Практикум по английскому языку. Практикум Под редакцией И. Ю. Марковиной Москва "билингва" 2002 Марковина И. Ю., Громова Г. Е
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Упражнение 54А. Проанализируйте сложно-подчинённые предложения с придаточными условия. Используя таблицу на стр. 79, определите форму глагола-сказуемого в главном и придаточном предложениях и укажите, какое условие (реальное или нереальное) описано в предложениях. Б. Переведите предложения. Galen's mistakes in describing human anatomy would not have mattered if they had not been enshrined for the next twelve centuries and more. Galen's work would have been lost if it had not nurtured by Moslem scholars. Galen's experiments and his priceless accounts of earlier doctors returned to Western Europe at the end of the Middle Ages in Latin translations from the Arabic. The tragedy of Galen ['geilsn] (A.D. 130 — 200) was that he needed a successor, and there was none. If someone more self-critical had been there to continue Galen's experiments, scientific medicine might have begun in earnest in the 2nd instead of the 16th century. People who were cured by crude medical practices in the past would probably have recovered more comfortably if they had not been treated at all. If the people of the world hadn't been so careless of their environment in the past, there would still be many large areas of rainforest left today, and so much of the planet's resources wouldn't have disappeared. Had ecological principles, which stress the delicate balance of nature, won general acceptance earlier, many present-day environmental problems might have been avoided. Bernard ['ba:ngrd] (1813 — 1878) was the greatest of all physiologists. He discovered several functions of the liver; the digestive action of the pancreas; the control of blood vessels by nerves; the carriage of oxygen by red blood cells and the abolition of this function by carbon monoxide; the nature of curare poisoning and its implications as regard the control of muscles by nerves; new facts about the brain and the spinal cord and the behaviour of secreting glands and of the kidneys. If Nobel Prozes had existed, Bernard could hardly have won fewer than four. 9.8 Придаточные соотносительные предложения (конструкция the ... the) Упражнение 55А. Опираясь на схему, приведённую ниже, проанализируйте структуру сложно-подчинённых предложений с придаточными соотносительными и найдите ядро в главном и придаточном предложениях. Нередко сказуемые в таких предложениях отсутствуют. П ример: The higher the blood pressure, the greater the risk of strokes. Сложно-подчинённое предложение П ридаточное предложение Главное предложение The ...-er n v the ...-er N V прилагательное прилагательное или наречие или наречие в сравнительной в сравнительной степени, степени Б . На русский язык такие предложения переводятся с помощью сравнительной конструкции "чем..., тем Например: The earlier the diagnosis is made, the more successful the results of treatment are. Чем раньше поставлен диагноз, тем успешнее результаты лечения. В. Переведите предложения. The more we learn about the relationships between physiologic change and diet, the more we are provided with opportunities to use dietary means to slow some of these degenerative processes. In general, the more times the heart beats per minute, the more blood it can pump, but there are important limitations to this effect. Just like other muscles, the more exercise the heart gets, the stronger it becomes. The higher the blood pressure, the greater the risk of strokes, coronary artery disease, renal failure and left ventricular failure. The longer you are exposed to the noise and the louder it is, the greater the hearing loss is likely to be. 84 The larger a meal (especially in terms of protein), the more stomach acid is secreted. The heart pumps in proportion to the amount of blood that enters: the less blood that enters, the less the heart can pump. The rate of heartbeat depends in part on the size of the organism. The smaller the size, in general, the faster the heartbeat. If the condition is cancer, then the sooner it is operated on, the better the results. The more cholesterol in your blood, the more likely your arteries will become clogged over time. The more rapid the destruction of red blood cells, the greater the amount of bilirubin in the body fluids. The greater the concentration of dissolved molecules in the solution, the greater is its osmotic pressure. 9.9 Виды придаточных предложений Упражнение 56 (обзорное) А. Проанализируйте структуру сложно-подчинённых предложений и укажите количество ядер. Определите вид придаточного предложения и способ его присоединения к главному. Б. Переведите предложения. Oxygen is essential for human life because most of the chemical activities which take place in the cells can only occur in its presence. Since the blood performs many services for all parts of the body, it will reflect disturbances that occur as the result of many widely divergent diseases. Epiglottis is the cartilage at the root of the tongue which moves to block the windpipe when food is swallowed, so that the food does not go down the trachea. Although enzymatic action begins in the mouth, the major processes of digestion do not occur until the food passes down through the oesophagus into the stomach. The heart develops electric charges as it beats because, like all muscles, it is electrically negative in its contracting portion and electrically positive in its relaxed portion. The pulse becomes less and less intense as it passes through the small arteries until it becomes almost absent in the capillaries. Once oxygen has diffused from the alveoli into the pulmonary blood, it is transpor ted to the tissue capillaries where it is released for use by the cells. As vitamins are concerned with metabolism, it follows that absence or deficiency of certain vitamins can result in malnutrition and specific deficiency diseases. 85 9. Hydrochloric acid is a natural element in the stomach, and excess levels of it, together with the enzyme pepsin, quickly produce ulceration unless the stomach wall is protected. Little is known about the physiological activity of vitamin E, but animal experi ments suggest that it is concerned with the reproductive cycle and fertility. Many studies indicate that excessive cholesterol levels in the blood can clog arteries and predispose to heart attacks and strokes, but whether the level of cholesterol can be controlled by avoiding saturated fats in the diet is still in dispute. The brain is protected from harmful substances in the bloodstream by a barrier that keeps some of the substances out of the brain entirely and delays the entry of others for hours or even days after they have penetrated the rest of the body. The problem of drug resistance in chemotherapy is particularly serious because tumors can develop a resistance to multiple drugs after only one drug has been administered to the patient. The veins frequently anastomose with each other so that the blood flow can alter direction if there is any constriction or pressure from movement of muscles or ligaments. Provided that there is no infection, or that infection is overcome, abdominal injures and operations heal remarkably well. Advanced kidney disease causes anaemia, perhaps because the hormone erythropoetin, which promotes red-cell formation, is secreted by the kidneys, and diseased kidneys fail to secrete it. Since a muscle can shorten to only 57 per cent of its resting length, the longer the muscle fibers composing the muscle the greater its range of movement. If the disease manifests itself late in life, patients may not know they have diabetes until it is discovered during a routine examination, or when the symptoms of chronic vascular disease, insidious renal failure, or impaired vision cause them to seek medical help. Although the right and left sides of the heart serve two separate branches of the circulation, each with its distinct function, they are coordinated so that the heart efficiently serves both sides with a single pumping action. Preventive care is extremely important, especially when rheumatic fever has once occured, since it tends to return unless precautionary steps are taken. How a person responds to drug is determined, in part, by tiny variations in the DNA. By analizing a patient's genetic profile, doctors may be able to determine in advance whether a drug will cause dangerous side effects. While there is no doubt that the thymus plays a major role in the complex immunologic systems of humans, the precise mechanisms by which this takes place and the ways in which these mechanisms can be manipulated to the benefit of humans have yet to be determined. 86 |