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«Сибирский институт бизнеса и информационных технологий»
Практическая работа №1

Дисциплина: Иностранный язык в сфере юриспруденции. Английский.

Сабурова Алсу Рустамовна



(Ф.И.О. преподавателя)


Омск, 2021 г.

Text Judges

Task: readthetextandfocusonitsmainpoints.

The judge is the presiding officer of the court. The statutory basis for the appointment of judges dates from the Act of Settlement 1700. Under the original arrangements the districts were grouped into 60 county court circuits, each with its own judge appointed by the Lord Chancellor from barristers of at least seven years’ standing. On the re- organization of the criminal courts under the Courts Act 1971 the existing county court judges became Circuit judges. Every Circuit judge is by virtue of his or her office capable of sitting as a judge for any county court district and at least one is assigned to each district by the Lord Chancellor. A full-time District judge is barred from legal practice. District judges were formerly called registrars; the change of title reflected the fact that their functions are now judicial. They are responsible for procedural steps in court proceedings. Their administrative functions have now been transferred to substantial staffs of clerks and bailiffs.

Judges themselves are not a separate profession: they are barristers who have

demonstrated competence in litigation and have been elevated to the bench2, itself a name derived from the part of the Court where they sit. A barrister always enters the judiciary at the lower trial level. He is thereafter promoted, if he proves successful in the initial judicial post.

The traditional function of judges is to apply existing rules of law to the case before them. The judge decides the interpretation of the law. After all the evidence has been given the judge summarizes the case, both law and facts, for the jury. This is called his summing up.

Judges are capable of “making law” both through the interpretation of statutes and the doctrine of precedent. When an Act of Parliament makes no provision for the case in question and there is no existing precedent, the judge must, if necessity, create a new law.

Judges are not under the control of Parliament, or the Civil Service. The independence of the judiciary is a fundamental principle of constitutional law. Closely related to judicial independence is the doctrine of judicial immunity.

The professional judges, “High Court Judges”, deal with the most serious crimes. They are paid salaries by the state. Alongside with the professional judges there are unpaid judges. They are called “Magistrates” or “Justices of the Peace” (JPs)3. They are ordinary citizens who are selected not because they have any legal training but because they have “sound common sense”4 and understanding of their fellow human beings.

Magistrates are selected by special committees in every town and district. Nobody, even the Magistrates themselves, knows who is on the special committee in their area. The committee tries to draw Magistrates from different professions and social classes.

The work of the Magistrates’ Courts throughout the country depends on the unpaid services of JPs.


  1. Act of Settlement акт о престолонаследии

  2. be elevated to the bench возвысить до положения судьи 3 Magistrate, Justice of the Peace (JP) судья, мировой судья 4 “sound common sense” (зд.) чувство здравого смысла

5 Magistrates’ Court суд магистратов, мировой суд (рассматривает дела о мелких преступлениях)

Ex. 1. Sayifthesestatementsaretrueorfalse.

  1. The judge is the presiding officer of the court. ( True )

  2. Every Circuit judge is capable of sitting as a judge for one county court area.
( False. Every Circuit judge is by virtue of his or her office capable of sitting as a judge for any county court district and at least one is assigned to each district by the Lord Chancellor.)

  1. A part-time district judge is barred from legal practice. ( False. A full-time District judge is barred from legal practice.)

  2. Here was the change of judges titles but their functions remained the same.
( False. The change of title reflected the fact that their functions are now judicial.)

  1. Judges themselves are a separate profession. (False. Judges themselves are not a separate profession: they are barristers who have demonstrated competence in litigation and have been elevated to the bench.)

  2. A barrister always enters the judiciary at the highest level. ( False. A barrister always enters the judiciary at the lower trial level.)

  3. The judge decides the interpretation of the law. ( True )

  4. Judges are capable of “making law” through the doctrine of precedent. ( True )

  5. Judges are under the control of Parliament. (False. Judges are not under the control of Parliament.)

  6. Judicial independence is a fundamental principle of constitutional law. ( True )

  7. Professional judges are paid salaries by the state. ( True )

  8. Magistrates are also professional judges but they deal with less serious crimes. ( False. They are ordinary citizens who are selected not because they have any legal training but because they have “sound common sense” and understanding of their fellow human beings. )

  9. Magistrates are selected by special committees in every town and district.

( True )

Ex. 2. Herearetheanswerstosomequestionsonthetext.Whatarethequestions?

  1. The Act of Settlement 1700. What is the statutory basis for the appointment of judges?

  2. The existing country court judges became Circuit judges. What happened on the reorganization of the criminal courts under the Courts Act 1971?

