, mice, oxen;

    Postmen, sons-in-law, editors-in-chief, fishermen, schoolgirls, sisters-in-law, text-books, pocket- knives, passers-by, statesmen.

    3. Распределите существительные по колонкам в зависимости от того, как произносится окончание множественного числа.

    [s] [z] [iz]

    Table teacher village

    Pen year











    4. Вставьте следующие слова во множественном числе в следующие предложения.

    The students in my class come from many cities of our republic.

    My money and my keys are in my pocket.

    By the end of the term we’ll have to read a few stories by S. Maugham.

    I like going to parties because I enjoy socializing with people.

    People carry their food on trays at a cafeteria.

    We always look up words in dictionaries when we write essays.

    Sportsmen from different countries of the world take part in the Olympic Games.

    Please put the forks, knifes and spoons on the table.

    Packs of wolves hunting nearby caused so much fear that nobody went to the forest mushrooming.

    We all have some problems in our lives

    All the houses were covered with tiled roofs.

    The thieves were caught and arrested.

    We could see the white cliffs of Great Britain in the distance.

    The kitchen bread-bin contained three loaves of sliced white bread and two buns.

    Bob drinks eight glasses of water every day.

    Can you take a few photos of me and Rachel?

    Please put the dishes and the silverware on the table.

    All citizens pay money to the government every year. They pay their taxes.

    I can see trees and bushes outside the window.

    I want to light the candles. I need some matches

    When I make salad, I use lettuce and tomatoes.

    Sometimes Sue has a hamburger and French-fried potatoes for dinner.

    Are there any buses from here to the town center?

    5. Найдите 6 ошибок в образовании множественного числа существительных, заканчивающихся на –O.

    Photos, kilos, mosquitos, pianos, potatoes, stereos

    6. Образуйте множественное число заимствованных существительных.

    Phenomena, crises, stimuli, indexes or indices, antennae or antennas, formulas or formulae, data, nuclei, criteria, analyses, apparatus or apparatuses, bases, appendixes or appendices, tableaux, radii or radiuses, miasmas, hypotheses, axes, genera, vertebrae.

    7. Образуйте множественное число сложных существительных.

    Custom-houses, mothers-in-law, text-books, pocket-knifes, statesmans, fellows-worker, merry-go-rounds, man-servants, hotel-keepers, forget-me-not, lady-birds, womans-doctor, lookers-on, passer-by, mans-of-war, postmans.

    8. Переведите слова в скобках, используя единственное или множественное число.

    Переведите слова в скобках, используя единственное или множественное число.

    1. Children should not forget to brush their teeth at least twice a day.

    2. How many volcanoes are still active in Europe?

    3. My mother-in-law usually got along with her two daughters-in-law.

    4. Look! How beautiful the tulips are!

    5. On your way home buy some potatoes and tomatoes and pick up the photos from the photographer’s.

    6. The job of policemans is very dangerous.

    7. Postmens deliver mail early in the morning.

    8. They sailed from India with cargos of spices, tea and tobacco of different varieties.

    9. Ann has always given me good advice.

    9. Раскройте скобки, употребляя существительные в нужном числе, и согласуйте предложение при помощи глагола to be (где необходимо)

    1. All the dirty clothings… in the washing machine.

    2. These two crossroads is dangerous places for drivers and pedestrians…

    3. Both the funds of transport save energy.

    4. This money is not mine. I can’t take it.

    5. The bad news that the train is delayed by an hour.

    6. Many types of aquatic plants need very little light.

    7. She got some tips from the tourist agency. They are very useful.

    8. Several pedestrians injured during the accident.

    9. There many useful tips in the book on baby care.

    10. These types of birds are very rare.

    11. The police investigating a series of attacks in the area.

    12. We found with a sense of relief that there no mosquitoes at the campsite.

    13. Math her favourite subject.

    14. Phonetics a brand of linguistics.

    15. In summer cattle mainly fed on green grass.

    10. Прослушайте песню «My favourite Things» и выпишите все существительные во множественном числе.

    Raindrops, roses, whiskers, kittens, kettles, mittens, packages, strings, things; ponies, strudels, bells, noodles, geese, wings; girls, dresses, sashes, snoflakes, eyelashes, winters, springs.

    11. Переведите словосочетания на английский язык.

    A girl's hat, Sam's friend, a dog's leg, Anna and Peter's apartment, a student's notebook, the children's mother, an old schoolboy friend, my friend's mother, a teacher's question, my younger sister's daughter.

    12. Прослушайте песню «Maps». Поставьте существительные в скобках, используя множественное число.

    I miss the (taste-tastes) of a sweet life I miss the conversation I’m searching for a song tonight I’m changing all of the (station-stations) I like to think that we had it all We drew a map to a better place But on that road I took a fall Oh baby why did you run away? I was there for you In your darkest (time-times) I was there for you In your darkest (night-nights) But I wonder where were you When I was at my worst Down on my (knee-knees) And you said you had my back So I wonder where were you When all the (road-roads) you took came back to me So I’m following the map that leads to you

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