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  • I / we / you / they + глагол He / she / it + глагол + s

  • Конец 0.2 урока ( грамматика ) Начало 0.2 урока ( практика )

  • Конец 0.2 урока ( практика ) Начало 0.3 урока ( грамматика )

  • Конец 0.3 урока ( грамматика ) Начало 0.3 урока ( практика )

  • END 6 exercise I want to order it Would like to

  • End 7 exercise Negative form

  • October Конец 1 урока (практика) Время Present Simple простое настоящие время (в общем происходит)

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    НазваниеOctober Конец 1 урока (практика) Время Present Simple простое настоящие время (в общем происходит)
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    Формат файлаdocx
    Имя файлаPresent Simple.docx


    Конец 0.1 урока (практика)

    Время Present Simple простое настоящие время (в общем происходит)

    They read English book

    I know It

    They read

    I study at school

    You know English well

    We understand you very well

    You speak Russian

    I play

    I have a house (ед. число исчисляемое)

    They know it

    We know English very well

    They have a house

    They work

    They have a car

    I know English well

    They speak English

    We study at school

    You study at school

    We work there (там)

    We work

    I live in Moscow

    They know English well

    I study at university

    You have a house

    They read English books

    I read books

    They live in Moscow

    We read English books

    We play

    We understand

    You have a car

    They study there

    I understand

    We live in Russia

    I work there

    You play football

    They do it well (они делают это хорошо)

    They study

    I like English

    You play

    1 урок 21:01

    We understand

    We play football

    I work

    They speak Russian

    I study

    You work there

    We(нам) like English

    We read books

    We have a car

    They study at university

    They study at school

    They want it

    We do it well

    We know it

    They understand it

    I study

    You study at university

    I play football

    I do it well

    I have a car

    We (у нас) have a house

    They play

    We study

    You read English books

    We read English books

    We study there

    They understand you

    I know English very well

    You speak English

    I live in Russia

    They work there

    We read

    I understand you

    We speak English

    You read

    They know English well

    You understand it

    You know English

    34 18

    You study

    I read English books

    You want it

    We speak Russian

    I live in Russia

    We know English well

    I speak English

    You read books

    You read English books

    You know it

    They read books

    You do it well

    You play well

    We live in Moscow

    They know English

    They play football

    I know English

    I speak Russian

    They understand you well

    They (им) like English

    You live in Moscow

    You work

    You (тебе) like English

    I want it

    I live in Russia

    You know English very well

    I read

    Конец 1 урока (практика)

    Начало 0.2 урока (грамматика)

    I / we / you / they + глагол

    He / she / it + глагол + s

    She speaks English

    It helps me

    It helps you

    It really helps


    He lives in Lo(а)ndon

    He works hard

    He works very hard

    She works a lot

    He plays computer games

    I like it

    She likes it

    He likes it

    She likes this (этот) lesson

    She likes these (эти) lessons (зииз)

    I like this lesson

    I like your (твои) lessons

    I really like there lessons

    He swims very well

    She understands this lesson

    He remembers it

    It works well

    She speaks Spanish

    I speak English fluently (свободно)

    He wants it

    She sees (видит) it

    She understands you

    It seems (казаться) interesting

    She eats meat

    He eats fish

    It happens

    He plays tennis

    She plays different games

    He plays the guitar

    I get up (вставать) early

    She gets up early

    I get up late (поздно)

    He gets up late

    I get up very early

    He gets up very late

    Конец 0.2 урока (грамматика)

    Начало 0.2 урока (практика)

    She understands you

    She really likes it

    He reads English books

    It seems interesting

    She remembers it

    She reads English books

    He understands you

    She works well

    She works there

    He speaks Russian

    He works well

    She gets up late

    She speaks English

    He sees (видит) it

    He helps you

    He likes this lesson

    It happens

    He plays

    He really likes it


    He plays different games

    He lives in Russia

    He understands you very well

    He gets up very late

    She plays different games

    She speaks Russian

    She likes English

    He knows English well

    She speaks Spanish

    She understands you very well

    He knows English well

    He lives in Moscow

    He works very hard

    He eats meat

    She helps me

    She likes this lesson

    She knows English well

    He likes your lessons

    She works very hard

    She likes it

    She understands

    She knows it

    He works a lot (много) | too much (слишком много)

