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оценочные материалы по английскому языку для начальной школы. оценочные. Пояснительная записка Данная промежуточная контрольная работа предназначена для учащихся 2го класса по умк Spotlight

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НазваниеПояснительная записка Данная промежуточная контрольная работа предназначена для учащихся 2го класса по умк Spotlight
Анкороценочные материалы по английскому языку для начальной школы
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2 класс.


Пояснительная записка

Данная промежуточная контрольная работа предназначена для учащихся 2-го класса по УМК «Spotlight» (Н. И. Быкова, Д. Дули, М. Д. Поспелова, В. Эванс) и проводится в конце первого полугодия. Работа включает в себя пройденные лексические темы, а также направлена на контроль знания алфавита, цветов, числительных.

За каждый правильный ответ учащийся получает 1 балл. Максимальное количество баллов – 35. На выполнение заданий дается 40 минут.

Критерии оценивания:

  1. 32-35 баллов «5»

  2. 28-31 баллов «4»

  3. 13-27 баллов «3»

  4. Менее 13 баллов «2»

Ответы вносятся непосредственно на лист с заданиями. Испытуемым предлагаются задания следующих типов: запиши, закрась, подчеркни, распредели по группам, замени, закончи предложения.

Промежуточная контрольная работа.

  1. Listen and tick (Послушай и отметь в какой комнате Чаклз)


– Where is Chuckles? Is he in the kitchen?

  • No, he isn’t.

  • Is he in the living-room?

  • No, he isn’t.

  • Is he in the bathroom?

  • No, he isn’t.

  • Is he in the bedroom?

  • Yes, he is. He is in the bedroom.

2.Запиши недостающие буквы

3.Сосчитай и подчеркни правильный ответ

1. 2. 3. 4.

One/Ten five/three two/six eight/nine

4.Раскрась картинку указанным цветом

5.Напиши, что умеют эти животные, используя слова jump, run, sing, swim. Образец: Achimpcandance.

  1. A fish …

  2. A bird …

  3. A horse …

  4. A frog …

6.Расскажи о себе(имя, возраст, что умеешь и не умеешь делать)

Пояснительная записка

Данная итоговая контрольная работа предназначена для учащихся 2-го класса по УМК «Spotlight» (Н. И. Быкова, Д. Дули, М. Д. Поспелова, В. Эванс) и проводится в конце учебного года. Контрольная работа включает в себя: аудирование, чтение, говорение, письмо, все пройденные лексические темы (еда, игрушки, семья, животные, погода, цифры, цвета), а также направлена на контроль знания алфавита, правил чтения и некоторых грамматических тем (личные местоимения, предлоги, can).

За каждый правильный ответ учащийся получает 1 балл. Максимальное количество баллов – 48. На выполнение заданий дается 40 минут.

Критерии оценивания:

  1. 45 - 48 баллов «5»

  2. 40 - 44 баллов «4»

  3. 24- 39 баллов «3»

  4. Менее 24 баллов «2»

1. Аудирование.

Listen and colour. (Послушай и раскрась предметы в комнате соответствую-щим цветом.)


The lamp is pink. The table is brown. The chair is yellow. The bed is blue. The bath is green.

  1. Чтение. Прочитай текст и нарисуй игрушку, рисунок и его цвета должны соответствовать содержанию рассказа об игрушке

My favourite toy is a teddy bear. It’s big. It’s white. It’s got two small eyes, two small ears, a brown nose and a pink mouth. It’s on my bed. I like my teddy bear!

3.Лексическо- грамматический материал.

Распредели слова по группам: teddy bear, T-shirt, grandpa, apple, bed, chair, ballerina, horse, frog, jacket, nose, eyes, daddy, chocolate.

  1. Food:

  2. Family:

  3. House:

  4. Animals:

  5. Toys:

  6. Clothes:

  7. Body:

Распредели слова по группам, в зависимости от того, какой звук дают выделенные буквы green, egg, chips, cake, yellow,






Замени слова на местоимениями HeилиShe. Ответы запиши в пропусках.

1. Mummy/… 2. Larry/… 3. Daddy/… 4. Lulu/… 5. Nanny Shine/…

Найди и запиши подходящий перевод

  1. On the table a) на столе b) под столом

  2. Under the shelf a) на полке b) под полкой

  3. In the box a) на коробке b) в коробке

7.Расскажи о себе, ответь на вопросы.

1.What is your name?

2.How old are you?

3.How are you?

4.Can you jump?

5.Can you fly?

6.Do you like ice-cream?

