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Transportation logistics

Transportation logistics is exclusively about managing material as it moves through the supply chain. This is directly related to how freights are hauled. Whether it's via truck, through the air, or by boat, this distribution model helps ensure all goods are being transported safely and efficiently.

Types of trucks, semi-trailers, trailers.

The tent is a universal semi-trailer for national and international transport of commercial goods that do not require temperature conditions and need to be protected from the weather. Allows for simultaneous loading from four sides.

Refrigerated truck is a semi-trailer equipped with a refrigeration unit that automatically maintains the required temperature regime. Designed for the transport of goods that require deep-freezing or refrigeration. Depending on its classification, it provides the temperature inside the body in the range of +12° C to -25° C. It has several modifications.

Isotherm is a semi-trailer, the cargo area of which is thermally insulated and not equipped with a refrigeration unit. It is designed for short-term transport of perishable goods and maintains an initial internal temperature for a limited time. Has the same volume and carrying capacity as a refrigerated box.

The Jumbo is a refrigerated semi-trailer with a "folding" frame. It is characterized by increased capacity due to the stepped L-shaped load compartment floor with a bend at the front and the reduced diameter of the wheel rims of the semi-trailer.

Container wagon - a semi-trailer for the transport of sea and rail containers of various types, which has several modifications differing by the frame design. Depending on the type, it may be a universal sliding container wagon with a capacity of 45-foot containers, a standard container wagon with a lifting capacity of 20-30 tones, a low loader wagon with a specialized capacity for tank containers and a tipper wagon.

Open-sided platform - a flatbed semitrailer without a tilt body. It is used for the transport of goods of all types and sizes, not requiring special transport conditions, resistant to precipitation, low and high temperatures.

Open flatbed - semitrailer flatbed, not equipped with boards and awning superstructure. It is designed for the transportation of large-sized commercial construction and industrial loads, which are resistant to external weather conditions.

The Platform for oversized cargo is a semi-trailer platform for the transportation of goods of various types, including equipment, construction and special machinery. Due to its design features, it can transport cargoes of large height and long length.

A tanker truck is a truck with a tank designed for temporary storage and transportation of liquid cargoes of varying degrees of aggressiveness over short or long distances. It can be of different configurations, one or several sections

Microbus - a commercial vehicle of especially small class and carrying capacity up to 5 meters in length. It is designed for transportation of food and non-food loads, characterized by high speed and economic efficiency at the expense of low cost.

The car transporter is a semi-trailer for the transport of cars, trucks and other wheeled equipment. The capacity is directly proportional to the length of the semi-trailer and varies from 7 to 10 B-class vehicles, depending on the dimensions.

A grain carrier is a vehicle equipped with a tank or bunker for bulk transportation of bulk cargo - grains, pellets and mixed feed. They can be equipped with self-loading system or loading hatches.

A dump truck - a self-dumping vehicle with a trailer or semi-trailer for transportation of loose or bulk cargo. They can have different types of body, direction and type of unloading.

Logging truck - a semi-trailer for transportation of long timber, sawn timber and rolled metal pipes. It is equipped with tapered chassis - special equipment for convenient stacking and secure fixation of the load all around the perimeter.

Types of cargo transportation. Transporting cargo is one of the foundations for the development of commodity-money relations. Transporting cargo is a rather complex process that involves a huge number of governmental and commercial structures, specialists and vehicles, etc.

There are several types of cargo transportation: - International cargo transportation. Characterized by the fact that the point of departure and the point of destination are in different countries. In order to deliver the goods to the destination point one sometimes has to cross several borders and this in turn is associated with the need to obtain the appropriate permits and go through many procedures. - Inter-regional transport of goods involves moving goods within one country from one region to another, creating choices for consumers and making one's company competitive. This type of cargo transportation is the most common among commercial organizations, however, despite the fact that state borders are not crossed when delivering the cargo, it is nevertheless necessary to obtain the appropriate permits for transportation.

In addition, types of cargo transportation are differentiated by the nature of the vehicle on road, rail, air transport. When delivering goods in Russia most often used road haulage, as they are the most optimal in terms of the cost of material resources. However, if the destination point is located far away from federal highways, rail transport of goods is often used. Airfreight is used when time is tight, when loss of time can cause serious economic losses to an enterprise, or when there is no other access to the delivery point. So-called multi-modal transportation is the transportation of cargo to a destination point using several means of transportation: road, rail, sea, or air. This type of transport is used in international shipping and the need to pass several geographical barriers.

