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Практикум по английскому языку. Практикум Под редакцией И. Ю. Марковиной Москва "билингва" 2002 Марковина И. Ю., Громова Г. Е

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Упражнение 48

А. Проанализируйте структуру сложно-подчинённых предложений. Найдите ядро в главном и прида­точном предложениях, а также определяемое сло­во в главном предложении, к которому придаточ­ное определительное присоединяется бессоюзно.

Б. Переведите предложения.

  1. The tar in cigarette smoke can produce cancer in any tissues it comes in contact
    with, such as the mouth, the throat and the lungs.

  2. Changes in the amount of a hormone secreted result in stimulation or depression
    of activity in the organs and tissues they affect.

  3. A fetus obtains the water, organic nutrients, and electrolytes it needs from the
    maternal circulation.

  4. Many muscles are attached to the bones they move by a narrow strip of dense
    connective tissue called a tendon.

  5. Blood returning to the heart is pumped by the right side of the heart into the
    lungs, where the carbon dioxide it has collected in the body is exchanged for

  6. The pituitary gland is the most important gland in the body because the hormones
    it secretes control the functioning of the other glands.

  7. The size of the stomach varies with the amount of food it contains.


  1. When an artery is completely blocked, the tissues it supplies rapidly undergo
    degeneration and die.

  1. One of the most important tools scientists use to study cells is the microscope.

  1. The kinds of proteins a cell makes largely determine the nature of the cell.

  2. Mitochondria produce almost all the energy the cell needs to live and do its

  3. One nerve fiber may supply from one to 200 muscle fibers, depending upon the
    type of work the muscle is called upon to perform.

  4. Like any other muscle, the heart needs a supply of oxygen in proportion to the
    work it is doing, and the supply depends on the rate of flow in the arteries.

  5. The proteins the cell needs in order to grow, repair itself, and perform hundreds
    of chemical operations are made on the ribosomes.

  6. The time it takes for blood to complete a single circulatory cycle is highly variable
    among species but tends to be much longer in invertebrates than in vertebrates.

  7. The anatomical atlas by Galen ['geilan] (130 — 200 A.D.) was used by medical
    students during the Middle Ages mostly to memorise the astrological signs they
    believed ruled each body part.

  8. The organs and systems of the body vary greatly in quantity of blood they require
    at different times.

  9. The seriousness of rheumatic fever lies primarily in the permanent damage it can
    do to the heart.

9.5 Придаточные предложения времени
Упражнвние 49

А. Проанализируйте структуру сложно-подчинённых предложений с придаточными обстоятельства вре­мени, которые могут находиться как до, так и пос­ле главного предложения. Опираясь на схемы, при­ведённые ниже, найдите ядро в главном и прида­точном предложениях и укажите союз, которым придаточное предложение присоединяется к глав­ному.

Сложно-подчинённое предложение

главное предложение N V обстоятельство

союз +

придаточное предложение n v


Сложно-подчинённое предложение

1 обстоят

главное пр гельство

едложение N V

союз +

придаточное предложение n v

Б. Переведите предложения.

  1. The nasal passages filter the air as it passes through them.

  2. The large intestine absorbs water from the food after it has passed through the
    small intestine.

  3. When the walls of the ventricles contract, the blood is sent out under pressure
    into the aorta and pulmonary artery.

  4. Once the food is chewed and moistened and reduced to a semi-liquid state, the
    tongue rolls it into a ball and pushes it backward into the pharynx.

  5. The complex of digestive processes gradually simplifies the foods eaten until
    they are in a form suitable for absorption.

  6. Except in emergency situations every effort is made to have the patient in a state
    of optimal health before surgery is performed.

  7. As the baby takes its first breath the lungs fill and expand pressing against the rib

  8. After food has been chewed and swallowed, it must be moved through the gastro­
    intestinal tract for further preparation and final disposition.

  9. Even when an individual muscle is voluntarily relaxed, some of its fibers are in

  1. Once vitamin B12 has been absorbed from the gastro-intestinal tract it is stored in
    large quantities in the liver.

  2. Pancreatic cancer is a silent disease that develops without apparent symptoms
    until it is far advanced.

  3. Immediately after a blood vessel is traumatized, its wall contacts in the region of
    the injury.

  4. Patients with typhoid fever are placed under enteric precautions until the urine
    and feces are free of bacilli.

  5. Blood transfusions became practicable and safe in 1900, after Landsteiner
    discovered blood groups.

  6. Today patients may be fitted with a prosthesis immediately after the limb is
    removed and before they leave the operating room.


9.6 Придаточные предложения причины
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