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  • Exercise 1

  • How does antivirus software work Antivirus software typically runs as a background process, scanning computers, servers or mobile devices to detect and restrict

  • Antivirus software usually performs these basic functions

  • E xercise 5

  • Exercise 6

  • Программа warning message предупреждающее сообщение

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    UNIT 12

    Antivirus software



    служебная программа

    warning message

    предупреждающее сообщение


    хранилище вирусов




    спам; нежелательная электронная почта

    spy on

    следить (за кем-л.); тайно наблюдать

    to restrict

    ограничивать; задерживать; блокировать

    to notify

    извещать; уведомлять


    независимо-действующий; применяемый самостоятельно; обособленный


    защитная система; сетевой экран; сетевая защита

    to monitor

    отслеживать; контролировать






    фальсифицированный; поддельный; ложный


    без предупреждения




    предупреждение об опасности

    to compromise

    подвергнуть опасности

    to rid of

    избавлять; освобождать


    угроза; опасность

    to demand


    Exercise 1

    Read and translate the text.

    An antivirus program (alternatively referred to as antivirus software, AVS, antivir, or AV) is a software utility designed to protect your computer or network against computer viruses. If and when a virus is detected, the computer displays a warning message what action should be done, often giving the options to remove, ignore, or move the file to the vault.

    As mentioned above, if your computer is infected with a virus without an antivirus program installed, any number of malicious actions could occur: it may delete files, prevent access to files, send spam, spy on you, and etc.
    How does antivirus software work?

    Antivirus software typically runs as a background process, scanning computers, servers or mobile devices to detect and restrict the spread of malware. Many antivirus software programs include real-time threat detection and protection to guard against potential vulnerabilities as they happen, as well as system scans that monitor device and system files looking for possible risks.

    Antivirus software usually performs these basic functions:

    • Scanning directories or specific files for known malicious patterns indicating the presence of malicious software;

    • Allowing users to schedule scans so they run automatically;

    • Allowing users to initiate new scans at any time;

    • Removing any malicious software it detects. Some antivirus software programs do this automatically in the background, while others notify users of infections and ask them if they want to clean the files.

    Types of antivirus programs:

    • Stand-Alone Antivirus Software – The most basic antivirus software maintains a database of the known viruses, which are called “signatures.” The antivirus software on a regular basis scans the data that’s contained in the storage disks and the computer memory and then does a comparison of the available signatures and the data. All antivirus software programs are only effective if their database is regularly updated.

    • Malware Protection Antivirus Software – This type of antivirus software combines antivirus detection with malware and spyware protection. Malware and spyware are different from computer viruses; they don’t necessarily target the PC files but rather monitor the user’s activity or steal financial and personal data.

    • Antivirus Software Security Suites – These are antivirus software that is bundled packages of antivirus and firewall protection or a combination of malware, firewall, and antivirus protection. A firewall monitors all the Internet activity that is transmitted through the computer and blocks anything it deems to be suspicious. They also give the user an easier installation and security management experience. Some of the antivirus software suites also provide website filtering and spam blocking.

    • Fake Antivirus Software – Unfortunately, there are also fake antivirus software programs that catch some of the computer users unaware. These program promise protection, normally by issuing an alert that the computer has been compromised, and then offers the user a method of getting rid of the so called threat. When the user tries to use the method the fake antivirus software installs a virus onto the computer and damages the computer system. Some of them even demand payment for the solution, from the user.

    Exercise 2

    Provide synonyms from the text for the following words.

    1. to claim

    1. doubtful

    1. danger

    1. counterfeit

    1. to inform

    1. created

    1. to tackle

    1. to renew

    1. mechanically

    Exercise 3

    Find English equivalents from the text.

    1. также известный как

    1. предлагая возможные варианты

    1. запретить доступ к файлам

    1. выполняется в фоновом режиме

    1. распространение вредоносных программ

    1. известные вредоносные шаблоны

    1. задавать расписание сканирования

    1. очистить файлы

    1. установить вирус

    1. требует плату

    Exercise 4

    Match the antivirus programs with the following logos.


    Dr. WEB


    Panda Security



    1. ____________________

    1. ________________________

    1. ___________________

    1. _______________________

    1. ________________________

    1. ________________________

    E xercise 5

    Do the crossword puzzle:


    2. Unwanted email, usually advertisements.

    3. Making you feel that something illegal is happening or that something is wrong.

    4. The possibility that something unwanted will happen.

    1. Intended to cause damage to a computer system, or to steal private information from a computer system.

    5. An object that is made to look real or valuable in order to deceive people.

    6. A warning to people to be prepared to deal with something dangerous.






































































































































































    Exercise 6

    Translate the following sentences from English into Russian.

    1. Recent incidents have demonstrated how easily malicious hackers are able to disrupt the operations of many large companies.


    1. She discovered that the documents were fakes.


    1. We had to be alert to any danger signs in the system.


    1. Some Internet service providers block spam to subscribers.


    1. There are reasons to be suspicious of the responses obtained.


    1. The program includes a set of utilities and file recovery tools for advanced users.


    1. AVS produced and used to protect the main memory of a computer against infection by a virus.


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