    He swims very well

    He gets up early

    He works in London (ланден)

    She likes your lessons

    He speaks English

    She works

    He likes your lessons

    He understands you

    She plays tennis

    She knows English

    She wants it

    She reads books

    He plays tennis

    He knows it

    She lives in Russia

    He likes English

    She sees (сиииз) it

    He helps me

    She eats a fish

    He likes this lessons

    He works there

    she likes your lessons

    he plays football

    she reads

    he plays computer games

    he works

    he reads books

    she gets up early

    she swims very well

    she wants it

    he speaks English fluently

    he wants it

    she likes this lesson

    he likes these lessons

    she wants it

    he speaks Spanish

    she works hard

    she speaks English fluently

    she plays

    she works a lot

    she eats meat

    he gets up late

    she works

    she lives in London

    he remembers it

    he likes it

    he works hard

    he reads

    he eats fish

    she knows English well

    she helps you

    she plays computer games

    she gets up early

    she likes these lessons

    he gets up very early

    he speaks Spanish fluently

    she speaks Spanish very well

    she lives in Moscow

    Конец 0.2 урока (практика)

    Начало 0.3 урока (грамматика)

    I work there

    We know it

    You understand me

    They live in England

    He works in London

    She works a lot

    It really helps me

    o, ch, sh, x + es

    ГЛ to ГЛ

    гласная + y + s

    согласная + y = ies

    I / we/ you have

    He / She / it has

    She goes

    I do it well

    She does it well

    I do housework (я делаю работу по дому)

    She does housework

    I go to work (ходить на работу)

    He goes to work

    She goes to work

    I go to school

    He goes to school

    She goes to school

    I go to the park (ходить в парк)

    He goes to the park

    She goes to the park

    I go to the cinema (ходить в кино)

    I go to the theater (сэтэ) (ходить в театр)

    He goes to the theater

    She goes to cinema

    I go there

    I often go there

    I often do it

    He often goes there

    She often does it

    I teach English

    She teaches English

    I watch TV

    He watches TV

    I watch TV everyday

    He watches TV everyday

    Wash up the dishes (мыть посуду)

    I wash up the dishes

    She washes up the dishes

    Relax (отдыхать)

    I relax in the evening (я отдыхаю вечером)

    She usually relaxes in the evening

    We play computer games

    He plays computer games

    He Flies

    I often fly to America (я часто летаю Америку)

    He often flies to America

    She often flies to England

    I often go to China (Чайна) (я часто езжу в Китай)

    He often flies to the United State

    He plays football

    We play computer game



    He often cries

    He tries to help him (ему)

    She tries (стараться / пытаться) to do it

    I try to learn (учить) English

    He tries to learn Spanish

    I have a car

    He has a car

    I have a computer

    She has a computer

    I have a house

    He has a house

    I have a flat (квартира)

    She has a flat

    I have many (много) friends

    He has many friends

    I have a job

    She has a job

    He has a girlfriend

    She has a boyfriend

    Конец 0.3 урока (грамматика)

    Начало 0.3 урока (практика)

    She plays(z) computer games

    He watches TV

    She has a boyfriend

    He speaks English fluently

    He often tries to do it

    He does it well

    He works hard

    She does housework

    She works hard

    He often goes to China

    He has many friends

    She often flies to America

    She often goes to China

    She tries to learn Spanish

    He tries to help him

    He goes to work (ходить на работу)

