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  • Английский задания WORKING DAY AND FREE TIME. Практическая работа 1 блок 3 working day and free time

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    НазваниеПрактическая работа 1 блок 3 working day and free time
    АнкорАнглийский задания WORKING DAY AND FREE TIME
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    ТипПрактическая работа

    Практическая работа № 1


    Задание 1

    7)have lunch 2)have a shower 5) go to work 3) have breakfast

    6)start work 8)go home 4) get dressed 9) have dinner

    10) watch TV 1) get up read a book 11) go to bed

    Задание 2

    Bobbi Brown ____ lives ______ in New Jersey. She ___ is _______ thirty-four and she _ works _________ for SKY TV in New York City. But she __ doesn’t work ________ on weekdays, she only works at weekends. She _ interviews _________ famous people for an early morning news programme called The World This Weekend. On Saturdays and Sundays she _ gets up _________ at 3.00 in the morning because she _____ starts _____ work at 6.30! She ______ loves ____ her job because it is exciting.

    Задание 3

    “My weekends are fast and exciting. My weekdays are fast and domestic. I ____ have ______ two sons, Dylan, 7, and Dakota, 5. Every morning I __ get up ________ one hour before them, at 6.00, and I ____go______ to the gym. I ___ come _______ home and I ___ make _______ breakfast, then I ___ take _______ them to school. On Mondays I always __________. I __________ all the food for the week. I often ____ cook ______ dinner in the evenings, but not very often because I don’t __________ cooking. Fortunately, mu husband, Don, __________ cooking. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I ____ visit ______ my father. He _ live _________ on the next block. Every afternoon I _____ pick up _____ the kids from school. In the evenings Don and I usually __________, but sometimes we __________ friends. We never _____ go out _____ on Friday evenings because I work so early on Saturdays.”

    Задание 5

    1 Rupert gets up at seven o’clock. 2 He _____ have a shower _____. 3 Then he __ get dressed ________. 4 He _ drinking _________ tea and toast for breakfast. 5 He __ comes ________ his flat at half past eight. 6 He _ leaves _________ to work by bus. 7 He works in a bookshop. He _ starts _________ work at nine o’clock. 8 At one o’clock he _ starts _________ lunch in a small café. 9 He leaves work at half past five and go home. 10 First he ___ have _______ dinner. 11 Then he ____watch ______ television. 12 He ____ go ______ to bed at eleven o’clock and ___ read _______ a book.

    Задание 6

    My day starts at 6 o'clock. I wake up and go to wash and take a shower. After that I go and cook myself breakfast. When I eat, I start getting dressed. At 7:40 a.m. (approximately) I go for a walk with the dog after feeding it. I leave the house at 8:15 and go to the bus stop. My working day starts at 9 o'clock. At 13 o'clock I have lunch and rest in parallel. After lunch, I'm continuing work. My working day ends at 5 o'clock. I come home, change my clothes, go wash my hands and go to dinner. After dinner, I walk the dog. After a walk , I change my clothes and go to wash .I always go to bed in different ways.

    Задание 7

    1карт- playing football






    7карт-going to the



    10карт-listening to music


    12-computer games

    13-going to the gym

    14-going to the cinema

    15-eating out

    16-watching TV

    Задание 8

    Меня зовут Тони Филипс и мне 17 лет .Я студент и живу в городе Монреаль, Канада. Я высокого роста и стройный с темными волосами и коричневыми глазами . В семье нас 7 человек :мои дедушка и бабушка (Стив и Сали) , мама и папа ( Джо и Кэти ),моя сестра Лиз 9 ти лет , мой брат Лео 6ти лет и конечно же я .Мой папа хирург .Он работает в местной больнице , а мама работает учителем в начальной школе .Мы живём в большом доме в 20 минут ходьбы от центра города. В свободное время я люблю играть в компьютерные игры и слушать рок музыку .Я помешен на канале МТВ .Моя любимая группа " Guns'n' Roses "Вам нравится эта группа ?Ещё я люблю ходить в кино каждую Субботу .Хотя я не люблю ходить в театр.Вот , это всё обо мне.Напиши мне в ответ и расскажи о себе .

    1. 17 лет

    2. студент

    3) Montreal, Canada.

    4)в доме(a big house)

    5)любит кино, играть в компьютерные игры и слушать рок музыку

    6) любимая группа " Guns'n' Roses

    7) не любит театры(I don’t like going to the theatre)

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