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  • Олимпиадные задания для 3 класса № 5 .

  • Задания для олимпиады по английскому языку 3 класс №6.

  • Олимпиадные задания по английскому языку для 4 класса №1 1. Вставь пропущенные глаголы

  • 3. Какое из этих слов лишнее Зачеркни

  • 5. Прочитайте текст и закончите предложения

  • 6. Выбери подходящее местоимение и вставь в место пропуска

  • Общее кол-во баллов

  • 1) Закончи предложение. Выбери соответствующую букву.

  • 2) Найди правильный ответ на вопрос: “When is

  • 3) Прочитай предложения. Выбери неверное предложение.

  • 3. Какое из этих слов лишнее Выпиши его .

  • 4. Соотнеси слова с противоположным значением.

  • 5. Соотнеси вопросы и соответствующие им ответы.

  • 6. Закончи рассказ Тома о себе. Используй слова .

  • 8. Соедини числа и слова

  • Олимпиада по английскому языку 4 класс №3.

  • сборник олимпиад. Общеобразовательная школаинтернат основного общего образования спортивного профиля

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    1 Отметь правильный ответ.

    1 ) Who comes and sits under a fence?

    a) A dog b) a cock c) A duck

    2) What colour is the fox?

    a) Black b) White c) orange

    3) What does the cock do when she sees the fox?

    a) he jumps on the fence

    b) he comes to the cat.

    c) he comes to the dogs.

    4) Why does the fox come near the cock?

    a) she likes the cock and wants to be her friend .

    b) she wants to speak to the cock.

    c) she is hungry.

    5) What is the good news?

    a) The cock likes the fox.

    b) All animals are friends now.

    c) The dogs are near the tree.

    6) What can the cock see from the tree?

    a) A house b) The forest c) a river

    7) Why does the fox want to run away?

    1. she doesn’t like the cock.

    1. she wants to speak about the news with all animals.

    1. she doesn’t want to see dogs.

    8) What does the fox say when she runs away?

    a) “The dogs know the news”

    b) “The dogs don’t know the news.”

    c) “I am hungry”

    Олимпиадные задания для 3 класса №5.

    1. Подчеркни слова, в которых есть следующие звуки: 5 points (1*5)

    [ ai ] – night, mail, kite, nine, fought
    [ e ] – pen, men, ten, cap, card
    [ æ ] – pan, cat, ten, party, fine

    2. Найди значение следующих слов. Ответы впиши в таблицу. 10 points (2*5)

    1) lips                   a) мех,шерсть
    2) tail                         b) лапа
    3) paw                       c) енот
    4) fur                          d) губы
    5) raccoon                 e) хвост











    3. Напиши значение следующих слов по-английски. 10 points (2*5)

    1) булочка – ____________________
    2) сок– ____________________
    3) рыба – ____________________
    4) торт – ____________________
    5) сметана – ____________________

    4. Преобразуй данные предложения в отрицательные. 15 points (3*5)

    1) I like to jump – ________________________________________
    2) He can play football – ________________________________________
    3) She drinks juice – ________________________________________
    4) They bought a bike – ________________________________________
    5) He is reading – ________________________________________

    5. is  или has? Вставь правильное слово вместо сокращенной формы. 10 points (2*5)

    1) She’s fourteen – __________
    2) He’s got a brother and  sister – __________
    3) His father’s a postman – __________
    4) She’s from the USA – __________
    5) Ann’s got a funny toy squirrel – __________

    6. How much или how many? Вставь правильный ответ. 15 points (3*5)

    1) ____________________ rooms are there in your flat?
    2) ____________________ English books have you got at home?
    3) ____________________ tea do you drink every day?
    4) ____________________ eggs are there on the table?
    5) ____________________ butter is there on your sandwich?

