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  • My opinion about the book «The Hound of Baskervilles» by A. Conan Doyle This summer I have read the book

  • Besides, the plot of the story

  • The book has a lot of

  • To cut a long story short

  • So, if you like

  • The main part

  • 3. An Example of a Review on the Book «The Secret History» by Donna Tratt The Secret History is a powerful novel

  • The contrast between

  • написание Обзор книги на анг. Несколько слов о книге

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    How to write an opinion about a book (in English)
    1) I am going to say (write) a few words about a book (story) I have recently read.

    Я собираюсь сказать(написать) несколько слов о книге (рассказе), который я недавно прочитал.

    2) The book (story) is written by the well-known English (American, French, Russian, etc) writer of the ….. century …… (name of the writer).

    Это книга (рассказ) написана хорошо-известным английским (американским, французским, русским, и т.д.) писателем ……века……(имя писателя)

    3) The title of the book (story) is …..

    Название книги (рассказа) -……

    4) It is a ……(type of the book).

    Эта ……….(здесь указываете жанр, в котором написано произведение. См. в конце статьи)

    5) The plot of the book is incredibly interesting (exciting/ intricate/ rather simple, something special).

    Сюжет книги невероятно интересный (увлекательный/ запутанный/ довольно простой)

    6) The book tells us about a……who …….(contents of the book in short)

    Книга рассказывает нам о …(имя главного героя), который …. (краткое содержание книги).

    7) There are some humorous (funny, sad, tragic, thrilling ) episodes in the book.

    В книге много смешных (забавных, грустных, трагических, страшных) эпизодов.

    8) I couldn’t help smiling (laughing, feeling sad/ nervous, crying) while reading it.

    Я не могла не улыбнуться (сдержать смех, чувствовать грусть, слезы) во время чтения.

    9) To cut a long story short,………(here the end of the book must be given)

    Короче говоря, ….. (здесь излагаете вкратце, чем закончилась книга)

    10) On the whole the book is good. It is worth reading.

    В целом книга хорошая. Ее стоит почитать.

    11) If you like …….(type of the book), I advise you to read it.

    Если вы любите …. (указываете жанр), я советую вам прочитать ее.

    My opinion about the book «The Hound of Baskervilles» by A. Conan Doyle

    This summer I have read the book“The Hound of the Baskervilles”,which was written by the famous English writer of the 19th century Arthur Conan Doyle. It is a detective story.

    I liked this book very much from the very beginning.First of all,Sherlock Holmes is one of my favourite characters. Besides, the plot of the story is extremely interesting and intricate. The action takes place inthe Yorkshire moors in England. It starts witha mysterious murder of Sir Charles Baskerville in his old mansion. Although the doctor says that the cause of his death is the heart attack, he doesn’t believe it himself as a lot of traces of a gigantic hound are found on the ground around the body. So, he goes to London and asks Mr. Sherlock Holmes to investigate the case.

    The book has a lot ofthrillingepisodes.I couldn`t help feelingnervous especially when the gigantic hound followed its prey for I was not sure that the story would have the happy end. Fortunately, Sherlock Holmes does his best as usual and the mystery of the strange murder is revealed.

    To cut a long story short, the fearful hound is killed and the main character Sir Henry, the heir of the Baskervilles, is saved from the terrible death.

    In conclusion, I would like to say that detectives are my favourite genre. When I read them I always try to predict the events, to draw conclusions and it helps me to develop some kind of deductive reasoning. So, if you likedetectives, I advise you to read this book. I am sure you’ll get a great pleasure.

    1. Планнаписаниярецензиинапроизведение (The Plan of a Book Review)

    1. Introduction (an author, a title, a setting, a plot in short) — Введение (автор, название, местодействия, краткий сюжет)

    2. The main part (the plot in details, main characters) — Основная часть (сюжет частично, главные герои)

    3. Conclusion  (opinion about the book, reservations, recomendations) — Заключение (личное мнение, недостатки, рекомендации)

    2. Фразы и выражения для рецензии на английском языке (Useful Words for a Book Review)

    Общая оценка произведения:

    1. a splendid book — великолепная книга

    2. a powerful novel — производящий сильное впечатление роман

    3. a gripping narrative — захватывающее повествование

    О сюжете:

    1. be meticulously (intricately) constructed — тщательно продуман

    2. be richly detailed (is rich and ditailed in plot) — сюжет богат деталями

    3. be set in — происходит в

    4. be told by — (повествование) ведется от …

    5. hold the attention right up to the final page — удерживать внимание читателя до последней страницы

    6. The contrast between ….be done most skillfully — Контраст между … выполнен мастерски.

    Мнение о произведении:

    1. The only reservation of the book… — Единственный недостаток книги…

    2. It is difficult to put the book down… — Трудно отложить книгу …

    3. I highly recommend the book to … — Я очень рекомендую эту книгу…

    3. An Example of a Review on the Book «The Secret History» by Donna Tratt

    The Secret History is a powerful novel written by the American writer Donna Tartt. The story is set in New England and shows the life of students in some prestigious college. It is told by the fellow Richard Popen, who recently moved to the area from Calofornia. He happened to be aware of a terrible secret, which changed his life forever.

    The Secret History is rich and detailed in plot and provide many layers for the reader to explore. The intricately constructed murder will hold your attention right up to the final page. The book is moving at times and amusing at others. The background of the book contains references to Ancient Greece, which you are sure to enjoy if you are interested in history.

    As for the characters, Donna Tratt has managed to create different personalities from indulgent parents to light-hearted hippies. She is very convincing and depicted her characters very true to life. The contrast between the sophisticated ideas of the elite group of students and their contemporaries is done most skilfully.

    In conclusion, I would like to note that the only reservation of the book is its length. It has more over 500 pages, so it is rather long. However, it’s difficult to put the book downI highly recommend The Secret History  to everyone as the greatest achievement of this young novelist.


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