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54. Выберите правильный ответ. When did the Great Fire of London take place?

A) 1816

B) 1768

C) 1666

D) 1516

E) 1566

55. Выберите правильный ответ. What is billion in the USA?

A) 1 000

B) 1 000 000 000 000

C) 1 000 000 000 000 000

D) 1 000 000

E) 1 000 000 000

56. Выберите правильный ответ на вопрос: What river does Washington D.C. stand on?

A) The Mississippi.

B) The Danube.

C) The Potomac.

D) The Amazon.

E) The Niagara.

57. Выберите правильный ответ на вопрос: Who of the American presidents never lived in the White House?

A) Bill Clinton.

B) George Bush.

C) George Washington.

D) Franklin Roosevelt.

E) Abraham Lincoln.

58. Выберите правильный ответ на вопрос: Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?

A) Abraham Lincoln.

B)George Washington.

C) George Bush.

D) Martin Luther King.

E) Thomas Jefferson.

59. Выберите правильный ответ на вопрос: What is the capital of Georgia?

A) Annapolis.

B) Albany.

C) Austin.

D) Augusta.

E) Atlanta.

60. Закончите предложение: Prince Charles is Queen Elizabeth’ s … .

A) Father.

B) Brother.

C) Son.

D) Husband.

E) Uncle.

61. Закончите предложение: The two official languages in Canada are … .

A) English and Gaelic.

B) English and Spanish.

C) English and Welsh.

D) English and French.

E) English and German.

62. Дополните предложение, выбрав правильный вариант: British people celebrate Halloween … of November.

A) On the 5-th

B) On the 8-th

C) On the 2-th

D) On the 31-th

E) On the 25-th

63. Дополните предложение, выбрав правильный вариант: The narrowest part of the English Channel is called … .

A) The British Channel.

B) The strait of Dover.

C) Gulf Stream.

D) Dover.

E) The Irish Channel.

64. Дополните предложение, выбрав правильный вариант: The colours of the American flag are … .

A) Red and blue.

B) Red, white, brown.

C) Red, white, green.

D) Red, white, dark-blue.

E) Red, brown, green.

65. Выберите правильный вариант ответа: What is the most famous clock in Britain?

A) Big Stephen.

B) Big Ben.

C) Big Wren.

D) Big Albert.

E) Big Charles.

66. Выберите правильный вариант ответа: Who is the head of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland?

A) The President.

B) Speaker.

C) Lord Chancellor.

D) Queen.

E) Mayor.

67. Закончите предложение: The British money is … .

A) Pounds.

B) Dollars.

C) Crones.

D) Rubles.

E) Franks.

68. Выберите правильный вариант ответа: The safest topic for conversation in England is…

A) Weather.

B) Work.

C) Politics.

D) Music.

E) Love.

69. Выберите правильный вариант ответа: The Statue of Liberty symbolizes …

A) a woman with a torch

B) a land of freedom

C) the man’s sculpture

70. Выберите правильный вариант ответа: What state does the capital of the USA Washington belong to?

A) To the state of Pennsylvania.

B) None.

C) To the state of Maryland.

D) Divine Capital.

E) To the state of Alaska.

71. Закончите предложение: «Ulster» is another name for … .

A) Britain.

B) Wales.

C) Scotland.

D) Republic of Ireland.

E) Northern Ireland.

72. Закончите предложение: The capital of Australia is … .

A) Canberra.

B) Dublin.

C) Ottawa.

D) Washington.

E) Glasgow.

73. Закончите предложение: The capital of Canada is … .

A) Chester.

B) Ottawa.

C) New-York.

D) Canberra.

E) Washington.

74. Закончите предложение: The oldest part of London is called … .

A) the East End.

B) the West End.

C) the Capital.

D) the City.

E) the Thames.

75. Закончите предложение: Mayne Reid was an … .

A) American President.

B) English composer.

C) American artist.

D) English writer.

E) American writer.

76. Закончите предложение:The most famous sight of London is a … .

A) sea.

B) many shops.

C) double-decker.

D) tourists.

E) bad weather.

77. Закончите предложение: The National library is situated in the … .

A) Westminster Abbey.

B) British Museum.

C) Tate Gallery.

D) Tower of London.

E) St. Paul Cathedral.

78. Закончите предложение: Lake Loch Ness is situated in … .

A) Ireland.

B) Scotland.

C) Australia.

D) England.