    7. Преобразуй предложения в вопросительные. 15 points (3*5)

    1) There are cakes on the plate – ___________________________________________________
    2) There is salt in the salad – _______________________________________________________
    3) There is juice in the glass – _______________________________________________________
    4) There are sweets on the table – ___________________________________________________
    5) There is sop in the plate – ________________________________________________________

    8. Преобразуй количественные числительные в порядковые. 20 points (2*10)

    1) 7 – ____________________
    2) 1 – ____________________
    3) 5 – ____________________
    4) 2 – ____________________
    5) 10 – ____________________
    6) 3 – ____________________
    7) 9 – ____________________
    8) 4 – ____________________
    9) 12 – ____________________
    10) 8 – ____________________

    Total – 100 points
    1st place – 91-100 points
    2nd place – 75-90 points
    3rd place – 60-74 points

    Задания для олимпиады по английскому языку 3 класс №6.

    1.Представь, что ты в парке летом. Во что ты там можешь поиграть? Выбериподходящиеварианты.

    А. I can ski.
    Б. I can swim.
    В. I can play tennis.

    2. Заполни пропуски в предложениях правильными формами глагола «to be».

    А. am
    Б. is
    В. Are

    1. His name … Tom.

    2. They… brown and orange.

    3. I… a student.

    3. Выбери правильный вариант:

    …dolls have you got?

    a) How many b) How old c) How

    4. Собери съедобные слова, разбитые на две части и запиши их:

    Bre fee su lk

    Ju wich but ese

    Cof ad che ter

    Sand ice mi gar

    5. Добавь по одному слову в строчку:

    a) an apple, a banana, a lemon,…                          

    b) a bag, a book, a ruler,…

    c) a sheep, a cow, a hare,...          

    d) green, yellow, blue,…             

    6 . Выбери правильный вариант:

    I haven’t got … sister.

    a) a b) the c) -

    7. Прочтитетекст. Закончитепредложения.


    My name is Kate. I have got friends from Africa, Great Britain and America. But I love my friend from Russia. Her name is Ann. She has got a family. She has a mother, a father, a brother and two sisters.

    Her mother is a doctor. Her name is Helen. She is 32. She is from Russia. She loves her family.

    Her father is an engineer. His name is Gleb. He is not from Russia, he is from Great Britain .

    Ann and I are pupils. We are 8. We are from Russia. We are friends. We like to play with her cat and her dog. We don’t play with her brother, her brother plays computer games. He is Sasha , he is 10. He wants to be an engineer. Ann loves her mother and she wants to be a doctor. I want to be a doctor, too. My father, my mother, my grandmother and my aunt are doctors.

    How I love my friend Kate!

    1. Kate and Ann are … .

    1. friends.

    2. sisters.

    3. friends from Great Britain.

    2.…. is from Great Britain.

    1. Lisa

    2. Gleb

    3. Masha

    3.Kate and Ann want to be … .

    1. doctors

    2. pupils

    3. engineers

    4…. has got an aunt. Her aunt is a doctor.

    1. Kate

    2. Masha

    3. Olga

    5. Her brother likes to play ….

    1. with a cat and a dog

    2. computer games

    3. with her dolls.

    Олимпиадные задания по английскому языку для 4 класса №1

    1. Вставь пропущенные глаголы:

    Dear friend,

    My name ____ Ann. I ____ seven. I ____ a student. I _____ to school. I ______ got a pet. It ____ a guinea-pig. My guinea-pig _______ red. It_____ corn. My pet _____ cute.

    (7 points)

    2. НапишиответАне:


    (10 points)

    3. Какое из этих слов лишнее? Зачеркниего:

    1. apple, pear, banana, cabbage.

    2. coke, juice, tea, porridge.

    3. biscuit, carrot, cake, bread.

    4. black, grey, small, pink.

    5. small, kind, clever, bread

    (5 points)

    4. Вставьlikeилиlikes:

    1. I ________________ my toy plane.
    2. Tom _______________ his white dog.
    3. My cat ______________ to run.
    4. Children _____________ to skip.
    5. They _____________ their parrots.

    (5 points)

    5. Прочитайте текст и закончите предложения:

    My name is Kate. I’ve got a friend. Her name is Ann. Ann lives in London. She is ten. She is a student. Her favorite subjects are Art and English. She can sing English songs and draw. She likes reading. Ann is kind and always ready to help. Ann helps her mother after school.