  3. A full-time district judge is barred from legal practice. Is a full-time district judge barred from legal practice?

  4. Registrars are responsible for procedural steps in court proceedings. Who is responsible for procedural steps in court proceedings?

  5. They are barristers who have demonstrated competence in litigation. Are judges themselves a separate profession?

  6. If he proves successful in the initial judicial post. When can a barrister be promoted?

  7. The judge summarizes the case for the jury. What does the judge do after all the evidence has been given?

  8. The judge must, if necessity, create a new law. What must the judge do when an Act of Parliament makes no provision for the case in question and there is no existing precedent?

  9. The doctrine of judicial immunity. What is closely related to judicial independence?

  10. The professional judges. Who deals with the most serious crimes?

  11. Justices of the Peace. How can we call unpaid judges?

  12. The committee tries to draw Magistrates from different professions and social classes. How are Magistrates selected?

  13. The unpaid services of JPs. What does the work of the Magistrates’ Courts throughout the country depend on?

Ex. 3. Completethefollowingsentences:

  1. The judge is the presiding officer of the court.

  2. On the reorganization of the criminal courts under the Courts Act 1971 the existing county court judges became Circuit judges.

  3. The Lord Chancellor assigned at least one Circuit judge to each district.

  4. Registrars are responsible for procedural steps in court proceedings.

  5. The statutory basis for the appointment of judges dates from the Act of Settlement 1700.

  6. Judges are barristers who have demonstrated competence in litigation and have been elevated to the bench.

  7. The traditional function of judges is to apply existing rules of law to the case before them.
  8. Judge’s summing up is applying existing rules of law to the case before them. The judge decides the interpretation of the law. After all the evidence has been given the judge summarizes the case, both law and facts, for the jury.

  9. Judges “make law” through the interpretation of statutes and the doctrine of precedent.

  10. The fundamental principle of constitutional law is the independence of the judiciary
  11. Judicial immunity means that judge has immunity for acts relating to cases before the court, but not for acts relating to cases beyond the court's reach.

  12. The professional judges deal with the most serious crimes.
  13. Magistrates or Justices of the Peace are ordinary citizens who are selected not because they have any legal training but because they have “sound common sense” and understanding of their fellow human beings.

  14. JPs are selected by special committees in every town and district.

Ex. 4. Explainandexpandonthefollowing:

  1. The judge is a presiding officer of the court. The traditional function of judges is to apply existing rules of law to the case before them. The judge decides the interpretation of the law. After all the evidence has been given the judge summarizes the case, both law and facts, for the jury.

  2. There was the reorganization of criminal courts under the Courts Act of 1971. On the reorganization of the criminal courts under the Courts Act 1971 the existing county court judges became Circuit judges.

  3. Judges themselves are not a separate profession. They are barristers who have demonstrated competence in litigation and have been elevated to the bench2, itself a name derived from the part of the Court where they sit.

  4. A barrister enters the judiciary at the lower trial level. He is thereafter promoted, if he proves successful in the initial judicial post.

  5. The judge decides the interpretation of the law. After all the evidence has been given the judge summarizes the case, both law and facts, for the jury. This is called his summing up.

  6. Judges are capable of making laws. When an Act of Parliament makes no provision for the case in question and there is no existing precedent, the judge must, if necessity, create a new law.Judges are not under the control of Parliament. The independence of the judiciary is a fundamental principle of constitutional law. Closely related to judicial independence is the doctrine of judicial immunity.

  7. Alongside with the professional judges there are unpaid judges. They are called “Magistrates” or “Justices of the Peace” (JPs). They are ordinary citizens who are selected not because they have any legal training but because they have “sound common sense” and understanding of their fellow human beings.

  8. Magistrates are selected by special Committees. Nobody, even the Magistrates themselves, knows who is on the special committee in their area. The committee tries to draw Magistrates from different professions and social classes.

Практическое задание 2

Выполните практическое задание №2 по дисциплине «Иностранный язык в сфере юриспруденции». Ответы располагайте непосредственно после текста и выделяйте их цветом.

What is Law?

Task: readandtranslatethefollowingtext.

The English word “law” refers to limits upon various forms of behaviour. There is a vague distinction between man-made law and moral precepts. Law can be defined as a set of rules which form the pattern of behaviour of a given society. Law is one of the most basic social institutions and one of the most necessary. No society could exist if all people did just as they pleased, without regard for the right of others. Nor could a society also have certain obligations toward one another. The Law also sets penalties for people who violate these rules and it states how government shall enforce the rules and penalties.

