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  • Дисциплина: Иностранный язык Практическое занятие 12 Выполнил: Обучающийся Сутулов Константин Евгеньевич Преподаватель

  • Гоголева Елена Александровна Задание 1.

  • Задание 3. The name of the holiday is Family Day.

  • Find out Moms thing .

  • Flower of love and tenderness.

  • Playing with clothespins.

  • Задание 6. Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky

  • Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky

  • НСПК. Программа среднего профессионального образования 44. 02. 03 Педагогика дополнительного образования (в области социальнопедагогической деятельности) Дисциплина Иностранный язык Практическое занятие 12

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    НазваниеПрограмма среднего профессионального образования 44. 02. 03 Педагогика дополнительного образования (в области социальнопедагогической деятельности) Дисциплина Иностранный язык Практическое занятие 12
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    Автономная некоммерческая профессиональная образовательная организация "Национальный социально-педагогический колледж"

    Программа среднего профессионального образования

    44.02.03 Педагогика дополнительного образования (в области социально-педагогической деятельности)

    Дисциплина: Иностранный язык

    Практическое занятие 12


    Обучающийся Сутулов Константин Евгеньевич


    Гоголева Елена Александровна

    Задание 1.

    Студенты - это будущее каждой страны. Они - молодые граждане нашего общества, полные бесконечной энергии и прогрессивных идей, фантастических планов и благородных амбиций, надежд и мечтаний. Студенческая жизнь - это самый яркий период нашей жизни. Это смесь учебы и большого удовольствия. Я знаю, что мои родители (бывшие студенты) скучают по тем старым добрым дням своей студенческой жизни.

    У студента есть определенные обязанности, которые он должен выполнять. Само собой разумеется, что главная обязанность студента - усердно учиться и приобретать надлежащие знания для будущей карьеры. Он должен посещать все занятия в колледже, выполнять всю работу в нужное время, быть пунктуальным и дисциплинированным. Это может помочь ученику достичь своих целей и стать прилежным и настойчивым. Если он не будет пренебрегать учебой, то получит богатые дивиденды в своей будущей работе.

    Экзаменационное время в конце каждого семестра довольно тяжелое для студентов. Они тратят бесконечные дни и ночи на учебу и зубрежку. Хотя некоторые из них используют обман, копируя чьи-то эссе или курсовые работы. И вам повезет, если вас не поймает учитель, потому что он может наказать вас плохой оценкой или даже исключением из колледжа.

    Большая часть времени студента посвящена чтению и обучению. Это невероятно, но некоторым студентам удается работать неполный рабочий день, потому что им нужно много денег, чтобы учиться в колледже или университете. Плата за обучение и книги в наши дни очень дороги, а если вы снимаете квартиру, то это еще дороже. Таким образом, у студентов плотный график, включающий учебу, работу и прогулки для общения.

    Хороший ученик никогда не тратит свое свободное время впустую. Он также должен заниматься спортом, чтобы оставаться в добром здравии и настроении. Они говорят: “Здоровый ум живет в здоровом теле”. Студенты любят участвовать как в академических, так и во внеклассных мероприятиях в колледже: различных фестивалях, интеллектуальных викторинах и летних лагерях. Такая общественная жизнь расширяет кругозор, развивает ваши таланты и коммуникативные навыки. И это замечательное время, когда ты находишь настоящих друзей среди своих одноклассников в колледже.

    Наконец, я хотел бы сказать, что быть студентом - это просто здорово!
    Задание 2.

    Students are the future of any country. They are always full of energy, fantastic plans, interesting and progressive ideas, as well as students have noble ambitions, hopes and dreams. Student life is the brightest stage of life.

    An important task of a student is hard study, along with which knowledge and skills for a future profession are acquired. To do this, you need to attend classes and complete tasks on time, be disciplined and punctual. If everything is done clearly and competently, it will bear fruit in the future.

    A difficult time for students is exams by the end of the semester.

    Some students manage to combine their studies with work, as they have to pay for tuition and rent, and nowadays it is expensive.

    A good student knows how to manage time and not waste it, but also does sports, participates in festivals and quizzes. During extracurricular time, they get to know each other, find friends, reveal talents and broaden their horizons.

    It's great to be a student!
    Задание 3.

    The name of the holiday is Family Day.

    The plan of the event:

    1. Introductory speech.

    2. "The smartest family".

    3. "The most cheerful family".

    4. "The most tender family".

    5. "The most hardworking family".

    6. "The most creative family".

    7. "The kindest family."

    8. "The most-friendly family".

    9. "The most loving family".

    10. Awarding.

    Find out Mom's thing.

    The educator collects beads, watches, handkerchiefs, etc. in advance, in secret from the children.

    During the game, he asks: Whose mom's thing?