    She swims very well

    He gets up late

    He teaches English

    He tries to learn Spanish

    She goes to the park

    He tries to do it

    He often flies to the USA

    He goes to school

    He works very hard

    He relaxes in the evening / has a rest

    She goes there


    her sister goes to work

    your friend often goes there

    my sister goes to school

    that house costs a lot

    it happens

    my mom often says it

    my uncle lives in America

    my best friend plays different computer games

    your lesson helps me

    my friend knows English very well

    your parents go to the park

    my brother really likes it

    I have a job

    your brother swimms very well

    my mom likes this idea

    my parents know it

    i go to work

    she goes to work

    do does

    he does it very well

    he often relaxes in the evening

    my father works there

    their parents live there

    this lesson seems interesting

    these lessons seem interesting

    it seems interesting

    i work a lot

    she works very hard

    he lives in this house

    she lives in that house

    my friend speaks English fluently

    he really likes it

    i often go to the park

    my sister has a lot of friends / lots of friends

    this dress costs twenty pounds

    my father does business

    she eats fish

    she often flies to the United States

    my bro often plays computer games

    my bro likes differents computer games

    i try to learn English

    she tries to help him

    i get up early

    he gets up late

    it seems interesting

    she often does it

    she has a boyfriend

    she plays different games

    she has a lot of friends / lots of friends / many friends

    i do business in China

    we study

    he often tries to do it

    it really seems interesting

    she goes there

    i like English

    she has a friend

    she plays football

    my uncle has a car

    he watches TV

    i work very hard

    he plays computer games

    she watches TV every days

    it seems very interesting

    i often go to China

    he washes up the dishes

    we do business

    he has a friend

    she works very hard

    she teaches English

    he often flies to the United States

    he reads English books

    he often flies to England

    she studies at school

    he often relaxes in the evening

    he often has rest in the evening

    my sister has a friend

    i have a job

    my best friend lives in England

    he has a girlfriend

    he watches TV every day

    he gets up early

    he does it well

    she tries to learn English

    he studies at school

    she gets up late

    he studies

    she plays computer games

    she plays different games

    he tries to learn English

    he does housework

    this lesson seems interesting

    i often go to the cinema

    she has a job

    he goes there

    she really likes it

    she gets up early

    i play different games

    he often watches TV

    she goes to the theatre

    she reads English books

    she has a car

    i often fly to America

    she works hard

    she reads English books

    he really likes it

    we often go to the cinema

    he reads a lot

    she goes to work

    i often do housework

    she goes to school

    we often go to the park

    my friend speaks English fluently

    he gets up late

    she speaks English fluently

    i play

    he often go to China

    he has a house

    he works hard

    They often watch TV

    she often flies to England

    we often play to football

    i often listen to music

    end 5.1

    she relaxes a lot

    I really like this a car

    My dad often flies to the United State

    He often does it

    My friend study at university

    He has a job

    My mom wants it

    My father does it very well

    She tries to help him

    He really likes it

    He goes to school

    She gets up late

    He often relaxes / has a rest

    We like it

    She does it well

    He has a car

    She swims very well

    I work a lot

    He swims very well

    She watches TV

    He often helps him

    It happens

    He has a friend

    My sister often flies to the United State

    She speaks English fluently

    He works hard

    I get up early

    She often does it

    She washes up the dishes

    He often does it

    She has a computer

    She watches TV every day

    He plays football

    He has a house

    He has a lot of friends / many friends

    He reads a books

    He goes to school

    She studies at school

    He tries to learn Spanish

    She often goes to China

    She washes up the dishes

    He often tries to do it

    She tries to help him

    She works very hard

    This lesson seems very interesting

    She tries to learn English

    He goes to the cinema

    I often relax in the morning

    She goes there

    He gets up late

    He often goes to China

    She often relaxes in the evening

    I live in Moscow

    She often flies to America

    He works very hard

    He does it well

    She tries to learn Spanish

    She has a house

    Their parents have a job

    I study at university

    He often flies to England

    He plays different games

    She plays

    He goes to the park

    He goes to the cinema

    He has a lot of friends

    She works a lot

    We try to learn English

    I have a girlfriend

    He often goes there

    We usually relax in the evening

    He tries to help me

    She has a computer

    I often play computer games

    My sister has a lot of friends

    She swims well

