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Английский язык. Past Simple Past Simple прошедшее простое время Past Simple

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Past Simple

Past Simple
прошедшее простое время

Past Simple

означает действие, которое произошло в

Указатели Past Simple

Yesterday – вчера
Yesterday I saw your friend.
Last (month) – в прошлом месяце
We spent the holidays in the country last summer.
A week ago – неделю назад
I went to the park a week ago.
The day before yesterday – позавчера
We watched TV the day before yesterday.

ten years (10 лет)
a week (неделю) ago (назад)
a month (месяц)
I saw this picture a week ago.
year (году)
last (прошлым) summer (летом)
night (ночью)
Last summer I was in the country.

Образование Past Simple

правильные неправильные
+ed 2

Правильные глаголы образуют вторую и третью формы путем прибавления -ed к первой форме:
I форма II форма III форма
work worked worked
live lived lived
want wanted wanted

Особенности произнесения окончания –ed:
окончание -ed произносится как [t] после глухих согласных (кроме t): washed
окончание -ed произносится как [d] после звонких согласных (кроме d) и гласных: played
окончание -ed произносится как как [id] после t и d: wanted

Особенности прибавления окончания –ed:
если слово оканчивается на немую –е, оно теряет эту гласную при прибавлении суффикса:
live + ed = lived
если о д н о с л о ж н ы й глагол в инфинитиве оканчивается на одну согласную с предшествующим к р а т к и м гласным звуком, то конечная согласная удваивается:
stop + ed = stopped

если слово оканчивается на –у с предшествующей с о г л а с н о й, слово меняет –у на – i: cry + ed = cried
если же перед –у стоит г л а с н а я, то –у сохраняется: play + ed = played
если глагол оканчивается на l, то l удваивается: cancel + ed = cancelled

Прочитайте, обращая внимание
на особенности произнесения окончания –ed.
[t] [d] [id]
look – looked live – lived decide – decided
work – worked copy – copied include – included
help – helped love – loved attend – attended
talk – talked use – used depend - depended
like – liked play – played sound – sounded

Распределите слова по трём столбикам в соответствии с произнесением окончания –ed:
[t] [d] [id]
picked, sanded, printed, translated, stranded, waited, carried, mended, opened, tied, tried, studied, smoked, peopled, asked, laughed, knitted, jumped, developed, passed, realized, insisted, trained, stopped, danced.

Прибавьте окончание –ed, помня об особенностях прибавления этого окончания
hope – iron – study –
change – enjoy – want –
stop – copy – permit –
address – travel – compel –
conduct – organize - offend –
cancel – wrap – direct –
stay – try – wish –

Неправильные глаголы 2

be – was, were catch – caught
become – became choose - chose
begin – began come - came
blow – blew cost - cost
break – broke cut - cut
bring – brought do - did
build – built draw - drew
buy – bought drink - drank

drive – drove get - got
eat – ate give - gave
fall - fell go - went
feed - fed grow -grew
feel – felt have -had
fight – fought hear - heard
find – found keep - kept
fly – flew know -knew
forget –forgot learn - learnt

leave – left ring - rang
let – let run - ran
lose – lost say -said
make – made see - saw
meet – met sell - sold
pay – paid send - sent
put – put shake - shook
read – read show - showed
ride – rode shut - shut

sing – sang teach - taught
sit – sat tell - told
sleep – slept think - thought
speak – spoke throw - threw
spend – spent wake - woke
stand – stood wear - wore
steal – stole win - won
swim – swam write -wrote
take - took

Определите форму следующих глаголов.
cook, sleep, invited, bathe, had, spoke, fought, eat, drew, bought, cleaned, discussed, knew, prepare, depend, cry, sewed, went, crossed, correct, decorated, begun, afraid, danced, celebrate, took, learnt.

Выпишите в правый столбик правильные
глаголы, а в левый – неправильные:
forget, cut, think, cross, have, ask, read, look, change, swim, study, go, tell, pick, put, win, be, bring, watch, catch, teach, cover, answer, blow, clean, mean, drive, dance, fade, gather, travel, run, play, answer.

Напишите три формы следующих глаголов:
to rain, to sing, to sleep, to run, to wait, to cut, to watch, to look, to make, to get, to go, to speak, to ring, to shut, to take, to stop, to write, to travel, to sit, to tie, to play, to begin, to give, to do, to stand.

Make up sentences and say what you did

I played to school yesterday.
did for a walk last month.
went computer games 6 days ago.
took a book last night.
homework a week ago.

Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Past Simple.

1.I (know) all the words very well.
2.She (write) the letter.
3. Yesterday I (live) in the country.
4.We (see) the film a week ago.
5. They (go) home by metro.
6. I (play) tennis last Saturday.
7. He (leave) two minutes ago.
8. My brother (work) in London in 1998.
9. We (rest) at the seaside 2 years ago.
10. Mary (take) off her coat.
11. He (stand) up and (walk)across the room.
12.They (be) at school yesterday.
13. The girl (see) somebody in the window.
14. The teacher (enter) the classroom .


Отрицание в Past Simple



She worked in a cafe yesterday.

She did not work in a cafe yesterday.

Tom saw a film yesterday.

    Tom did not see a film yesterday.

1. We got to the cinema twenty minutes ago.
2. She wrote the postcard last week.
3. The man came to the party an hour ago.
4. The family went to the seaside last year.
5. They were in Moscow last month.
6. Ann played basketball yesterday.
7. Children swam in the river yesterday.
8. I lived in St. Petersburg two years ago.

Сделайте предложения отрицательными


Общий вопрос в Past Simple



She worked in a cafe yesterday.

Did she work in a cafe yesterday?

Tom saw a film yesterday.

    Did Tom see a film yesterday?


We visited our grandparents yesterday.
He stopped in this village 2 years ago.
They met Alice last week.
The boy bought flowers yesterday.
The wind became stronger.
I did my homework in the evening.
She washed her face and hands at 6 o’clock.
I phoned my mum half an hour ago.
The cat jumped and broke the vase.

Задайте общий вопрос к предложениям


Специальный вопрос в Past Simple



She worked in a cafe yesterday.

Where did she work yesterday?

Tom saw a film yesterday.

    What did Tom see yesterday?



1. I walked to school . (How)
2. He visited his granny last week. (When)
3. We went to the British Museum. (Where)
4. Mother went to the kitchen to cook. (Why)
5. I read the book two days ago. (When)
6. Father washed his car yesterday. (Where)
7. The students wrote the essay. (What)
8. The boy played tennis . (What)

Задайте специальный вопрос к предложениям


Вопрос к подлежащему в Past Simple


She worked in a cafe yesterday.

Who worked in a cafe yesterday?

Tom saw a film yesterday.

    Who saw a film yesterday?


Pete got up and washed his face.
They played computer games.
I watched TV yesterday evening.
The girl painted a very nice picture.
My granny liked knitting.
The lesson finished at 5 o’clock.
I bought a new dress yesterday.

Задайте вопрос к подлежащему

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