For the convenience of the customer, many freight companies use so-called consolidated shipments. If a customer needs to transport a small shipment and it is not economical to order a container, this method is recommended. The customer's goods are brought to the consolidation warehouse where orders are collected for transporting the goods along the same or similar route and the goods are sent to their destination. In this case, the customer pays for the specific space occupied by his shipment, and the shipment may consist of a single box. Experienced companies offer several transport options by combining different types of cargo when ordering any transport.

Cargo Classification

The scientific definition of cargo classification is the division of transported goods into sections, groups and items. This definition does not provide any insight into what cargo classification really is and more importantly how it is constructed.

Cargo is classified by carriers according to a variety of attributes. Cargo can be differentiated by its belonging to a particular industry. There is also a distinction between cargoes according to their intended use: raw materials, finished products, fuel, household chemicals, perishable and hazardous cargo, etc., according to the type of rolling stock and transportation attributes such as bulkiness, overall dimensions, bulky nature, etc. Often the same consignment can be classified differently depending on the chosen characteristic. Nevertheless, there are consignments that always belong to the same class.

The classification of such goods is as follows:

Dangerous goods. Dangerous goods are items or substances, the transport of which may cause damage to human health, the environment or property. There is a special list of dangerous goods - IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations. Dangerous goods occupy a special place in the cargo classification, as their transportation is associated with risk and must be carried out in compliance with the strictest safety measures. In addition, there are a number of rules and requirements not only for the transport of such goods, but also for the rolling stock, the equipment of trucks carrying them, and the presence of specially trained freight forwarder.

Perishable goods. These are goods requiring special storage conditions (humidity level, temperature range) and time of delivery, otherwise during transportation they would become worthless or lose their valuable qualities. Foodstuffs in particular fall under this classification.

Over-sized and extra-heavy items. Such goods have irregular dimensions, weight, volume, etc. Their transportation is connected with great difficulties, inasmuch as often such cargo cannot be transported by standard methods. Sometimes it is necessary to create special vehicles and devise special ways of transportation for such goods. An example of oversized and super-heavy cargo can be a house, a drilling rig, heavy generators, etc.

Live cargo. The classification of this type of cargo includes cattle, all kinds of poultry and other farm animals. In addition, very often, people going on a trip, take their pets - dogs, cats which are also live cargo for transport companies.

Classification of cargo transported by transport companies according to various criteria and indicators is necessary for cargo carriers for proper organization of the process of cargo transportation in order to streamline and optimize both the process of transportation and the preparatory work required in each case.

When organizing cargo transportation both within the country and abroad, it is mandatory to draw up a number of different documents. Those of them, which are transported together with the cargo, representing the multifaceted information about the nature, quantity and quality composition of the transported cargo, about its consignor and consignee, are commonly referred to as shipping documents. documents.

Transport consignment note. The bill of lading is the main shipping document, the form and content of which depend on the mode of transport by which the goods are transported. Special forms are provided for rail, sea and air transport, but more often the documents are issued for transportation by road, so a little more detail will tell about the waybill, issued on the form of the the first copy, the second is delivered to the recipient of cargo, and the third - the carrier. If necessary, the number of copies may be increased. If the consignment is carried in one's own possession, the consignment note shall be issued by the carrier.

This consignment note shall be signed by the sender of the goods and the carrier and certified by their seals. On shipment, it shall be marked for acceptance by the carrier and signed by the driver who has accepted the goods. The consignor in the presence of the driver shall enter the weight and number of packages, condition of the goods, method of packaging and details of sealing on the consignment note. The time of acceptance of the goods for carriage shall also be noted. The consignment note shall list all other documents accompanying the goods - certificates, quality certificates, instructions, permits, etc. Financial documents accompanying the consignment. Financial documents include bills of invoice, invoices - commercial invoices for the goods to be delivered. The financial accompanying documents are usually issued by the seller or the dispatcher. They may also be used as consignment notes of a particular form.

Approval documents are not issued for all types of goods, but for groups of goods as established by legislation:

- veterinary certificate is issued by the veterinary services if it is necessary to transport birds or animals across the border;

- sanitary certificate is issued by the sanitary inspection body;

- phytosanitary certificate is issued by the Plant Quarantine Inspectorate for transportation of plants or fruits;

- quarantine certificate is issued by the quarantine authorities if the cargo may be an infection carrier;

- safety certificate is issued for transportation of goods laid down by the State Standard of Russia. Other shipping documents.

A number of other documents are sent with the goods, which are not included in the above groups of documents:

- the goods specification, which contains information about the sender and recipient of the goods, which means of transport the goods are carried and what the goods consist of with their dimensions, weight, number of pieces, etc;

- quality certificate

- a document provided by a laboratory which has examined the specific goods.

