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  • The Italian singers were announced to be arriving the next month.

  • They are supposed to know about it more than they want to show. 2. Джим оказался храбрым мальчиком. – Jim turned out to be a brave boy.

  • Rochester happened to meet Jane on his way home. 4. Говорят, что он работает над своей статьей уже несколько лет. – He is said to have been working on his article for several years.

  • This book is said to have been translated into Chinese. 6. Вы, кажется, много читали до поступления в университет. – You seem to have read a lot before entering the university.

  • They are expected to win the competition. 28. Она, казалось, читала целый день. – She seemed to have been reading all day.

  • Faulty wiring is thought to have caused the fire .

  • Mr. Osborne was known to owe his wealth to Mr. Sedley.

  • Scientists believe that the number of people suffering from depression will increase significantly in the 21st century.

  • to have disappointed

  • Контрольная работа. контрольная+complex+subj. Paraphrase the sentences using the Complex Subject

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    НазваниеParaphrase the sentences using the Complex Subject
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    Имя файлаконтрольная+complex+subj.docx

    Paraphrase the sentences using the Complex Subject

    1)We know Mark Twain to have been a very witty man. - Mark Twain is known to have been a very witty man.

    2)It is believed that mild climate is very healthy. - Mild climate is believed to be very healthy.

    3) It was announced that the Italian singers were arriving the next month. - The Italian singers were announced to be arriving the next month.

    4) Scientists consider that AIDS is an incurable disease. - AIDS is considered to be an incurable disease.

    5)I believe that the house where I live was built many years ago. - The house where I live is believed to have been built many years ago.

    Translate sentences:

    1. Полагают, что они знают об этом больше, чем хотят показать. – They are supposed to know about it more than they want to show.

    2. Джим оказался храбрым мальчиком. – Jim turned out to be a brave boy.

    3. Рочестер случайно встретил Джейн по дороге домой. – Rochester happened to meet Jane on his way home.

    4. Говорят, что он работает над своей статьей уже несколько лет. – He is said to have been working on his article for several years.

    5. Говорят, что эта книга переведена на Китайский. – This book is said to have been translated into Chinese.

    6. Вы, кажется, много читали до поступления в университет. – You seem to have read a lot before entering the university.

    7. Ожидают, что они выиграют это соревнование. – They are expected to win the competition.

    28. Она, казалось, читала целый день. – She seemed to have been reading all day.

    8. Он, казалось, угадал, где Дороти провела вечер. - He seemed to guess where Dorothy spent the evening.

    9. Она, кажется, думает, что это его вина. – She seems to think it is his fault.

    10. Ее рассказ, кажется, очень странный, но правдивый. – Her story seems to be very strange but true.

    11. Думают, что неисправная электропроводка вызвала пожар. – Faulty wiring is thought to have caused the fire.

    12 Маловероятно, что мы забудем этот вечер. - It is unlikely that we will forget this evening.

    13 Было известно, что мистер Осборн обязан своим богатством мистеру Седли. - Mr. Osborne was known to owe his wealth to Mr. Sedley.

    13.Ученые считают, что количество людей, страдающих от депрессии, значительно увеличится в 21 веке. - Scientists believe that the number of people suffering from depression will increase significantly in the 21st century.

    Use your own ideas to complete the sentences with the Infinitive in the correct form.

    1 Lake Baikal is said to be the deepest lake in the world.

    2The negotiations are likely to continue until Sunday.

    3The steamer is believed to be approaching Istanbul.

    4 The cargo does not seem to have been damaged by the storm.

    5The parties are reported to be considering the problem.

    6The parties are understood to have reached an agreement.

    7They are very likely to take part in this work.

    8 The results of the test seemed to have disappointed them.

    9This plant seems to have been producing such equipment since 1965.

    10 I happened to leave my office early that day.

    11She seemed have been waiting for a long time.

    12They seem to be having a good time at the seaside.

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