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Контрольная точка по английскому 1. Первая контрольная точка

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Первая контрольная точка

Task 1. Translate into Russian. (Переведите на русский язык.)

  1. A radio frequency amplifier

Радиочастотный усилитель

  1. Electron tube circuits

Схемы электронных ламп

  1. Electrical measurements techniques

Методы измерения электричества(электрических измерений)

  1. Electron valve characteristics

Характеристики электронного клапана

  1. Video processing system

Система видеообработки

  1. General-purpose computers

Компьютеры общего назначения

  1. Large-scale integration circuits manufacture

Масштабное производство интегральных схем

  1. Micro wave radio system performance

Производительность микроволновой радиосистемы

  1. High level programming language features

Высокоуровневые особенности языка программирования

  1. An unexpected but easy-to-solve computer program development problem

Неожиданная, но легко решаемая проблема разработки компьютерных программ

Task 2. Choose the Russian equivalents given in the box below for the English words underlined in the sentences. (Выберите русский эквивалент подчеркнутым словам.)

Какая; теперь, когда; которая; которые; ли(2); то, что; что(3)

то, что;

  1. Experiments which will give a better understanding of the fact are being carried out at the moment. (которые)

  2. Whether this substance is a conductor is not known.(ли)

  3. What thickness of the film is required depends on the particular application.(какая)

  4. Transistors are small in size and light in weight, which makes them ideal for portable TV sets. (что)

  5. That the two lines are not equal can be easily seen(что)

  6. We do not know if there is any future for such projects.(ли)

  7. We are sure that the problem can be easily solved.(то, что)

  8. This article gives us information about what semiconductors really are.(что)

  9. Once you got the answer to the question you can easily make corrections.(теперь, когда)

  10. Energy that is produced by hydroelectric stations is used for various needs of our national economy.(которая)

(5 баллов)

Task 3. Read the text. (Прочитайте текст.)

The Rise of the Electronic Industry

One of the difficulties in understanding the modern world is that many of the things we use cannot be explained in simple language. The inventions of engineers in the first Industrial Revolution like the steam engine or power loom are not difficult to describe or understand, but most of the discoveries of the scientists which have done so much to bring about the Industrial Revolution of our time cannot be described in terms that most of us can understand. This is especially true when we turn to electronics – the basis of some of our most rapidly growing industry. But if we cannot explain the science of electronics we can at least see what great changes have been brought about by the use of electronics in everyday life.

It all starts with the invention of the thermionic valve by J.A.Fleming in 1904. Like all valves Fleming’s controlled the one-way flow of something – in this case of electrons. From these valve scientists developed the radio valve which made possible the broadcasting of wireless programs and led to the foundation of great industry which provided transmitting equipment and receivers of radio sets.

Then, by the introduction of the cathode-ray tube, vision was added to sound and we got television. The radio industry grew into the radio and television industry.

Next came transistors, first produced in the laboratories of the Bell Telephone Company in America in 1948. They owed their development to the need for guided missiles to have electronic equipment that would take up a minimum space and use a minimum of power. Transistors do most of the jobs that radio valves do and some others as well. Battery radio sets are getting smaller and smaller because transistors take up less space than valves and they no longer have to have accumulators and batteries.

Radio and television are by no means the only industries which depend on electronics. For example, the telecommunications industry provides the equipment needed for sending messages by radio, telegraph cable and telephone. One of the big jobs of this industry in recent years has been the provision of automatic telephone exchanges in this country and many countries overseas. Other branches of the electronics industry produce computers and automatic control machinery for manufacturing processes. When we reach this point we have got near to automation of production.

  1. Now answer the questions choosing the correct item in accordance with the context. (Ответьте на вопросы, выбрав правильный вариант в соответствии с содержанием текста.)

    1. The text describes the development of electronics in the 21st century.

      1. Yes

      2. No

    2. Electronics cannot be explained in a simple language.

      1. Yes

      2. No

    3. Electronics has dramatically changed the life of people.

      1. Yes

      2. No

    4. Electronics started with the invention of transistors.

      1. Yes

      2. No

    5. Fleming’s invention resulted in the development of radio.

      1. Yes

      2. No

    6. Transistors were developed to serve military purposes.

      1. Yes

      2. No

    7. Transistors needed accumulators and batteries.

      1. Yes

      2. No

    8. Not only radio and television industries depend on electronics.

      1. Yes

      2. No

    9. Telecommunication equipment can send messages only by radio and telegraph.

      1. Yes

      2. No

    10. Computers and automatic control machinery are the spheres of electronics application.

      1. Yes

      2. No

(5 баллов)

  1. Render the text in Russian/English. (Кратко изложите содержание текста на русском (в группах более низкого уровня) или английском (в группах более высокого уровня) языке.)

This text about the Rise of the Electronic Industry. This is the field of science that has transformed people's lives beyond recognition. It’s hard to understanding all the scientific terms and processes, but we can see amazing results of scientist’s work. Before it was radio and television, but now they completely computerized the world and change people’s life style. Also we read about stages of electronics development: thermionic valve, cathode-ray tube and transistors and their use in familiar household appliances.

