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Письменное заданиепражнения)

Требования к работе:

1) ответы следует размещать непосредственно под вопросом или рядом с ним; 2) ответы в тексте упражнений, подразумевающие изменение формы слова,

размещаете прямо в тексте, выделив его другим цветом.

3) при переводе текста с английского языка на русский прочитайте свой перевод и откорректируйте, так, чтобы текст был логичен и звучал на правильном и красивом русском языке;

4) составленный вами рассказ должен быть логичен (состоять из вступительной, основной и заключительной частей) и выражать ваше отношение к описываемому факту.

Текст в компьютерном наборе должен быть выполнен на странице формата А4, 14 кеглем, через полтора интервала.
1.Fill inwith Present Simple or Continuous.

1. A: I amseeing (see) an old friend tonight.

B: I see (see) – so you wont be able to meet me after work, will you?
2. A: Why do you smell (you/smell) the milk?

B: It smells (smell) a bit strange. I think it might have gone off.

3. A: Do you enjoy (you/enjoy) reading Jane Austin’s novels?
B: Not usually, but I am enjoying (enjoy) this particular one.

4. A: Why is John (John/be) so bad-tempered today?
B: I don’t know. He is (be) usually so easy to get on with.

5. A: Carol and I are thinking (think) of getting married.

B: Do you think (you/think) that’s a good idea? You haven’t known each other for very long.

6. A: Do you have (you/have) the phone number of a good business consultant?

B: Why? Are you having (you/have) problems at work?
7. A: Is the singer appearing (the singer/appear) tonight?
B: Unfortunately not. She appears (appear) to have lost her voice.
8. A: Why are you tasting (you/taste) the baby’s drink?

B: It tastes (taste) a little bitter. I think I’ll add some more sugar.

9. A: I hear the Fords are looking (look) for a bigger house.
B: Yes, it looks (look) as if they are going to move.

10. A: How much does the parcel weigh (the parcel/weigh)?

B: I’m not sure. The assistant is weighing (weigh) it at the moment.
2.Underline the rightitem.
Dear Karen,

(1) Imhaving/I have a great time here in England. My university term (2) isn’t starting/doesn’tstart until the autumn, so (3) Imtaking/I take the opportunity to improve my English. (4) Im staying/I stay with some English friends who (5) are owing/own a farm.

On weekdays (6) Im catching/Icatch a bus into Torquay to go to language classes. (7) Im making/I make good progress, I think. My friends (8) say/are saying my pronunciation is much better than when I arrived, and (9) I’m understanding/Iunderstand almost everything now. At weekends (10) Im helping/Ihelp on the farm.

At the moment (11) they’reharvesting/they harvest the corn and (12) they’re needing/they need all the help they can get. It’s quite hard work, but (13) Im liking/Ilikeit. And (14) Im developing/I develop some strong muscles!

(15) Do you come/Areyoucoming to visit me at Christmas?

(16) Imspending/I spend the winter holiday here at the farm. My friends (17) are wanting/want to meet you and there’s plenty of space. But you must bring your warmest clothes. (18) Its getting/It gets very cold here in the winter.

Let me know as soon as (19) youre deciding/youdecide. And tell me what (20) you’re doing/you do these days.

Do you miss me?

Love, Paul.
3.Rewrite eachsentence, puttingthe verb inthe passive. Remember that theprepositionstays withthe verb.

ex.: They argued about the incident for a long time.
The incident was argued about for a long time.
1. The old car is in excellent condition. Jerry looks well after it.  

The old car is looked after well by Jerry; that is why it is in excellent condition.

2. Our customer services department deals with all complaints.

All complaints are dealt with by our customer services department.

3. Someone broke into the flat last week.

The flat was broken into last week.

4. We looked through all the advertisements very attentively.

All the advertisements were looked through very attentively.

5. We want to send the sick man to hospital. They will look after

him much better there.

The sick man should be sent to the hospital because he will be looked after much better there.

6. People will talk much about the successful debut of the young

actress, no doubt.

No doubt, the successful debut of the young actress will be much talked about.

7. They spoke to the managing director on the subject.

The managing director was spoken to on the subject.
4.Complete the paragraph. Putthe verbs inthebrackets inthe correct tense-forminthepassive voice.
The building at the top of the High Street is Barford Hall. It (1) was built (build) in 1827 and today it (2) is regarded (regard) as the finest Georgian building in the county. A number of alterations (3) have been made (make) since it (4) was built (build), but the front of the building (5) hasn’t been changed (change). Today the Hall (6) is owned (own) by Bardale Council, and for the last ten years it (7) has been used (use) as a home for Barford Arts Centre. At the moment a small art gallery (8) is being built (build) behind the Hall.
5.A press conference is being held. Put in the correct formof theunderlined verbs.
Reporter: Can this new drug prolong human life?
Professor: Yes, we believe that human life can be prolonged by this drug.

Reporter: Are you going to do any more tests on the drug?
Professor: Yes, further tests will be done.

Reporter: What will the drug be called?

Professor:It will be called Bio-Meg.
Reporter: Can people use the drug now?

Professor: No, the drug can’t be used yet.
Reporter: Who will produce the drug?

Professor:It will be produced by the Bentrix drug company.
Reporter: Do you think they should sell it to anyone freely?

Professor: No, I think it should be sold only by prescription.

Reporter: And what quantity could Bentrix produce?

Professor: We believe the drug should be produced in large quantities.
6.Givethe correct passiveformof theverbs inthe brackets.

