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  • Упражнение

  • Environment problems in the new year

  • Children get the taste for meat from their parents

  • Упражнение 7

  • Упражнение 8.

  • Упражнение 9-10 Оценить 2 письма

  • Выходной контроль. Прочитайте текстстимул. Что вы знаете об отправителе Выберите

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    Упражнение 1.Прочитайте текст-стимул. Что вы знаете об отправителе? Выберите, какие утверждения соответствуют действительности.

    ...One of туfriends won the school chess competition last week. It was really impressive. I had never been interested in chess before that, but after I watched the game I decided to learn how to play chess myself Can you play chess? Do you consider it an exciting sport? What sport would you like to try and why?

    By the way, tomorrow I’тgoing to the cinema to see a film about famous chess players.



    1. Your pen friend is a famous chess player.

    2. Your pen friend wants to learn how to play chess.

    3. Your pen friend won a school chess competition last week.

    4. Your pen friend can play chess very well.

    5. Your pen friend is planning to see a movie about famous chess players.

    Упражнение 2. Соотнесите предлоги co значением, которое они добавляют глаголу. Затем для данных ниже глаголов образуйте с помощью данных префиксов воз­можные однокоренные слова и напишите их перевод.

    1.re- Indicates that something is done again, repetition.

    2.co- Indicates cooperation.

    3.mis- Indicates that something is badly done or incorrect.

    4.under- Indicates that something is lacking, isn’t sufficient.

    5.over- Indicates that something is in excess

    Exist- coexistence –сосуществовать,

    understandmisunderstand-неправильно понять, не понять

    gainregain -восстановить

    trust- undertrusting-недоверие, overtrust-чрезмерное доверие

    cook - undercooked - недоваренный

    develop – redevelopment - перепланировка

    buildrebuild- перестроить

    placereplace -заменить, поменять

    Упражнение 3. Распределите аффиксы в нужную колонку в зависимости от того, для образования какой части речи они используются. Приведите пример для каж­дого аффикса.

    -ness, -less, -у, -ly, -tive, -ance / -ence, -tion, -ary, -able, -ify, -ise, -en






    -ary- necessary

    -en- threaten

    -ly - truly

    -ance / -ence -tolerance

    -able- comfortable



    -ly-daily , dirty -у



    Упражнение 4.

    Прочитайте приведенные ниже тексты. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 19-25, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержа­нию текстов. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы 19-25.

    Environment problems in the new year

    Coral reefs


    Despite the fact that a lot of attention is paid to different kinds of environmental problems both by mass media and social organisations, this year cannot described as a good year for the global ecology.


    Environmental problems still continue to grow, not only in number but also in size, pushing this world one step closer to an environmental disaster

    of gigantic proportions.

    Researchers say that the following year is highly unlikely to make any difference in this sense. The grim economic outlook will receive all the j attention from world leaders once again while environmental problems will continue to wait for better times.





    1. H

      A great number of tourists dream of seeing fascinating coral reefs at least once in their _lives .However, it is feared that very soon many reefs





      could die off.

      Besides provision economic benefits to local communities from tourism,

      coral reefs are also useful to the environment and to people in a number of ways.

      One such thing is the fact that coral reefs are an ecosystem which is, perhaps, the richest in biodiversity. They are even called, “rainforests of the seas”. However, all around the world, much of the world’s marine biodiversity faces threats from human activities as well as from natural circumstances.

      We tend to forget that coral reefs protect shores from the impact of waves

      and storms and provide benefits to humans in the form of food and medicine.

      — “I




      Упражнение 5. Для каждой инициальной реплики приводятся четыре варианта ответ­ной реплики. Выберите один вариант в каждом блоке, который не согласуется

      с исходной репликой.

      ow long have you been waiting?

    1. About ten minutes.

    2. I don’t like waiting.

    3. I’ve just come here.

    4. For ages.

    1. Did you notice whether the number seven bus has gone by?

    1. I need the number seven too. . , .

    2. It has, a couple of minutes ago.

    3. Not while I’ve been standing here.

    4. The number seven doesn’t stop here.

    1. It’s hot today, isn’t it?

    1. You can say that again.

    2. It sure is.

    3. Hot days are over.


    I wouldn’t say so.

    1. You are from Florida then.

    1. How do you know?

    > B. That’s where I was born.

    1. Florida is a long way from here.

    1. Not really.

    1. It is pretty cold in Alaska.

    Упражнение 7 3

    1. Do you think that we have missed the bus?

    1. Don’t worry, it is never on time.

    2. No, it is always late.

    3. I’ve never missed the bus.

    D. I guess we might have. : '

    Упражнение 6.

    Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски А — F частями предложений, обо­значенными цифрами 1-7. Одна из частей в списке 1-7 лишняя. Занесите цифры, обозначающие соответствующие части предложений, в таблицу.

