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  • Практическое задание № 1 PART

  • (Проставлены ответы без изначальных вопросов, дабы сократить время проверки и объём документа для загрузки на ресурс «Росдистант») Part A. Grammar focus

  • Exercise 1. Choose a verb from the list and complete the text and put the verbs into Present Continuous.

  • Exercise 2. Put the verbs in brackets into Present Simple or Present Continuous.

  • Exercise 3. Put the verbs in brackets into Present Simple or Present Continuous.

  • Exercise 4. Fill in with Present Simple or Continuous.

  • Exercise 5. Fill in Present Simple or Present Perfect.

  • Exercise 6. Put the verbs in brackets into Present Perfect or Past Simple.

  • Exercise 7. Put the verbs in brackets into Present Perfect or Past Simple.

  • Exercise 8. Put the verbs in brackets into the present perfect or the past simple.

  • Exercise 9. Put the verbs in brackets into Present Simple Passive.

  • Exercise 10. Turn from Active into Passive.

  • Exercise 11. Turn from Active into Passive.

  • Exercise 13. Turn from Active into Passive.

  • Exercise 14. Rewrite the following passage into Passive.

  • Exercise 15. Rewrite the following passage into Passive.

  • Задание-1 Part A Иностранный язык. Задание-1 Part A-Тянников. Практическое задание 1 part a

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    Кафедра /департамент /центр1 Техносферная безопасность

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    Практическое задание № 1 PART a
    по учебному курсу «Иностранный язык 1»

    (наименование учебного курса)
    Вариант ____ (при наличии)


    Е.В. Тянников

    (И.О. Фамилия)




    О.Е. Козлова

    (И.О. Фамилия)

    Тольятти 2022
    (Проставлены ответы без изначальных вопросов, дабы сократить время проверки и объём документа для загрузки на ресурс «Росдистант»)

    Part A. Grammar focus

    Exercise 1. Choose a verb from the list and complete the text and put the verbs into Present Continuous.

    read, sleep, eat, sail, cry, drink, run, sing, play, fish, sit

    Laura 1) is sitting under a sunshade. Two boys 2) are running around a sandcastle while their father 3) is reading a newspaper. Tom 4) is drinking Coke. Two girls 5) are eating ice-cream while their mother 6) is singing along with the radio. Some boys 7) are playing football near a man who 8) is sleeping. Jim 9) is sailing. On his right a baby 10) is crying. Some people 11) are fishing past the beach.

    Exercise 2. Put the verbs in brackets into Present Simple or Present Continuous.

    Chris is asking Kim about her holiday arrangements.

    1. How do you usually get there?

    2. What time does the plane leave?

    3. When do you arrive in Cairo?

    4. Where are you staying when you get there?

    5. What do you want to do there?

    6. Are you taking a camera with you?

    Exercise 3. Put the verbs in brackets into Present Simple or Present Continuous.

    It 1) is (be) winter and the snow 2) is falling. It usually 3) snows in January here. Betty and James 4) are playing in the garden. They 5) are building a snowman and they 6) are throwing snowballs. They 7) like the snow very much! Their mother and father 8) don't like it. They always 9) stay in the house when it is cold. Mother usually 10) watches TV and Father 11) listens to the radio or 12) reads a book. At the moment they 13) are sitting in the living-room. Mother 14) is writing a letter and Father 15) is reading a book.

    Exercise 4. Fill in with Present Simple or Continuous.

    Sue: What 1) are you doing (you/do) now?

    Mark: I 2) am looking through these old film magazines. Look, here's an old picture of Jack Nicholson.

    Sue: Oh, I 3) think he 4) looks awful! And his suit 5) doesn't fit him properly.

    Mark: Yes, I 6) agree. And he 7) appears to be really angry. I wonder what he 8) is thinking about.

    Sue : 9) He is in that new film that's on at the Odeon now, isn't he?

    Mark : Yes, I saw it last night. He 10) looks very different now. He 11) weighs a lot more.

    Sue : I 12) hope it's a good film. I 13) am seeing it tonight. Stuart 14) is taking me. Actually, he 15) is very nice to me these days.

    Mark : He probably 16) wants to borrow some money.

    Sue : I 17) see. That explains it.

    Exercise 5. Fill in Present Simple or Present Perfect.

    I 1) ’ve known (know) Timmy for a long time. We always 2) play together. Timmy 3) cannot read or write because he 4) has never been to school. He 5) has had long brown hair since he was born. Не 6) has lived in our house for five years. My parents 7) take care of him while I 8 am at school. Timmy 9) does not work; actually he 10) has never had a job. This 11) isn't strange because Timmy 12) is my dog.