E) Wales.

79. Закончите предложение: The Great Fire of London was in …






80. Закончите предложение: The chairman of the House of Lords in English Parliament is….

A)Lord- Chancellor

B) Price of Wales

C) the Queen

D) the Speaker

E) the Prime- Minister

81. Закончите предложение: The chairman of the House of Commons in English Parliament is….

A)Lord- Chancellor

B) Price of Wales

C) the Queen

D) the Speaker

E) the Prime- Minister

82. Закончите предложение: Elizabeth Gaskell is ….writer.

A) a Russian

B) an English

C) a French

D) an Australian

E) an American.

83. Закончите предложение: The novel “The Invisible Man” of H.G.Wells is…

A) the historical novel

B) the novel about war

C) the novel about war

D) the adventure novel

E) the fantastic novel

84. Закончите предложение: The national flag of the USA is called…

A) Uncle Sam

B) The Union Jack

C) The Stars and Stripes

D) The bald eagle

E) The yellow page

85. Закончите предложение: The symbol of the US government is …

  1. the red and white banner

  2. the star

  3. the green leaf

  4. the bear

  5. the bald eagle

86. Закончите предложение: Halloween is ..

A) the season which comes after summer and before winter

B) a religious holiday that people celebrate on November

C) an autumn holiday for children

D) a United Nations group which poor children around the would

E) a pumpkin with a face cut in it

87. Выберите правильный вариант ответа: What is the White House?

  1. university

  2. monument

  3. sky- scraper

  4. the residence of President

  5. park

88. Выберите правильный вариант ответа: What city is famous for its skyscrapers in the USA?

  1. Washington

  2. New York

  3. Chicago

  4. Boston

  5. San Francisco

89. Закончите предложение: “England” in translation into Russian means:

  1. туманный Альбион

  2. земля скоттов

  3. железная земля

  4. Северная Пальмира

  5. Земля англов

90. Выберите правильный вариант ответа: What is the national sport in America?

  1. rugby

  2. soccer

  3. tennis

  4. football

  5. baseball

91. Выберите правильный вариант ответа: What is the national symbol of Canada?

  1. the magnolia tree

  2. the maple tree

  3. the bald eagle

  4. the black rose

  5. the red rose

92. Выберите правильный вариант ответа: What is the nickname of the flag of the UK?

  1. stripes

  2. Union Jack

  3. Stars and stripes

  4. Flag of St. Patrick’s Cross

  5. Stars

93. Выберите правильный вариант ответа: What was the first president of the USA?

  1. Tomas Jefferson

  2. George Washington

  3. Ulysses Grant

  4. Bill Clinton

  5. Abraham Lincoln

94. Выберите подходящий русский эквивалент к слову ‘student’:

The vast majority of students the primary and secondary levels go to the public schools

  1. изучающий что-либо

  2. первокурсник

  3. вновь прибывший

  4. ученый

  5. учащийся

95. Выберите правильный вариант ответа: The famous pop-group “The Beatles” came from…

  1. London

  2. Stratford

  3. Glasgow

  4. Liverpool

  5. Manchester

96. Выберите правильный вариант ответа: The battle at Trafalgar was a … victory of the British nation.

  1. triumphant

  2. privilege

  3. effect

  4. little

  5. smile

97. Выберите правильный вариант ответа: The founder of the English Fleet was King..

  1. Richard –the Lion-heart

  2. Alfred

  3. Leer

  4. William

  5. Arthur

98. Закончите предложение: “Nelson’s Column” is a name of a ..

  1. general

  2. church

  3. square

  4. monument

  5. museum

99. Закончите предложение: Прозвище “the smoke” имеет английский город.

  1. London

  2. Stratford

  3. Glasgow

  4. Liverpool

  5. Manchester

100. Закончите предложение: A red dragon is symbol of…

A) Northern Ireland

B) Scotland

C) England

D) Wales

E) Southern Ireland

101. Выберите правильный вариант ответа: How many states does the USA consist of?

  1. 53

  2. 51

  3. 52

  4. 50

  5. 54

102. Закончите предложение: The “Speaker Corner” in London is situated in …

  1. the Trafalgar Square

  2. the Westminster Abbey

  3. the British Museum

  4. the Tower of London

  5. Hyde Park

103. Закончите предложение: The traditional clothes for men in Scotland is a…

  1. helmet

  2. kilt

  3. suit

  4. dress

  5. sandals

104. Закончите предложение: The anthem of the USA is …

  1. American, the Beautiful

  2. The Star-Spangled Banner

  3. God Save the Queen

  4. In God We Trust

  5. America

105. Закончите предложение: The oldest royal residence is..