    Children get the taste for meat from their parents

    Children inherit their liking for meat and fish from their parents but their choice of vegetables or puddings is more likely to be A , research shows. High protein

    foods have a higher “inheritability factor” than other foods such as vegetables, according to scientists from the charity Cancer Research UK. They studied the food preferences of more than 200 pairs of same-sex twins and found В ______________when it

    came to foods such as broccoli, carrots and sponge pudding.

    Surveys were given to the mothers of 103 pairs of identical twins and 111 pairs of non-identical twins, aged four and five. Identical twins share all their genes while non-identical share half, therefore allowing a study of what is inherited C__________________, the

    experts say.

    A list of seventy-seven foods was divided into categories, with the meat and fish category including beef, lamb, pork, chicken, bacon, fried fish, white fish and oily fish.

    The study, published online in the Journal of Physiology and Behaviour, also showed D______________________.

    Professor Jane Wardle, of Cancer Research UK, who led the study, said, “Finding out more about why children like and dislike foods is important E_______________. This is the first study to include significant numbers of protein foods and the first to show a high inheritability for these.”

    However, it is not clear exactly what environmental factors are influential F___________________.

    1. and what is influenced by the environment

    2. the result of their environment

    3. when it comes to fruit, vegetables or puddings

    4. that girls were more likely to enjoy vegetables than boys

    5. that nurture seemed to be most influential

    6. when it comes to meat and fish

    7. in helping us understand the problems of obesity













    Упражнение 7

    Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 12-18. В каждом задании запишите в поле ответа цифру 1,2,3 или 4, соответствующую выбранном вами варианту ответа.

    The farm lay in a small valley in the Somersetshire hills, an old stone house surrounded by other buildings. Over the doorway stood the date when it was built, 167 , an t e house looked as much a part of the landscape as the trees that stood around it. Two lines of elm trees led from the road to the well-kept garden.

    The people who lived there had owned it ever since it was built from father to son in an unbroken line. George Meadows was now a man of fifty and his wife a year or two younger. They were both fine, honest people, and their children, two boys and three girls, were good-looking and strong. I have never seen a more united family. Their life had a completeness that gave it beauty as absolute as that of a symphony by Beethoven or a picture by Titian. They were happy and they deserved their happiness.

    But the master of the house was not George Meadows; it was his mother. She was twice the man her son was, they said in the village. She was a woman of seventy, tall, with grey hair and bright eyes. Her word was law in the house and on the farm; but she had humour, and people laughed at her jokes and repeated them. She was a good business woman, and you had to get up very early in the morning to do better than she did. She was a character.

    One day Mrs George stopped me on my way home. She was very excited. (Her mother-in-law was the only Mrs Meadows we knew: Georges wife was only known as Mrs George.)

    “Whoever do you think is coming here today?” she asked me. “Uncle George Meadows. You know? He who was in China.”

    “Why, I thought he was dead.”

    “We all thought he was dead.”

    I had heard the story of Uncle George Meadows a dozen times, and it had amused me because it was like the story of an old ballad. It was strangely touching to find this story in real life. For Uncle George Meadows and Tom, his younger brother, had both been in love with Mrs Meadows when she was Emily Green, fifty years or more ago, and when she married Tom, George had gone away to sea.

    They heard of him on the China coast For twenty years, now and then he sent them presents; then there was no more news of him; when Tom Meadows died, Mrs Meadows wrote and told him, but received no answer and at last they thought he must be dead. But two or three days ago to their great surprise they had received a letter from the sailors’ home at Portsmouth. It appeared that for the last ten vears George Meadows had lived there, a sick old man, and now, feeling that he had not much longer to live, wanted to see once more the house in which he was born Albert Meadows, Georges son, had gone over to Portsmouth in the Ford to fetch him and he was to arrive in Somerset that afternoon.

    he old house was

    1. concealed by the trees.

    2. towering over the trees.

    3. an integral part of the scenery.

    4. surrounded by elm trees.





    he members of the family gave the impression of being

    1- close to each other.

    1. dissatisfied with life.

    2. from one of Titians paintings.

    3. very beautiful people. Ответ.1

    Mrs Meadows got up

    1. as early as her neighbours.

    2. as early as the members of her family.

    3. late in the morning.

    4. earlier than most of her neighbours. Ответ:4

    The narrator was amused by the story about Uncle George because it was

    1. funny.

    2. heroic.

    3. typical. .

    4. r

    Uncle George sent presents

    1. from time to time.

    2. on special occasions.

    3. regularly. Ответ: 1 .

    4. frequently.

    Albert Meadows went to Portsmouth to

    1. visit Uncle George.

    2. make enquiries about Uncle George.

    3. bring Uncle George for a visit.

    4. b

      ring him home.