    1. Kate has got …

    a) a mother

    b) a sister

    c) a friend

    2. Her friend's name is…

    a) Ann

    b) Kate

    c) Helen

    3. Ann likes … .

    a) reading books

    b) singing

    c) counting

    4. Ann's favorite subjects are …

    a) Art, English

    b) Math, P.E.

    c) Math, Geography, Art

    5. Ann helps her…..

    a) friends

    b) mother

    c) mother and father

    (5 points)

    6. Выбери подходящее местоимение и вставь в место пропуска:

    1. ____ is a doctor. (you, she, I)

    2. ___ go to school. (Your, he, they)

    3. ___ likes to sing. (we, he, they)

    4. ___ helps her granny. (she, you, he)

    5. This is ___ brother. (he, her , they). _____ name is Tom.(her, his, its)

    (5 points)

    Общее кол-во баллов _________
    Олимпиада по английскому языку для 4 класса №2

    1. Прочитай письмо и выполни задания.

    7 july

    Dear pen friend,

    My name is Tom. I am a boy. I am ten. I am from the USA. I live with my mum, dad and two brothers John and Mike. They are two. The boys like fairy tales. What is your name? How old are you? Have you got a sister or a brother?

    My birthday is on the 19th of September. Autumn is my favourite season. In autumn I roller skate, ride my bike. I like to play football and tennis. When is your birthday? What is your favourite season? What do you like to do? What can you do well?

    I have got a grey hamster Harry. Harry is nice and funny. He likes to run and play. Harry likes cheese and corn. I like my hamster but I would like to have guinea-pig. Have you got a pet? Is it funny? Please write back.

    Your pen friend,

    Tom Brown.

    1) Закончи предложение. Выбери соответствующую букву.

    Tom has got…

    a) mum, dad, two sisters and a brother Harry.

    b) mum, dad and two brothers.

    c) mum, grandpa and two sisters.


    2) Найди правильный ответ на вопрос: “When is Tom’s birthday?” Выбери соответствующую букву.

    a) in spring           b) in summer        c) in autumn


    3) Прочитай предложения. Выбери неверное предложение.

    a) Tom is from the USA.

    b) He has got a hamstert.

    c) Tom likes to read fairy tales.

    d) He would like to have a guinea-pig.

    4) Найди начало и конец предложения. Соотнеси цифры и буквы.

    1) Tom

    2) Harry

    3) John and Mike

    a) likes cheese and corn.

    b) like fairy tales.

    c) likes football and tennis.

      2. Выберинужнуюбукву

     1) Nick’s hen ___ red.

    a) can     b) is

    2) He ___ six.

    a) is    b) am

    3) I ___ got five grey hares.

    a) have     b) has

    4) Ann ___ got a funny cat.

    a) have     b) has

    5) Tim’s dog ___ swim.

    a) is      b) can

    6) My pets ___ cute.

    a) am    b) is   c) are

    7) ___ your dog brown?

    a) am    b) is   c) are

    8) My friend ___ not brave.

    a) am    b) is   c) are

    9) Are you a student? – Yes, I ___.

    a) am    b) is   c) are

     10) I ___ five.

    a) am    b) is   c) are

    11) I have got a guinea-pig. Her name ___Betty.

    a) am    b) is   c) are

    12) Betty ___ cute and kind.

    a) am    b) is   c) are

    13) We ___ friends.

    a) am    b) is   c) are

    14) My brothers ___ good.

    a) am    b) is   c) are

    15) Tom’s postcard

    a) открытка Тома       b) открытки Тома

    16) Ann’s pencils

    a) карандаш Ани     b) карандаши Ани

    17) dolls’ table

    a) стол куклы   b)столы куклы c) стол кукол

    18) brother’s car

    a) машины брата    b) машины братьев    c) машина брата

     3. Какое из этих слов лишнее? Выпишиего.

    1) I, you, he, his, she

    2) red, grey, blue, smart, black

    3) is, jump, sing, swim

    4) long, slim, nice, six, strong

    5) likes, lives, hamsters, takes, runs

    6) cabbage, fish, tomato, potato, carrot

    7) milk, cheese, butter, cake

    8) meat, tea, coffee, juice, milk

    9) apple, pancake, banana, orange, lemon

    10) autumn, first, winter, spring, summer

    11) December, January, July, February

    12) Today, Friday, Sunday, Wednesday, Saturday

    13) Mum, brother, sister, girl, dad

    14) September, October, November, January

    15) Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, March, Sunday

     4. Соотнеси слова с противоположным значением.

