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  • 3. а) Соедините английские слова А ) и В ), чтобы получились словосочетания, соответствующие переводу. А

  • В

  • 4. Прочитайте текст о личном опыте инвестирования на фондовом рынке. Напишите на русском языке перечисленные в тексте типы инвестиций и причины для инвестирования.

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  • решение. 3 практич. Правила русского языка directors, holding company, public limited company (plc), nonprofitmaking

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    Тема 3. Экономика предприятий

    Business Economics
    1. Выберите каждому предложению соответствующий термин из списка. Переведите, соблюдая правила русского языка.

    directors, holding company, public limited company (PLC), non-profit-making,

    partnership, subsidiary, stock exchange,

    1) A group of five accountants have decided to form an association to carry on business in common and make a profit. ___

    2) Fifty one per cent of the voting shares of this company are held by another company. ___

    3) The investors give these people the power to run the company. ___

    4) This company holds more than 50% of the voting shares in another company.

    5) The public at large can be shareholders in this company. ___

    6) Investments in many companies can be made by buying shares on this market.

    7) The golf club was set up with no intention of making a profit. ___

    2. Вставьте подходящие по смыслу слова из списка. Переведите.

    ordinary, turnover, dividend, distribution, retained, profits, losses,

    cost of sales, administrative expenses,

    1) For many businesses the main reason for the accounting function is to calculate ___ earned and ___ incurred.

    2) As AZ Designs Ltd is a small printing company, all their printing contracts are known as ___ activities.

    3) Income which the company makes in its normal activities is known as ___.

    4. At the end of the year, some of the profits may be shared out among the shareholders who will receive a ___.

    5) The costs of getting the goods to the customers are shown as ___ costs in the Profit and Loss Account.

    6) Materials which are used up in manufacturing and workers’ wages are recorded as ___.

    7) The secretary’s salary and expenses incurred in the office are known as ___.

    8) The company may decide to keep some of the profits at the end of the year and the amount is shown as ___ profits.
    3. а) Соедините английские слова А) и В), чтобы получились словосочетания, соответствующие переводу.

    А) account, base, bank, cheque, interest, sort, withdraw

    В) book, cash, code, number, rate, rates, statement

    номер счёта –

    чековая книжка –

    идентификационный код –

    снимать денежные средства –

    базисная (основная) ставка –

    выписка из банковского счёта –

    процентные ставки –

    б) Вставьте подходящие по смыслу словосочетания (а), выделите курсивом. Переведите.

    1. All correspondence with the bank must include the company ___ ___.

    2. The company ___ ___ should be kept in a safe place when not being used.

    3. The office needed money so had to___ ___ from the account.

    4. Each branch of the bank has its own unique ___ ___.

    5. Interest rates are calculated as a small percentage above ___ ___.

    6. The ___ ___ each month lists all the money which has gone into and out of the account.

    4. Прочитайте текст о личном опыте инвестирования на фондовом рынке. Напишите на русском языке перечисленные в тексте типы инвестиций и причины для инвестирования.

    Isobel Mendelson is talking about her personal experience of investing on the stock market.

    When I decided to invest on the stock exchange, I got advice from a broker on the type of investments to make. She told me that it was really important to diversify so I did, both geographically and sector wise. I invested in Europe and the United States and have stock in almost every business sector. I have preferred stock and stocks in Healthcare, Food, Transportation, Banking and the Information Technology sector.

    I decided against buying bonds. Government Bonds are only interesting when you live in the States because you pay less tax there if you buy bonds from the government. However, as I live in Europe, I prefer to buy 'preferred stock'. They have to be bought through a broker and are similar to bonds as it is like making a loan to a company instead of to the government. The company pays you back before paying common stock or ordinary shares. However, they are riskier than bonds but the returns are much higher - 7 to 8.5. I prefer to take the risk and get higher returns.

    My broker looks after my investments but I like to keep up-to-date with them. In fact, I check on them several times a day! I track them on the Internet. There are lots of 'Internet portfolio trackers' now. I use the CBS one. You have to enter in the number of stocks you have, the symbol of each company, the price you paid and the date you bought them. Then it will give you your profits and losses. In fact the information on how your stocks are doing is updated every five minutes.
    5. Переведите вопросы к тексту, напишите ответы на русском языке.

    What did Isobel Mendelson do before to invest on the stock exchange?

    Why did she decide against buying bonds?

    How does she look after her investments?
    6. Выпишите из текста по одному предложению с глаголом каждого времени (см.: Грамматический справочник §2). Подчеркните сказуемые.

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