Law essentially serves two functions in modern society. First, it serves to order and regulate the affairs of all “persons” be they individuals, corporations or governments. Secondly, law acts as standard of conduct and morality. Through both of these functions law seeks to promote and achieve a broad range of social objectives. Law can appear as the highest achievement of civilization. In man’s capacity to legislate against his own defects we can discern his chief claim to stand clearly above the animal level.

Law seems to exist apart from man and is not even noticed by him until somebody violates its orders or until it is called upon to defend interests that have been the object of encroachments.

The student of law is concerned with the questions of relationships between individual citizens and the state, as well as the relationships between states. The study of a legal process is the study of how decisions are made, who makes them, what the decisions are, how they influence subsequent events.

We commonly speak of both law and laws – the English law, or the laws of England; and these terms point to two different aspects under which legal science may be approached. The laws of a country are separate, distinct, individual rules; the law of a country however much we may analyse it into separate rules, it is something more than the mere sum of such rules. It is rather a whole, a system which orders our conduct, in which the separate rules have their place and their relation to each other and to the whole. Thus each rule which we call a law is a part of the whole which we call the law. Lawyers generally speak of law; laymen more often of laws. This distinction between law as a system and law as enactments is brought out more clearly in those languages which use different words for each.

In a developed state the sphere in which the law operates proves to be quite extensive. It embraces all the spheres of production, distribution and exchange. Law fixes the forms of administration and the constitutional system, and determines the legal status of citizens and activity of the state mechanism (state law, administrative law). It fixes the existing property relations and operates as a regulator of the measure and forms of distribution of labour and its products among the members of society (civil law, labour law). Finally, the law lays down themeasures for combating encroachment on the state system, the existing order of social relations, together with the forms in which this is done (criminal law, procedural law, corrective labour law).

However, the laws enforced by government can be changed. In fact, laws frequently are changed to reflect changes in a society’s needs and attitudes.
Английское слово “закон” относится к ограничениям на различные формы поведения. Существует смутное различие между созданным человеком законом и моральными предписаниями. Закон можно определить как совокупность правил, формирующих модель поведения данного общества. Право является одним из самых основных социальных институтов и одним из самых необходимых. Никакое общество не могло бы существовать, если бы все люди поступали так, как им заблагорассудится, не считаясь с правами других. Общество также не может иметь определенных обязательств по отношению друг к другу. Закон также устанавливает наказания для людей, нарушающих эти правила, и определяет, как правительство должно обеспечивать соблюдение этих правил и наказаний.

В современном обществе право, по существу, выполняет две функции. Во-

первых, он служит для упорядочения и регулирования дел всех “лиц”, будь то отдельные лица, корпорации или правительства. Во-вторых, закон выступает в качестве нормы поведения и морали. Через обе эти функции право стремится содействовать достижению широкого круга социальных целей. Право может предстать как высшее достижение цивилизации. В способности человека издавать законы против своих собственных недостатков мы можем видеть его главную претензию стоять явно выше животного уровня.

Закон, кажется, существует отдельно от человека и даже не замечается им до тех пор, пока кто-то не нарушит его предписания или пока он не будет призван защищать интересы, которые были объектом посягательств.

Изучающий право занимается вопросами отношений между отдельными гражданами и государством, а также отношениями между государствами. Изучение юридического процесса - изучение того, как принимаются решения, кто их принимает, каковы эти решения, как они влияют на последующие события.

Мы обычно говорим как о праве, так и о законах – английском праве или законах Англии; и эти термины указывают на два различных аспекта, под которыми можно подойти к юридической науке. Законы страны - отдельные, отдельные, индивидуальные правила; закон страны, как бы мы ни разбирали его на отдельные правила, это нечто большее, чем просто сумма таких правил. Это скорее целое, система, которая упорядочивает наше поведение, в которой отдельные правила имеют свое место и свое отношение друг к другу и к целому. Таким образом, каждое правило, которое мы называем законом, является частью целого, которое мы называем законом. Юристы обычно говорят о законах; непрофессионалы чаще говорят о законах. Это различие между законом как системой и законом как нормативным актом более четко проявляется в тех языках, в которых для каждого из них используются разные слова.

В развитом государстве сфера действия закона оказывается весьма

обширной. Она охватывает все сферы производства, распределения и обмена.

Закон закрепляет формы управления и конституционного строя, определяет правовой статус граждан и деятельность государственного механизма (государственное право, административное право). Она фиксирует существующие отношения собственности и выступает регулятором меры и форм распределения труда и его продуктов между членами общества (гражданское право, трудовое право). Наконец, закон устанавливает меры борьбы с посягательством на государственный строй, существующий порядок общественных отношений, а также формы, в которых это делается (уголовное право, процессуальное право, исправительно-трудовое право).