    END 5.2

    He often flies to America

    He goes to work

    She often goes to China

    She tries to do it

    They have a house

    I have a boyfriend

    He works a lot

    She goes there

    He speaks English fluently

    She washes up the dishes

    I try to learn English

    She goes to the park

    My brother plays different games

    He often tries to do it

    I study at school

    My mom often goes there

    He does housework

    I get up late

    it seems interesting

    she studies at university

    my bro reads a lot

    he goes to the park

    he tries to learn English

    she often flies to America

    he often flies to England

    she often goes to the theatre

    she plays computer games

    my sister tries to learn English

    you teach English very well

    he goes to the theatre

    my bro often has a rest In the evening

    my mom often watches TV

    we get up early

    she does housework

    I live in Russia

    My sister goes to school

    He goes to work

    It often happens

    Your parents go there

    She studies at university

    I study at university

    I have a friend

    She goes to the cinema

    He plays computer games every day

    She does it well

    He goes to the park

    She has a job

    She tries to do it

    My parents speak English fluently

    He often goes to the theatre

    My friend studies there

    She studies at school

    I often go there

    He teaches English

    She really likes it

    She has a car

    She has a house

    He plays football

    My sister reads books

    He swims very well

    We read a lot

    We often fly to America

    We study at school

    They have a computer

    He tries to do it

    She works every day

    She teaches English

    My bro works very hard

    She gets up early

    He teaches English

    We often do it

    She has a girlfriend

    My bro studies at university

    She does housework

    His father has a job

    My bro has a computer

    My parents often fly to the United States

    My uncle works a lot

    My friend tries to learn Spanish

    END 5.3

    I want this dress

    I want to buy this dress

    Want + to + verb

    I want this thing

    I want to buy this thing

    I want to order it

    I want to buy a house

    I want to know English really well

    I want to speak English very well

    I want to speak English fluently

    I want to eat

    I want to drink

    I want to eat meat

    I want to drink a tea

    I want to drink a cup of (родительный падеж) tea

    I want to learn English

    I want to go to America next month

    I want to go to Italy next year

    I want to read this book

    I want to call her (ей) / them (им)

    They want to call me

    They want to call us (нам)

    I want to visit this place

    I want to get more (больше) money

    I want to live in another (другой) country

    I want to live abroad эброд (за границей)

    I want to learn in the United States

    I want to have my own (собственный) a business

    I want to watch this video

    I want to watch your channel every day

    I want to go to the cinema

    I want to learn English with (с) you

    My boss wants more money

    My bro wants to study in another place

    My cousin wants to sell her house

    My uncle wants to sell his flat

    Her relative (родственник) want to rent (снять) a flat

    His secretary wants to a new job

    His secretary wants to find a new job

    He wants to know everything (все)

    He wants to know all information

    I want to help you

    I want to thank you

    Also (также)

    END 6 grammar

    I want to play computer games

    I want to have a car

    I want tea

    I want to drink a cup of tea

    I want to eat fish

    I want to speak English well

    My boss wants more money

    My cousin aunt wants to sell her flat

    I want to help you

    I want to thank you

    I want to study in the United States

    I want this thing

    I want this dress

    They want to call us (ас / нам)

    My friend wants to study another place

    I want to study with you

    I want to call her

    I want to visit this place

    His secretary wants a new job

    a прилагательное + существительное

    I want to drink tea

    I want to drink coffee

    I want to order it

    I want to eat meat

    I want to call them (им)

    We want to play football

    I want to watch this video

    I want to live abroad

    I want to have my own business

    My bro wants to try to do it

    He wants to know everything

    I want to eat

    My relatives want to play

    I want to read this book

    My aunt (ант) wants to sell her house

    I want to play computer games

    I want to call him

    I want to buy a house

    I want to fly to New York

    His secretary wants to find a new job

    My boss wants to know everything

    I want to know English

    I want coffee

    I want to go to America next month

    I want to go to the cinema

    My sister wants to buy this a dress

    It often happens

    I want to help you

    She wants to know all the information

    I want to get more money

    I want to sing

    We want to thank you

    I want a cup of tea

    I want to learn English

    They want to call me

    We want to know all the information

    I want to speak English fluently

    I want to watch your channel every day

    I want to go to Italy next year

    Her relative wants to rent a flat

    My sister wants to play different games

    I want to buy this beautiful dress

    I want to study there (там)