    Before leaving home, Uncle George did not use to know

    1. Mrs Meadows.

    2. Tom.

    3. Emily Green.

    4. Albert Meadows. Ответ:2Упражнение 8.

    Установите соответствие между текстами А-G и заголовками 1-8. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

    They are together in the right place at the right time

    1. Noble soldiers

    2. New art

    3. Legendary person

    4. Interactive exhibition

    5. Kids’ delight

    6. It is everywhere

    7. Science exhibition

    1. This exhibition is named Planet Earth. Its subtitle is “Only Children Know What They Want”. The Christmas event is devoted to the 110th anniversary of the birth of French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupery. It is aimed firmly at children, and is centred around flights and journeys to distant lands. An aeroplane fuselage, maps and video projections are just some of the treats on offer. The exhibition even promises that children will be able to make drawings in sand. 5

    2. Legendary brave samurai are celebrated in this large exhibition. The main part of the exhibition is devoted to rare armour and swords belonging to some of the most famous samurai in history. There are also dozens of paintings, sketches, books and regular household items that show samurai as poets and people ready to die for their ideals.1

    3. Last year’s hit exhibition of mind-bending optical illusions is back again. It really is visitor-friendly — you can touch exhibits, examine them and even experiment with them. This hands-on exhibition is a wonderland of mirror mazes, magnets, holograms, plasma balls, giant bubbles and kaleidoscopes. It is fascinating for

    physicists and irresistible to both children and adults who like using devices and not just looking at them. 7

    1. The photo exhibition is devoted to the 19th century France. You would expect old portraits in black and white, but enter the exhibition and you’ll be delighted that even in 1852, the French were experimenting with photography. These early photographers introduced colour into their works. They also used new developments in film processing and photographic paper.

    2. Boomfest celebrates the wonderful world of comic books, comic strips, graphic novels. The event has a packed programme of workshops, lectures, exhibitions and a comic book fair held at different sites. As this year is the year of France in Russia, numerous cult comic book artists will be coming to our country. It will take place in various museums and galleries as well as shops, caf s, streets and parks. You are likely to come across something from Boomfest whether a fan or not.

    3. The latest project of Hermitage 20/21 is a retrospective exhibition devoted to Timur Novikov, a major arts figure of the Leningrad / St Petersburg art scene.

    Novikov was an energetic person good at multi-tasking. Timur has been putting his artistic fingers in almost every pie around for many decades. He was a member of different art groups and founded the New Artists group in 1983. He exploded into the dance and rave scene in the 90s. 3
    G. Two of Russia's greatest 19th-century novelists, Fyodor Dostoevsky and Lev Tolstoy, never met in person during their lifetimes but now the Dostoevsky Museum has brought them together in an exhibition to mark the 100th anniversary of Tolstoy's death. Though they are very different, the two writers dealt with the same problems, not the least faith and social justice. This exhibition examines the connection between the two using documents, books and real photographs.
















    Упражнение 9-10
    Оценить 2 письма

    From: Ben@mail.uk

    To: Russian_friend@sdamgia.ru

    Subject: Dear friend

    ...My granny is such a kind person. She always brings us presents for everything we celebrate. And I love all her presents! For example, at Christmas she gave me the coolest computer game, it was something I had been dreaming of...

    ...What holidays do you celebrate with your family? What is your favourite holiday and why? What is the best present you've ever received

    Dear Ben,

    Thank you for your email. I was glad to get it. I hope you're ok.

    Congratulations! Your granny's present is really cool. My family always celebrate New Year and Easter together. It's our tradition.

    My favourite holiday is my birthday because on this day I have a lot of congratulations and presents.

    What about your last question... The best present I've ever received was a computer. My parents gave me it for my birthday.

    What is the name of the computer game which your granny gave to you? What presents did you give to your family? How did you spend Christmas holidays?

    Sorry, I need to go.

    Text back.

    Best wishes,


    From: Ben@mail.uk

    To: Russian_friend@sdamgia.ru

    Subject: Dear friend

    ...I'm really excited about this weekend. Do you know why? I'm packing my bag now for the school camping trip!!!

    We're going to sleep in tents and cook food on an open fire. And I've never done that before!...

    ...What important things do you think I should take? Where have you been with your class? What other special events do you have at school? ..

    Dear Ben,

    Thank you for your email. I was glad to get it. Sorry, I couldn't answer you earlier because I was busy with my homework.

    How lucky you are! School camping trips are always very exciting and interesting. I really like it. You shouldn't take a lot of things with you. I think it's better to take warm clothes and comfortable trainers.

    Unfortunately, during last two years we haven't been going anywhere with my class because of the coronavirus. However, our last trip was three years ago. We went to the mountains.

    What about your last question... There are a lot of special events in my school. For example, different sport competitions, concerts and theatre playes.

    Sorry, I need to go. My mum is calling me.

    Text back.

    Best wishes,


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