  1. Buckingham Palace

  2. the Tower of London

  3. the Westminster Abbey

  4. Covent Garden

  5. The City

106. Закончите предложение: Robinson Crusoe met his friend …on the island.

  1. Saturday

  2. Monday

  3. Wednesday

  4. Friday

  5. Sunday

107. Закончите предложение: The author of the book “Three men in a boat” is…

  1. Jack London

  2. Gerald Darrel

  3. William Shakespeare

  4. Jerome K. Jerome

  5. Mark Twain

108. Выберите правильный вариант ответа: What kind of state is the UK?

  1. republic

  2. parliament monarchy

  3. monarchy

  4. parliament

  5. senate

109. Выберите правильный вариант ответа: Which of these mountains can find in the USA?

  1. Mt. Mc Kinney

  2. Cheviots

  3. The Pennies

  4. The Ural

  5. The Alps

110. Выберите правильный вариант ответа: What is the capital of Wales?

  1. Edinburgh

  2. Coventry

  3. Cardiff

  4. Belfast

  5. Birmingham

111. Выберите правильный вариант ответа: What title does Prince Charles the eldest son of the British Queen have?

  1. prince of Wales

  2. prince of Scotland

  3. prince of England

  4. prince of America

  5. prince of Ireland

112. Выберите правильный вариант ответа: The first university in America was?

A) Boston university

B) Harvard


D) Oxford

E) Cambridge

113. Выберите правильный вариант ответа: The national emblem of Scotland is..

  1. the thistle

  2. the rose

  3. the daffodil

  4. the red hand

  5. the shamrock

114. Выберите правильный вариант ответа: How many houses does the USA Congress consist of?

  1. 3

  2. 4

  3. 5

  4. 6

  5. 2

115. Выберите правильный вариант ответа: The Capitol is in the center of ..

  1. London

  2. New York

  3. Washington

  4. Dublin

  5. Glasgow

116. Выберите правильный вариант ответа: Jonathan Swift is a famous …

  1. English writer

  2. English composer

  3. English painter

  4. American writer

  5. American architect

117. Закончите предложение: Lake Loch Ness is situated in..

A) Australia

B) Scotland

C) Wales

D) England

E) Ireland

118. Закончите предложение: Yow many of American presidents were lawyers?

A) 2

B) 4

C) 22

D) 10

E) 8

119. Закончите предложение: Australia is famous for its..

  1. pigs

  2. asses

  3. horses

  4. sheep

  5. cows

120. Выберите правильный вариант ответа: Who wrote “Brown Wolf”?

  1. Mark Twain

  2. O’Henry

  3. Jack London

  4. Daniel Defoe

  5. Robert Bums

121. Закончите предложение: “Piccadilly Circus” is a name of a…

  1. circus

  2. monument

  3. street

  4. church

  5. square

122. Закончите предложение: The national emblem of England is..

  1. the thistle

  2. the rose

  3. the daffodil

  4. the red hand

  5. the shamrock

123. Выберите правильный вариант ответа: What is real English football called?






124. Закончите предложение: The real name of Mark Twain is…

  1. A. Conan Doyle

  2. George Sand

  3. S. Clemens

  4. J. London

  5. O’Henry

125. Закончите предложение: They celebrate Halloween on the …

  1. December 25

  2. April 1

  3. November 30

  4. March 17

  5. October 31

126. Выберите правильный вариант ответа: What people often call American flag?

  1. “Old Glory”

  2. “Banner”

  3. “The Stars”

  4. “Jack Union”

  5. “Stripes”

127. Выберите правильный вариант ответа: What are the official languages in Canada?

  1. English

  2. German

  3. English and French

  4. Spanish

  5. American

128. Выберите правильный вариант ответа: What is another name for the Houses of Parliament?

  1. the Clearness Palace

  2. St. James’s Palace

  3. The Tower of London

  4. Palace of Westminster

  5. Buckingham Palace

129. Выберите правильный вариант ответа: Who is the head of Australia?

  1. the Queen of Britain

  2. Parliament

  3. President

  4. Congress

  5. Duma

130. Закончите предложение: Benjamin Brittan was a famous English…
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