Однако законы, применяемые правительством, могут быть изменены. На самом деле законы часто изменяются, чтобы отразить изменения в потребностях и установках общества.

Word Study

Ex. 1. Read the international words and translate them. Mind the stress.

limit - предел, лимит

form – вид, форма

object - объект

aspect - аспект

person – человек

sphere – сфера

status - статус

operate - оперировать

analyze – анализировать

social - социальный

standard - стандартный

function - функциональный

mechanism механизм

morality – нравственность

activity - деятельность

production – производство

individual – индивидуальная

corporation - корпорация

civilization - цивилизация

distribution - распределение

regulator – регулирующий орган

constitutional – конституционный

administration - административный

Ex. 2. Completethelistofderivatives.Useadictionaryifnecessary.

Verb noun (agent) noun (concept) to promote promoter promotion to legislate legislator legislation

to operate operator operation

to distribute distributor distribution

to regulate regulator regulation

to violate violator violationto separate separator separation

to administrate administrator administration

Ex. 3. PairthewordsincolumnwithAtheonesfromcolumnB.


  1. forms

  2. set

  3. standard

  4. sphere

  5. system

  6. distribution

  7. object

  8. part

  9. violation

  10. range

  11. man-made

  12. status

    1. of exchange

    2. of labour

    3. of law

    4. of encroachment

    5. of objectives

    6. of citizens

    7. laws

    8. of behaviour

    9. of interests

    10. of morality

    11. of relationships

    12. of rules

1 h 2. l 3. j 4. a 5. k 6. b 7. d 8. c 9. i 10.e 11.g 12.f
Ex. 4. Howcanyouexpressthefollowingideasinoneword?

      1. to bear (oneself) in a socially-acceptable or polite way; to behave

      2. rightness or pureness of behaviour or of an action; morality

      3. the control or direction of affairs, as of country or business; administration

      4. an object to be won; objective

      5. a guiding rule on which behaviour is based; precept

      6. to make laws; to legislate

      7. a statement of something at last; claim

      8. the body of laws and principles according to which a country is governed; constitution

      9. a condition that determines one’s formal position; status

      10. the way or order of directing business in an official meeting, a law case; procedure

      11. to fight or struggle against; combat

      12. the act or result of encroaching; enroachment

Ex. 5. MatchEnglishandRussianequivalents.

        1. to regulate the relations (n) a) установленная норма

нравственного поведения

        1. to define a set of rules (l ) b) главное требование

        2. the pattern of behavior (e) c) устанавливать правовой статус

        3. a standard of morality (a) d) простая сумма правил

        4. man-made law (m) e) образец поведения

        5. moral precepts (k ) f) социальные цели

        6. social objectives (f) g) определять формы управления

        7. a chief claim (b ) h) издавать закон против чьих- либо пороков

        1. to influence subsequent events (o)

        2. to fix the forms of administration (g)

        3. to determine the legal status (c)

        4. to lay down the measures ( p)

i) объект посягательства

  1. нечеткое различие

  2. нравственные заповеди

  3. определять набор правил

        1. the mere sum of rules ( d) m) закон, созданный человеком

        2. a vague distinction (j) n) регулировать отношения

        1. to legislate against one’s defects (h)

        2. the object of encroachment (i)

  1. влиять на последующие события

  2. устанавливать меры

        1. spheres of production (q) q) сферы производства

Ex. 6. Choosethebestalternativetocompletethefollowingsentences.

  1. The English word “law” refers to limits upon various/someforms of behaviour. 2.Laws prescribe how people can/oughtto behave.

    1. Law essentially serves two/fourfunctions in modern society.

    2. There is a vague/clear distinction between man-made law and moral precepts. 5.In a developed/feudalstate the sphere in which the law operates/

developsproves to be extensive.

  1. Law fixes the forms of constitutional/educationalsystem.

  2. Law operates as a regulator/obstacleof distribution of labour and its products.

  3. The law of a country may be analyzed as a selection/setof rules.

  4. The study of legal process is the study how decisions/customsare made, who makes/fixesthem.

  5. Law seems/regardsto exist apart from/insideman and is not even

noticed/decidedby him until somebody/criminalviolates its orders.

  1. Law is called/invitedupon to defend interests/habitsthat have been the

object/crimeof encroachments.

  1. Law embraces/separatesall the spheres of production, distribution and exchange

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