    Exercise 6. Put the verbs in brackets into Present Perfect or Past Simple.

    Mr Briggs is away on business and he is phoning his wife to see how she is.

    Mr Briggs: Hello, darling. How are you? Is everything okay?

    Mrs Briggs: I'm fine. I 1) ’ve been (be) very busy since you 2) left .

    Mr Briggs: What 3) have you done so far?

    Mrs Briggs: I 4) have done the painting, I 5) have mended the bookshelf and I 6) have built a cupboard. I 7) have had my hair cut and I 8) have gone to the dentist's. Oh, and yesterday I 9) spoke to a builder about the garage.

    Mr Briggs: A builder? The garage? What 10) happened to the garage?

    Mrs Briggs: Well, the garage wall 11) fell down two days ago.

    Mr Briggs: WHAT?????

    Mrs Briggs: I… I 12) haven’t finished yet. We, well, the neighbour 13) had a little accident. He 14) drove into the garage wall.

    Mr Briggs: Oh no! He 15) didn’t crash into my new car, did he?

    Mrs Briggs: No! Your car 16) is fine. Don't worry!

    Exercise 7. Put the verbs in brackets into Present Perfect or Past Simple.

    Tina: What did you do last weekend?

    Jane: 2) I spent the weekend in Bristol and I 3) have just returned.

    Tina: 4) I have never been to Bristol. What's it like?

    Jane: Friends of mine 5) lived there for five years so they know some interesting, fun places.

    Tina: 6) Did you enjoy yourself?

    Jane: Yes. It 7) was great! I 8) didn't have such a good time for ages.

    Tina: That's good. 9) Have you decided what you're doing this weekend?

    Jane: 10) I have already invited my friends from Bristol to stay with me for the weekend.

    Exercise 8. Put the verbs in brackets into the present perfect or the past simple.

    John: I don't know where to go on holiday this year. Have you got any ideas?

    Darren:1) Have u ever been to Spain? I 2) did u go to Madrid and Barcelona last year and I really 3) enjoyed myself.

    John: I 4) spent two years in Spain while 5) I was at University. 6) I have never visited South America, though.

    Darren: A friend of mine 7) Has worked in Brazil before. I think you 8) met her once. Do you remember Kate?

    John: Oh, yes. She 8) loved it in Brazil. Maybe I'll talk to her about it.

    Exercise 9. Put the verbs in brackets into Present Simple Passive.

    There is a chimpanzee which 1) is called (call) "Bubbles". It 2) is owned by Michael Johnson. It 3) is kept in home. It 4) is fed every day by Michael Johnson himself. It 5) is always dressed in funny clothes. It 6) is said that "Bubbles" is Michael Johnson's only friend.

    Exercise 10. Turn from Active into Passive.

    1.The crystal vase has been broken by someone

    2. He has been brought up to be polite by his parents

    3. Penicillin was discovered by Fleming

    4.The product will be advertised on television by them

    5. That film is being remarked by someone

    Exercise 11. Turn from Active into Passive.

    1.The bathroom must be left tidy.

    2.Plants should be watered daily.

    3.The garage ought to be painted by our neighbor.

    4.These books have to be returned to the library.

    Exercise 12. Turn from Active into Passive as in the example :

    1. He gave me a present.

    e.g. I was given a present. (more usual) / A present was given to me. (less usual)

    2.The bill will be brought us by the waiter.

    3.A second-hand car has been sod Ted by Bob.

    4.He was presented with a medal by the Queen.

    5.A letter to Tom is being gone to send by Larry.

    6.Some sweets were brought Mary by her mother.

    Exercise 13. Turn from Active into Passive.

    1.My friend sent me an invitation. e.g. I was sent an invitation.

    2.The kitchen floor is being gone to mop by the cleaner.

    3.The new barn is being built by the farmer.

    4.Mrs Jones has been given some letters by the secretary.

    5.He had already been given a ticket for illegal parking by the traffic warden.

    6.The law must be obeyed by the people.

    7.Our door had been broken down by someone.

    8.He was chosen as the best actor of the year by them.

    Exercise 14. Rewrite the following passage into Passive.

    Yesterday a local jewellery shop was broken into. It had been just locked when the owner was threatened by a robber with a gun. He was told to unlock the shop and give all the diamonds in the safe to the robber. The owner was tied up. A search was organized by the police. The robber will be found in a few days. The owner of the shop is being treated for shock.

    Exercise 15. Rewrite the following passage into Passive.

    This picture was painted by my uncle. A lot of money has been offered to him by somebody. The painting will be delivered by him tomorrow. When the money is given, the truth will be told by him. It was painted one night, while he was sleepwalking!

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