    Find the baby.

    Two couples are called - mother and child

    Mothers and children are standing at opposite ends of the hall. Mom is blindfolded.

    The children are shouting, "Mom, I'm here." Moms should find their child by voice.

    Flower of love and tenderness.

    Children stand in a circle and pass a flower to gentle calm music.

    Whoever has a flower in his hands says a kind, kind word about his mother.

    Hammer the nail.

    Boys are invited, they are future men, they can already help their mother hammer nails. (The hammer is small. the nail is already slightly nailed on the piece of wood).

    It is important to pay attention not to the speed of scoring, but to accuracy,

    thoroughness and caution. The educator insures the child.

    There is a desire to help mom, and a desire to do the work efficiently, without hurrying.

    Playing with clothespins.

    Two moms should put clothespins on their children and take them off blindfolded, who is faster. Children are quietly swapped, mothers remove clothespins from someone else's child.

    Instructions on the rules of safe behavior of pupils during festive events.

    1. Observe the safety rules for handling electrical equipment — sockets, televisions, smartphones.

    2. Strictly comply with fire safety requirements.

    3. Don't rock on the chairs.

    4. Use cutlery correctly.

    5. Exclude the penetration of children into technical premises.

    6. Only healthy children should be invited to the holiday, having discussed all issues with their parents.

    7. Place garlands and sound equipment out of the reach of children.

    Задание 4.

    Hello, dear parents! My name is Sutulov Konstantin Evgenievich. I would like to start our acquaintance with the words of one writer - "A teacher is a person who holds the future of our planet in his hands." Teaching is not even a profession. It's a way of life. This is the realization of a huge responsibility to the state, society, and above all - to the student. Primary school is a special stage of a child's life. The education received in primary school serves as the foundation for further education. The primary school teacher is the first to meet a little person who has crossed the threshold of the school. This is a teacher to rejoice in the child's victories perhaps more than he himself. I made my choice of another profession in the future and did not even imagine only as a teacher. I believe every child is special. My task as a teacher is to identify the unique potential of each student to help the child to show his best qualities, to reveal himself. there are several rules that you parents should adhere to. Task parents support the first graders desire to succeed. If something bothers the child's behavior in his educational affairs, do not hesitate to seek advice from a teacher or a school psychologist. Do not compare the child with another, praise him for his successes and achievements. Only together we will overcome all the difficulties in the upbringing and education of children
    Задание 5.

    Biography of Anna Herman.

    1. Introduction.

    2. Fun childhood with my brother.

    3. Moving to a new homeland.

    4. Anna's education.

    5. Young woman.

    6. Far from parents.

    7. Anna's hobby.

    Задание 6.

    Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky (September 28, 1918 – September 2, 1970) "A little spark of a child should shine in every teacher and never fade away."

    Vasily Sukhomlinsky will be remembered by teachers and psychologists as the creator of the original pedagogical system, where the child was, is and remains the highest value. And it is the child's personality that should be the reference point to which all the processes of education and upbringing are directed. Sukhomlinsky described the learning process as "joyful work", and therefore emphasized the teacher's word, the artistic style of presentation and the emphasis on the formation of students' worldview, offered to compose fairy tales together with children. In one of the letters Sukhomlinsky wrote: "I show how to raise a Happy Person, how to achieve that there is not a single human person with an empty soul in our society... a person cannot be happy if he has nothing sacred behind his soul, if he does not believe in anything. The first sacred thing, which, in my opinion, should be affirmed in the soul of a child, is faith in a person, one might say, reverence, surprise before a person, before his fortitude, wealth. Hence – heart sensitivity, delicacy, sensitivity to a person. Hence, self–respect."
    Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky (March 2, 1824 – December 22, 1870) "If pedagogy wants to educate a person in all respects, then it must first know him too in all respects". Konstantin Ushinsky is called the founder of Russian scientific pedagogy. And this outstanding scientist deserves such a definition like no other. Ushinsky was one of the first to decide to give priority attention to the tasks of moral education and education of students. The idea of moral education as something "natural" and "self-evident" was strongly rejected by him. Another idea of Ushinsky, for which it is worth warmly thanking the teacher, is the idea of the importance of preserving national culture and identity. For the XIX century, French remained the language of instruction, and it was spoken in families and in society. Yes, what is there, Tatiana Larina herself spoke very poorly in Russian! Russian Russian Schools Konstantin Dmitrievich's article "On the need to make Russian schools Russian" still remains a model of pedagogical appeals. Being a teacher for both children and teachers, Ushinsky remained in history as a teacher-publicist. A distinctive feature of his work is not only an appeal to the issues of upbringing and education, but also a fervent love for children and their native people, which greatly contributed to the revival or even awakening of interest in pedagogy in Russia.

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