    I want to learn English here (здесь)

    My sister wants to teach English

    I want a cup of tea

    I want to live in another country

    I want to watch it

    I want to buy this thing

    I want to help my friend

    My relative wants to study abroad

    They want to help me

    I really thank you

    END 6 exercise

    I want to order it

    Would like to + глагол

    Хотел(а) бы

    d like to + глагол

    I would like to order it

    I’d like

    I’d like to do it now

    I’d like to do it right now

    I’d like to talk (ток поговорить) about it

    I’d like to talk about this problem

    I’d like to know it

    I’d like to do it again (эген)

    I’d like to do it one more time (еще один раз)

    I’d like to buy a new computer

    I’d like to read book English

    I’d like to write it down (я хотел бы записать это)

    I’d like to listen to music (послушать музыку)

    I’d like to listen to this song

    I’d like to go to the party

    I’d like to go to the restaurant

    I’d like to tell (сказать кому-то) you everything

    say (просто сказать)

    I’d like to know all the news

    I’d like to know all the information

    I’d like to hear (хиа услышать) this story

    I’d like to translate this word

    I’d like to translate this phrase (фраза)

    I’d like to translate this sentence (предложение)

    I’d like to work more (больше)

    Less (меньше)

    I’d like to work more to (чтобы) get (earn – зарабатывать) more money

    I’d like to work less to have more free time

    I’d like to understand English speech (речь)

    I’d like to understand native speakers (носителей языка)

    I’d like to be a teacher

    I’d like to be a manager

    I’d like to become a manager

    I’d like to be a businessman

    I’d like to become a businessman

    I’d like to do my own business

    I’d like to have my own YouTube channel

    We’d like to invite you to the party

    They’d like to join us

    You’d like to live here

    I see you’d like to live here

    He’d like to get this job

    She’d like to study English in this place

    I’d like to thank you

    I’d really like to thank you for (за) your help

    END 7 lesson

    My aunt wants to buy her house

    My aunt would like to sell her house

    I’d like to know it right now

    I’d like to have more free time

    My relative would like to sell his flat

    My brother would like to play this game

    I’d like to have this dress

    I’d like to help my friend

    I’d like to do it one more time

    I’d like to see it

    I’d like to thank you

    I’d like to learn English very hard

    I’d like to talk about it with you

    I’d like to go to Italy next year

    I’d like to live abroad

    I’d like to listen to song

    I’d like to hear this story

    I’d like to read this book

    I’d like to buy a house

    I’d like to know English very well

    I’d like to buy this thing

    I’d like to work less

    They would like to call us

    I’d like to go to this restaurant

    My friend would like to study in another place

    My sister would like to teach tin another place

    I’d like to study there (там)

    I’d like to listen to music

    I’d like to hear all the story

    I’d like to study here (хиэр)

    He’d like to get this job

    His secretary would like to ger a new job

    I’d like to call them

    I’d like to know all the information

    I’d like to translate this phrase

    I’d like to go to America

    I’s like to buy this a beautiful dress

    I’d like to get more money

    I’d like to have a car

    We’d like to play football

    I’d like a cup of coffee

    I’d like to speak English fluently

    I’d like to watch this video

    I’d like to read book in English (на английском)

    I’d like to live in another country

    I see = I understand (я понимаю)