    1) fat

    2) clean

    3) bad

    4) long

    5) black

    6) happy

    7) big

    a) small

    b) short

    c) sad

    d) dirty

    e) slim

    f) good

    g) white

     5. Соотнеси вопросы и соответствующие им ответы.

     1) Can you swim?

    2) Is his duck fat?

    3) Are Ben’s cats slim?

    4) Can Ann jump?

    5) Can Nick sing?

    a) No, he can’t.

    b) Yes, she can.

    c)  Yes, it is.

    d) No, they aren’t.

    e) No, I can’t

     6. Закончи рассказ Тома о себе. Используйслова.

    school,       read,        like,        breakfast,         friends,        together,     ten,        juice

    I am Tom. I am ___ (1). I go to ___ (2). I can ___ (3) and write. I ___ (4) to swim and skip. For ___ (5) I like sandwiches, cakes and ___ (6). I have got  a lot of ___ (7). We play ___ (8) on Saturdays.

     7. Прочитайзагадку. Напишисоответствующуюбукву.

    Ann has got a pet. It isn’t big. It is strong. It is brown. It can run, jump and swim. It can’t fly. It doesn’t like flowers. It likes meat.

    a) a dog         b) a rabbit        c) a parrot

     8. Соедини числа и слова

    1) 11

    2) 24

    3) 40

    4) 20

    5) 93

    6) 19

    a) twenty

    b) nineteen

    c) forty

    d) twenty-four

    e) eleven

    f) ninety-three

    Олимпиада по английскому языку 4 класс №3.

    1.Подчеркни слова, в которых есть следующие звуки.

    1. [au] now, town, snow, cow, how

    2. [ı] big, live, like, kite, mirror, stick

    3. [u] put, but, book, bus, look, hook, rook

    4. [i:] tree, street, red, read, meat __________/4

    2.Образуй множественное число(a dog – dogs):

    Fox – cat -

    Mouse – sheep-

    Student – book – __________/6

    3.Напиши степени сравнения прилагательных (long-longer-the longest).







    4.Поставь глаголы в прошедшее время:

    Stay - Close -

    Love – Have -

    Go – Do – __________/6

    5. Прочитай письмо и выполни задания.

    31 December

    Dear pen friend,

    My name is Ann. I am a girl. I am seven. I am from the USA. I live with my mum, dad and two sisters Helen and Betty. They are three. The girls like fairy tales. What is your name? How old are you? Have you got a sister or a brother?

    My birthday is on the 17th of April. Spring is my favourite season. In spring I roller skate, ride my bike. . I like to play computer games. When is your birthday? What is your favourite season? What do you like to do? What can you do well?

    I have got a white guinea-pig Sarah. Sarah is nice and funny. She likes to skip and play. Sarah likes cheese and corn. I like my guinea-pigt but I would like to have a dog and a big parrot. Have you got a pet? Is it funny? Please write back.

    Your pen friend,

    Ann Black

    1) Закончи предложение. Выбери соответствующую букву.

    Ann has got…

    a) mum, dad, two sisters and a brother Harry.

    b) mum, dad and two sisters.

    c) mum, grandpa and two sisters. __________/2

    2) Найди правильный ответ на вопрос: “When is Ann’s birthday?” Выбери соответствующую букву.

    a) in spring b) in summer c) in autumn __________/2

    3) Прочитай предложения. Выбери неверное предложение.

    a) Ann is from the USA.

    b) She has got a guinea-pig.

    c) Ann likes to read fairy tales.

    d) She would like to have a big parrot and a dog. _________/2

    4) Найди начало и конец предложения. Соотнеси цифры и буквы.

    1) Ann a) likes cheese and corn.

    2) Sarah b) like fairy tales.

    3) Helen and Betty c) likes playing computer games.

    1   2   3

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