8. Напиши письмо другу. Картинки-подсказки помогут тебе.

Dear friend,

My name is …. I'm ……

I can ………………. . But I can't ……… .

I like ……………… . But I don't like ………


My favorite toy is my …………… .

Best wishes,


3 класс

Данный контрольно-измерительный материал предназначен для проведения контрольной работы по английскому языку по учебнику “Spotlight 3”. Контрольная работа содержит задании по аудированию- на поиск предложений, соответствующих тексту, чтению, говорению, письму, лексический и грамматический материал

Максимальное количество баллов -30 , по 1 за каждое задание

Критерии оценивания:

  1. 27-30 баллов- 5

  2. 23-26 баллов-4

  3. 15-25 баллов-3

  4. < 15 баллов-2


  1. Аудирование. Text

Hello! My name is Mark. I’m ten years old and I live in the UK. I want to tell you about my favourite food. I like healthy food. My favourite one is chicken and vegetables. I like fruits such as bananas and apples. I don’t like burgers and coke.

Определи верно (True) или нет (False)
1.His name is Mike. ___________
2.He likes healthy food. _________
3.Marks favourite food is chicken and sandwiches. ____________
4.Mark likes bananas and apples. _____________
5.He doesn’t like burgers and coke. _______________

2.Прочитай. Вставь слова в текст

Mother is have got father happy sisters

I ______________a big family. This is my _____________. She ___________ a doctor. My ________________ is a dentist. Also I have got two …. . We are a _______________ family.

3.Вставьнужныйглагол am/is/are.

1.I_____in Year 3.

2.She_____a schoolgirl.

3.They______at school now.

4.We_____having fun.

5.You______a good student.
4.Расскажи о себе, используя вопросы.

How old are you?_________________________________________________

What is your name?_______________________________________________

What is your favourite colour? ______________________________________

What is your favourite food?________________________________________

What is your favourite animal?_____________________________________

What can you do? ______________________________________________

5. Перепиши письмо в тетрадь, подчеркните выбранные слова


My name is Ann and I am/is ten. I’m in Year 4 at class/school. I like to sing and my favourite subject is Art/Music. I have/has got a cat. It is not big,

it’s grey/green. I love it, we are friends.

What about you? How old are your/you? Have you got/get a pet?



  1. Аудирование

Прослушайте текст. Выполните задания.

My friend is not big. She is nice. She is brave and strong. She isn’t lazy. Her nose is short. Her eyes are dark. She can jump and dance. She can count and play chess well. She likes bananas and oranges. But she doesn’t like ham and milk. We go to school together.

Закончите предложения, выбрав правильный ответ:

1. My friend is ...

a) not small

b) not big

c) not short

2. She is brave and ….

a) long

b) short

c) strong

3. She likes ….

a) bananas and apples

b) bananas and plums

c) bananas and oranges

4. But … doesn’t like ham and milk.

a) he

b) she

c) we

5. We go to … together.

a) the park

b) the forest

c) school

2. Чтение

Our house is very big! There’s a kitchen,a living room, three bedrooms and twobathrooms. There’s a big sofa and two armchairs in the living room. Look at my bedroom! There are two beds in it. Look at all the flowers in the garden! Our house is lovely!

Ответь yes или no

1 There is one kitchen.

2 There are two living rooms.

3 There are two sofas in the living room.

4 There is a bed in the bedroom.

5 There are flowers in the garden.
3.Заполни пропуски (вставь пропущенную букву)

F-th-r, l-v-ng r-oms, c- -ker
4.Вставить в предложение «have/has»

I______ got a sister and a brother

We_______ got a big dog

Tom______ got a mother but he ________not got a father

Tim and Ann________ got many friends

5. Расскажи о себе, ответив на вопросы.

1. What’s your name?

2 Have you got a family?

3. Have you got a pet?

4. Have you got a house or a flat?

5. What rooms are there in your house?
6. Перепиши письмо в тетрадь, подчеркните выбранные слова


My name is Tim and I am/is ten. I’m in Year 4 at class/school. I like sport and my favourite subject is Art/PE. I have/has got a dog. It is big and black/green. I love it, we am/are friends.

What about you? Have you got/get a pet?


1.Аудирование. Shopping List.

This is a girl. Her name is Ann. She is nine years old. She helps her mum to do a shopping list.
Ann: We’ve got some eggs, some chicken and some carrots Have we got any cheese?

Mum: Yes, we’ve got some. We need some milk and some sandwiches for breakfast. :

Ann: We haven’t got any sausages.

Mum: Yes, we need some sausages, some potatoes and some rice for lunch and supper.