    I’d really like thank you

    I’d like to tell you everything

    I’d like to translate this word

    My bro would like to do it

    I’d like to work more

    I’d like to call her

    I’d like to thank you for (за) your help

    I’d like to visit this place

    I’d like to speak English very well

    END 26:40

    I’d like to eat meat

    My sister would like to buy this dress

    I’d like to drink a cap of tea

    I’d like to know everything

    I’d like to write it down

    I’d like to buy a new computer

    I’d like to work more to get / earn more money

    My relative would like to study abroad

    She would like to learn English here

    In this place

    That place

    They’d like to study in the United States

    I’d like to talk with you about this problem

    Our relative want to rent a flat

    I’d like to drink a cup of tea

    I’d like to drink a glass of juice

    I’d like to drink a glass of water

    I’d like to translate these sentences

    I’d like to translate this text

    I’d like to have my own business

    I’d like to say it

    I’d like to watch channel every day

    We’d like to order it right now

    I’d like to eat fish

    He would like to know everything

    End 7 exercise

    Negative form





    I don’t live in England

    We don’t work here

    You don’t know it

    They don’t see him


    I don’t get up late

    I don’t go to school

    I go to university

    I don’t go to university

    I don’t go to work

    I don’t work

    I stay at home (сидеть дома)

    I don’t like this place

    It doesn’t cost much (много используется в отрицании)

    It costs

    She doesn’t teach English

    She teaches mathematic

    I don’t live in New York

    I live in Los Angeles

    I don’t like this game

    I like that game


    I don’t play the piano (музыкальные инструменты)

    I play the guitar

    I don’t go to work every day

    I work from home

    I don’t buy newspapers (с множественным числом)

    I read them online

    I don’t know much about politics

    It doesn’t interest me

    I don’t speak Chinese

    I speak English and Spanish

    She doesn’t like her work

    She wants to find another work

    I don’t eat meat but I eat fish

    I don’t play tennis

    I don’t do physical exercise at home

    I go to the gym

    I don’t play computer games all day. I Like sport

    End 8 lesson grammar

    I don’t watch her channel every day

    I don’t go to school. I go to university

    He works a lot

    He wants to work less

    I don’t live in English

    I don’t talk to him

    I don’t want to do it right now

    I want to do it later (позже)

    She doesn’t teach English

    She teaches maths

    I don’t like this song

    I like that song

    I watch this channel every day

    I don’t play tennis

    She plays it (она играет в него)

    I don’t get up late. I get up early

    It doesn’t cost much

    It costs little (мало)

    I don’t play the piano

    I play the guitar

    I don’t see him

    We don’t work there

    She doesn’t want to sell her house

    She wants to sell her flat

    It doesn’t cost little

    It costs a lot

    I understand you but I don’t understand native speakers

    It doesn’t help me

    I don’t buy newspapers and magazines

    I read them online

    She wants to find another job

    I don’t want to do it again

    I want to do it right now

    You don’t understand it

    I don’t go to work every day

    I work from house

    I don’t do physical exercises at home. I go to the gym

    I don’t eat meat but I eat fish

    She doesn’t think so

    I don’t know much about politics

    It doesn’t interest me

    I don’t have much free time

    I have little free time

    I don’t speak English fluently

    I try to learn it

    I don’t live in Moscow

    I don’t play computer games all day

    I like sport

    She works little

    She wants to work more

    I don’t go to work

    I stay at home

    I don’t go to university

    I go to university

    I don’t like it

    I like another place

    I don’t order it here (хиэр)

    We don’t know it

    She doesn’t say it

    She doesn’t tell (говорить кому-то) us (нам) everything

    She doesn’t like that channel

    She likes this channel

    We don’t like those (те) lessons

    She works very hard

    She doesn’t have free time

    I don’t study English there. I study English here

    Prefer (предпочитаю)

    END exercise 8

    My brother doesn’t want to do this job

    My cousin (двоюродный) doesn’t go to the concerts

    He doesn’t like it

    My best friend doesn’t smoke

    He wants to be healthy (здоровым)

    He doesn’t eat little

    He eats a lot / too much (слишком много)

    Our director doesn’t ask many (много) questions

    My friend doesn’t like classical music

    Our lessons don’t finish late because (потому что) they start early

    They parents don’t live together (вместе)

    They live separately сэпретли (раздельно)

    My friend doesn’t drive fast

    He drives very slowly (медленно)


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