For export operations, this document confirms the conformity of the goods with the terms of the contract in terms of safety for the environment and human health;

- A packing list, which is used when one package contains different goods. The packing list is prepared for each item of merchandise and contains information on all types, varieties of goods contained in that item of merchandise.

It may serve as a supplement to the invoice when a large number of different goods are sent;

- The packing list includes a description of the vehicle itself and a description of each item of cargo;

The certificate of origin is a conditional document, issued by the chamber of commerce and industry and used for customs clearance of goods. It confirms that the goods are produced in the country on whose behalf the chamber of commerce and industry is acting. In some cases, the customs clearance of goods requires documentary evidence of the country in which the goods were produced.

Drivers' work and rest time regulations:

1. The daily driving time must not exceed 9 hours. It may be increased to a maximum of 10 hours no more than twice in a week.

2. The weekly driving time must not exceed 56 hours.

3. The total duration of driving in any two consecutive weeks must not exceed 90 hours.

4. After a driving period of four and a half hours, the driver shall take a break of at least 45 minutes unless there is a rest period.

5. This break may be replaced by a break of at least 15 minutes followed by a break of at least 30 minutes. During these breaks, the driver does not perform any other work.

6. Breaks observed under paragraphs 4 and 5 of this Regulation can’t be considered as daily rest periods.

7. The daily duration of general work, including driving, shall not exceed 13 hours. The duration of general work may be extended to 15 hours per day. A driver may have no more than three working days extended to 15 hours of total work between any two weekly rest periods.

8. The maximum duration of continuous other work (hammering) and driving shall not exceed six hours, after which the driver shall take a break of at least 45 minutes unless there is a rest period.

9. The driver uses daily and weekly rest periods.

10. Within each 24-hour period, the driver must have a continuous daily rest period of at least 11 hours. If the part of the daily rest period which falls within this 24-hour period is a minimum of 9 hours but less than 11 hours, this daily rest period shall be regarded as a reduced daily rest period. The daily rest period may be used in a motor vehicle if the vehicle has a sleeping berth and the vehicle is parked.

11. In deviation from paragraph 8 of this Regulation, within 30 hours of the end of the daily or weekly rest period, a driver who is part of a multiple crew has a new daily rest period of at least 9 hours.

12. The daily rest period may be extended to the normal weekly rest period or a reduced weekly rest period.

13. A driver may have no more than three reduced daily rest periods between any two weekly rest periods.

14. During each working week, the driver shall have a weekly rest period of 45 consecutive hours. This rest period may be reduced to 36 hours when used at the home of the motor vehicle or driver, or to 24 hours when used at any other location. Any reduction in rest periods must be compensated for by granting a corresponding rest period in its entirety until the end of the third week. The weekly rest period shall begin no later than at the end of the six 24-hour periods beginning after the conclusion of the preceding weekly rest period.

15. The rest period used to compensate for the shortening of the weekly rest period shall be attached to another rest period of not less than nine hours.

16. At the discretion of the driver, daily rest periods and reduced weekly rest periods outside the home station may be used in a vehicle if the vehicle has specially fitted sleeping arrangements for each driver as provided for by the design of the vehicle and if the vehicle is parked.

17. Multi-crew drivers shall have a normal weekly rest period of not less than 45 hours each week. This period may be reduced to not less than 24 hours (reduced weekly rest period). However, each reduction is offset by an equivalent rest period if used in its entirety until the end of the third week following the week in question.

18. A weekly rest period falling in a fortnight may be attributed to either of these weeks, but not to both at once.

19. Where a driver on a section of the route accompanies a vehicle carried on a ferry or by rail, he must have a sleeping berth and his normal daily rest period may be interrupted on no more than two occasions. This interruption may not exceed one hour before loading or after unloading. In this case, customs clearance operations shall be included in the loading or unloading operations.

20. In order not to endanger road safety and to achieve a convenient parking place the driver may depart from the provisions of these Regulations to the extent necessary to ensure the safety of the occupants of the vehicle, of the vehicle or of the load imposed on it. The driver shall indicate the nature of and reason for his departure from these provisions on the record sheet, diagram or printout of the control device no later than the time of his arrival at a suitable parking place.

21. The Transporter organizes road transport and instructs the crew members in such a manner as to enable them to observe the provisions of these Rules. 2.

22. The carrier shall constantly monitor the driving time, other working hours and rest time using personal checkbooks. In the event of finding violations of these Rules, he shall eliminate them and take measures to prevent their occurrence in the future.

23. The carrier shall ensure that the provisions of this Regulation are complied with when drawing up agreed contractual transport schedules.