The world’s first electronic computer (1) wasbuilt (build) at the University of

Pennsylvania in 1946, although computer-like machines (2) were invented (invent) much earlier.

Computers (3) were sold (sell) commercially for the first time in the 1950s, and a lot of progress (4) has been made (make) since then. Computers are now much smaller and more powerful and they can (5) be bought (buy) much more cheaply.

Computers (6) are applied (apply) in many fields in business, science, medicine and education, for example. They can (7) be used (use) to forecast the weather or control robots which make cars. The computer’s memory is the place where information (8) is kept (keep) and calculations (9) are done (do).

A computer cannot think for itself – it must (10) be told (tell) what to do. A lot of difficult calculations can (11) be done (do) very quickly on a computer.

And computers (12) are never mistaken (mistake).

Stories (13) are sometimes heard (hear) about computers paying people too much money or sending them bills for things they didn’t buy. These mistakes (14) are made (make) by the programmers – the people who give the computer its instructions. Some years ago a computer-controlled rocket belonging to the USA went out of control and had to (15) be destroyed (destroy). The accident (16) was caused (cause) by a small mistake in one line of the programme. This mistake cost the USA $18 million. Criminals have found out that computer crimes are often a lot easier than robbing banks. Hundreds of millions of dollars (17) are stolen (steal) from American businesses every year by people changing the information in computers.

Large numbers of home computers (18) have been sold (sell) recently, especially in the USA and Britain. People know more about computers than they used to, and computers are playing a bigger part in our lives. Progress (19) has made (make) all the time nowadays.

It (20) is believed (believe) we can look forward to the day when even our household jobs like cleaning (21) will be done (do) by computer-controlled robots.

7.Translate the text in thewritten form.
Первый в мире электронный компьютер был сконструирован в Пенсильванском университете в 1946 году, хотя компьютерные машины были изобретены гораздо раньше.

Компьютеры стали впервые продаваться в 1950-х годах, и с тех пор был достигнут большой прогресс. Компьютеры теперь намного меньше и мощнее, и их можно купить намного дешевле.

Компьютеры используются во многих областях – например, в бизнесе, науке, медицине и образовании. Их можно использовать для прогнозирования погоды или управления роботами, которые делают автомобили. Память компьютера - это место, где хранится информация и выполняются вычисления.

Компьютер не может думать сам за себя – ему нужно дать команду, что делать. На компьютере можно выполнить множество сложных вычислений очень быстро.

И компьютеры никогда не ошибаются.

Иногда можно услышать истории о том, что из-за компьютеров люди платят слишком много денег, или компьютеры выставляют счета за вещи, которые они не покупали. Эти ошибки совершают программисты - люди, которые передают компьютеру свои инструкции. Несколько лет назад ракета с компьютерным управлением, принадлежащая США, вышла из-под контроля и была уничтожена. Авария была вызвана небольшой ошибкой в одной строке программы. Эта ошибка обошлась США в 18 миллионов долларов. Считается, что компьютерные преступления совершать зачастую намного проще, чем грабежи банков. Ежегодно сотни миллионов долларов воруют у американских бизнесменов люди, имеющие доступ к информации в компьютерах. В последнее время было продано большое количество домашних компьютеров, особенно в США и Британии. Людям известно о компьютерах больше, чем раньше; компьютеры играют большую роль в нашей жизни. Прогресс не стоит на месте. Люди верят, что в будущем наступят времена, когда даже наши домашние хлопоты вроде уборки будут выполнять роботы под управлением компьютера.

8.Transfer: tell a story (8– 10 sentences) about any inventionusingthe passive voice.

The earliest mechanical telephones were based on sound transmission through pipes or other physical media. For a few years in the late 1800s, acoustic telephones were marketed commercially. Telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell.   Alexander Graham Bell was awarded the first U.S. patent for the invention of the telephone in 1876.  Prior to the invention of the telephone switchboard, pairs of telephones were connected directly with each other, which was primarily useful for connecting a home to the owner's business. In Bell's lecture, during which a three-way telephone connection with Hartford and Middletown, Connecticut, was demonstrated, he first discussed the idea of a telephone exchange for the conduct of business and trade. Nowadays Internet Protocol (IP) telephony, also known as Internet telephony or Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), is a disruptive technology that is rapidly gaining ground against traditional telephone network technologies.

9.Make up sentences according to themodel.

ex.:Following him is hard.– It’s hard to followhim.

It’s a relief thatI see yousafe and sound. – It’s a relief to see you safe and sound.

1. Doing this job is very important. – It’s important to do this job

2. Learning English is necessary. – It’s necessary to learn English

3. Killing people is unforgivable. – It’d unforgettable to kill people

4. Riding a bicycle is dangerous. – It’s dangerous to ride a bicycle.

5. Interrupting people is impolite. – It’s impolite to interrupt people.

6. Dressing a wound is very painful. It’s painful to dress a wound.

7. Attending your classes is your duty. – It’s your duty to attend classes.

8. It’s a pleasure that I can see you again. – It’s a pleasure to see you again.

9. Watching a comedy is very amusing. – It’s very amusing to watch a comedy.

10. Rushing through a book is useless. – It’s useless to rush through a book.

11. Going with him to picture galleries was a rare treat. – It was a rare treat to go with him to picture galleries.

12. Doing it seemed a proper and natural thing.

13. Taking him seriously would be an absurd thing. – It seemed to be proper and natural to do it.

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