(10 баллов)

Task 4. Translate the text without using a dictionary. (Переведите текст, не пользуясь словарем.)

What Can Computers Do?

Computers are thought to have many remarkable powers. However, most computers whether large or small, have three basic capabilities. First, computers have circuits for performing arithmetic operations, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and exponentiation. Second, computers have a means of communicating with the user. If we couldn’t feed information in and get results back, these machines wouldn’t be of much use. However, certain computers for example minicomputers and microcomputers are used to control directly things such as robots, aircraft navigation systems, medical instruments, etc.

Third, computers have circuits which can make decisions. Computer can solve a series of problems and make hundreds, even thousands, of logical decisions without becoming tired or bored. It can find the solution to a problem in a fraction of time it takes a human being to do the job. A computer can replace people in dull, routine tasks, but it has no originality; it works according to the instructions given to it. A computer cannot do anything unless a person tells it what to do and gives it the appropriate information.

Что могут делать компьютеры?

Считается, что компьютеры обладают многими выдающимися способностями. При этом большинству компьютеров, как большим, так и маленьким, свойственны три основные возможности.

Во-первых, такие арифметические операции как сложение, вычитание, умножение и возведение в степень компьютер выполняет на основе схемы. Во-вторых, компьютеры владеют средствами коммуникации с пользователем. Если бы мы не могли передавать информацию и получать результаты, от машин не было бы никакого толка. Однако некоторые компьютеры, например, миникомпьютеры и микрокомпьютеры, используются лишь для управления такими вещами, как роботы, авиационные навигационные системы, медицинские инструменты и т. д.

В-третьих, компьютеры построены на схемах, которые могут принимать решения. Компьютер может решить ряд проблем и принять сотни или тысячи логических решений, не уставая и не скучая. Он может найти решение проблемы за малую долю того времени, что требуется человеку для выполнения этой работы. Компьютер может заменить человека в скучных, рутинных задачах, но у него нет оригинальности, он работает по инструкции. Компьютер не может ничего сделать, пока ему об этом никто не скажет, а также не даст правильный алгоритм.

(10 баллов)

Task 5.

  1. Choose the correct item to complete the memo below. (Выберите правильный вариант для заполнения пропусков в служебной записке.)

To: (1) Office Manager

(2) From : Managing Director

(3) Subject: Farewell party

Date: 5 Apr

Jim West, who has been with the company 35 years, is retiring next month. I want you to inform employees that his farewell party (4) will be held at the Elks Club next Friday night starting at 7:30 p.m.

(4 балла)

B. Compose and write a memo according to the situation below. (Составьте служебную записку по нижеследующей ситуации.)

Imagine that you are the Manager of a company. You ordered some software products from Software Unlimited Co. They recently delivered your order No.378, but unfortunately they sent you the wrong software. Ask the Purchasing & Sales Supervisor of your company to send e-mail to Software Unlimited Co. And ask them to deliver the ordered software as soon as possible. Do it in the form of a memo.

To: Purchasing & Sales Supervisor

From : Manager

Subject : Software Unlimited Co

Date: 6 Apr

Delivery of Software Unlimited Co sent to us the wrong software. Could you solve this problem and ask them to deliver the ordered software as soon as possible. A number of order was 378.

(6 баллов)

Task 6. Choose the correct item to complete the Resumé (C.V.) of Alexander M. Smirnov. (Выберите правильный вариант для заполнения пропусков в резюме.)

(1) Alexander M. Smirnov

Apt. 79, 12 Sadovaya Street

St.Petersburg, 197322, (2)Russia

(3) Phone: 7-812-311-17-88; (4) E-mail: alec@smir.ru

CAREER OBJECTIVE: To obtain a managerial position in the computer industry which will allow for career advancement.


1991 – PRESENT Manager, Starburst Electronics, Ltd.

(9) St. Petersburg, Russia

Responsibilities: Direct all activities of the

Office, including staff training, management

Of sales staff, purchasing ,and marketing

1989 – 1991 Management Trainee, Starburst Electronics, Ltd.

Stockholm, Sweden

Responsibilities: Trained as a manager with the

Goal of being responsible for an entire operation

Within the company.


1986 – 1989 Goteborg University

Stockholm, Sweden

Degree: Ph.D. in Computer Science

1981 – 1986 Electrotechnical University

St.Petersburg, Russia

(10) Degree: Master’s in Electrical Engineering

(7) SPECIAL SKILLS: Proficient in all computer languages and

Equipment. Fluent in English and French.

Conversational in Swedish.

(8) REFERENCES: Furnished Upon Request


  2. Degree(10)

  3. Alexander M. Smirnov(1)

  4. Phone(3)


  6. St. Petersburg(9)


  8. E-mail(4)


  10. Russiа(2)

(5 баллов)

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