Ann: We need some orange juice and some biscuits too. I love ice cream. It is my favourite food!

Mum: Yes, we need ice cream, orange juice and biscuits too.
Выбери верно True(T) или неверно False(F)

  1. Ann is ten.

  2. Ann helps her mum to do a shopping list.

  3. They’ve got some cheese.

  4. They haven’t got any chicken.

  5. They’ve got some carrots.

2.Прочитай текст и напиши, что любят делать дети

Here are some pupils talking about their favourite days.

Cindy: I like Wednesdays. I have piano lessons with my teacher.

Mary: I love Sundays. I visit the zoo with my family and we have a great time there!

Ben: My favourite day is Tuesday because I visit my best friend and we play basketball.

Jerry: I like Saturdays! I watch my favourite cartoons on TV.

Beth: My favourite day is Friday. After school, I go to the sports centre to swim and dive
Напиши, кто из детей что любит делать?

1 play basketball ...........

2 have piano lessons ...........

3 go to the sports centre ...........

4 visit the zoo ...........

5. watch TV ……….
3.Выбирни правильный вариант

1.Look at the kangaroo. I t ......a long tail!

A have got

В has got

2. George................... pizza.

A likes

В like

3. My baby brother has got two small......

A teeth

В tooth

4. Can a rabbit jump? Yes,.......

A it can

В it can’t

5. ............. are you? Eighteen.

A Who

В How old

4.Напиши слова во множественном числе

Tooth, fox, fish.

5. Расскажи о себе, ответив на вопросы.

1. I am______

2. I have got a family________

3. I have got a pet, It is a ______

4. I can ______

5. I cannot_______

6.My favourite food is______

7.My favourite toy is_______

8.There is a _____ in my house.

6.Перепиши письмо в тетрадь, подчеркните выбранные слова

Hello Nick ,

My name is Tim and I am/is ten. I’m in Year 4 at class. I like sport and my favourite subject is PE. I have/has got a dog. It is big and black/green. I love it, we  am/are  friends.

What about you? Have you got  a pet?


4 класс

Данный контрольно-измерительный материал предназначен для проведения контрольной работы по английскому языку по учебнику “Spotlight 4”. Контрольная работа содержит задания по аудированию, чтению, говорению, письму, лексический и грамматический материал

Максимальное количество баллов -30 , по 1 за каждое задание

Критерии оценивания:

  1. 27-30 баллов- 5

  2. 23-26 баллов-4

  3. 15-25 баллов-3

  4. < 15 баллов-2


1.Listening (ex2 p17 workbook 4)

Listen and answer the questions.

What’s Paco’s school day like? When does he…

1….wake up?

2….have lunch?

3…..do homework?

4….go to bed?

2)Контрольнавыковчтения Reading

Read and answer

Uncle Jack is a waiter. He works at a café in Silverwood. Uncle Jack wears a uniform when he works. He serves people. A lot of people go to the café he works at. I think my uncle is great!

1.What does Uncle Jack do?

2. Where does he work?

3.Where is the café?

4. Does he wear a uniform at work?

5. What does he do in the café?

3) Лексико- грамматический материал

1. I ( am, is, are) at the zoo.

2. We ( is, are, am) from Russia.

3. I`ve got ( a, an, - ) orange.

4. My little brother has got two (tooth, tooths , teeth)

5. There is ( some, any ) milk in the bottle.

6. We haven`t got ( some, any ) cheese in the fridge.

7. Look! Larry ( skate, skates, skating, is skating).

8. We ( write, are writing, writes ) a test now.

9. There ( is, are ) two children in the classroom.

10. There ( is, are) a banana on the table.

4)Контроль навыков говорения Speaking

Расскажи о себе, ответив на вопросы.

1. I am______

2. I have got a family________

3. I have got a pet, It is a ______

4. I can ______

5. My favourite food is______

6.There is a _____ in my house.

5)Контрольнавыковписьма Writing

Read and complete.

Tom Brown is 24 years old. He’s from England. He wants a summer job. He wants to work in the afternoon or evening. Tom is looking for a job as a waiter.





I want to work in the …………………… or ……………………as a………………..


1) Аудирование

Прослушать текст и выбрать правильное утверждение:

Audio Script

I’m Linda I’m ten. I live in Edinburgh. It is in Scotland. I have got a lot of toys. I love animals. I have got a cat and a dog. My friend Irene lives in London. I often visit her. I like tennis. My friend Irene can’t play tennis. Irene is good at basketball. .

1) 1. Linda is ten.

