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ПИСЬМЕННАЯ РАБОТА № 1 Английский язык. Письменное задание

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Письменное задание.


Translate the following text into English:

В современном обществе люди постоянно сталкиваются с правилами и нормами, зафиксированными в законах и постановлениях.

Везде мы сталкиваемся с требованиями, запретами и дозволениями, с необходимостью соблюдения правил и законов, с теми последствиями, которые возникают при их нарушении. Каждое государство устанавливает в общественных отношениях определенный порядок, который обеспечивает и защищает эти отношения. Закон охватывает многие сферы человеческой жизни и является основой безопасности общества.

Законодатели – это люди, которые создают законы. В древние времена законы создавались из старинных обычаев, и иногда кодифицировались сильным правителем. Правонарушители наказывались, и таким образом общество было принуждено повиноваться. В современном мире создание законов предполагает у законодателей не только общую культуру, но требует от них также специальных знаний. Правовая культура законодателей должна включать понимание действительности, ее истории и дальнейшего

развития, а также специальные знания о праве и законах.

сталкиваться to face

последствия - consequences действительность - reality
Перепишите и переведите предложения, определите видовременные формы глаголов, укажите их инфинитив.

  1. RobertGibbs,thegreatplanerobber,hasbeencaughtinMontina.

He was arrested in a Vanadelo nightclub.

He is being questioned at police headquarters, and he will probably be sent back to Britain.

Two British detectives left Heathrow earlier this evening, and they will help the police in Vanadelo with their enquiries.

In 1978 Gibbs was sentenced to forty years in prison for his part in the Great Plane Robbery.

  1. Theconvictsaretransportedtoprison.

Many reports are made. Light is shed on many facts. Different measures are taken to prevent and solve crimes. The happening is reconstructed.

Latent fingerprints are developed and taken.


Выберите правильный вариант модального глагола и подставьте в предложение. Предложения переведите.

  1. If I don’t study for the next test, Ifail it.

a) ought to; b) should; c) might; d) will have to.

  1. Itbe Jack. He drives a Fiat and this guy is driving a Jaguar.

a) can’t; b) should; c) ought to; d) might.

  1. Heto go to the dentist because he has toothache.

a) ought; b) must; c) should; d) have.

  1. It was a very difficult text. Ilook up a lot of words in the dictionary.

a) must; b) have to; c) had to; d) must to.

  1. If westudy, we could go out.

a) didn’t have to; b) had to study; c) could; d) didn’t have.

Перепишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на значения выделенных слов.

We neverhave practice on Sunday.

Notransport stops here.

We see nothinginteresting in this question.

The police have noevidence against this suspect.

Noneof the group want to do that.

He could find neitherhim norhis relatives.

Перепишите и переведите текст на русский язык.

History of law

One of the earliest systems of law of which we have knowledge is the collection of laws, known as the Code of Hammurabi, the Babylonian king, which was carved in stone about 1900 B.C., and which can be seen in the British Museum in London. Another early code of Hebrew Law, contained in the Book of Exodus on the Bible.

In Greece each city-state had its law. Some laws were common to many states, such as laws relating to family life. In the 17th century B.C. the Greeks began to put their laws into writing. About 594 B.C. Solon, the famous Athenian lawgiver, provided new code of law. The Athenians didn’t consider it necessary to have legal experts for non-criminal cases. In a civil case the verdict was given by a jury, which might number anything from 201 to 2500.

The number of the jury listened to speeches made by the prison who had brought the case before them, and by their friends. Barristers were not allowed, but speeches were sometimes prepared by professional speechwriters.

Roman law is one of the greatest systems that have ever existed. It was based upon custom, and by A.D. 528 quantity of Roman Law had become so immense that the Emperor Justinian in Constantinople ordered a clear, systematic code of all the laws to be made.

Roman law has had a deep influence upon the law of the world. The law of most European countries is based upon it, and it has ha some influence on Anglo- Saxon law, which is the other great law system of the world. For many years Roman law seemed to be lost or forgotten, but it reappeared in the 11th century, when there was a great revival of learning. Many European countries began to use Roman law in their courts. In France, however, until Napoleon codified the law in 1804 each province had its own laws. The Napoleonic Code was a splendid achievement, and has been copied in many countries in Europe and South America.

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