24. Drivers of road transport vehicles shall ensure that the tachograph is operated correctly and that it is activated and switched to the appropriate mode of operation in good time.

25. In case the driver was on sick leave or annual leave or if he/she was driving a vehicle which is not subject to the provisions of this Regulation he/she shall provide an activity confirmation form in accordance with the form annexed.

Regulations for the transport of perishable goods:

Perishable goods, as their name suggests, are characterized by their limited shelf life and therefore require special conditions - a certain temperature and time of delivery. If these conditions are not met, the cargo will deteriorate and lose all of its marketability: all that can be done with it is to throw it away. Therefore, it will not be sold and the customer will lose both the goods and his money.

The tricky thing about transporting perishable goods is that no matter how carefully all the prerequisites are put in place and how well-thought-out the transport plan is, there is always the risk of not getting the goods in good condition. The same delay in transit may well occur for reasons beyond the carrier's control (road closures and detours, traffic congestion due to accidents, etc.), and increase the delivery time to an extent that it exceeds the maximum allowable transit time.

In fact, there are many risk factors associated with the transport of perishable goods: road conditions, pavement quality, weather (specifically, outside temperature), dust and polluted air, exposure to microorganisms, moisture levels, etc. In order to minimize them, it is even more important to follow the required temperature regime for transport, as well as the rules regarding the packaging of cargo, its loading and placement in the body of the vehicle. Perishable goods are usually classified according to two characteristics: their origin and the temperature regime they require.

For example, there are foods of plant origin: fruit, vegetables, herbs, mushrooms, etc.; animal products: meat, fish, eggs, milk, etc.; processed foods: cheese, sausages, preserves, etc.; live plants: flowers, seedlings; goods used for medical purposes: medicines, blood, plasma, etc.

A distinction is made according to temperature handling: fresh shipments: may be transported in their natural conditions without temperature treatment; chilled shipments: require temperatures ranging from -6°C to +4°C; frozen shipments: are stored between -7°C and -17°C; deep-frozen shipments: are transported at temperatures ranging from -18°C and below; and warmed shipments: which do not reduce but increase the temperature of transportation above ambient temperatures.

Furthermore, sanitary regulations categorize foodstuffs as follows: non-perishable: able to be stored for more than 30 days at normal temperature and humidity conditions; perishable: able to maintain their qualities for 30 days and only at a special temperature regime; highly perishable: with a shelf life of less than 72 hours and a storage and transportation temperature not exceeding +6°C.

Selection of the means of transport for perishable goods. The choice of vehicle in which to transport your shipment depends entirely on the type of goods it will be transported. These are: "refrigerated trucks" which use ice to cool the inside of the vehicle, "refrigerated trucks" which use refrigeration, or "thermos" vehicles which can maintain a temperature above ambient for a certain period of time without the need for additional equipment.

Before transporting this type of cargo, vehicles and rolling stock must undergo a special permit procedure: they must pass tests for compliance with sanitary, thermal norms and obtain a special certificate.

International road freight transport ensures our country's economic ties with countries in Europe, the Middle East and Asia. The structure of transportation is very diverse. They are divided into two main groups: transportation of foreign trade goods (machinery, machine tools, equipment, raw materials and resources) and non-trade goods (diplomatic goods, movable property during relocation, exhibits, etc.).

Depending on the frequency of performance, international freight may be regular or occasional. International carriage is regulated by international road transport agreements between the governments of our country and the contracting country. The transport of goods is carried out on the basis of permits issued for each journey and giving the right to transport there and back. However, if the total weight or dimensions of the goods and vehicles do not fall within the limits laid down and in force in the other country or if dangerous goods are to be carried, special permits are required in addition to the usual permits.

All vehicles and their drivers are subject to customs controls. Vehicles undertaking international transport must be fitted with national registration numbers and distinctive signs. Heavy goods vehicles and articulated trucks are used for international transport. The traffic is carried out using a through system. The vehicle crew consists of two drivers. The effectiveness of international haulage by road transport is to ensure 'door to door' delivery. A transport company that carries out international road transport has a number of responsibilities and rights to the shipper. The carrier is liable if the goods have been partially or completely lost during carriage, the delivery time has been exceeded due to his fault, the goods have been damaged after their receipt but before delivery to the final consignee.

A company undertaking international road transport of goods by road must, on receipt of the goods: check all entries in the consignment notes and other accompanying documents; check the integrity of the goods and their packaging before dispatch.If verification is not possible for reasons beyond the carrier's control, for example if the container has already been sealed, the consignment note shall be made to that effect. If the goods to be carried are labelled and numbered it must be checked.

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