2. Linda is nine.

2) 1.  Linda lives in London.

2. Linda lives in Edinburgh.

3) 1. Linda likes tennis

2. Linda is good at basketball

4) 1. Irene lives in New York

2. Irene lives in London.

2) Чтение Прочитать текст и отметить:

1) правильное утверждение (True), 2) ошибочное (False).

I Like Living Here!

There are a lot of different places to live: cities, towns, villages. Ben lives in London. He likes living here. «The life in a large city is not boring»-he says. There are a lot of interesting historical places, libraries, theatres, cinemas and museums. He thinks the life in the city is more exciting than in a small town or a village.

Ben’s friend Nick lives in the village. He doesn’t want to live in a large city. He likes beautiful forests and lakes. He can enjoy nature. He thinks the life in the country is better than life in the city.

1. Ben lives in the city.

2. Ben doesn’t like the life in the city.

3. Nick is Ben’s brother.

4. Nick loves nature.

5. There are a lot of theatres, cinemas and museums in the city.

3) Грамматика и лексика

Выбрать правильный ответ и подчеркнуть 1,2 или 3

1. Last week we ____ to the zoo and. 

1. go 2. went

2. July is _______ summer month.

1. second  2. the second  

3. I think Mary is ________ than Jane.

1. clever   2. cleverer  

4. There ______ no milk in the glass.

1.  is  2. are 

5. Jack ________ lunch at school yesterday.

1. has   2. had  

4) Напиши слова во множественном числе

Fish, child, foot, man, sheep

5) Контрольнавыковговорения Speaking

Read and match.

1.Can you skate? A. They are swimming.

2. What are they doing? B. Fifty eight

3. What does your brother look like? C. Yes, he is

4. Is your uncle from England? D. No, I can’t

5. What’s your friend’s house number? E. He’s short and slim

6) Контроль навыков письма Writing

Закончить предложения. Написать 5 предложений о ваших зимних каникулах.

1. My winter holidays are in………………….

2. In winter I like to …………………………………

3. I can _____________in winter.

4. In winter we celebrate ………………..

5. My favourite ……….


1)Аудирование. Послушай и ответь Yes or No

The Best day of the year! (by Liz)

The best day of the year was when I went to the zoo with my friend, Clara. We bought 2 tickets and a map of the zoo. First, saw the lions. They were beautiful. Clara took a picture of them. Then we saw the monkeys and the bears. The bears were very big! After the zoo we ate ice cream. It was a very special day!

1.Liz went to the zoo with Clara. ……..

2.They bought 2 tickets and a map of the zoo. ……..

3. First, they saw the monkeys. ……..

4. Liz took a picture of the lions. ……..

5. The monkeys were very big. ……...

2)Read the text and write True or False.

About myself.

My name is Sandy Raddle. I live in a small town next to New York. There are three bedrooms in our flat. We also have a large sitting room, a kitchen and my dad’s study. I go to school specializing in Maths. My brother and I have Maths lessons six times a week. My favourite day is Saturday because I stay at home and have a rest. On Saturday I get up at 9 and have breakfast. My mum cooks porridge with fruit but I like sausages and eggs. In the afternoon I watch TV, listen to music or walk with my friends. In the evening I surf the Internet or read.

  1. Sandy lives in a big city.

  2. There are six rooms in the flat.

  3. Sandy’s school specializing in English.

  4. Sandy’s favourite day is Sunday.

  5. Sandy likes sausages and eggs.

3) ГрамматикаилексикаChoose the correct item.

1.Where is Nick? He _________ in his bedroom.

a) reads b) is reading c) will read

2. My brother does not eat ________ sweets.

a) many b ) much c) a lot of

3. Last week they_________at the cinema.

a) were b) was c) are

4. Yesterday they _________ late

a) come b)came c)has come

4) Образуй 3 степени сравнения прилагательных.

Small, windy, nice, hot, good.

5)Контроль навыков говорения Speaking

Answer the questions.

1.What is your name?

2.What is your surname?

3.How old are you?

4. What grade are you in?

5.What languages can you speak?

6.How many people are there in your family?

7.What are your parents’ names?

6)Контрольнавыковписьма . Writing

This is a note from your friend Carla


I’m going to go on holiday next week and I’m very happy. I’m going to travel to Portugal and I’m going to swim and sit on the beach all day. What about you? Where are you going to go on holiday? What are you going to do?


Write a letter to your friend Carla and answer her questions.

Dear Carla,

I’m very happy too! I’m going to go to …………………….

I’m going to………….. and ………………………



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